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    Can you help me find this dress?

    I found this dress on instagram that I absolutely adore, but I cannot seem to figure out where I can buy it from. Please help?

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories6 years ago
  • How to tan white stomach without darkening the rest of my body?

    My arms, legs, and face have a beautiful tan already. Im used to wearing shorts and a tank top, so my skin that shows is dark. My problem is that my stomach is insanely white. Going out in the sun with my bathing suit on doesn't help, my stomach gets only one shade darker while the rest of my body seems to get much darker than before. How do i tan only my stomach? Would putting sunblock on all of my body except my tummy work?

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body6 years ago
  • How to tell parents about my girlfriend?

    They're divorced. I'm a lesbian. When I first found out I was gay, I was 14 and it was a trifecta of awful. My mom is highly homophobic, and when she found out about my first girlfriend she'd say things like "Thats disgusting. You cannot date another girl until you're 18 and out of my house." We even moved away so I couldn't date the girl I was with. Now that I'm older, I realised that shock of it all was too much, and that I should have come clean to her on my own. My dad refuses to believe im a homosexual and continually asks me if I need to be put on birth control. I'm assuming that since it's been 3 years, tensions have died down a bit and now maybe they're ready for me to talk about my life. I've met an amazing girl, and I'd love for my folks to like her as much as I do. I'm just afraid of what they're gonna think. Any help to talking to my parents about her?

  • Hairstyle ideas please?

    I like that punk-emo style... I want my hair cut something like this:

    My mother said that's too short though. So any ideas of something close to that but longer? Thanks!

    1 AnswerHair8 years ago
  • Haircut tomorrow.. help?

    So I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow, and my mom said that what I want is too short: I'm into that whole punk-emo cross over look, so anything like this but just a little longer would be great! Thanks

    2 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • The Last of Us disc isn't working... how do i clean it?

    I have only 10% left of this game to play. I was really psyched to be done with it, but during a cut-scene, the game blacked out. I took out the disc, noticed some fingerprints, and cleaned them off. I popped the game back in, and everything seemed to be working alright. Then it went to the loading screen, where it stayed at 0.00% loaded for probably ten minutes before I turned off my ps3.

    Long story short: How do you clean ps3 discs (blu ray) without screwing them up?

    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • How do you make those "So Relatable" gifs?

    I have a gif that I want to use, but I'm not sure how to add the border and text around said gif. Anyone know how to do this?

    2 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • Tips to writing a good song on guitar?

    So there's this girl that I really like... To make things short I'm in the midst of writing her a song that tells her how I feel about her. I'd just like a few pointers on things like:

    Good strum patterns

    Chords that go well together

    Ways to refrain from using cheesey lyrics

    Just stuff like that. Any help will be appreciated c:

    2 AnswersOther - Music8 years ago
  • Stupid excuse for having purple hair?

    I need a funny reason as to why I have purple hair...

    6 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • Funny reason as to why I have purple hair?

    Being Joan Jett for a project I have to do in Drama... The only wig I could find that did the job is purple and not black. I need a funny joke as to why she (Jett) has purple hair. Anything will help!

    2 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • Things to give a girl on a first date that aren't so cliche?

    Haven't been on a first date in more than a year, so I'm rusty. I've known her awhile so it's not like I'm shoving gifts down her throat to like me, I just wanna be nice. I don't wanna do flowers, chocolates, or anything like that though. I was thinking a cactus? Yeah, sounds weird.... But knowing her, she'd like a gift that's pretty awkward. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What exactly should I do?

    I have uncontrollable anger issues. I push away everything that cares for me. Lately, I've been so depressed that I actually become physically sick. I don't know what to do about it. I talk to my friends about it all the time, but they shrug it off and tell me I'm over-reacting. I own a journal in which I write my thoughts down, but I still have huge holes in my bedroom walls... Should I talk to my school counselor about it? Should I act really ill to get an appointment at my drs office and come clean there? I'm sick and tired of acting like everything's okay. I'm just not sure how to get out of this bubble that I've placed myself in.

    6 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • How to tell my family I need help?

    I'm sadistic. I'm masochistic. I hurt everything I ever care about, and I torture myself (emotionally, not physically). My family's to poor to pay for a psychiatrist. Anger management would barely even help me with my issues.. I though about almost killing myself last night just so I could get thrown in the mental ward, where I belong. I just have an issue about opening up, you know? I need some kind of freaking help I just don't know how to get it.

    2 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • How to make a Clue-like board game with questions?

    Alright, I have to make a board game for my drama class. I must incorporate 50 questions on the first 5 eras of drama (Ritualistic, Egyptian, Roman, Greek, Medieval). Originally, I was going to make a chutes and ladders type of game, but I kinda want to push myself and make it like Clue. Because Clue is obviously best board game. All the different rooms could be different types of theaters, the suspects could be the actors of the era... I just need a way to add questions. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerBoard Games9 years ago
  • How to get over the fear of talking to a crush?

    Well, we talk in class and stuff and I have no issues about keeping the convo. going. It's just that any time I try to tell her how I feel, I tense up and nothing comes out of my mouth. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Make up to cover up freckles?

    I seriously don't know where to even begin. All I know is that I need something that will completely cover up all of my freckles without looking like it's caked on. And before you say "freckles are a thing of beauty though," I understand that. I'm going to a costume party and I'd be out of character with all of my freckles, so I'd only be using this sh*t like maybe 1-5 times depending on how I like the way it turned out.... Any help?

    7 AnswersMakeup9 years ago
  • I need help with my cinquain poems?

    I'm stuck between writing these two:


    Magical, Generous,

    Caring, Telling, Loyal-being,

    Gonna make you smile




    Awesome, Radical,

    Listening, Forgiving, Forgetting,

    I truly am sorry

    (missing word..)

    Anyway, I don't know which one to pick. I really like the last one the best because it tells a story, and doesn't just list off FIM traits. But I can't think of the the last word in my second poem. It has to be one word that sums up the whole poem. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerPoetry9 years ago
  • Why do people hate Nickelback?

    I don't understand it.. They say its because they're to "countryish" but you don't see people hating on Seether or Puddle of Mudd. They also say that all of their songs song the same, which I don't even understand. Please tell me how Shakin' Hands sounds like Something in Your Mouth. Tell me how Figured You Out sounds like How You Remind Me. People say the ruined music... Really? Because One Direction and Justin Beiber are obviously not ruining music (sarcasm). Anyone wanna explain this Nickelback thing to me?

    10 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • I don't know what to draw?

    So much artist block going on right now. Any cool ideas that I should give a try?

    4 AnswersDrawing & Illustration9 years ago
  • I got into a stupid fight. Someone answer this?

    Can you get turned on by something you wrote? I think not because you already know what's gonna happen and it ruins the build ups and sh*t. My friend thinks that you can though, which doesn't make any sense. If you wrote a horror story you wouldn't get scared when the killer is stalking whomever, because YOU wrote it so you already know when it's gonna happen. Why would it be different for porno books?

    4 AnswersFriends9 years ago