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Should I go to the national uni games?
So the uni games is like the Olympic games but for unis and a bit more partying. I went to the Eastern uni games (regionals), and even though it was a new experience and it was fun, there were bad things that happened to me during the games and I'm hesitant to go to the nationals which is on the Gold Coast this year. While both are optional and hold once a year each, I felt like I was forced to go to the nationals. The only reason I feel like I should go is because of where its situated and that I actually play sport and the uniform - lame I know. I'm not really a party person and that was hard for me during the regional games. I have 3-4 of these to go (my uni course goes for 3 years) before I leave university. It costs $400 for those who went to regional ($500 for those who didn't) for the bond that includes playing strips etc, but we have to find our own way there - so flights is getting to the $300 mark, which I'm hesitant about the cost even though there is an option of fundraising.
Should I go or wait till next year?
Should I go or not?
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)8 years agoIs this a good friend?
I graduated high school last year. I been trying to catch up with friends that I made during school even though I'm at university. One of my good friends, she goes to a different university than me which is about 20-1hr away from my uni. We keep organising days to catch up. But for the past month or two, she keeps on cancelling it and I have to reorganising it. Some of her reasons are reasonable but she keeps on putting things off, such as assessments etc and she always wants to do it on the day we organise to spend time together, even if we organise it well in advance. Then she blames it on me that I keep cancelling and becoming disorganise with seeing each other. I ask what days she is free keeping in mind what I have to do so we can hang. She sometimes cancels seeing me because her university friends are more important and I can tell she knew I was seeing her on that day when she says yes to her university friends.
Is she a good friend or a terrible friend?
3 AnswersFriends8 years agoTextbook list for University of Western Sydney (College)?
I went to the orientation yesterday and while they said that our timetable will be released next Friday to Sunday, they never mentioned any textbooks that we need to get. Does the College, especially Diploma of Arts, have a textbook list or we don't need any textbooks?
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)8 years agoWhich university is best for teaching?
So I am doing the Diploma program at University of Western Sydney and I am hoping that they approve me going into my second year of B Arts/M Teaching (Secondary) but I want to know if UWS is the best university for teaching - University of Sydney, University of NSW or UWS? Is it hard to transfer if just say, I did next year at UWS and absolutely hated the university?
3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)8 years agoB. Visual Arts at University of Sydney interview?
So I am going to the interview tomorrow and I have few questions:
A) Is it really competitive?
B) What do they ask you in the interview since it goes for an hour?
C) What should I expect from the overall interview?
D) Is it necessary for me to bring my VAPD from this year (I did Visual Arts)? My school is really tough about VAPD/Body of Works because we can't "get them" until end of term 2 next year.
Thank you.
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)9 years agoCan ex-students add/message teachers through Facebook?
So I added two teachers, one accepted after graduation since he states that it's legal to accept him cause we aren't his students anymore.
Then I added another teacher, we had problems in the past about me developing feels for her and she was perfectly fine when I went up to her and comment the fact that her actions towards me on certain occasions were out of line (e.g discussing that she shouldn't talk about our situation to other students as well as touching me when I felt uncomfortable and telling me I'm an attention seeker). So recently, I comment the fact that our relationship needs to go somewhere and I told her I still had lingering feelings but I told her that if she wants me to be out of her life (no contacting etc) I can do that or if she wants me to be friends with her, I can do it, so respect her decision either way.
Today I signed out of school (out of the school system) and she was perfectly fine and then I got an email from the school councilor that we have to have a meeting between her and the teacher on 'rules between ex-students and teachers'. I just want to know, is there a legal issue or rules (in Australia) about how an ex-student should act towards a teacher? I am legal age of 18 and I didn't know there was such a thing.
I didn't use any words in the message that will cause any legal matters against me and I just said it completely to the point.
1 AnswerFacebook9 years agoBeing continuously bullied during a class?
So I do Drama, even though I love the subject, I feel as if I shouldn't be there. As part of the course, we are suppose to be in groups and in my group, I used to be so happy at the start when I got assigned. But ever since then I don't feel comfortable and it's partially (along with other things) me not turning up to school. My group always attacking me saying I am not good at anything and whatever I do, they have a problem. In the script or any new script, they keep on leaving out when I come in and when I miss that or come too early, they get really annoyed. The first time I got the script and I missed where I entered (it never was written let alone ever written in the new scripts) and they started yelling and getting grumpy and it's all my fault. I am the scape goat and I am the only person who they get moody at.
Then one rehearsal during the last holidays, I had an English study day and I told them I will arrive late. Then the cyber bullying started, and it's all my fault that before that, no one else is writing scripts and that we keep on mucking around, and I should abandon everything else for the group because I am letting the team down and when I turned up, all we did was nothing and we rehearsed about 4-5 times, performed a scene then went home. All they did was did an outline of the setting and first scene. That's what they did for 3 hours while I was away.
I need help, I feel as if I tell the drama teachers about it, show them the conversation on Facebook about cyber bullying and what they do to me when not in front of them, I feel as if they will still continue to attack me and will ***** to me and behind my back about it.
1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education9 years agoBeen driven to madness and thinking of moving out of home?
So I am a HSC student and it's coming up to Trial HSC exams and I can't study at home and the local library is hardly open. I live with mum and her friend and his daughter. His daughter was abused by her birth mother and step father and only in the past 3 or so years have started to live with the father. Both of whom drive me up the wall. They slam doors, talk loudly till 11pm or midnight yell constantly and much more, the father sings quite loudly all day and all night so I can't have once piece of moment that I can clearly think without noise. If I tell them to be quiet, they do it for 5mins then become loud again, and my mother doesn't stop it. I can't study and I been constantly treated like **** by the daughter who is 13 and hasn't attended school since April and I am trapped in a small room 24hrs a day.
Should I just leave and move into a hotel until everything is sorted out at home?
3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years agoBeing left behind in class?
So I take Japanese through correspondence and my marks haven't gotten any better in two years I have been taking this course (33%, 38% and then 35% in three assessment tasks in two years) and my old teacher has me once a fortnight and I have my correspondence teacher once a week for phone lessons.
But both of them said I won't get higher than a band 3 (60-69%) and they stopped teaching me and given up hope. When I try and show them work they ignore it or they are "too busy for me". I get left behind and I don't understand why I am getting things wrong even though both teachers know my weaknesses and ignore to help me. I don't know what to do, and I thought getting my old teacher once a fortnight would help but because I liked her romantically she treats me differently and when she is in a bad mood, she always says I am wasting her time for me to help her.
Tutoring is expensive and I have to travel 1.5hrs one way to the nearest Japanese tutor. Help?
P.S Doing Japanese Continuers for the HSC.
1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education9 years agoWhat do I choose - last Athletics Carnival or last correspondence class?
So tomorrow, I have a major clash. Tomorrow I have my last ever athletics carnival (I am in year 12) and my last Face-to-Face lesson for Japanese (I do Japanese through correspondence and a Face-to-Face lesson is a lesson that goes for the whole day and I see my teacher then). I don't know which one to choose because both are important to me. If I miss the Face-to-Face lesson I will miss out things that would be importance of me for my Trial HSC exams coming up and my friends that I hardly see, will be there and it might be the last time I will see them.
But if I miss the Athletics carnival, I do not have it ever again apart from the half day Athletics that will be next term and I miss about 7-9 events tomorrow.
So any tips? I can ask my teacher if I can pop in on Friday for a Face-to-Face lesson by myself but I have no friends with me.
1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education9 years agoIn last year of school and being bullied?
So this year, I been bullied. People keep on sticky taping my bag or clipping my key rings in order for me not to unzip my bag, then whenever in class or doing group work, people keep on seeing the negative points about me, especially about me being nervous around people and me not being talkative. My friends seem to use me, one moment they hang out with me if their best friend is fighting with them, next they ditch me.
I am afraid to go to class, especially some teachers of mine treat me differently and treat me like I am seven years old, and dumbing everything down for me and have to start from basics again and have to 'sit next to me in order for me to complete my work'. The only teachers who don't do that is my Drama, English & Religion teacher. My art teacher for practical told me that I can get over the fact my mum is unemployed and is unemployable because both of her legs are screwed and she is now 55.
I don't know what to do. Help?
2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years agoTerrible fight between myself and the person that knows that I like them?
So I am in love with my teacher. I'm 18 and she's turning 28. We are fine about the whole situation but on Tuesday during our once a fortnight lesson to help me through the work, I was answering a question, then accidentally said, "I'm overwhelmed." Firstly, it's just academic work itself as well as her sitting next to me, being sick and sniffling on me. Then she got angry and asking why I said it, I told her not to worry, but then she kept persisting. Last week she said that I could tell her anything because she noticed that I am not myself (I've got depression), then she got angry and distant, but she told me that I could go to her for work related questions anytime.
Then yesterday, I handed her a piece of work that I wanted her to mark for revision. She got angry telling me that she had a lot on her plate, I replied to her that I know, I'm experiencing that too. She ignored me and told me that since I'm doing the subject through correspondence, I should send my revision to my correspondence teacher because "she is paid do her job". But my correspondence teacher doesn't help and gives me limited feedback. The teacher told me that it's the last work she's marking.
This is always happening, she gets angry and takes it out on me, but when she's in a good mood, she treats me like a princess. Help?
P.S We are both female.
1 AnswerFriends9 years agoHow do I get into Tokyo University?
I was wondering, how do you get into Tokyo University? Do I have to sit their University entrance exams or do they accept my HSC/ATAR score? How do I take the proficiency test? Also, I couldn't find the application to get into Tokyo University or do I ask a career councilor at my school about it? Is it expensive to pay the fees there and live in Tokyo?
1 AnswerStudying Abroad9 years ago