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  • american motorcycle numberplate?

    hi, i have a 1982 kawasaki spectre kz750n american import bike. (i live in the uk) when it first came over in the 90's it was registered in the uk and has a uk number plate on it. i was thinking is there any way to put an american licence plate back on it? i dont have the original but theres loads on ebay.

    any help would be very helpful. thank you

    2 AnswersMotorcycles8 years ago
  • Honest opinions on this song?

    This is a preview of a song from Jedward's new album, and before people start hating and being biased because of who it is, just listen. This new album is serious music. And I think if people took the time to actually listen to the songs forgetting who it is singing them, they would be pleasantly surprised. 2 young lads living out their dreams, being amazing role models and living everyday to the full, now what's wrong with that?

    3 AnswersOther - Music9 years ago
  • What do you think of this?

    So I started randomly singing words and putting them together and decide to write them down, into what became kind of a song. Just wondering what people thought? It's okay if you think it's rubbish and not like a song at all just wanna know :') I wrote words how I would sing it (If I could sing) With like stretching out words and stuff so here it is? Honest opinions please plus I know it's hard to imagine how it would go as I have a clear tune for it in my head . It was just a bit of fun as I was bored :')

    You don't have to hide,

    you don't have to lie,

    you don't have to be anybody

    your not anymoreeee

    anymore anymore anymoreeee.


    Be who you want,

    be who you are,

    do what you like,

    because you are a star.

    you are unique

    nobody like you

    so let yourself shine throughhhhooooohhh.

    I know what it's like

    to be stuck in a crowd

    blending in with the people around

    you need to shout out and say this isn't me

    i was born to stand out

    so leteeet me be freeee


    Be who you want,

    be who you are,

    do what you like,

    because you are a star.

    you are unique

    nobody like you

    so let yourself shine throughhhhooooohhh

    If people don't like it that's okay

    if you are happy then stay that way

    be true to yourself

    and nobody else

    cos this is your life so mayaake it cooount (powerful bit)


    Be who you want,

    be who you are,

    do what you like,

    because you are a star.

    you are unique

    nobody like you

    so let yourself shine throughhhh

    and let yourself shine throoooooghhhh

    1 AnswerLyrics10 years ago
  • Help with this tv quote?

    In misfits series 1 when Curtis is dumping Sam he says something from spiderman that Nathan had said too him earlier, it's really bugging me, Does anyone know what he says?

    1 AnswerOther - Television10 years ago
  • Help to get rid of a phobia?

    I have Apotemnophobia and I don't know what to do any more it's ruining my life. I can't do hypnotherapy or something like that because it's expensive. I don't want to be scared any more it's embarrassing when I have to basically run away and when I have panic attacks. Most of these people are heroes and it's disrespectful but I can't help it :( can any one suggest anything?

    6 AnswersPsychology10 years ago
  • Doctor who ending what did you think?

    Did anyone else think it was awful? after all the hype they built up about it, it was a right let down

    3 AnswersOther - Television10 years ago
  • what is this film called?

    okay I watched it a while ago it was probably made it the 90's or something,

    but basically there was a man who needed money so he was going to rob a store, but these other men robbed it first but some how he got blamed, and took a guy hostage and the car was full of kids?

    Please help it's bugging me

    3 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • What do you think of this song?

    Listen to it all and don't go all hating because of who it is please :')

    3 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop10 years ago
  • how do you stop it being awkward?

    One of my friends found out I like him, how do I stop it being really awkward when I see him on monday?

    9 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • Who are Bruno Mars Special guests on his tour?

    I'm going to see him in November and the ticket says " Bruno Mars and special guests" was wondering who they are? does anybody know? Thanks

    2 AnswersCelebrities10 years ago
  • Why can't I stay awake?

    Every time I'm watching tv, I can't seem to stay awake, even if I want to watch the program, I just keep falling asleep, every time this happens, does any one know why this is?

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • How do I let him down gently?

    okay there's this guy who i've been friends with for ages and recently he told me he liked me more than a friend, thing is I have just got out of a relationship with a user and I don't feel the same way about him how do I let him down gently without messing up our friendship?

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Should I become friends again with this guy again after everything he's done?

    okay first off he's my ex, he dumped me then went out with this girl like 2 hours later when she dumped him I was there to pick up the pieces, he then said i love you but don't want to go back out with you because i'm scared of hurting you again but he was always sending mixed signals, he then got back with an ex and we argued and he said some really horrible stuff now he s said he's really sorry and wants to be best friends again but doesn't want his girlfriend to know as she doesn't like me, should I just get this guy out of my life as he's a user or be friends again?

    7 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Why is my yahoo in moblie mode?

    When i'm on my laptop and go on yahoo its on mobile mode. I can change it to desktop but mail is still in mobile mode so i cant talk to anyone on my chat. Does anyone know how to change it back tried clicking desktop at the bottom of page but doesn't work in mail :(

    Please help

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • what's this horror film called?

    its about a crazy doctor who died there when it was a hospital and now is a ghost who kills people. There is a few main characters who he starts killing off and taking them to points in there lives to kill them. Two characters survive a boy and a girl and at the end the girl kills the ghost by putting something like a screwdriver through his head.

    I think the film begins with A?

    please help its really bugging me

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Whats this song called?

    In the movie 17again, when scarlett is dancing in front of the mirror what song is playing?

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • what is this film called?

    There was a boy who had a brother who had downs syndrome and he hated him, so he took him to the top of a mountain and pushed him off. He didn't die though and in the end he ended up liking him.

    I watched it itv1 i think about a year ago.

    please help it's been bugging me for ages

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • what was this programme called?

    Ant and Dec presented it and there was two groups of friends who had to compete at different challenges and at the end the group who won had to answer questions about each other to win a holiday and decide who actually got to go out of the friends.

    Please help it's really bugging me

    1 AnswerOther - Television1 decade ago
  • Is demons coming back?

    Does anybody know if theres going to be a second series of demons?

    3 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Coronation street episodes?

    Where can I watch the episode of coronation street where Bethany takes the drugs David has hidden in her doll? I've tried youtube but it wasn't on there

    5 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago