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Will agar agar jell with the preservative sodium benzoate added ?
I have purchased some agar agar to try in the making of jello type things. I don't want my product to spoil, or mold too so was looking to add sodium benzoate to the mix as a preservative. Will this effect the way it sets up ? Thank you
3 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan10 years agoafter boiling will agar agar jell with oil added?
I purchased some agar agar to try. I'd like to know if after I disolve it in water can I add flavored oil to it and still expect it to jell ? Also can I allow it to jell, and then add things to it in say a blender to make a sort of fruit paste ? Thanks
1 AnswerVegetarian & Vegan10 years agoselling crayfish in the U.S.A?
I am attempting to start a small commercial crayfish harvesting company based in far northern wisconsin. The problem I am haveing is although I have literal tons of product, with very limited regulation I am having trouble locating a reliable buyer for my catch. Can anyone please help me out here, or at least point me in the right direction ? THANKS
4 AnswersFishing1 decade agostatue of limitations help?
I was convicted of a felony in 1997 on the false testimony of a woman. Now years later I have complete undeniable truth that she lied about things. It's evidence from the states own crime lab that the D.A. in the case never disclosed. Now years later and after miles of red tape I have gotten the files from the crime lab myself. Guess what i'm asking really comes down to is : In Wisconsin does innocence have a shelf life ? I mean after all these years can I go back and prove I really had nothing to do with this crime ? How would I approach the court with the evidence ?
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade agoeternally Horny even after sex?
My girlfriend and I do have sex several times a week. It's great, but not mind blowing. On days we don't have sex i find myself masturbating three or four times a day. On the days we do have sex, and if I'm alone I'll masturbate a lot of the time. Our sex life is good, but we've been together for 5 years and I always have to be the aggressor, and always want to try new things that she just shows no interest in changing things up. Same old same old. How do I get her to be more aggressive ? And how do I get her to be more free with new things
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agocivil lawsuits against perjury, WI?
In 1997 I was convicted of a crime due to the perjured testimony of a witness. Later her testimony was proven to be perjury through clear D.N.A. Analysis. So since she committed perjury to gain a wrongful conviction of me, can I sue her civilly for being wronged ? This conviction although false has effected a large portion of my life, and now is having a negative effect on my 3 year old daughter. Because of this I was fired from my job, and for a long time was unable to gain employment. Thanks
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agocivil case statue in Wisconsin?
In Wisconsin does anyone know if there is a statue of limitations on filing a civil court case against someone. I had some REALLY bad things done and said about me on a court record (all lies) in 1997 and when it was over didn't know I could sue. I probably still wouldn't, but now I have a 3 year old daughter and she is suffering because of things that went down even before she was born.
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade agoBJ question for women?
We've been together for 5 years and although her skills where always good, not the greatest. How do I approach her about ways to make it better ? She also used to do it in diff. positions so I could watch, and sometimes let me be in control gently thrusting into her mouth. All of that has stopped, and I almost have to beg to get her to go down on me at all. When she does it's half hearted, and never so I can see. How do I get her back to doing it the way she used to ? OH ! I do go down on her often, and always keep going until she pops which she often tells me is incredable for her.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoexpanding foam question?
I am on a quest to find a bio-degradable foam product that can either be purchased, or ho-made that is in a compressed state, and is activated to expand at home with the addition of water, or a simple chemical process. I'd like it to bio-degrade within say two weeks time, and be fairly ridged and dense once expanded. Thanks
1 AnswerPhysics1 decade agoI have 17 hens, and two roosters, want to breed?
I have all these chickens and they are from a couple different breeds. I would like to have one or a couple of the hens hatch some eggs out so I'd have chicks this spring for my daughter to play with. I don't want to buy chicks so it seemed like a good idea to raise my own. Problem I'm having is my dark cornish hens are sorta broody, but is there a way to trick them into being full time egg sitters to hatch chicks. They seem to sit for half the day, then loose interest and get off the nest. Do I need to separate one of the more broody hens from the main flock to sit the eggs ? Thanks for any input.
1 AnswerOther - Pets1 decade agoproblem with girlfriends mother hitting on me?
About two weeks ago my girlfriend and I where at her mothers home and thought we were alone. We were doing "it" on the couch and right at climax I happened to look up and saw her mother standing in the hallway watching as I spurted all over her daughter. Of course we were totally embarrassed to be caught in the act like that. The problem I now have is the Mother is REALLY HOT and she keeps working things so I'm alone with her, and keeps very openly flirting and coming on to me. Yesterday she actually got me in the kitchen alone and started to grope my package purring in my ear "I want this !" JEEZ I'm now really hot for her, but how twisted is it to cheat on my girlfriend with her Mother ?
