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Favorite Answers7%
  • Is there a photo sharing website where I can share a photo that the person can t click on and see where it came from?

    For instance, if I share a link to a photo from say, Photobucket, the recipient can right click the photo and hit "open in new tab" which will then open Photobucket and show them the entire image address, which includes my last name, which is what I m trying to avoid sharing. I d like to send someone a photo that is completely un-openable outside the email.

    3 AnswersPhotography5 years ago
  • Injured swallowtail butterfly?

    I had a swallowtail cocoon that I kept over the winter in a jar, and due to a family emergency (we were in the hospital for a few days), we weren't at home when she emerged from the cocoon. By the time I noticed her, she was flapping around in the jar, so I immediately took her outside. But I could tell at once that something was wrong, her wings were extended and not flapping or closing at all, as if they were stuck or as if she didn't have the strength to move them. I'm afraid that she got into some kind of position in the jar where she couldn't flex her wings properly, and now I fear her wings are ruined permanently. I watched her for a while outside, and her wings never improved, she fell on the ground and couldn't fly at all. I've brought her back into the house, but now I'm wondering if I should just try to care for her indoors until she dies naturally, or should I give her a chance outside?

    1 AnswerSwimming & Diving7 years ago
  • Ideas for props in "The Music Man"?

    I'm Mrs. Paroo (Marian's mother) and I need something to be doing with my hands during my scenes. I'm mainly sitting in a rocking chair or moving about the house/porch scene. I'd rather not have sewing in my hands because 1) I don't know how to sew (or fake it well lol) and 2) I don't want to risk dropping/losing needles on stage. Any other ideas of turn-of-the-century activities a middle aged woman might be doing? I thought about having a bowl and pretending to shell peas or something, but I'm not sure how I could pull that off to be believable. Help!

    1 AnswerTheater & Acting7 years ago
  • Does a physical therapy aide need to be certified?

    Not to be confused with a physical therapy assistant, which I know requires a 2 year degree. I've found programs that offer a "career diploma" for physical therapy aides that are about half the cost of programs offering "certification". What is the difference, and are physical therapy aides generally required or expected to be "certified"? My understanding was that there is no such requirement. Anyone here who works for a PT or knows what they're talking about, please respond! I'm not going to lay down $1800 for a certificate if I can just get the career diploma for $500!

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • Suggestions on how to gain hands on caregiving experience?

    I'm interested in a career in caregiving (home health, nursing home, assisted living facility). I've got my certifications in CPR, First Aid, and have completed a Personal Care Aid course. The trouble is, I can't find any potential employer willing to hire someone without experience.

    Any suggestions on ways I could gain "hands on" caregiving experience? I don't know how these companies expect me to get the experience, when none of them will hire me! I've thought about putting an ad on Craigslist offering my services, but it seems a little risky.


    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • Engine noise that stops when turning?

    I have an '02 Cavalier coupe that just recently started making a droning/humming noise about a week ago. It almost sounds like I have a motorcycle next to my car as I'm driving. The sound gets louder and quieter with acceleration/deceleration. It also is greatly lessened when I turn right, and louder if I'm going straight or turning left. My husband and his friend checked the tires, bearings, etc, and couldn't find anything. We took it to a shop today and they claim they couldn't hear any noise (idiots...). My right front passenger tire is much more worn than the other three - could that be causing the noise? Any other ideas?

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Candy Dish Safety Question?

    I work in a health clinic that sees both adults and children. I keep a candy dish on my desk and clients often help themselves, which is fine with me. However, I'm concerned with some people giving pieces of candy to young children. Is there a tactful way to label my candy dish so that the adults won't be giving candy to their toddlers (God forbid we have a choking incident, which is my fear)? Obviously I could just do away with the candy dish, but my regular clients love it and I enjoy sharing it with them. Thoughts? Suggestions? I did try putting a sign up that said "parents please use discretion with your children" but I still see some of them (perhaps out of sheer ignorance?) giving it to kids WAY too young to have hard candy, and it scares me at times.

    10 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Do I have to register as a non-profit if I am funding my own animal rescue?

    I'm planning to start a small animal rescue out of my home. I am NOT going to be asking for donations or funds from people, I plan to use my own money for everything. Am I still legally bound to register as a non-profit organization? From my understanding, the requirement to become a non-profit is only so you can solicit donations and funds from people for your organization and maintain a tax exempt status. But if you're funding your own activities and supplies, can't you just skip all that red tape??

    2 AnswersSmall Business9 years ago
  • Anyone else have "sticker books" and trade stickers as a kid?

    Just curious if anyone else ever kept a "sticker book" as a kid. Me, my brother, and all of our friends, used big photo albums (the old ones with sticky pages) to collect, organize, and trade our stickers. We would have regular get together's where we would all sit around with our giant photo albums, bargaining and bartering for each other's stickers. Puffy stickers, glitter stickers, and scratch n' sniff ones were always the most valuable. I've never heard of anyone else doing quite the same sort of thing, and I just wondered if anyone else has similar memories? This would've been back in the 80's. I know that there are still "sticker books" for kids, but those aren't the same thing, and I never hear of kids having sticker-trading gatherings like we did.

    If anyone else ever collected stickers in a big photo album and traded with friends, I'd love to hear from them!

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts9 years ago
  • If I don't give adequate notice before moving, can I lose my security deposit?

