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  • What would you do if?

    1. You were working at construction sight and left your hand gun in the truck because it will get in the way while working and your on break about to go grab your lunch box out of your truck and its still a good 10 feet away and you see a homless person with rabies walking towards the property with a broken glass bottle and is 6 feet from your truck walking your way.

    Do you:

    A. Pick up a 2x4 with nails sticking out

    B. Pull out your hammer

    C. Throw nails at him

    D. Make a dash for the gun in your truck

    2. You are at the office on the 3rd floor and carrying a firearm is a capital offense no matter what in the town that work at but you decide to carry your handgun anyways then an crazed ex employee who just got fired the other day comes back and starts burning people alive with a make shift flame thrower and the door is on the other side of the office behind him.

    Do you:

    A. Put one in his brain and be a fugitive or serve life in prison

    B. Take a chance and jump out the window

    C. Burn to death with the rest

    3. You went to sleep after a long night at the bar then you wake in a room with one arm cuffed to a bolted down table and a dead hooker that overdosed on drugs and you hear some walking towards the door and turns the knob.

    Do you:

    A. Try to take a .25acp thats being pushed out the dead hookers chonies

    B. Pick up the shard of glass underneath the table

    C. Hope for the best and play dead

    4. You just got your gun back from the gunsmith and a syberian tigers escapes from a poachers cage and looks at you like its getting ready to attack but you can the sheriff down the street on the other side of the block two cars behind sitting on a red light and is a big animal activist who considers the life of a mouse more important than human.

    Do you:

    A. Blow the tigers guts or brains out

    B. Wait for sheriff and hope he gets there in time to save you.

    C. Run like hell

    4 AnswersHunting9 years ago
  • S&W M&P Shield vs Beretta Nano?

    Which would you prefer and why?

    3 AnswersHunting9 years ago
  • What would you use for self defense?

    If given a choice of 3 items from a:

    Grizzly Bear - Your in Alaska and your friends wanted to re-enact a deadliest warrior with samurais vs the morden day spartan and you though it would be cool to show off your new .22 AR-15 then a Grizzly comes out of no where to attack

    1. Samurai sword

    2. .22 AR-15 with a drum magazine

    3. Carbon steel 10ft spear

    Small Pack of Wolves - you wanted to practice throwing your ninja stars so you go into the mountains behind by your cabin and brought bear mace because of reports of bear sighting but instead you run into a small pack of wolves

    1. 4ft sharpened stick

    2. Bear Mace

    3. Ninja stars

    Mountain Lion - you were showing off your brass knuckles to your friends while shooting small game in your back yard then an angry mountain lion hops into your back yard

    1. Brass knuckles

    2. .117 air rifle

    3. Axe

    Bobcat- You and your friends are collecting rocks by the trails after trolling people with an air horn and testing out your new bow then a wild bobcat comes along and wants you to be dinner

    1. A bag of rocks

    2. Air horn

    3. Bow and Arrow

    Crazy drug addict with a shank - you always carry a knife and baton on you when in LA and you were just putting your AK-47 in the trunk of your car and when you turn your head to look behind you, you see a crazed junkie running towards you

    1. An AK-47 with no bullets

    2. Expandable police baton

    3. KA-BAR fighting Knife

    3 gangbangers with Glock 23s and a fully auto Mac 10 while wearing level kevlar vest- you just got back to Long Beach from your hunting trip out of state and forgot your bipod for your xvr at your friends house and then right before you can park your SUV you see a couple gangbangers execute somebody and now they are after you

    1. 30-30 model 94

    2. .460 xvr without a bipod

    3. Ruger 10/22

    What would you do?

    10 AnswersHunting9 years ago
  • Shoulder Holsters vs Paddle Hoslters?

    Which do you prefer?

    4 AnswersHunting9 years ago
  • Would you ever go to sleep next to a bear?

    And take pictures with it up close while its still alive?

    11 AnswersHunting9 years ago
  • Why did obama vote to take away and infringe on our 2nd and 14th amendment rights?

    He voted and supported gun bans, ammo bans, being prosecuted for shooting someone in self defense in your own home, take away your rights to carry and more.

    Here's the link to prove it:

    8 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Why did obama try to pass a handgun ban?

    Does he hate America and the United States Constitution?

    10 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why did obama vote for a rifle and shotgun ban?

    Is it because he believes in communism?

    6 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Why didn't obama lable the forthood shooting?

    As a terrorist act when it clearly was? The shooter already admitted to being a jihadist who trained in the middle east. Does obama despise our troops? Is obama a coward for denying a terrorist attack even took place and doesn't want accept the facts? I think so his record clearly shows it.

    12 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why did obama cover up Fast and Furious?

    Does he not want the Terry family to get closure or justice? Was he the one calling the shots in the program? Do he hate America and despise American life? I think so, his record shows it.

    5 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Why did obama leave our ambassador out to die?

    Then cover it up by denying a terrorist attack even took place, is he a coward or does he just hate America?

    8 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Why did obama eat the white house dog?

    Does he hate animals or what.

    12 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why democrats embrace communism?

    Dems you can't tell you don't because you clearly believe and spread propaganda like Kim Jung Il and like to take away/infringe on our civil right with Stalin's Iron Fist and want everybody to be poor and give all the power to one person like Fidel Castro and blindly follow your leader and try to suppress anyone who opposes you like Hitler. You people should be ashamed.

    9 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Is it legal to hunt Polar Bear?

    In Russia?

    4 AnswersHunting9 years ago
  • Do you put bayonets on your rifles?

    I have one that I recieved as a gift after I bought my first M4 but I almost never use it.

    9 AnswersHunting9 years ago
  • Why are expandable batons illegal?

    What retard thought of that law? And doesn't that break our 14th amendment under equal protection sense its the best non lethal weapon that can be used for self defense? I know you can use the 14th amendment in order to obtain a conceal weapons permit for a handgun and can sue and win if denied so can this apply to expandable batons since the only people who get punished for carry one are regular citizens who are more likely to be jumped and robbed compared to a police officer or security guard.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Mac 10 vs Uzi vs Tech 9?

    If given a chance to own a fully auto which one would you choose and why?

    9 AnswersHunting9 years ago