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Don't be wishy-washy. See the Forest for the Trees!! Know that many of us are older and wiser and can actually help you......but the key is you must help yourself. All people starting out in relationships need to practice good birth control. Just know your gonna get pregnant if you don't.> So plan it. Don't just lay down and hope for the best!!! The Package Deal: This is when you marry a person you get their parents, their ex, their kids from that ex all of it. So know when you get him/or her you get all of them's the Package Deal you make in life. Dating use the Clint Eastwood Approach: When you date> the Good, the Bad & Ugly in the person. Good is easy it's the BAD & UGLY side pay close attention to> leave when you see those red flags not stay and try to change him. The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.

  • Why was the SUV tires slashed?

    Why was the SUV in the news recently even picked on having the tires slashed? Why was the motorcycles slashing the tires? This of course caused the driver to run over the guy. But WHY was the car targeted?

    4 AnswersOther - News & Events8 years ago
  • Is there an actor in the movies that never received an oscar?

    that you just love? It was in injustice Kirk Douglas never won an Oscar. I just love his movies and now he's 96 and never won one. Is there a movie star you know who has not won an Oscar who you think deserves it? thanks

    6 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Did you like the new tv show for food items/cooking Supermarket Superstar?

    First show aired last night. Stacy Keibler was boring as host. I did like of the three items the peach cobbler item. What did you think of it?

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink8 years ago
  • What did you think of the new show Supermarket Superstar?

    Stacy Keibler was so boring #1. Not lively enough to be a host. She's beautiful, leggy but boring.

    I liked the peach cobber cake idea best in the group of 3. What did you guys like?

    2 AnswersReality Television8 years ago
  • So why did Walmart drop Paula Deen?

    What did she do to the Chinese?

    6 AnswersOther - News & Events8 years ago
  • Do you honestly believe Jesse Jackson will help Paula....?

    Deen with her plight in this ridiculous situation she has now?? What does Jessie do in between crisis?

    (Jesse Paula's on the phone.....she needs you)

    5 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • A new sugar conspiracy unfolding.....?

    I was in Kroger yesterday and a huge wall of Little Debbie cakes was right there as you walked in.....pushing themselves on the public. Now I see on yahoo SUGAR is causing wrinkles....I get the feeling Little Debbie is behind this.....they know Hostess Twinkies are about to be re-released to us..........doesn't this smell of a snack cake sugar conspiracy to keep us from getting our Twinkies? Your thoughts......

    2 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • I love movies! Let's say your on a desert island.....?

    It's a 3 hour have only 5 movies you love and your alone. What are those 5 movies you can watch for now on??

    Mine are as follows and the first one is a double feature:

    1. Godfather 1 & 2.

    2. Casino

    3. Capt. Courageous

    4. Duel in the Sun

    5. Forrest Gump

    I love so many more but right now this is what comes to mind. Tell me what you LOVE. The movies you really appreciate!!! Have a great weekend!!

    5 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Anyone watch the HBO Liberace movie?

    What did you think of it? How do you think Michael Douglas did as Liberace?

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • What did you think of Jodi Araris's slideshow and appeal?

    What a great life she had. Why didn't she appreciate it? Why didn't she just apply her talent and smarts in a good way and not act like such a scheming lying person who murdered? Why not see the forest for the trees? She had everything.

    2 AnswersOther - News & Events8 years ago
  • Don't you love Sunday's on here?

    The questions are so much better and intellectual. Don't you agree? It's like people who have problems wait for Sunday to come along and ask us........

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Suicide Watch for Jodi Arias?

    Pleeeze.....she loves herself too much to kill herself. She is all about drama!!

    Do you believe she deserves death or life in prison? Aggrieved phase is coming up in the next hour. Do you believe this will sway those opposed to the death penalty? Is it necessary?

    8 AnswersOther - News & Events8 years ago
  • Who is YOUR choice for the winner in Idol?

    Is it Kree?

    Or Candice?

    Or Angie?

    Tell us who you think should be first, second and third.

    Me I like Candice most due to her distinctive voice. Kree is second and Angie is 3rd. Tell me yours.

    3 AnswersReality Television8 years ago
  • Boiling Shrimp...tell me how you do it.?

    Everyone says leave the shell on the shrimp to boil it. But how does the good seafood boil seasoning get ON the shrimp if it's covered in the shell?? Also to get rid of that nasty digestive track vein you have to peel them to clean that. Now there's no shell so what is best in your opinion? thanks

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Which do you like best Leno or Letterman?

    I know Leno is leaving soon but I do like his comedy better. Which do you guys like best and why? Will you watch Leno if he goes elsewhere to another channel? Thanks and have a great day!

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What question would you ask LaViolette on the stand if you were on the jury?

    The jury is about to ask questions for the Domestic Violence Professional LaViolette. What would you ask her?

    Do you believe Jodi put that license plate upside down on her car? Do you think Jodi was a stalker? Do you believe she killed Travis?

    1 AnswerOther - News & Events8 years ago
  • WHY when I watch daily on Judge Judy is the woman messed over?

    I tape and watch it. I see daily women getting shafted over from the guy. She stupidly gives money out. She covers him with a car, home, whatever putting herself on line with money. Letting him "borrow" as a "gift" but really it's handing him over money....hoping and wanting him to stay!

    Women need to stop this behavior. Women need to become independent. Use some common sense. Why is that so hard?>>>? Honestly.

    Give me some reasons not bs reasons but REAL reasons women can not become the victim? Almost everyday women on the show gals are such victims. Judy rolls her eyes...I do too.

    2 AnswersOther - News & Events8 years ago
  • Dr. Dick? He's next on the witness stand...?

    Don't you get the feeling Casey Anthony is taking notes on this trial?

    Gas cans.....Casey had an issue with gas cans remember?

    Casey is thinking PTSD..why didn't my lawyers come up with that?

    I do believe Casey had a much better Oscar performance over Jodi. Jodi can't cry.

    Who would play Jodi in the upcoming movie about to be released.....?

    2 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Taxpayers have now paid out $838k for Arias Trial...?

    It's going to go another 2 weeks at least. This waste of money is really not justified. Do you believe we should have a qucker way for trials and how do you suggest we do that?

    We already know she's guilty because she admitted to killing him. How can we as a society move along this sort of trial because we get these kind of trials alot lately and they cost millions of dollars in tax money. What do you suggest?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Do you think Dr. Samuels is a dead duck on the stand?

    I am very impressed with this prosecutor in the Jodi Arias Case. Do you think he has tore up this defense expert witness? This doctor must of spent 2 hrs telling us how great and smart of a person he is. I got sick of hearing all his training thinking lord he must be 110 yrs old to have all this background. Now this prosecutor is showing us all how sloppy his work and papers were on this case. Do you think the defense has done a good job so far? Do you think Arias killed her boyfriend?

    2 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago