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  • When people fact check Romney's plans will they be stunned?

    Or will his followers continue to vote for him even though if life were literal his pants would be on fire from lying so much? He "struggled" in college, Obama "stole 716B from medicare" (all cost savings), my tax cut will be revenue neutral, etc, etc.

    8 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Is Romney now going to hell for blatantly lying?

    by saying that "Obama made the economy worse"......conveniently forgetting that Obama inherited an economy that was falling off a cliff at the rate of 800,000 jobs a MONTH. And that said recession actually ended on Obama's watch after the stimulus in JUN 08. That we have furthermore had nearly 30 months of consecutive positive job growth (even though it has been small it has NOT been negative). So not only did he lie through his teeth, he also tried to blame Obama for an economy that every other person agrees wholeheartedly was caused by Bush.

    10 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • What do you think Romney is hiding in his taxes?

    con bashing aside there has to be a smoking gun or he would do what every other president has done and release his records. Try and be smart cons and not throw out the typical off subject remarks like "what about obama's school records". It has nothing to do with tax records and confuses the sheep on the right.

    20 AnswersPolitics9 years ago

    is he trailing Obama by 16 points in Massachusetts? I mean this is where he supposedly did such a great job as governor?? This more than anything should tell you what to expect should he miracle his way into the whitehouse.

    To those that say Obama has done nothing for the economy answer this: if he hasn't done anything why did the worst recession on US history start on bush's watch and end in the first year of Obama's presidency followed with continous growth every single month since?

    11 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • What will be the conservative excuse when Obama wins re-election is a landslide?

    Just a couple come to mind:

    It was the "liberal media" .........the right disagree's with the truth.

    voter registration fraud...............the same person voted 20 times for Obama...yea, okay

    How about the truth on why its going to happen. Republican economic ideas just don't work! Why would anybody want more of the same George Bush....because that is exactly what Romneybot is!

    19 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • If I move to a right to work state can I stop paying taxes but still expect the state to support me?

    This is what they expect of unions. Representation without paying a dime.

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Are conservatives actually under the impression that Obama inherited a healthy economy?

    I ask because contards seem to have an extremely limited memory. Bush got us into literally the worst recession that this country has ever experienced. Now after 3 years they expect that everything would be back to pre-recession levels? Three years after Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK was it no longer Lee Harvey Oswald's fault? I find it curious that come election time it all of a sudden isn't okay to blame someone when it is truly their fault?? Now, with even a tiny chance of a republican getting elected I'm terrified because the sheeple have somehow become convinced that returning to the very same republican economics that got us into this mess is somehow going to make it better?? Are we really this stupid?

    32 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • What happened to all the conservatives that said the Walker Recall election would not take place?

    When the recall effort was taking place nearly every conservative on here said that most of the signatures would be invalidated and the recall election would not take place? Over 900,000 signatures were checked and double checked and found to be accurate!!! Crow tastes very good indeed!

    4 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Do you think it is good for the ecomony for one person to make 22 million in 2 years and pay 12.9% in taxes?

    I would say it is not only bad but devastating. The middle class and below spends at least 90% of every dollar they make. The bottom 50% controls roughly 3.1 trillion dollars, the same as the top 400 americans....except that the bottom spends every dime they make and the 400 horde theirs. So conservatives how is it good for the economy to continue to allow money to flow freely to the upper percentile who doesn't spend it and as a percentage of income pays less in taxes than a carpenter?

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Will Susan B Komen fund raising pass the $1,000 mark this year?

    Now that the senior vice president has resigned and all but admitted that SBK's decision to defund planned parenthood was politically motivated...... will anyone be dumb enough to give ANY money to this decidedly NOT non-profit organization? And more importantly has the huge unanticipated backlash suffered by SBK a sign that America is far from ready for right extremism?

    3 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Will Americans that vote Republican know what hit them?

    Suppose an American citizen that makes 50k a year votes republican and a republican wins the whitehouse. This will inevitably lead to a cut in government spending by trillions of dollars and take that corresponding amount out of the economy thereby causing a severe depression. Since unemployment will now be around 25% and there will be an overabundance of out of work skilled workers wages will drop dramatically. However, the owners of companies will now be paying a corporate tax rate of 15% and a top personal tax rate of 15%. They will have wheelbarrows of money but will NOT invest in their own companies because there is NO demand for product....(sound familiar?). And the workers that are employed will be lucky to be able to buy anything but necessities because they don't have any disposable income (sound familiar). Which of course leads to a downward spiral of yet smaller average wages (but not for the upper class) and higher unemployment.

    So will that citizen that voted republican wonder what the #uck hit them a couple of years after they voted? Now that they are either laid-off or working for $45/day with NO benefits because of republican economic policies?

    4 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • How does it feel to be a republican today?

    Wisconsin came up with over 1,000,000 (thats 6 zero's) signatures so it sure looks like a recall is inevitable. The republicans (you remember they are the ones supposedly for SMALL government) are crawling back in their holes over SOPA. And to top it off Romney admits he pays about 15% in taxes....meaning as a percent of income almost 90% of the population pays more in taxes than he does!!!

    The people of the US are finally getting smart to your hypocritical ramblings. Preaching small government, yet wanting them to restrict everything in our lives is coming back to bite you guys in the ***! When are you going to learn that republicans are only about the transfer of wealth to the elite while keeping the middle and lower class down. This supposed "class warfare" started with Reagan 30 years ago. The right only resurrected it to try and rile up their sheep....but it ain't working!!! With all this going on Obama will win in a landslide, keep up the good work for us neocons!

    Obama 2012!!!

    15 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • When will Pat Robertson announce who the next president will be?

    He says god told him who the next president is going to be, but for some reason he is keeping the info to himself. Is he afraid it will influence the election? If so it would be a paradox since god already KNOWS the future. More importantly do any of you believe this wack job?

    4 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Have the Bush tax cuts worked?

    I'm asking this as a serious question. My position is that they have done nothing at all for the economy and if anything have harmed it. Don't give me that bs that they brought in more revenues than they cost because there isn't a single recognized economist (or sane person) that actually believes that.

    And if you are a conservative and don't think they work, why on earth are we continuing them?

    15 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • If Romney becomes president is it certain these 3 things will happen?

    1.) Those making more than 250k/ year will have much more money after 4 years.

    2.) Those making less than 75k/ year will have much less money after 4 years.

    3.) Unemployment will be much higher and the average worker wage will be less than when he started as President?

    The first two basically go hand in hand. If you decrease the upper tax bracket (AGAIN) they will only hold onto the money because the reduced tax bracket coupled with huge public sector layoffs will only decrease demand. Take a look at Wisconsin if you don't believe this. The resultant HIGHER unemployment will ensure that those hiring will have a huge pool to choose from which will drive DOWN labor costs. This of course will result in even lower demand since the middle class expendable income will decrease further. This creates a downward spiral which ultimately ends with a weak dollar for rich and poor alike.

    Teapublicans...which part of this don't you understand? And what possibly could be your counter argument? That the rich will take this tax break and hire more workers with NO demand for product?

    9 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Is it just a coincidence that ALL 15 of the poorest counties in America are in Red States?

    When will everyone learn that conservative economic policies do not work. Or at least don't work for 99% of the population. And eventually they don't work for anyone! Some of the poorest states in the nation continually vote

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Are conservatives nervous that if Obama gets his way and cuts defense spending?

    We may be left with only 7,500 nuclear weapons in which to defend ourselves?

    I mean this is some of the drivel I'm hearing on YA. The righties wanna cut spending on its own citizens but not the which we spend more than all other countries combined!!!!!!

    So what is it neocon's? Fiscal responsibility or not?

    12 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • If the right is against "Obamacare" what is the better alternative?

    I mean seriously, only in America is access to medical care for everyone labeled as "social engineering" that will 'endanger" America (Michele Bachmann). Every other industrialized nation has social medicine? What is the great evil in it? Even CBO studies have said it will REDUCE the debt and bring DOWN the cost of medical care.

    13 AnswersPolitics9 years ago