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  • Should we apologise to our daughter?

    Two weeks ago my daughter got married During the months leading up to the wedding, her father and I didn't really offer her any help or support. Once in a while we would casually say ' if you need something just ask' knowing that my daughter wouldn't ask. Some times she would say she wasn't sure if they could afford something, which I would reply ' can you get overtime at your job?' About a month before the wedding, I asked her how she was going to get to the church. She replied that she and her fiance we're driving themselves due to not being able to afford a car or limo. We asked her, what would you want on your special day. My daughter thought and said a limo is nice She smiled and said it was always a dream if hers for her wedding day. I smiled and patted her knee. However neither me nor my husband said we would get her a limo we just asked what her dream was. On the day of the wedding, she showed up to the church, in her car apparently confused. My husband and I were also late getting to the church because he wanted to check on our elderly neighbor. When we got there my daughter said she drove herself, that the limo never came. I asked her what limo. She looked so sad and disappoint, then said we missed out on being in some pictures. The rest of the day was wonderful, but after two weeks I haven't heard from her. Some friends say she was hurt that we missed the pictures and didn't get her at least a town car. Should I call and apologize? Or should she just get over it?

    9 AnswersFamily3 years ago
  • How do I help my girlfriend?

    My girlfriend and I ( lesbians) have been together for 10 years, living together for 6. Recently, my gf has stated that she is trans. I want to be as supportive and loving as possible, but now she wants me to start changing for her. She wants me to start using different body wash ( that smells girlie) and dress way more feminine. She's also started picking fights with me over everything, to the point that no matter what I do, she trys to find fault with it . I'm stressed and exhausted from trying to be perfect for her and coming up short. She has yet to go to any counciling, yet cries and complains about her situation on a daily basis. If I encourage her to look into starting the process, she becomes angry and cries. How can I help her? What do I do? She wants me to become her ' straight wife'.

    6 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • Should we stay together? How can I better myself?

    My girlfriend and I ( lesbians) have been together for 10 years, living together for 6. Recently, my gf has stated that she is trans. I want to be as supportive and loving as possible, but now she wants me to start changing for her. She wants me to start using different body wash ( that smells girlie) and dress way more feminine. She's also started picking fights with me over everything, to the point that no matter what I do, she trys to find fault with it . I'm stressed and exhausted from trying to be perfect for her and coming up short. She has yet to go to any counciling, yet cries and complains about her situation on a daily basis. If I encourage her to look into starting the process, she becomes angry and cries. How can I help her? What do I do? She wants me to become her ' straight wife's.

  • Can a girl be zafting with these measurements?

    It's for my friend, not me. She's 34, 5'6 and weighs about 125. Her boyfriend said ( and I have to agree) she looks zafting. She says its impossible with her height and weight. I say anyone can look like that regardless.

    1 AnswerFriends5 years ago
  • Would you consider Amy Schumer husky/ stocky build?

    Amy Schumer husky/ stocky build?

    3 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • How can a girl get a husky build?

    I've always admired girls with a larger, more husky/stocky builds. I want to know the best way to get a build like that. I'm 5'6, 125.

    1 AnswerFamily6 years ago
  • Do other parents have this same battle with their kids?

    I always feel like I'm yelling at my daughter to suck in her belly. Just this morning I told her how sick I am of having to reminder her. Any other parent going through this? How can I get her to remember?

    11 AnswersAdolescent6 years ago
  • How can I get my parents to forgive me?

    Okay, I work in the social service field ( in a group home, D.D. population) and I live on my own. Yesterday I was with a client in the hospital, and was there until 1am. Phone was off due to poor reception, hospital rules, etc... Meanwhile, my parents managed to lock themselves out of their house. They called me at least fourty times. After I left the hospital, I was so exhausted ( I had done a 14 hour shift) that I just went to my place and went to bed. This morning I relized I left my phone off. When I heard the messages I called my father back. He began screami and cursing at me, blaming me for them sleeping outside in the freezing cold and that he just called a lock smith, and I owe them the money. He said he is beyond furious with me. I appologised and explained that I was at work. I was told that was no excuse and he doesn't want to talk to me for a while. I'm mailing them a check for 250 ( can't afford it, but its all my fault). How can I make him see how sorry I am? What else can I do?

    8 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • Can Binaural Beat help you time travel?

    I read on an app I downloaded ( Android phone) that stated you can travel the universe, go back in time, etc.. Is this true? If so, wouldn't " going back" alter something? I do feel different after listening to the beats.

    7 AnswersParanormal Phenomena7 years ago
  • What actresses do you think have husky body builds?

    In your opinions, what actresses have larger, more husky body builds?

    3 AnswersTheater & Acting7 years ago
  • Why does my friend think this?

    I said that actress Pauley Perrette has a larger build and is a big, strong looking girl. My friend said no, that she is tall and thin. As you can see my friend is very wrong and does not have a high intelligence level.

    3 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Why did this very old woman do this?

    Why did this old woman do this?

    Today this old woman said hello to me then went to the bathroom and brought lunch. Why did she do this? Why not buy lunch first then go to the bathroom? And why did she say hello to me before she did all of this? She also brought a chicken salad sandwich. Why not the tuna sandwich?

    2 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • Why did she say this?

    This very old woman ( 55) came back to work after being out sick. I told her she must be careful as she is very old and does not have many years left to live. She said she is not close to death.

    9 AnswersParenting7 years ago
  • Why did this very old woman do this?

    Today this old woman said hello to me then went to the bathroom and brought lunch. Why did she do this? Why not buy lunch first then go to the bathroom? And why did she say hello to me before she did all of this? She also brought a chicken salad sandwich. Why not the tuna sandwich?

    5 AnswersParenting7 years ago
  • Why did this old woman do this?

    Today this old woman said hello to me then went to the bathroom and brought lunch. Why did she do this? Why not buy lunch first then go to the bathroom? And why did she say hello to me before she did all of this? She also brought a chicken salad sandwich. Why not the tuna sandwich?

    2 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • How should I punish my daughter?

    For the last three weeks I've been forcing my 12 year old daughter to go yo Weight Watcher meetings with me. Last night at the meeting, she refused to be weighed. As if that wasn't bad enough, during the meeting she refused to participate. At one point she broke down and said she hates me! I think these meetings are good and will continue to make her go. How can I punish her for what she did?

    11 AnswersParenting7 years ago