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Lv 56,912 points


Favorite Answers7%

ABOUT ME: My real name is Sonny "The Nostril" Tortellini. For 13 years I was chief enforcer and apprentice pastry chef to the notorious Grabasso crime family. I turned state's evidence last year and entered the witness protection program. The finest plastic surgeons in the world were flown in by the government to reconstruct my face, at a cost to taxpayers of 6 million dollars. For this reason I cannot post a real pic avatar: it would reveal to the Grabassos what I now look like and would be fiscally irresponsible of me. You probably saw my story on "Law And Order", but they changed all the details. Only in America! And if you're reading this, Don Grabasso: I slept with your wife! So put that in your ravioli and smoke it!

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