    My lease states that I have to give at least 60 days notice if I intend to move out. The problem is, I'm going to have to move in the near future, and won't be able to give anything near 60 days notice beforehand. Is this considered "breaking" my lease, and could I legally lose part or all of my security deposit based on this?

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • Is it considered "bad form" to look at houses with more than one realtor?

    I'm in the beginning stages of looking at houses (less than a week), and now the realtor I've been dealing with is going out of town. There are several houses I'm very eager to see, and don't particularly want to wait until he gets back. Would it be sneaky or rude of me to call another agent to show me the houses I want to see in the meantime? I'm new to the home-buying process and I'm not sure how the protocol goes. Thanks everyone!

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • Are there any lenders willing to lend to someone 3 years after a deed-in-lieu?

    I went through an unfortunate deed-in-lieu of foreclosure back in 2008. I knew it would damage my credit, and that I would have to wait several years before applying for a new mortgage. I've been re-building my credit since that time, with no more negative actions on it. However, I'm still getting denied every time I try to pre-qualify for a new mortgage. Different banks keep telling me different things about how long a person must wait after a deed-in-lieu, before they can even be considered for a mortgage. Does anyone know of a lender who will consider someone after 3 years? I don't want to keep applying for pre-qualifications and keep piling up inquiries on my credit report (which damage the score), only to constantly get denied. Thanks.

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • Any programs that allow someone to buy a home with no downpayment if it isn't their first home?

    I know that FHA loans require as little as 3.5% down, but that's still several thousand dollars, even for the cheapest homes. For someone who just can't get that much money together, BUT could easily afford a monthly mortage - are there any programs that allow someone to purchase a home with NO downpayment BESIDES the first-time homebuyer program? Or is there a certain amount of time after you've used that program, that you can use it again? I bought a house 3 years ago and used that program, and I'd like to buy another house, but can't afford thousands for a downpayment.

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • If you buy a car and it's already tagged, do you still have to register it yourself at DMV?

    I bought a used car from a dealership last summer, and it was tagged till April of this year. I just assumed the dealership would send the information to DMV and I wouldn't need to re-register the car until the tags expired. Now I'm realizing that I've never received a new registration card for this car, and I'm a little worried. What should I do?

    5 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • Rocker moulding falling off - cheaper to just take it off than to repair it?

    The rocker moulding on the front of my '02 Cavalier is falling off. Would it be easier to just have it removed than to try and repair it? I really don't feel like putting a bunch of money into a cosmetic feature, but I also don't want to ruin the look/value of the car. Advice?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • My car's trim is coming off - how much to repair it?

    I have an '02 Cavalier coupe, and the trim on the front (under the fender) is falling off. Any ideas on how expensive this would be to repair?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Should I get my hair thinned?

    I have VERY thick, stubborn, slightly wavy, shoulder-length hair. Would thinning it be a good option to make it more manageable and less "poofy"? Are there certain types of hair that should AVOID thinning?

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Hair tips for unruly thick hair, please!?

    I have very thick, stubborn hair. Currently the length is just above my shoulders (no layers). I'm constantly trying new styles and lengths because I have never found any style and length that I like for my hair. My hair has a natural wave, but it's a ridiculous, ugly wave. Left alone, my hair is shaped like a bell - lays very flat against my scalp until just above my eyes, then puffs out and falls down into random flips at the bottom (some flips curl under, some curl out). Growing it long is out of the question for me, I can't STAND the weight of it when its long, and I have to keep it in a ponytail to 'tame' it, which leaves me looking absolutely boring. If I continue to keep it short or medium, like it is now, I HAVE to find something to do with it, because it's driving me nuts and it's so ugly and unmanageable. I don't want to keep it pulled back with clips all the time, I want to find a style that's easy and pretty and attractive.

    My question is whether a body wave perm would be a good idea for me. I love waves and curls, and I think I look really good with them. Will my hair's thickness be an issue? Will a body wave be able to override my hair's natural "bell-shape" tendency? I haven't had a perm since high school (I'm 33), so I'm nervous about plunging ahead until I get some advice.

    Here's a picture I took of myself today. You can even see how one side of my hair is wavier than the other. My hair is so absolutely random and annoying!


    5 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • HELP! Need tips on controlling thick, stubborn hair?

    My hair is VERY thick and very stubborn. It normally grows straight out from the scalp, then has a single, wide wave around my ears (I call it the "bump", think of a bell-shape), then it flips at the ends; one side flips under, one side flips out (yes, I look like my hair is blowing in a perpetual wind).

    I can't stand my hair's antics. I love the color and the thick, healthy texture, but I HATE the way it waves and flips so randomly. No amount of brushing, even with product, can tame those flippy bumps and waves. Once it's longer than my shoulders, I usually resort to a ponytail, the only way to "tame the beast" on my head. But what fun is that?

    I'm wondering if having the ends thinned out will help with the stupid poofy-bump-flip that it does. Would that make the ends lay more straight and flat? I dream of hair the just lays against the sides of my head, and just falls straight down, no bumps, no waves, no flips. Is there any way to make this dream come true?? HELP!

    8 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Sunlight turns dark hair/fur into rainbow colors?

    I've noticed that my cat's black fur (or dark hair on people) actually shines with rainbow colors in sunlight if you look very closely. I'm just curious how this neat little phenomenon happens.

    1 AnswerOther - Science1 decade ago