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  • Suddenly I have an occasional stutter?

    This never happened to me before. Started maybe a month ago. Once or twice a day I have this like really intense sort of jerk in speech and I can’t get a word out and I repeat the first part of the word like 4 times. I’m 18 years old. I read that a sudden stutter can be caused by brain injury, but I don’t have any other symptoms and I haven’t been in an accident. I also read that it can be psychological, but I haven’t had any traumatic events happen recently. I’ve been really stressed and anxious because of Coronavirus, but there hasn’t been a specific event (although quarantine has given me a lot more time to think about a sexual assault I experienced last year — and I haven’t been able to sleep well). Could that be it? The stutter is just making me even more worried. 

    1 AnswerPsychology10 months ago
  • Health anxiety -- Breast cancer or blood cancer?!?

    I'm 18 years old. I've been a hypochondriac for my entire life. It's only gotten worse since quarantine started because I've had nothing to do but think and worry about the tiniest things. I'm currently worried about blood cancer or breast cancer. I found a small lump in the upper outer quadrant of my left breast. I thought maybe it was hormonal so I would see if it would go away after my period but my period was supposed to come 4 days ago and it still hasn't so I still don't know if it the lump will go down after my period! My left arm pit has been hurting for the past two weeks and it does appear a bit swollen (or lumpier/fattier than my right armpit), though I can't feel any distinguishable lumps. I've also been feeling pain almost everywhere throughout my body. It's aching pain that comes and goes in my legs, feet, hands, arms, and sharp pain that comes and goes in my jaw, chest, back, and pelvis. I've been checking my fever 5 times a day and it's been in the 97-98 range, except for one night when it was 99.1 degrees. I haven't been having night sweats, but I have woken up pretty hot some mornings/nights. I've been so stressed I can hardly sleep and I'm having panic attacks everyday. I'm going to the doctor this coming Tuesday. I just need some comforting words/reassurance.

    2 AnswersCancer11 months ago
  • Why do I act this way when a guy likes me back?!?

    I am stuck in this vicious cycle:

    Think of it this way:

    - u like a person

    - u talk to the person

    - u become friends with the person

    - u realize u really like the person

    - u spend more time with the person

    - u realize u would love to be with this person

    - the person starts exhibiting signs of liking u back

    - the person says hi to u wherever u go

    - u realize that this person really likes u back

    - now every time u see the person, u feel sick to your stomach and u cringe

    - u r confused because just a second ago u really liked this person but now that they like u back, u don’t feel good about it

    I don’t know why everytime I have a crush and the crush likes me back, I want to hide under a blanket and never come back out.

    I have a couple iffy explanations:

    I’ve written a lot of love stories and many of them revolve around tragedy. Maybe the love in my stories is the only love I know.

    A guy I had a huge crush on for about four years ended up sexually assulting another girl.

    Do you have any thoughts about why I could be acting this way?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Freaking out! Hypochondria :(?

    I just need some calming words to settle my worries. I've had chronic constipation (IBS) for a large part of my life. And my mom and my dad suffer from similar symptoms. My sister, however, has it the worst. She is getting a lot better but just a few years ago she would be constantly nauseas and constipated. And I feel quite nauseous too. Very often. But I think that that has to do with anxiety too. But I'm worried. For maybe a year now, when I lay down and my stomach is relatively flat, I can feel a small bump maybe four inches below my belly button and a little to the left. But sometimes I can't even feel it. I'm really worried it's colon cancer. But I'm only 15 and cancer doesn't run in my family. Could it be colon polyps? I was hoping it was something less serious like a fibroid or an ovarian cyst, or simply a blocked up bowel. I'm so worried and I cry sometimes thinking about it. I'm not in pain, just really really worried.

    3 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • Morning sickness but I'm not pregnant?

    I'm 15. I'm not pregnant (thats impossible). But every morning (it's kind of lasted for a couple months or even years) I wake up nauseous. I'm guessing it's anxiety (I get really nervous) but it's summertime and for some reason it's been worse this week. it's weird cuz i would assume it's worse during the school year (cuz I get really nervous before school in the morning). What is this? Is it just anxiety? Or could it be from IBS (my entire family has IBS)? Even when I eat breakfast I still feel kind of woozy. It wears off about two or three hours after waking up.

    1 AnswerPregnancy4 years ago
  • Self-induced anxiety??

    Im actually freaking out. I have anxiety. I know I have anxiety. I have high blood pressure, i can never breathe, i get nervous for the smallest things, I have insomnia, I get nauseous, I have absurd fears. It's all there. Yet sometimes I find myself self-inducing the anxiety. For example, tonight, I'm trying to fall asleep and I can't. For some reason I'm really freaking nervous and I'm crying and I can't breathe. But then, five minutes ago, I felt a little better. Then, I thought about he anxiety again, and the bad breathing and the crying came back. It just never goes away. And it's worse when I think about it. But it's so hard not to think about it. Idk what to do. I can't sleep... ever. And I hate it. Advice? Pls be specific. Pls give actual wise words instead of simply "see a therapist" cuz that doesn't work!!!!

    1 AnswerMental Health4 years ago
  • Hyperventilating and I can't sleep?

    I have bad anxiety. It's really bad. And I can't breathe right now. I breathe but the air doesn't resch my lungs. And this happens almost every time I lie in bed. Cuz when I get in bed I have nothing to distract me so I think about bad things. And then I guess I panic? And breathing slowly or deeply just makes it worse. Idk what to do I just wanted some comforting words cuz I don't feel good. It always takes me at least 3 hours to fall asleep and it's agonizing.

    3 AnswersRespiratory Diseases4 years ago
  • Is this anxiety? I keep doubting myself?

    I'm getting really nervous that I don't have anxiety and I have something else. But I do admit i get nervous everyday and it lasts pretty much the entire day. It's 11:22 right now and I can't fall asleep. I've had this insomnia for a couple months now. I've had the worrying issue for a couple years. It takes me hours to fall asleep because I get distracted by my thoughts or I worry about nothing or I even start having a freaking random panic attack!! And it's very frustrating. I have shortness of breath every minute of a everyday and I have high blood pressure and I'm always shaking or fidgeting and Im always sweating. I walk into school and I feel like throwing up. The idea of talking to someone I don't know makes me queasy. If I start reading or watching something about anxiety I start getting nervous. When my parents fight or when someone yells or when anything surprising happens my heart starts beating quickly and I feel like crying. I dread the doctor's office and I have really bad hypochondria and I have a really bad fear of death. My doctor wants me to see a therapist but I believe that that isn't the best for me because the idea of just talking to that person makes me want to cry. But my biggest problem is that I'm overreacting and I don't have anxiety and I get so nervous that I'm giving myself the anxiety by thinking I have anxiety. Idk if that makes sense. So I was just wondering if it sounds like I have anxiety? Idk.

    3 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • I think there's something wrong with the way I perceive reality??

    Okay I am perfectly normal. There is nothing really wrong with me. I'm just a hypochondriac and I have bad anxiety and bad social skills. But I'm a normal girl and I get good grades and I'm nice to people. Anyway, I'm in 10th grade. Last year, I finally got over my crush (we will call him Robert), who I liked for four years (ever since I was in 6th grade). And at the beginning of 10th grade I realized how dumb I was. I realized how ugly, immature, rude, and unintelligent Robert is. So I have a hard time figuring out how I strongly admired a guy who I find so disgusting now. Was it just a phase or something? Anyway, I have a really bad theory that may or may not be correct but it really scares me. Basically, I love to write romances; and ever since I started crushing on Robert, when I wrote the romances, I always thought of him as the male lead. And I made the male lead so amazing and so much better than Robert actually is; but I still imagined Robert's physique. So, when I saw Robert in real life, I thought of him like he was the character in my book. And now I feel like I'm crazy because I'm realizing that maybe for those four years I wasn't in love with Robert but instead in love with the character based off of him in my book. And now I can't get over writing about the people I like. I just started liking this guy a couple months ago, and now I'm getting into the same habit of creating characters based off of him; and I'm getting very frustrated.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors4 years ago
  • Is there something wrong with me??? I'm kind of afraid of love?

    I'm in love with love!!! I awe at every little thing I see on television or I read in books!!! I'm also majorly obsessed with guys!!! They're adorable!! If I guy I meet is cute and has a good personality, I fall for him like that!! I have a ton of silly crushes!!! I'm 15. However, I have a big problem. As much as I crush on all these guys, the thought of actually being with them really freaks me out. My stomach starts churning; idk what's wrong with me!!! I'm totally afraid of intimacy/affection; I barely even hug my own parents!! I don't know what's wrong!! At school when I see that guys are looking at me or when guys talk to me I freak out!!! How can someone so in love with sweet guys be so afraid of them at the same time??

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago

    I have had terrible anxiety for the past couple of years. Anyway, I've been having weird sensations the past couple of days. For the past two months, my anxiety has been at its normal strength. However, 4 days ago, it completely went through the roof. I had very few short twitches in my legs which I now know were nothing to worry about. However, at the time, I was freaked out. I searched online for diseases (like the hypochondriac I am) and diagnosed myself with mad cow disease. I did not sleep at all that night because I was so worried about it. Anyway, the next day, I was over it and I realized that I probably don't have mad cow disease. However, I did scratch myself on a nail that was protruding out of my couch. I freaked out. Within 5 seconds of scratching myself, I was washing and rubbing it with alcohol and soap. Anyway, I was freaked out... again. I wanted my mom to call the doctor but she wouldn't because she didn't believe it was a big deal and the doctor's office was closed. I did not sleep that night, and I had a VERY hard time taking deep breaths when I was thinking of my breathing. I did eventually go to the doctor and she said I was completely fine, but now, I still have some shortness of breath and my upper back and chest hurt! I'm so worried (again) but I think the chest pain might be caused by the shortness of breath and me trying to take in deep breaths that is caused by the anxiety. Am I right or is there something terribly wrong with me?

    1 AnswerMental Health5 years ago

    I was looking on a shelter's website last night, and I stumbled across a miniature poodle that looked super sad! My mom and I have wanted a miniature poodle for a very long time, but we could never find any in shelters and they were very expensive in stores. Also, it is perfect for us because it is a female, it's only 11 pounds, and it's 6 years old! Anyway, I'm wondering if it is the right pet for me? I am 15 years old. I have an older sister but she's at college. My dad is usually out of the house but my mom is here most of the. I have a housekeeper that is around when nobody else is. My housekeeper, my mom, my dad and I are GREAT with pets, however I've had to give recently owned dogs and cats back to Petco because I was allergic! That's why a poodle is perfect for me! I probably won't be allergic to it! Anyway, I play the piano and I sing basically 24/7. I would be able to let it out in the backyard before I go to school, and let it out in the backyard at night. Also, right after I get back from school (at around 2:30/3), I always walk for 10 minutes and then run for 10 minutes. I'm thinking of taking the miniature poodle with me! Do you think I should get a poodle?? Do you think I'd be a good owner??

    5 AnswersDogs5 years ago
  • Did I just have a panic attack?

    I felt "on edge." I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I turned on the water in the shower and the fan to fill the room with noise so nobody could hear me and I started crying - for no significant reason. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I also felt heart palpitations - one after another. I kept spinning in circles - it was involuntary. I didn't realize I was spinning in circles until I made five or six turns. I've felt this way several times before - maybe 20 other times this past year. I don't know if I have been having panic attacks for the past year or if I've never had one before and I've just been having meltdowns. I have anxiety - bad anxiety, but I don't know if I'm getting panic attacks or not.

    3 AnswersMental Health5 years ago
  • My Love Theory?

    I have a theory that a man marries/finds interest in a woman who is a lot like his best friends or siblings; and a woman marries/finds interest in a man who is a lot like her best friends or siblings.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • I have a VERY funny story!?

    I am a hypochondriac. For as long as I can remember, I've been diagnosing myself with hundreds of random diseases. I've convinced myself I have a brain tumor, colon cancer, carpal tunnel syndrome, asperger syndrome, diabetes, hernia, appendicitis, and anxiety (which is probably the only right diagnosis). Anyway, I'm basically an expert on so many diseases now, just because I have educated myself on them by being a hypochondriac. The funny thing is that because of my hypochondria, I am thinking of becoming a doctor. I went to a medicine camp this summer and I realized I knew A LOT of things that they presented to us. Isn't that just ironic??

    2 AnswersMental Health5 years ago
  • Afraid I have tumors?

    I ve been doing A LOT of crunches every single night for the past two/three weeks. I am a girl and I have a lot of belly fat (but fat nowhere else). I just want to make my stomach stronger. I do not see abs, but at night when I lay down and I feel my stomach, I feel hard lumps under my stomach fat. I m very nervous. I have anxiety and I don t know if I m overreacting or something but I m worried I have tumor(s). The muscles in my stomach burn from the exercise I ve been doing, but I m really paranoid anyway. Do you think I have tumors or I m growing abs. Btw, the last time I went to the doctor was before I was doing the ab workouts; and my doctor felt my stomach and nothing was wrong. I only started to feel the lumps after I started the work outs.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness5 years ago

    I ve been doing A LOT of crunches every single night for the past two/three weeks. I am a girl and I have a lot of belly fat (but fat nowhere else). I just want to make my stomach stronger. I do not see abs, but at night when I lay down and I feel my stomach, I feel hard lumps under my stomach fat. I m very nervous. I have anxiety and I don t know if I m overreacting or something but I m worried I have tumor(s). The muscles in my stomach burn from the exercise I ve been doing, but I m really paranoid anyway. Do you think I have tumors or I m growing abs. Btw, the last time I went to the doctor was before I was doing the ab workouts; and my doctor felt my stomach and nothing was wrong. I only started to feel the lumps after I started the work outs.

    2 AnswersPolitics5 years ago

    This girl (lets call her Naomi) has been my friend for about 7 years. She is one of my 5 best friends. However, I don t think she is a true friend, even though I love her dearly. Anyway, my last birthday, I only invited her to go to dinner. And today is her birthday and she DID NOT INVITE ME, yet she invited two other girls!! One of those two other girls didn t even post something on instagram for her birthday, and I DID! I might be overreacting but it REALLY makes me mad. I wrote a huge long paragraph on instagram for her and I posted it at 12 AM, while one of the girls she invited posted it at 9 AM (probably right when she woke up). Also, there are NO pictures of me on her instagram. We ve taken at least 100 pictures together and she put at least 50 on her instagram, but she has deleted ALL of them over time. And she has about 15 pictures of the two girls she invited to her party. It makes me really mad. I do SO much for her. She is very bad at English and I helped her with an essay. On the essay I helped her with she got her first A. She promised she d bake a cake for me if she got an A on it but she still hasn t! She has done a lot of things to piss me off and I m very spectacle of our relationship. I really do like her and we have a lot of fun together; we both like music and laughing.

    2 AnswersFriends5 years ago

    I ate an ENTIRE white grapefruit. Not half - the entire thing. I'm so worried because only five minutes later I had tylenol. I only had half of a pill of 500 tylenol. I usually cut each pill in half because I can't swallow the entire pill. So by the time I had swallowed half of one, I realized that it may react badly with the grapefruit. I'm 14 years old and about 110 pounds. I'm super worried. I've been drinking several glasses of water. I just drank about three cups of water. Also before I ate the grapefruit and took the pills I had a bowl of soup and hash brown and chips. It's been about twenty minutes since I took half of the pill. Is this dangerous? Am I going to die?

    1 AnswerMedicine5 years ago