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  • Brand new key song is Melanie not Janis Joplin?

    There is a song from 1971-71 called "brand new key" a rollerskating song, written and recorded by Melanie Safka, but Janis Joplin is given credit for singing it too. This does not make sense since Joplin died in 1970! It this just an error in giving Joplin credit? Has to an error.

    6 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Can the IRS go after a company by going after the owners' personal taxes?

    Let say a company that is an LLC and an S corporation goes bankrupt (by government seizure of all assets) and cannot pay IRS taxes for 2011. Can the IRS then go after the owner on his personal taxes and assets? I would think not (Solyndra?). I mean the two are separate, with different tax ID numbers.

    2 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • How to ship cryospecimen over seas?

    I need to ship a cryospecimen internationally from the U.S. To Peru. This frozen biological specimen is time sensitive and needs to go to a medical clinical. DHL did not respond. Any idea how to do this and with what company?

    1 AnswerPacking & Preparation9 years ago
  • Do you remember police brutality against hope steffey?

    2007 police brutalized Hope Steffey with forced strip search with male police when she did nothing? What was the outcome of the lawsuit? Police can be so out of line. Police do not deserve respect when they act like this. Bad cops!

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • Why Do Jews need Israeli homeland and also have one in the USA?

    I have heard the argument that Jews should have a homeland in USA and not in the Middle East. This is not so, because the reason the Jews need a homeland over there is because the Arabs will not treat them well in the Arab countries. So, the Jews need their own country there. But the Jews also have a homeland in the USA because they are part of America and protected as American


    2 AnswersGovernment10 years ago
  • Cain for President? Agree? Businessman common sense?

    I have finally come around to Cain for President. Those Wall Street protestors are losers! We need a common sense business man, not socialist Obama. It is not about taking from the working rich to give to the lazy poor, it is about earning your keep and taking care of your own. We all pay enough taxes.

    8 AnswersGovernment10 years ago
  • Do you have HOA problems too?

    Had to walk away from a condo, not because of the mortgage but because of the HOA tyrants. They never respond to my questions. Charged $500 for new renters, delayed the approval! On and on! Then I read all the horror stories here about HOAs! Warning...avoid HOAs!

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • How to win against HOA?

    HOAs are greedy and tyrannical. So, on mine in Orlando, Fl I stopped all payments on the HOA and the mortgage. Now, the HOA tried to foreclose, but they could not because the Mortgage company has PRECEDENT over the HOA. So, once the mortgage company forecloses, the HOA late fees will not be due. So, the new buyer/owner will start fresh. So, I may just buy back the condo cheaply as a foreclosure which will wipe off about $80,000 on the original mortgage current balance, and save over $2500 from HOA fees, etc. I will start fresh. HOA cannot go back on the late fees or payments. Yes, this is one way to defeat the HOA!

    11 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • Bush or Obama to blame for bad economy?

    Just read a story, some people blame Bush for the current bad economy! That's dumb. Obama is President now for about three years and he has made the economy far worse! Now, let's get the facts on Bush. 9/11 started the economic problems. We were attacked on that day people! Then, in the last two years of the Bush presidency, Congress was controlled by the Democrats. Then the housing crisis was Democratic too. So, lets get real. Bush started two wars, but remember 9/11! What is Obama's excuse now?

    15 AnswersElections10 years ago
  • What is DUMBEST thing politician has said?

    My vote goes to Obama when he said "Israel must go back to 1967 borders." And people worry about Bachmann and founding fathers. Bachmann is way ahead of Obama in common sense.

    13 AnswersOther - News & Events10 years ago
  • Why are HOAs so BAD,GREEDY, and have dumb rules?

    HOA in Orlando Florida is a monstrosity. Two payments per month, late and reminder fees, don't answer questions, $500 for leasing out my unit. I had enough and stopped all payments to them and stopped paying the mortgage after I stripped out the condo of all appliances, lights, and even took out the carpet. I am done with the monster of an HOA. Funny how the HOA is staffed by outsiders, not condo members.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • Stop mortgage payments due to bad HOA?

    A have a condo in Orlando, Fla. Lost value from $262k to $120k. But the HOA is the real problem. These scumbags charge $500 for bringing in a renter. I had an issue with them and they never responded, just added another fee instead. That is when I stopped all HOA payments and mortgage payments. I could work something out with the bank on the mortgage, but it is the HOA that is the problem. I am done with the greedy HOA therefore have not paid anything more in a year.

    11 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • How do I support Israel (money, time, military)?

    I am a staunch supporter of Israel! Truly the only democratic country in the Middle East and God's chosen. Israel needs to thrive. I need to send money to support them and my sons want to join their military. We are not Jewish, but understand the Middle East well. Israel is the only hope there. I am a scientist and would like to move there to build up their technology even more and keep Israel strong and safe from their enemies.

    8 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • If Jesus, like Palin, were a Republican?

    Palin represents a lot of Jesus' values. So, this means that Jesus is closer to Republican ideology such as being again murder (abortion), self reliance ( teach a man to fish, not just give him a fish). So, the left and other loonies really would be attacking Jesus today like they do Palin.

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • It's layoff time in wisconsin?

    Well, now that the bill has been blocked by a judge, that means alot of layoffs coming to Wisconsin.

    That will be worse than passing the bill that Walker wanted. Walker was doing the right thing to SAVE jobs and Wisconsin.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Do you choose the union or unemployment?

    That is the choice in Wisconsin. The state is out of money. So, cutting the Union out a bit, but not totally, will save money and jobs. But Union supporters don't want this. So, the next step is layoffs. So, which do you prefer? The Union demands on the taxpayers or being laid off?

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Is Healthspring Medicare Advantage a bad insurance company?

    Seems that they like to deny care. Heck, they even deny after approving care. Not a good company to take care of Medicare patients.

    4 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • I sold a car, buyer did not change title, getting tickets?

    I sold a vehicle in 2008, private buyer. Buyer did NOT change the title to her name, Now I am getting ticket notices from running tolls and red light cameras. Don't have the info from the buyer anymore. I live in Texas.

    What can I do? Can I claim the vehicle as being stolen?

    3 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • I sold a car, buyer did not change title, getting tickets?

    I sold a vehicle in 2008, private buyer. Buyer did NOT change the title to her name, Now I am getting ticket notices from running tolls and red light cameras. Don't have the info from the buyer anymore.

    What can I do? Can I claim the vehicle as being stolen?

    3 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • How do you change info on a car title?

    I got a car with title information that needs to be changed. This was a theft recovery and the insurance company put on the title "actual miles not verified" How do I get this off?

    3 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago