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  • Wireless having issues. Need help?

    I just restored my computer to factory conditions because it was just running slow. So anyway, I went to enter my wep key and it says it's connected, but when I look at the details, my ip address starts with a 169. I've tried several times to release and renew via ipconfig, but ipconfig isn't working that great either. When I run ipconfig, it shows up for a second and disappears. It shows up long enough to show that the 'media is disconnected' pulling my hair out! Pleeeeease help!!!

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Angry Birds Golden Egg question?

    I have got 3 stars on every level, every episode, so I am working on my golden eggs. I seem to have 10 out of the 11 eggs, but i can't get my last one, so it's infuriating. It's the one that is second from the right on the bottom. I thought it was the 6-14 one with the yellow balloon, but I've hit it 3 times, and no egg. Please help!

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • What can I do if I have lost my divorce papers?

    So my soon-to-be douchebag ex-husband finally contacted and had divorce papers drawn up. He got a case number, and all I had to do was sign and get them notarized, which I did. They were in my passenger seat, and my car died, so I had to get my car to the mechanic. When I went to pick up, divorce papers were missing. They swear up and down they had nothing to do with it (which is complete BS, but there's nothing I can do). I'm very stressed. Yes, please save me the lecture of leaving valuable documents in my car. Please help me figure out what I can do. Thanks!

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What are some of the "lesser-known" scary movies?

    Now, I know people think The Exorcist, Paranormal Activity, the Ring, or Nightmare on Elm Street, The Shining are scary, etc..., but what are some of the "lesser known" movies that scared your pants off? I saw this movie called "El Orfanato (The Orphanage)" which really scared me. Give me your movie ideas!

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What are some of the lesser-known scary movies?

    Now, I know people think The Exorcist, Paranormal Activity, the Ring, or Nightmare on Elm Street are scary, etc..., but what are some of the "lesser known" movies that scared your pants off? I saw this movie called "El Orfanato (The Orphanage)" which really scared me. Give me your movie ideas!

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Do ghosts just come and go as they please?

    Alright, so no one is probably knowledgeable on this subject to really know the answer to this, but i figure I'd throw it out there. So like, my boyfriend claimed my house is haunted. I would have to agree with him on some level, but no one's died there or anything. Furniture has moved by itself, a male and female voice have spoken to him several times, I've heard singing in the back bedroom, something hit my iron bed full force and we both heard/felt it, etc.., etc... You know, classic weird stuff that can't be explained and ALOT of it. Then one day, nothing... and nothing ever since. Do they just move on? They probably got bored with us. Haha

    8 AnswersParanormal Phenomena1 decade ago
  • Who Do you think is going to win America's Got Talent tonight?

    I just hope it's not that Skinner guy or the Stevens guy. They are both just horrible. Like, I get how they are saying that Skinner guys isn't the best singer but he represents the average american, blah blah, but well, he sounds like 60% of Americans singing in their shower. I just don't see how he made it this far with so little actual talent. I get how that Stevens guy is cute and stuff, but geeeeez, he is so terribly flat. There are so many better singers out there. Like, your voice matures at age 30 and you have more stamina, so I keep expecting the singers on here to be better than American Idol if they are over 30, and they just aren't. Well, the Padilla lady is better for sure.

    6 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • BB 11 USA: Is anyone else annoyed?

    How is it that the two biggest floaters (Natalie and Jordan) are still here, and almost to the final 4, and more than likely to the final 2? Also, the "america's vote" saved Jeff and that's fine, but now there's a new "secret power." It just seems like odd timing now that Jeff is on the block. Anyone else think Jeff's used up his 9 lives and shouldn't be handed anymore gimmies from production to save himself? Arrrr... Sorry, I used to like Jordan & Jeff, but they just really annoy me now. They have just become so egocentric and think no one would DARE lie to them because they rule this joint. *Spoiler* I am so happy Michelle won POV. At least there is at least one actual good player left. She may be hanging on by a thread, but she's still there!!

    9 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • BB USA: I would love to see Russell fight to stay in the house. Anyone else think he's being a bit defeatist?

    Where's his game? He could totally sell the fact that Natalie and Kevin don't have a chance in jury house against "America's Sweethearts," and that they should make a final four deal with him and Michelle, especially since Jeff can't be HOH next week. He needs to get over the fact that Jeff bought the lies that Kevin and Natalie told him and look out for himself. He could totally turn this around if he wanted to, but he's not even trying. I wish he would get over the pouting and start playing the game!! He's pretty darn close to the half mil. Seems stupid to play dead at this point. Anyone agree?

    7 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Have any of you ever had professional dog pics taken? Post them!?

    I'm thinking about it. I'm still kind of on the fence.

    1 AnswerDogs1 decade ago
  • Do y'all think "Megan Wants a Millionaire" will go straight to DVD?

    VH1 obviously isn't airing it, but it's owned by this 51 Minds company. Using a business mind, the 51 Minds company could obviously make some money from it because of the increased popularity of recent events. People are naturally curious. They don't have to "save face" like VH1 does. Do you think they'll release it to make money, or do you think they'll side with VH1 and put it to bed?

    4 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Why is it that everyone knows that Ryan Alexander was runner up and no one knows who actually won?

    Also, I am a little confused over this controversy. They said that there was a woman who paid cash in the hotel where he hung himself. So essentially, she was the last one to see him alive. How do they KNOW that he wasn't being held hostage by this woman and that she was the one who killed his wife. What ever happened to the right to a fair trial (but is too late for him now)? Why does everyone assume that he's guilty before proven innocent? Maybe he wasn't on the run. Maybe she was trying to shut him up. Maybe she staged the whole thing. Why aren't they looking for this woman? Thoughts? I'm just playing devil's advocate since nobody else seems to think there's more to this story.

    4 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Now that they've indefinitely cancelled "megan wants a millionaire" on vh1, can't they AT LEAST say who won?

    Anybody know? I dont think they are under any legal bindings to hide the winner now that it's cancelled, right?

    8 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Stress management help?

    I think I've been having some sort of panic attacks lately. I've recently given up smoking, but I guess the withdrawals, along with some personal stress, has caused me to be panic-sticken. I don't really have the time or money for a massage or whatnot. I was just wondering if there is some kind of vitamins or homeopathic remedies I can take that can help me reduce my body's reaction to stress. I'm going to the doctor on Friday, but in the meantime, can someone suggest something? I am just so tired of being stressed out.

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Karaoke-Realm Realmworld "unable to resolve server" message? Please help!!?

    This just stopped working. I can't sign onto Karaoke Realm anymore. Been using IRC server on port 6667, and it's always worked in the past. Today, decided to just quit. Anyone have an idea of how to troubleshoot this? I tried using ports 6667-7000 and I tried a couple other servers. Everything (except one server) gave me the same "unable to resolve server" message. Any input would be great. Thanks.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • What the most beautiful song in your opinion?

    Open-ended, i know... LOL

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I have a smoking question?

    I posted another question about vitamins after quitting smoking, but this one's a different question. Ok, so I quit smoking like a week ago. I do feel a whole lot better and have better breathing. My chest doesn't hurt and I sleep better. I never had a smoker's cough before. Ever since I quit, I've been coughing up a storm. It starts off as a dry cough and then I eventually cough something out. I was wondering if this is a good thing? Like, my body clearing out? It's just weird to me that I've never had a smoking-related cough before and now that I quit, that's all I do is cough.

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • How long does it take your lungs to heal after you quit smoking?

    I have tried to quit so many times, but I think I am finally on a roll. I always feel my lungs becoming so strong after I stop smoking after a few days, but if I crack and smoke again, they go right back to square one. I actually hate the fact it is so hard for me to quit. I feel like I have no willpower when I am stressed out. I seriously don't want to smoke anymore, but it's so hard to beat the physical addiction.

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • What's your best hangover remedy?

    I have a routine: gatorade, tomato juice, then orange juice, all in one sitting. What's yours? (given you are old enough to drink)

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago