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  • Can you get pregnant if you have sex the day before you ovulate, even if he doesn't ejaculate inside you?

    Last night my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex, but he didn't *** inside me. Today's the day of my ovulation... Is it possible that I can still get pregnant?

    Also, the first time we had sex was on the 23rd of last month, and my period is 12 days late. He didn't *** inside me that time either, so I'm not certain of my chances of being pregnant. I've taken 4 home pregnancy tests and they all were negative.

    5 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • I feel dirty and disgusted when my boyfriend touches me?

    My boyfriend and I have been going out for just over two weeks now, so it's not serious quite yet. We're just getting to know each other.

    Yesterday we were making out and he started rubbing between my thighs, and I felt disgusted with myself, so I pulled away. It happened again. I pulled away on both accounts, but I feel like I need to apologise...? And also sometimes when he touches my thigh I WANT him to touch between my legs, but when he does I'm disgusted at myself for wanting it.

    I was abused when in my childhood, so I don't know if it's that or if this is normal with new relationships? The abuse wasn't bad in compassion to what others have endured, but I can't see it not having an effect on me at all.

    I'm 18, still a virgin, and my bf is aware of that. I can't tell him about the abuse just yet, but I really need to know if these feelings ARE normal? I've never been in a relationship before.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • This guy asked me out and I said yes, but now...?

    I've known this guy for a couple years; we met at school, but lost contact when we graduated. I always had this major, ridiculousy big crush on him, and I always assumed he didn't feel the same. Everyone was urging me to tell him but I was terrified he'd laugh at me or something.

    So last night after two years apart I worked up the courage and told him, and he replied "You had a crush on me, I had/have one on you but I never thought I'd have a chance," and there is more but to make it short he asked me out, and I said yes.

    But now it seems really weird and awkward when we talk. I asked if he was lying about what he said and he said he wasn't, but I still don't know what to think.

    I've never been in a relationship before, so is it meant to be awkward like this?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Is 400 calories a day enough?

    I'm trying to lose weight. I feel humongous (11 stone is obese for someone of 5"11). I tried the gym about a month ago but it lasted for only a week or so because of my anxiety. I have a horse, so I am moving around quite a bit.

    Yesterday I ate just over 400 calories; when I went to bed I was famished, but I ignored it. Today I've eaten merely a bowl of chocolate Cheerios and I don't feel hungry at all now.

    Is it normal to not feel hungry when you haven't really eaten?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Do all opticians do this?

    I went to the opticians today and as he was asking me questions his eyes ran up my body as I was answering his questions. And then when he turned off the lights and shone a light in my eyes he really got in my personal space. Like, he got so close his forehead was touching mine, and I could feel his breath on my cheek.

    Is that normal? Do all opticians do that?

    3 AnswersOptical6 years ago
  • What do you think of my Wattpad story so far?

    I've uploaded only three chapters so far, but I've actually written over 18,000 words. Could you please critique it? I need all the feedback I can gather. Thanks:)

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • What do you think of these names?









    4 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Is my younger autistic brother getting out of hand?

    My little brother is 12 and autistic. OCD is a major part of that also.

    In the living room he has 3 bookcases full of Xmas toys (dancing tress, snowmen, and the like.) He places them purposely and he knows right away if someone has touched them. And if someone has touched them, watch out, because he goes AWOL. He starts screaming and throwing remote controls and batteries. Yesterday he threw milk at me!

    His language is absolutely disgusting. He knows every profanity in the vocabulary. He hits my mum and sometimes my dad, though it's usually my mum who gets it. More than often he's pulled a knife on my mum and threatened to kill her, but he cries when he says it so I don't think he'd ever actually do it. But the anger in his eyes is bloody terrifying!

    You can't do anything wrong or say anything wrong to him. He's hell and I hate him for it. I love him because he's my blood but I despise him for what he does. It's wrong.

    If he doesn't get his way or what he wants you'll probsbly get your front teeth knocked out.

    Is this 'normal' for autism?

    2 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • My brother is going to commit suicide?

    My older brother keeps telling my mum he's going to commit suicide. I'm kept in the dark about his goings-on, and I know only that his girlfriend beats him, he's a alcoholic and is on drugs, and is severely depressed.

    He's tried to kill himself before by jumping off a bridge (thank goodness it was a low bridge!) and our brother committed suicide a couple years ago also.

    He's going to prison for standing up for himself. He's always admitted he could never cope with prison, and as a result he's goibg to kill himself.

    He was in the car with my mum today and said everything is his fault and how he wants his funeral to be like.

    His girlfriend has tied a noose up in the attic ready for him, and it makes me sick.

    I really want to help him but he thinks he's beyond help. I can't lose another brother. I love him and I can't lose him.

    6 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • I'm concerned about my sister? I don't know what's wrong with her?

    My big sister doesn't seem to feel anything, or doesn't care about anyone but herself. She doesn't do anything--she lies in bed all day and gets up only to go work. She has a horse that she never goes up to, and whenever someone talks to her about selling it, she bites our heads off. She's a binge drinker, she brings different men home almost every week, and not too long ago her liver was bleeding because of her excessive drinking. She'll stay out all night and not text my parents to say where she is. She once told me she's never been in love, which I found so sad, and never once have I heard her say "I love you" to anyone, not even her boyfriends.

    I don't know what's wrong with her. My mum and dad call her a slag to her face and a deadhead, and I think that's so wrong. But my sister just smiles like she doesn't care. I remember once when she got beat up pretty badly, and the next day she was laughing about it, even though she was covered in bruises.

    I hate seeing her wasting her life.

    2 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • Do I need glasses?

    I'm 17, turning 18 this month.

    I had my eyes tested about 3 years ago and I was told my eyesight was better than normal.

    Since then I've been reading almost 24/7, and I think it's having an effect on my eyesight because suddenly I can't see farsighted as I once could before. And everything's a little blurry as well.

    I don't want glasses because I've heard people get bullied for wearing them? I've already been through bullying before and I don't intend to endure it again, if I can avoid it.

    3 AnswersOptical6 years ago
  • Is it normal to be terrified of going to college?

    I suffer with social anxiety, meeting new people in particular. I find it almost impossible to engage people in conversation. I get panicked in large crowds.

    I aspire to be a writer and I've always wanted to study creative writing, but because it's kind of an unknown region I instead opted out and started an equestrian course this September instead (I'm familiar with horses, so I felt safe.) I couldn't hack it even after a day because there was so much pressure, particularly about how I dressed and appeared to other people.

    I'm a 17-year-old soon-to-be 18-year-old girl next month and I do nothing all day but sit around and read in my pj's, and go up and tend to my horse, and occasionally go shopping with my mum to buy more books. I have no life and I want one so badly!

    I want to make my parents proud, because they're not going to be around forever to watch me succeed.

    I've just read a book called Love, Rosie and it's given me a kick up the backside. I want to do something with my life, but I'm still terrified of the unknown.

    I won't be able to start college till next semester, but my question is this: Is it normal to be scared of starting college?

    I would be hugely indebted to anyone with an answer. XX

    1 AnswerOther - Education6 years ago
  • Where can I purchase the paperback edition of Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout?

    I've searched on Amazon but they have only the Kindle edition. I've been told to look in Barnes & Noble but there aren't any local stores where I live.

    Is there anywhere else that might sell the paperback?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Was it appropriate for him to say this?

    I was joking around with my older brother and I said "I'm going to be a prostitute" because the conversation was about jobs and whatnot. And he said in return "Really? How much do you charge? Because I'll pay."

    I can't get my thoughts around it. Why the hell would he say that? It's disgusting.

    7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • Was it appropriate for my dad to call me 'pure'?

    He said it in front of my headteacher as well. He said, "She's pure," jokingly, in reply to something she'd said, and she kind of laughed it off.

    But it made me really uncomfortable. I don't know if he was referring to me being a virgin, but I kind of felt sick afterward.

  • Am I selfish for pulling out of college after the first day?

    It's not that I'm not worthy of doing the course, because I know I can.

    I started yesterday, and I hated it. I made several friends on the same course as myself, and they were great guys to hang around with. I have terrible communication skills, if any, and I can't open my mouth without saying something completely humiliating to myself or something absurdly weird. I hate people in general, and the rare ones that I do get on with don't fully understand me. It's like banging my head on a wall!

    The thing is that I still don't know what I want to do in the future. I'm only 17, and my parents keep bragging about it, and that helps drive down the fact that I'm not actually doing anything, and I feel like such a let-down. Not only that, but I also have a fear of boys, and that extends to most, even those I know well. It's a fear that makes me feel physically sick in their presence, and sometimes I shake imagining all the terrible things they could do to me.

    I haven't told my family about that because I know they wouldn't understand, and they'd just keep pushing and pushing, and it's gotten to the point where I've ran out of excuses and I'm just bluntly swearing at them to leave me alone.

    It's just so much pressure!

    I feel bad because one of the friends' I'd made at college literally has no one but me, and I don't want to leave her.

    3 AnswersOther - Education7 years ago
  • I dream of being raped?

    Every night for the past week I've been having dreams of being raped. It's a repetitive dream: I'll be dancing in a club and then I would go outside. For some reason I turn down an alleyway adjacent to the club, where a group of guys block off the mouth and exit of the alley. One would push me up against the wall and rape me, and afterwards my friend would find me and take me back to his house; another time he took me to the clinic right after it happened, but the most occurring one was where he'd take me back to his house and just hold me, and then it'd sometimes end or repeat itself.

    I don't understand why I've been having them. I was supposed to talk to my therapist about it today, but she called and cancelled, and it'd be really great if I could get some answers.

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation7 years ago
  • Is it a normal side-effect of periods to have a really short temper?

    I came back on my period this morning and lately I've been noticing an abrupt shift in my mood. I've gone from cheerily-happy to a raging, no-nonsense b*tch. I'll swear at my parents and anyone who attempts conversation for no reasons, and I'm just really tempted to punch something.

    I've never been like this when I'm on, so I don't know where the change has sprung from.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Why are brothers so protective of their sisters?

    Why are older brothers protective of their younger sister and vice versa? I don't understand why they feel we need protecting.

    My older brother is being really protective of me lately, and I don't understand why.

    6 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • Why do I feel ill like this?

    I'm 17, and I've been having headaches for months now. They'll just come on automatically, and sometimes I put them down to being hungry, but they don't shift even when I eat.

    Twice I've had these weird abdominal tightenings. I can hardly walk with it, because I have it now, and it's killing me. I don't know what it is.

    I can't eat because it makes it worse, I can't walk because my stomach tightens, I have a banging headache, and my legs feel like jelly!

    I honestly feel as if I'm going to faint.

    I don't know what it is.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago