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Lv 130 points

Phillip K

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  • my brother.?

    Hi he wrong or what he owns a pub and in summer I cut his lawns in beer garden and after I done them he said you cant charge me as I'm family and you doing it as a favour and I said it hot weather and you not offered a drink in hot summer and he said I a pub to run and if you want out get your had in your pocket and pay full price is he right or wrong.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 year ago
  • About a girl on my street?

    So this girl never likes being on her own and is this wrong her partner passed away last year and on day he passed away she had a friend stop over and it was a lad he even went to funeral whit her and then he just stopped every night then she said to him seeming as you stop here so much why not move in so he did I know her parents well but they did not know this lad was stopping over and I cant tell them. but is she a very insecure person.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • About a game show theme?

    Once on the old catchphrase with roy walker I seem to recall a tune being played on it and always thought it was from another game show can anyone help with that question?

    1 AnswerComedy2 years ago
  • Poll what drink do you like in hot weather?

    What drink do you like in hot weather I like nice cold can of fanta in hot weather and sometime irn bru.

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 years ago
  • A question about google?

    Today on google it got a video playing and classical music on can anyone video it to upload to youtube? or will it be bad copyright?

    1 AnswerYouTube2 years ago
  • Are jacket potato's with backed beans healthy for you and help to lose weight?

    So I went to my local supermarket asda and had from the cafe other day a jacket potato with backed beans and wanted to know are they healthy foods to have and good for dieting and losing weight?

    85 AnswersDiet & Fitness2 years ago
  • So what about me dad?

    So we have a caravan and last year in summer we went and he always gets mad at me over silly things. We went shopping and I got the trolley and said to him what we buying and he said shout up you puff. and mother said nothing and I never spoke till we got to tills and the minute I spoke he started to shout at me.

    And we got to caravan he sat about me and mum put all shopping away in cupboards and we both cleaned windows and cleaned decking and cleaned caravan from top to bottom. made beds. and I said I going for walk and I closed gate on decking quiet so he not tell me off and what did he do pulled my phone out of my coat pocket and said why is there finger prints on it you supposed to clean it and started to shout at me over it. why he like that and what can I do to be in his good books?

    1 AnswerFamily2 years ago
  • About yahoo answers?

    Why does it do this? when I asked a question it says sorry but your question can not be posted at this time?

    9 AnswersYahoo Answers2 years ago
  • About facebook.?

    So my facebook not working I can only see righting on it no photos of people on my chat part and no posts are show just righting not even my profile picture shows up. anyone no why?

    2 AnswersFacebook3 years ago
  • About me girlfriend?

    So I just met this girl but just found out she likes to go to clubs and kiss 100 lads and try's to take them home but once they not interested she goes back to see more lads and just also found out of my mate she slept with 102 lads when she was 18. shall I dump her?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • About youtube?

    Can I video bit of emmerdale on tv then upload it to youtube or not?

    2 AnswersYouTube3 years ago
  • Whats going on on yahoo answers?

    Otherday I got 4 violation notices and it was from Canada yahoo and then I had no points left but today I got 10 points and I never answered a question. and not reason was given but I''m from uk so why it came from Canada I no idea and others notices where questions I asked months ago.

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers3 years ago
  • About yahoo answers?

    On x mas day I got 10 points took away so was a violation notice x mas day of all days and it was because I said on pulls and surveys whats every ones fave color. whats wrong with that and I hate yahoo costumer services they just not nice people at all.Can anyone tell me whats wrong with that?

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers3 years ago
  • Why the man next door like this?

    He never do out for us at all when it was very windy one night and our side passage way was losing its roof he would not answer door and in end he said what you want and we said can we use some of your big breeze blocks for the night so we can pin side passage roof down till morning then in morning my dad can get it fixed. and he said well I need them to build wall and we said not in wind and dark you don't then he said well they may get damaged and we said no they will not and he said well they locked away in shed. and we said get key and he said it at my sons I said ring him he said he not in and his phone no credit. I said you no spare key for his house and he said no but his wife said you have and she said go in car and he said car not working and she said it is and he said I low on fuel and she said you not. Then he said well I don't like driving in bad weather and she said well catch bus he said well I no free bus pass and his wife said well you money and he said buses have stopped and he closed door. then another time we needed a lift to hospital and he said well I need to put my bike in back of car and next day he put his bike on his roof of car and we said you not putting it in your car he said mind your own and said to my dad if you can go privet then you can afford a taxi.why he like that?

  • A question for girls?

    Girls do you find men with long hair atractive?

    2 AnswersHair3 years ago
  • What about this my girlfreind?

    So I met this girl we went in town together only my best friend saw us together and he was not happy he now no longer friends with me and blocked me on facebook. and it all because he had crush on her at infant school in late 80's. shall L just forget about him now or his he right to feel that way?

    Singles & Dating3 years ago
  • Am I a good boyfriend?

    So this is what happened I like a drink and when I go to family party's or to club dos I allways get drunk. and last week It was my girlfriends gran's funeral and my girlfriend said I never knew her witch was right so she said to me you pick up kids but they her kids. and at last minute I said to my parents can you pick up kids as I need to do something not telling them where I was going.and in church I was saying dead loud I hate these places and then we went pub and I got so drunk I fell over hurt my self and was in hospital so my girlfriends parents ended up picking up kids from my parents later in day. and next day my girlfriend said I asked you to do something pick up kids and you did not do it so you acted irresponsibly and got drunk. so i told her to f off and drove off and went pub for pint and came back 3 hours later. and before she got chance to speak I said it was her fault as I said to her I told you my parents were picking up kids and that I was coming funeral and she said no you being a dick so i said i go back living with my parents then. but she did ask me pick up kids but why should I miss out being in pub and getting drunk at a funeral. and yes I am a piss i not nice?

    5 AnswersFamily4 years ago
  • About Halloween party?

    So I go to a caravan site some times and they having a Halloween party my mum said never dress up in clown suite as You could be locked up as last year on news some people dressed in them and were robbing people. I was looking on ebay for costume and I showed her a complete zombie mask costume and a chucky one and a adult zombie doctor costume and she said are you looking for trouble. and once my dad said when I went to a Halloween party he said you to old for dressing up now act your age and I was only one who not dressed up. so what should I do? any ideas and are they right?

    1 AnswerHalloween4 years ago
  • Whats wrong with my facebook?

    So my brother in law sent a message but he no idea why it was sent to me. It said hi i'm mark the director of facebook .hello every one it seems that all the warnings are real facebook use will cost money. and then it was big message. whats it mean?

    4 AnswersFacebook4 years ago