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  • I have been feeling really pointless right now in life.?

    Ok, so latley I have recognised something. My life is boring. Same routine every single day and I am bored and I feel like my exsistence is pointless. Like I am not debating wheather to commit suicide. but like how to be a better person or how to love life more. I feel like I am drowning in a pool of negativity. Where only negative things happen. I hate all my friends and family. I don't like to hangout with people anymore and everyone latley takes me as some big joke. I just want it to stop and for people to actually take me seriously for once in their life. What can I do to make my life better and happier? I don't want to resort to drugs when I get into highschool if i become more depressed. I don't want to be like those people who are constantly in a bad mood and mean and grouchy. What should I do?

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Bus passes in Windsor,Ontario?

    I am very confused with the whole bus system. But the things I need to get clear are:

    1.howmuch is a buspass? i need a photo id? a student card required in order to recieve a bus pass?

    4.where do I get the bus pass?

    and long will it take me to get my bus pass when I've bought it.

    1 AnswerOther - Canada1 decade ago
  • blac hair white skin brown eyes actor?

    I need someone like this because i was recently watching a tv show with him in it and idk i think i have seen him in like many other movies but plese help

    1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade ago
  • i need u guys to find a show forme?

    k well guys i need yout i find a show i dk if any of you guys heard of it but it is about this guy named seth and his family who really cares about then his friend comes in to move with him because his frieds mom doesnt wanna take care of him so pls tell me if you found it

    1 AnswerComedy1 decade ago
  • why are toshiba's called sattelite laptops?

    They have always been called sattelite laptops and I have no clue why pls answer I really need to know

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • laptop help!!!!! Which brands are good as well?

    Well I am shopping for a new laptop to stay with me for 5+ years ok nothing to expensive but nothing to cheap. I want a laptop that will fit my needs. This laptop has to be able to download lots of things really fast I want it to be fast no lagging nor freezing up I have dealt with that these past 5 years and I can tell you I have been depressed ever since I need good battery life as well and 500 gb hardrive with 4 gb ram and ofcourse the processor has to be intel core processor i5 OR i7 . Now should I look for anything else when I need a laptop other than these things anything to watch out for because I really need a good laptop because I rely heavily on technoligy. So any help will be appreciated put your answers down below And thanks for all your help and support


    p.s I need good brands that you guys have has personal experince with so far the best ones I know with all the good reviews and such are... asus sony vaio acer, compaq

    pps. what is a ibm thinkpad I heard they were really good any suggestions I have never dealt with them before and never even saw one so any help?

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • can the ipad replace a computer?

    can you hookup your ipad to things like your cellaphone or mp3player I don't wanna go around carrying this huge thing so I was wondering and also can you get internet wherever you go. I was wondering I was also wondering how do you put pictures on it? plese answer I get the choice of an ipad or laptop and I don't want to regret it later.

    3 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • How do I get a 6 pack or atleast rid of all my body fat in 2 months?

    I would really like to get a 6 pack because no body else in my class has one and I was wondering why so I want to try!!! this summer I have nothing to do all summer long and thought excersing all day might be nice I will get toned and I will have lots of time to workout and such so anything and if It could take like 5 hours that would be even better!!!! so any tips

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • How do you write 14 as a sum of 4 consectuve numbers?

    Help for my math because I really don't understand

    10 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • How can I lose 3 ibs?

    I know ur gonna say its impossible but it is I lost it b4 and I ate normally and excersiced I have done that I was 141 and now I am 136 I am 12 yrs old 5'1 DO you think I am overweight? I am working really hard to lose my belly and theigh fat but it won't go anymore it just stays there is there any good excersice plans instead of running. I have tried (which is an amazing website) but they don't tell me how to spefically lose stuborn belly fat

    p.s I am healthy I excersice for 30 min a day

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Is she selfish?????or is my opinion wrong?

    Ok so recently In school we have been required to read this book. It's called (The Girl Who Owned The City) What happened in it was there is a girl name Lisa . What happened was Everyone died because of this Virus It only saved children 12 and under.Every kid was in desperate search for food.After it was all tooken. Lisa used her 'head' to go find new food She found this secret place full with food. While there were child gangs forming and stealing every kid 's food. She wanted to make a militia and make sure all the kids were safe and wanted to make some sort of defense. So she got a group of kids and told them I will give put food on your plates from now on if you agree to put your work and effort into this miltia and try to make this work? Everyone was dieing of starvation so ofcourse they agreed. She used a used to be highschool for them all to live together and make defense plans in order for them to stay safe from gangs and such. Now just to make this clear, the kids worked to get dogs to defence and get guns and work the cars and trucks and farming and start all that stuff up again. So the kids worked everyday really hard to make this work. The girl who started everything (LISA) declared the highschool and the food all in her authority. She declared it 'her own'. I though she wasn't selfish because when all the other kids were busy joing gangs and feeling sorry for themselves she thought of ways that she could make everything work. She found the food she formed the militia she though of how they could drive cars too instead of walking and holding everything. She thought of moving into the highschool.She thought of making it a 'reborning world'. Is she selfish to call the place and the food and everything they made her own and to call it into her possession. I think she had a right because she worked hard for it and she earned it. Not the kids. She told the kids I am not forcing any of you to work for me whenever you want you can leave and make your own living. From then on I will not put food on your plates. P>s She was very kind she treated everyone with respect and dignity and she listined to others opinions I think she was not selfish because she earned this herself and thought of all those ways I don't know what do you think Am I thinking right?

    p.p.s My friends at school were debating this

    3 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • I'm weirdly stronger?

    About 6-8 months ago my mom bought this hand-squeezing thing. I don't know what its called but it has a strong spring at the top and you must use 1 hand to squeeze it. She told me its a good workout cuz I sit around all day. Anyway, When she got it for me I was hardly able to squeeze it together, and now its been bout half a year and I can squeeze it with soo much ease I couldn't believe it. Can someone Explain to me how this happened?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Dont you hate it when someone says something racist and everyone gets mad?

    ok That's not me by the way I am not racist I would never say a word that is racist but If someone said something racist and someone thought it was ooh ur so bad blah blah blah and everyone starts getting mad. Idk why but I hate that. Its someone else opinion sure it is not a right one and shouldn't be said but everyone has the right of freedom of speech eh? I think it is wrong when someone goes all crazy because of something someone said They are missing out and one day they will notice how wrong it is but I don't find it right I know People might say no one deserves to be discriminated by something they cant control I agree with that 100% but I just think that people should feel comfortable enough to express their feeling instead of lie to people. Sure they shouldn't say it in front of the person but it their choice I don't know does anyone agree with me ???? AM I thinking wrong and if so how do I think right Lao

    7 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Should we still be friends?

    Ok so I have a friend that I have had for about 3 years now She is my bestest friend of all time we spend like every minute together. And lately its like she doesn't even wanna be my Friend anymore it's so annoying I call her (she doesn't know who it is yet) She goes heey all excited then she knows its me and goes all down??? she is so weird and she canceled on me like 3 times for something else which was so dumb. we were supposed to go sledding with both of our families and her family always does what she wants so instead she canceled and went ice skating? So dumb and then She is acting all mean and saying crap like you don't understand me and you have to stop acting like you know everything and like I don't even frekin do anything Like its just out of the blue. And like I told her go on messenger she said no I am never going on again so stop telling me to and then like I always say what up she says stop saying that its annoying like what the hell I am getting so pissed and I have a really bad temper so I go crazy I calm down because she is my b.f.f and stuff but OMG she gets me soooooo pissed and I am wondering if I should just end it with her because she is getting me mad and seems like she doesn't even care about me.

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Ok so school causing me to go nuts!!!!?

    So u know loners I feel so bad for all of them and sometimes I think I am one I have a really nice soft side to myself but if ur nice to me I will show lots of respect to u trust me but I keep feeling like whereevr I go people hate me and say mean things to me they are just joking with me But people do this a bit too much and no one gets teased according to me Like I hate girls because sometimes they can be so obnoxiuse and annoying so I hangout with guys but they think they are all tough and I end up getting all of them to hate me to feel centred I am annoying lmao but in a funny way I don't annoy someone to the limits where they go crazy just so they would laugh I was thinking of just calming down and not smiling at all and not being joyful as before I am always so hyper and its so hard to control because I like to be happy how can I get people to stop always saying mean comments to me and everyone likeing me I hate people saying mean comments I laugh about it but I feel so embarassed (loners in my class get treated this way) I really need help and would love some nice sincere answers Thankyou all of u guys who actually will or did take the time to answer this I think that is very nice and kind

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • How to say : When I wake, I get ready for school. In French?

    When I looked up wake there was many different words, and my french teacher is always too busy to help so I'm asking you guys(or girls) and the past participle and stuff like that, its really confusing, and get this, we had to make a booklet of our lives and stuff like 3 pages, then when I submitted my rough draft for editing and stuff I copying the edited work onto the good copy and she still found mistakes! so I can't really rely on her anyway. Any help would be appreciated.

    3 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Friends or enemies I really dont know and need help?

    Ok so I have this girl in my class I would get along with her very well but its like she hates me she picks fights with me all the time I dont know if we are friends or eniemies because sometimes we get along so well I even think she is jeolouse of me But there is nothing to be jeolouse of what should i do each time i am mad she acts all nice And when Someone does that I cant be mean anymore she gets on my last nerve when she picks fights with me

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • is this depression or do I need medical help?

    k so I need to know how to get help before I start hurting myself for real because you know I have been going through this for just so long that I am absoulutly tired of it. I attempted suicide but oibvously failed and I did hurt myself purposely once. SO I am 13 years old and I am constantly being put down everyone always makes fun of me but in a joking way but I laugh about it but I get so hurt inside and I always fear rejection.Like my friends told me to go away and I felt like crawling into a little shell and hiding from everyone but thats impossible. and I am always having stomach aches and always feeling hungry. Um I can cry very easily but I don't I can hold it in when I am in public(because of my appearance) My appearnce on the outside is like nothing else. Like it is impossible to see my feelings no one would ever guess that this is how I was feeling I always smile always!!! like I laugh at everything and everyone always tells me how come you are always so happy and laugh about everything well the truth is each time I laugh I feel like I am 100% lying to myself I know I don't deserve to smile and be happy and that is not what I am feeling. I like this guy and always cry over him (because I am a dumb ***) but in reality he would never fall for me but I continue to get hurt over him. It takes me like about an hour or 2 to sleep at night and constantly wake up at night. I always feel like talking and letting my feelings out but that is just impossible please understand my circumstances I can never do that I tell my parents what I am going through like we aren't that kind of family.(we are no way close to an emotional family) I try once to my friend but like she just won't understand she keeps like trying to change the subject she doesn't care and like everyone does the same thing I need help I am so confused and I am so ashamed of my friends at school because the do the stupidest things and like people laugh and stuff and I always see the popular group having so much fun and we are just sitting in a corner singing kitty songs(I don't do it and never will) and I am always standing and looking up at thin air. Whenever someone makes fun of me I just get so upset like I want to start balling my eyes out.Please I need help

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • I need a olympic schedule?

    I need a olympic schedule one that is small and less than a page because than I could put it into a brochure or staple it on at least I cant have one more than one page I already searched the internet like crazy and coudnt find a decent schedule any links or help pls i am begging

    1 AnswerOlympics1 decade ago
  • Science question I need smart people!!!!?

    ok well we are doing this experiment and I put my hands in cold water and then the other hand in hot water and then put both in hands in warm water and then I waited till they returned to heir normal tempurture but everything on my left hand feels cold and my right feels hot so it stayed the say tempurture but it didnt you know what I mean I need a sceintific conclusion for this

    2 AnswersBiology1 decade ago