5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agofound D.N.A evidence that proves innocence?
13 years ago I was convicted of a rape I did not commit. Myself and the "victim" where together at a bar partying. Later she claimed that I raped her in the parking lot. Since we were out together the only question the court really had is was the intercourse consensual or non-consensual ? Now after all this time D.N.A evidence has surfaced that proves without a doubt that intercourse never took place. She was menstruating at the time heavily enough to soak through her panties right into her jeans, Yet there was absolutely NO transfer of any D.N.A from her to me, or from me to her. She claims that I had repeatedly penetrated her with my penis, and of course there was a complete "rape kit" done on both of us directly from the scene since the arresting officer arrested us right there in the parking lot and took us both to the hospital. How is it that the only question is if the intercourse was consensual, or nonconsenual when it's a scientific fact that intercourse NEVER took place ? I live in Wisconsin, and my appeals have all been exhausted, and I've been released from incarceration. How do i force the court to at least consider this D.N.A evidence ?
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoHow can I force the court to view exonerating evidence that proves my innocence?
I was convicted of a felony almost 13 years ago. Since that time I have obtained undeniable evidence of my innocence (DNA). The problem I'm having is my appeal process time limits are exhausted and because of this the court simply refuses to even look at the evidence. I have no funds for a attorney, and no "innocence project" will take the case because I am not incarserated. In fact when i obtained this evidence I submitted it to the court and through a sentence modification was released from prison years early because of the evidence. Thing is though, although I was released the court and state refuse to exonerate the conviction from my record. Am I just stuck with this felony, even though I have the evidence to prove i did not commit the crime ? They wont even look at do I force them to ?
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agowhy after a night of drinking the next morning despite the hangover am I SO HORNY?
It happens most every time I drink. The next morning I'll feel like ****, but my cock is like ultra-sensitive and I'm really really really horny. Even though it's really hard for me to *** when I'm hungover like that, when I do finally get off it's so much better than usual.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoI was falsely convicted of a rape in 1997, and now have DNA to prove it?
In 1997 I was accused and convicted of raping a woman outside a bar and sent to prison for 4 1/2 years since I don't feel the judge really believed her story. The District Attorney in the case hid the D.N.A evidence which I recently obtained from the Wisconsin State crime Lab on my own. The D.N.A proves I did not rape her. Problem I'm having is the state wont look at the D.N.A saying that the time for my appeal is over. I cant believe that I have clear evidence that proves without a doubt my innocence and the state wont even look at it. I have no money for a attorney, and life has been hell since this conviction is on my record, no job, no money, and living in shame over this. What are my options ? Or does anyone know of a pro-bono attorney in Wisconsin that could help ?
12 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoquestion on layer hens when they start laying?
I have 19 hens which are mixed between Redstars and Dark Cornish, along with a Brown leghorn rooster. They are all just over 120 days old. The rooster has been breeding the hens like crazy for the last two weeks, but I have yet to get a egg. Once the hens are old enough to be breed shouldn't they be laying eggs ?
8 AnswersBirds1 decade agoIs there any way to discourage a rooster from crowing?
I just started raiseing chickens in my backyard and have a total of 24. That includes three roosters, and two of them are fine only crowing a couple times a day. The one though crows constantally, I mean he even woke me up last night crowing at 1:30 in the morning. Should I just cull him out of the flock before the neighbors start to complain, or is there a way to put a stop to this ?
7 AnswersBirds1 decade agois masterbation cheating ?
I've been with my girlfriend for almost three years now and have a two year old daughter together. With scheduals and kids and everything we dont have time for much sex anymore. SOOOO I masterbate, problem is that I keep doing it while thinking about a girl I did have a flig with a couple years back. I just cant get her out of my head since the sex was CRAZY FANTASTIC for both of us. I wouldn't leave my girlfriend now, but....well you get what I'm saying ?
35 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agointelligent life on other planets, well what would make it intelligent if we found it ? I mean a dog is right?
Really if and when we do find something out there whats going to be the gauge of intelligence ? We can "teach" even a gold fish to respond to colors and things, get certain behaiviors out of a chicken, teach or dogs tricks....SOOO is it going to be the ability to "learn" that we are gonna gauge by ? Or is it going to be something like the ability to "free think" we'll be looking for ? Really how do we even guess at how intelligent a dolphin is ? Or guess at the intelligence of any other liveing thing for that matter ?
3 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago