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Why Does My Vagina Burn And Itch After Sex?
I've been with my boyfriend for a year and a half. We have sex pretty often and we don't use condoms, I've been on birth conrtol for a year and a half. I noticed after rough sex my vagina itches and burns for a few hours. The only way to seem to make it go away is rest and take a nap. This time its pretty bad I'm guessing because we had pretty rough forplay and sex. I think its just from the roughness and friction. I was wondering if anyone would know what this could mean or how I could prevent it. I don't think its an infection because it only happens after rough sex and goes away within a few hours. I've had a yeast infection and I don't think that's it. I do have herpes but I don't think that has to do with it. By the way I'm 20 not to young to be having sex. And if your going to judge me I really could care less what you have to say so your waiting your time. Thanks.
7 AnswersWomen's Health8 years agoHow Do I Stop Feeling So Bloated While On My Period?
Every time I have my period I feel so bloated and fat. Is there anything I can do or take that won't make me feel this way? Thanks
3 AnswersWomen's Health8 years agoHow Do I Make My Liquid Foundation More Liquidity?
A few weeks ago I bought cover girl liquid foundation cheap at the flea market and when I go to use it its like moose. It must be a little older then I thought. If I tilt it or shake it upside down the foundation still won't come out. I have to get a tooth pick to get it out. I was wondering what could I put in in to make it more liquidity, I thought of putting a little water in it but I wasn't sure if any of you had a better idea for what I could do. Thanks.
I got a sunburn on my shoulders, upper back and chest. My left shoulder and left lower back hurt pretty bad, and its almost impossible to get a good nights sleep. I need some sting relief or if someone knows how to get rid of it fast that would be greatly appreciated. I've been using aloe vera a few times a day and it seems to work for a little while but it's not really doing the trick. I was reading that baking soda helps, does it? And if it does what's the best way to use it. I'm pretty desperate. Anything helps. Thanks.
1 AnswerSkin Conditions8 years agoHow Often Should I Use Aloe Vera Gel On My Sunburn?
I got sunburned today on my back and shoulders and my shoulders hurt quite a lot. And trust me I'm never not using sunscreen again. Anyways I was wondering how often should I apply aloe vera gel to my sunburn? I figured just as needed would be ok but I wanted a second opinion. And is there anything else I could use to ease the pain or help get rid of it. Thanks.
1 AnswerFirst Aid8 years agoWHAT AM I DOING WRONG!?!?! Shaving my legs. HELP!!?
I've been shaving my legs since I was I don't know 12 and I'm 20 now. No matter what I do my legs either get razor burn or little irritated bumps. You you think I'd have it figured out by now. Nope. I just shaved my legs, used a new razor for sensitive skin men's razor if that matters (my legs are like super sensitive) and I used my boyfriends shaving cream for sensitive skin. I used cool water not warm. I did shave my legs going upwards because if I go down I feel like I'm still left with stubble and the hole shaving deal goes out the window. I wasn't putting any pressure on my legs while I was shaving. Well I was not really any. I patted my legs dry. My legs are smooth but I have little irritated bumps. Anything would be helpful. Maybe I should say f*uck it and get waxed. I'm kinda scared to get my legs waxed that's a lot of ripping of my skin. Please help me. Thanks.
3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years agoBest Way To Download Free Music To My Phone?
I have a droid razor from Verizon and I was wondering what is the easiest way to get free music to download onto my phone. Is there an app I can use or what is a good website I can use to get free music on my phone. Thanks.
1 AnswerMusic & Music Players8 years agoHow Long Would Hip Microdermals Last?
I've been thinking about getting hip microdermals and I've wanted them for a really long time about 3 years. I'm 20 so I'm old enough. My main question is how long would they last? Because I read different things about them lasting less then a year or 2 years max. Why don't they last very long? If i got mine i would get little studs so there was less of a change of them getting caught on things. And I've taken really good care of my other 7 piercings I clean them as im suppose to. Would they still not last very long even if I took the best care of them? How could I make it so they last a long time? Preferably until I wanted to take them out. Thanks.
3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years agoHip Microdermals PLEASE ANSWER!!?
I've been wanted to get my hips pierced for like 3 years, but then I found out getting it pierced as a surface piercing it will reject no matter what and I didn't want the ugly scares. But recently I see that you can get hip microdermals and I'm really considering getting them done. I'm 20 by the way. And I just want some info on them good or bad. I'd really appreciate it, anything will help. I don't know much about them yet. Are they worth it? I like to make sure I do research on all my piercings before I get them. Thanks for answering.
2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years agoTell Me About Your Piercings?
I have both my lobes twice, left tragus, belly button, and my tongue pierced. I love them all, I almost feel like I'm addicted. Ok I am. I have 7 now and I would like to have 10 just to be even. I'm thinking about getting hip microdermals, I think they are so cute I just need to do my research to see if they would be a good fit for me. I love having piercings because I feel like I'm boring and having a few interesting piercings makes me different and more interesting. Why do you have the piercings you have? Tell me your experiences good or bad. Do you plan on getting more? Do you regret any piercings? Did you ever get introuble with your parents? I want to know all about it :) Oh and how old are you. Thanks for answering!
3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years agoHip Microdermal Questions?
I've been thinking about wanting to get hip microdermals and I just had a few questions. And by the way I'm 20 so I'm old enough to get them. I just want to get more information on them so if I leave anything out that I should know good or bad please leave it in your answer. I was wondering how is the pain while getting it done? Would you be able to sit in the car on the ride home after getting them done with out them hurting to much. Are they easy to take care of? Have you had any problems with yours? I just want the pros and cons and as much information as I can get good or bad. Anything would help thanks.
2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years agoWHY DO PEOPLE ASK THE STUPIDEST QUESTIONS!?!?!?
It amazes me when I come across some of these questions on yahoo answers. My favorite so far "do you have to take birth control everyday?"...please tell me that was a joke. Tell me the stupidest questions you have come across so we can laugh at peoples stupidity together.
1 AnswerYahoo Answers8 years agoI Need A Face Moisturizer for DRY SKIN PLEASE HELP!! 10 POINTS!!?
For the past month or so I noticed my face has been dry and flakey. I need an oil free face moisturizer. I have acne prone sensitive skin. Suggestions please.Thanks.
3 AnswersSkin Conditions8 years agoSuggestions For Face Moisturizers DRY SKIN PLEASE HELP!! 10 POINTS!!?
I've noticed for the past month or so the skin on my face has been dry and flaky. I was wondering what is a good brand of moisturizer for me to use. That isn't oily, I have acne prone sensitive skin. Suggestions please. Thanks.
1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body8 years agoHow To Prevent My Face From Turning Orange PLEASE HELP!!!?
I want my make up to stop turning my face orange its driving me nuts. Because my face will look orange in certain light and my neck will be white. I try and blend it into my neck as much as I can. But apparently it doesn't work. Here are the products I use: Maybelline cover stick conceler, garnier BB cream, Revlon color stay foundation, and Rimmel stay matt pressed powder. I don't know if I use to many products but I kinda need them since my face is kinda red and I need it to be covered up. I don't think the colors I use are to dark but it could be since my face is turning orange. WHY IS IT DOING THIS PLEASE HELP ME!! Thanks! :)
5 AnswersMakeup8 years agoSea Salt Soak VS H2Ocean?
Which one works better on piercings and why. Is one more effective than the other? I know they are both sea salt but I was just wondering if there was any difference.
3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years agoSea Salt Soak VS H2Ocean?
Which one do you think works best and why. Are you better off using one more than the other? Or do they both work just as effective as the other.
2 AnswersIsrael8 years agoCleaning Tragus Piercing?
I was wondering how long I have to clean my tragus piercing for. Because my piercer said it take 6 months to a year to heal. So would I have to keep clean it for 6 months or longer?
3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years agoWhat Else Should I Get Pierced?
Im a 20 years old. I have both my lobes twice, belly button, tongue, and my tragus. I don't want any face piercings. Any suggestions?
3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years agoTragus Piercing. Itching in my Ear?
I just got my tragus pierced a week ago with a stud and the inside of my ear itches like crazy. I don't touch my piercing at all, I need to know if there is something small enough to itch the inside of my ear canal with so I won't disturb my piercing. I kind of thought of having my boyfriend get a tooth pick and itch it for me gently. But I don't know if there are any other ideas. I try and rub the back of my ear and it just doesn't do the job. I can't use a Q tip because the stud post is to long. Remember its not my tragus that itches its my ear canal. Suggestions please.
1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body8 years ago