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  • how much does an elective tonsillectomy cost?

    I have rotten tonsils, they seem to get infected at least once a year and have pretty much every year for almost 10 years. Every time I've had to go to the doctors they tell me that because of my age they are hesitant to remove them.

    I'm sick of getting sick, sick of getting tonsil stones and bad breath. Anyone know how much an elective tonsillectomy would cost?

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care6 years ago
  • Best sub system set up for extreme metal?

    So I've got a little S10 pickup truck that I'd like to upgrade my sound system on. I'm not looking to piss off my neighbors or anything, but I do like to hear and feel my music.

    I've read that 8" speakers will give a much more clear punch then I would expect to get with a larger sub, and that the trade off is lack of earthquake inducing volume. Is that true?

    Does anyone have an experience or recommendations with sub systems for death metal, grindcore, speed metal, etc? Should I be focusing more on the mid's and highs? What is a good ratio for subs?

    First person with a useful answer, especially with links wins it.

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerCar Audio6 years ago
  • What is a good henna beard dye?

    My beard is a dark red brown and my mustache/goatee area is a much lighter red/blond. I used a product called henna color lab: ginger blond to try and even out the color but it is still much lighter. The next darker color looks way darker than my beard. Anyone know of any other companies that might make something between the two?

    The color I used:

    The next darker color:

    Other than my desire for an in between color I have no complaints with the product, it's actually pretty nice and forgiving on my pale, easily irritated skin.

    3 AnswersHair6 years ago
  • how to post a picture on yahoo answers?

    I've been trying to put a picture up on my yahoo answers profile, but it just keeps sending me to my yahoo account, and not letting me update my image. Do I have to wait to be a higher level or something before I can add an image?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers6 years ago
  • How do I get my wife to admit when she is wrong?

    I love my wife very much, and like myself she grew up in a dysfunctional home. Her father was an abusive alcoholic. She was never physically abused herself but was subjected to regular verbal abuse and humiliation from her father. Her mother, the caring enabler, is still with him to this day, despite having had her nose broken several times, etc. (my wife having witnessed such acts). Today he is no longer violent towards anyone in the family, but the psychological damage has been done.

    My wife as a child went the opposite route of her mother and took her father on head first at every opportunity, refusing to ever submit to him. She left home early and put herself through college, where we met, fell in love, got married, and started a family.

    The problem I have now is that my wife revels in conflict and opposition, to the point that it can be a strain on our relationship. She can be very accusatory and won't admit fault, and almost never apologizes. She either points the finger at me or tries to act nice when she thinks she is wrong. Worst case scenario gets a non apology .

    I revel in her strength but her contrarian nature drives me crazy! Worst yet sometimes I see my wife's inability to admit mistakes or make apologies rub off on my daughter.

    I don't think I could take living in a house where I'm surrounded by women who are incapable of being wrong.

    Does anyone have any experience with this and have they found any way to break through the emotional barriers? Thank you

    2 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • How can someone remove a restraining order from a record in Oregon?

    How can someone remove a restraining order from a record in Oregon?

    How can I expunge a restraining order in Oregon?

    Several years ago I was served a restraining order by my ex-fiancée, on the grounds that she felt threatened by me. This was quite a surprise given the fact that there had never been violence in our relationship or the threat of before or after. I actually helped move her into her new residence just two days before I received the order. Afterwards I came to find Various bills had been run up and I had no right to contact, so I took it to court.

    In court the judge listened to our cases, which were mainly He said she said accounts and feelings. The judge recognized that there had not been any physical violence or threats thereof or proof to back it up but upheld it anyhow literally stating "she is about a foot shorter than you, you're a big guy" as his basis for doing so. We haven't had contact since.

    Here we are, years later and I have moved on. I've graduated college with honors, met and married a wonderful woman and started a family with her. The restraining order still haunts me. When I apply for work it shows up on my record, but when talking about it in interviews I get to be re humiliated and am left with the option of taking the blame for a wrong i do not feel i have commited or explaining what happened, which only makes me seem like some sort of criminal. I am the sole provider for my wife and daughter. I am potentially losing higher paying jobs based on this which is taking away from my families quality of life.

    What can I do? How can I get rid of this and move on? I would like to be able to support my family and this is making it difficult to do so. Do I have any legal grounds to demand it be removed? What can I do?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago