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How to unblock my account on Hotmail?
OK, so some douchebag has hacked into my Hotmail account and sent out spam, so now I need to unblock it so I can change the password, but to receive the code it will only let me send the code to this email address that I've never seen before, undoubtedly put there by the hacker (le***** I can't ask it to send to any other email address or to my phone.
What do I do?
2 AnswersAbuse and Spam9 years agoDoes joining a Facebook group show up on news feed?
I'm bi and my cousin is gay and he invited me to this gay group on Facebook and I'm not out, will me joining a group show up on my friends' news feed and out me or what?
2 AnswersFacebook9 years agoI love this girl, should I tell her?
OK, basically I'm really good friends with a girl at my school. I'm 15 and she's nearly 15, and we get on really well, and for a while I wasn't sure how I felt about her, sometimes I thought I liked her, sometimes not, and recently I've come to realise I'm in love with her and have been for ages. Please don't say I can't know at my age because I know it feels natural and right and all I want to do is hug and kiss and hold her forever, but the thing is she's going out with someone else and I don't know where she's at with him, but I see her all the time and it's wonderful yet awful because I'm afraid I'll let something slip or make it obvious I at least like her, and because I'm usually seeing her with the other guy and it's almost painful.
I really want to tell her but am not sure if I should. What d'you think?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoShould I tell this girl I love her?
I'm 15 and in Year 10 at school (yes, I'm British :D), and there's this girl I like.
I don't know how long I've liked her, I think I might've since I first met her beginning of last year but didn't know it, but became steadily more aware of it. About last Christmas, I started to realise my feelings more, but didn't think much of it.
Then about January or early February, she started going out with this guy (who I've disliked for a while now because he's horrible to me) and about early March she broke up with him, mainly because she was having a hard time with a family death and he was being a bit flirty with someone else but didn't mean anything by it, and she just snapped and dumped him, but after that she regretted it and still liked him while he started going out with someone else.
I didn't know she still liked him but I didn't ask her out or anything partially because I still didn't know if my feelings were real and because I didn't think she'd like me, and it turns out I'm right.
Recently the guy broke up with the other girl and he still liked the girl I like, and they got back together, and everyone was being horrible to her about it, and I helped her sort it out, and through that we've become much closer friends now, like she's always happy to see me, and I her of course, and I've realised that I not only like her, I think I'm in love with her.
I've read somewhere that a crush lasts only a certain amount of time before it's love, but I'd rather not go on scientific stuff. I know because my gut tells me I do, and she's probably one of the few people in the world I'd never not want to be around, to me she's perfect in every way, and it hurts a bit to know and see her going out with someone else, especially someone I don't like and who means I can't be around her when he is, because he'll likely say something mean when she's not listening (she doesn't know he's not nice, and I've told her he's awful and she just likes him so much and you can't control who you like can you?).
I've told my friend about how I feel, and she said to just wait until they've broken up to tell this girl, but that could take ages, and I don't know how much longer I can wait without her knowing. I'm also scared I'll let something slip in one of our conversations, a couple of times I almost said something that implied I liked her.
So d'you think I should tell her now or wait?
Thanks in advance! :D
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoHow long does it take to muscle up?
OK, I am an absolute weakling atm and want to be a bit stronger. I've started doing some simple work out and exercise every day, sit ups and push ups, and I can do about 10 push ups at most, and about maybe between 10 and 20 sit ups before I get too tired (terrible right?).
So how quickly would it take for the push ups and sit ups to be easier, e.g. how long would it take to be able to do 20 push ups without feeling tired from my stage, and same sort of thing with sit ups.
I don't want a really buff bod or anything, just hoping to be able to pull myself up on something with my arms and perhaps get a six pack.
Thanks in advance :D
4 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years agoWhy did they change Batman's insignia?
I don't know that much about Batman, but I know he used to always have a bat in a yellow ellipse for his symbol, and nowadays it's always just a black bat across his chest, and to be honest I preferred the yellow ellipse version.
Can someone tell me why they changed this, oh an why in the films and games his entire costume is black - I liked it when it was grey, black, yellow and blue on the inside of his cape and his gadgets.
4 AnswersComics & Animation9 years agoCan you fly in Skyrim?
Is there any way at any point that you can fly in Skyrim, be it by riding a giant flying animal or a dragon, or using a spell to be given the ability of flight for a short time?
4 AnswersXbox9 years agoIs this guy gay? I'd like to know please?
OK, I'm 15 and gay, and this guy at my school said on Facebook a few days ago that he was bi and fancied me, then I said no I wasn't gay (because I don't want anyone to know yet) and he made out like he was just lying to see if I was gay.
But seriously, you don't just say your bi and that you like someone just to see if they're gay, which really is none of his business anyway, and I'm just wondering whether he was pretending that he was lying to save himself the embarrassment when I turned him down. I wanted to know what you think, because to be honest he got my hopes up at first, because he's an OK guy, and it's just annoyed me. Here's the conversation between us (by the way, before this he was talking to me in class and saying he fancied me and stuff, but I knew he was joking, but then he very seriously asked me to go on Facebook later)
can i ask you a question
and you wont tell anyone
of course i wont, ive never revealed anyones secrets before
are you gay, and i am actually serious here
no im not, this is the 5th time you've seriously asked me
honestly, because well, y'know
im not saying i am but if i had anything ever to tell someone, would the first person i told really be you, and im talking about anything here?
thats a shame
it doesnt matter now
tell me
like i said ^^^
you still telling me you fancy me?
a little bird told me they knew who it was, they didnt tell me but they said it was a girl anyway
which little bird
im not revealing them, like i said, i keep secrets
so who is it?
tell meeeeeeeee
look keep a secret ok
sure of course
I started this coversation with you because I am bi, and i thought i had a chance with you. There i said it.
And now i regret that
well, i need a moment to take this in
are you actually literally being 100% serious?
please dont tell anyone
of course not
do you really?
as in, actually?
as in, really really?
and dont regret, im glad you said
that rhymed
well what
well you havnt actually said anything about it
im not sure what to say really
how long have you known?
sorry i couldnt help it any longer
I just wanted to know if you were gay, turns out your not, congratz
So what d'you think???????
Thanks in advance for answering, and sorry it's a bit long
4 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender9 years agoSkyrim help, I got Cicero arrested?
I'm fairly new to Skyrim, and yesterday I came across Cicero the jester.
And you know how you can either help him or get him arrested? I thought he was guilty and got him arrested, then when I mentioned it to my friend he said I'm screwed because he's an assassin and will probably try to kill my character.
Is there something I can do, or do I have to level up loads and fight him?
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoAm I gay? Help please!?
OK, I'm 15 and almost certain I'm gay because I get gay feelings, I like guys etc. but occasionally I feel like I'm slightly attracted to a girl. Hardly ever sexually, and one girl I sometimes get a ***** over when we pretend to flirt with each other (just a joke we have) but I don't actually like her in that way.
So is this nothing and these feelings towards this girl are just like straight people having gay crushes but the other way around, and for other girls am I just good friends with them?
2 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender9 years agoIs it possible to get sorted into the wrong house on Pottermore?
I've just got into Pottermore and was really hoping to get into Ravenclaw, but I just did the Sorting Hat and got Hufflepuff.
I don't personally have anything against Hufflepuff, it's not a bad house, I just don't think I'm suited to it, I would also have been very disappointed with Slytherin or Gryffindor.
Ravenclaws are clever and creative, and I am clever and very very creative. They're also known to be slightly eccentric, and I'm very eccentric. My favourite class would be Charms, and Ravenclaw corresponds with the Air element, which is my favourite one, not to mention how much I love birds. Basically, I thought I was a Ravenclaw in just about every way, and nothing like a Hufflepuff.
And then the Prefect was mentioning how we don't get on well with Ravenclaws, and I just lost it then!
Has this happened to anyone else and is it possible to get it wrong, or am I really a Hufflepuff?
They should've had a question of what house you'd like too, since in the books the Hat takes your decision into account.
2 AnswersOther - Internet9 years agoHow long can a gay phase be?
I've thought I was gay or at least bi (but leaning more towards men) for nearly 2 and a half years now, and I've been afraid of coming out, but I've come to terms with it now and I'm not afraid. What I AM afraid of, however, is it being a phase and then in a couple of years I realise I'm just straight and that I like girls and girls alone.
But I keep thinking 'yeah, but its been 2 and a half years!' and I wonder if there's still chance of me being straight (by the way, I don't mean I'd be relieved if I was straight, because I like these gay feelings I get, I'm just afraid they might go away at some point).
My question is just: am I almost definitely gay if it's been this long since I found out, or can some people think they're gay for, like, 10 years and then realise they're not? Please tell me, I really need to know because I really want to just tell people so I can live my life and not be afraid of people finding out before I'm sure of it myself.
2 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender9 years agoAm I gay or bi or what?
I'm 15 and I'm a guy, and I've realised about 2 and a half years ago that I had sexual feelings towards men, and nothing's changed, and I'm almost certain I'm gay, but sometimes I think I like a girl and wonder if I really am. I don't imagine having sex with a girl or anything, but I develop a lot of, say, affection towards some girls. Does this mean I like them in that way or that I'm just really good friends with them.
As for boys, on the other hand, I constantly want sex with them really bad. I just daydream about some boys in my school sometimes, thinking about what it would be like to kiss them and undress them and... I'm getting horny just thinking about it. Also, almost every night I have a dream about having a relationship with random guys I know. Sometimes it's with someone I don't even get on with, or someone that I'm friends with but when I see them during the day I feel nothing, and wonder why I was dreaming about them.
But something weird happened last night. I dreamed I was secretly going out with my stepbrother (ewww) I never even speak to him much because he lives ages away and is 18 right now so he's really busy all the time so he NEVER visits. But now I've had this dream (I don't remember half of it) where we were kissing and stuff, and then we snuck into a house that no one lived in for some reason - dreams are weird - and he stripped me off on tied me to a bed and spanked me (because I like that sort of thing to a certain extent) and then had sex with me, and it's all I can think about today. I know it's gross and I've never ever had those sorts of feelings about him, but I woke up with moist underwear and it's all I can think about now, partially because I'm confused.
Anyway, I'm almost certain I'm gay and if I was I'd not be afraid of coming out now, but it's just what I said before about girls that slightly confuses me. Also, can you interpret my dreams please? Do I actually like these guys or is it just me dreaming about gay sex with anyone because I spend all day every day pretending to be straight when I don't think I am, and I just need something to keep me satisfied sexually?
4 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender9 years agoQuestion about Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix?
During the DA lesson, when Dobby warned Harry about Umbridge coming for them, why didn't they stay in the Room and lock it? You're not able to find someone in the Room of Requirement just by wanting to find them, so they should've been safe, right?
I don't think it was just because if they didn't leave then Umbridge would be suspicious because they were all missing, because she already had been told by Marietta.
Was it maybe because Harry just didn't know Umbridge wouldn't be able to get in?
6 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years agoAt what age can I be sure of my sexuality?
I'm a boy, I'm turning 15 next week and I think I'm gay or bi.
I have been sexually attracted to guys for a while now, I think I've known or at least accepted it about 2 years ago, possible a little bit more. I've secretly had a boyfriend and loved every second of it!
I'm not sure whether I'm gay or bi, because I find girls pretty and I can get sort of attracted to them, but when it comes down to sex I only really wants guys. I've only had 2 girlfriends ever, and I didn't even fancy them that much. I don't know, if you can answer that too I'd appreciate it :D
So I told my mum I was bi about half a year ago, and she said I shouldn't tell anyone for now because according to her, no one really knows their sexuality until they're grown up, and she says I don't want to be labelled.
I wouldn't mind that, because people call me gay anyway because I'm really camp, but I'm afraid I'll realise when I'm about 17 or so that I'm not actually attracted to men but it'll be too late because I've said I am.
So basically my question is (as well as whether I'm gay or bi) can I be sure of my sexuality now and would it be a good idea to come out now, because I really want to?
11 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender9 years agoHow to play videos from my camera?
I have a Samsung SH100 camera, and when I record videos with it they won't play on my computer (using Windows Media Player btw).
Can someone help me? Am I doing something wrong/
2 AnswersCameras9 years agoHow to put a video in Flash?
I've made a video using Windows Movie Maker, and now I want to put it in Flash 8, but it won't work.
Do I need it in a different format or something?
1 AnswerOther - Computers9 years agoWhat is the name of the song used in the troll scene in Harry Potter 1?
3 AnswersMovies9 years agoFacebook help please?
Me and my friend fell out and blocked each other on Facebook, then we made up and are best friends again, but we can't unblock each other. I've tried unblocking her, but according to me she doesn't exist now, and vice versa.
Can anyone help me please?
2 AnswersFacebook9 years agoHow to get permission for copyright?
I'm thinking of making Harry Potter animations and putting them on YouTube, and I understand that you need to get permission so it doesn't breach copyright.
So how to I get permission for these things (music, characters etc.)?
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago