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  • Advice for introducing 80lb Boxer to my 2 15lb Boston Terriers?

    This weekend my (new) boyfriend and I are going to introduce our kids, his an 80lb Boxer and my 2 15lb Boston Terriers. I know the basics, meet in a neutral place, go for a walk first, no food or toys on the ground...looking for any other tips. He says his dog is friendly and mine are too, it's just that there are 2 of mine. Really want this to go well!

    2 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Ballpark cost of a Dog ECG?

    My 7 yr old Boston Terrier just had his wellness exam and the Vet heard a slight heart murmur. He recommended we see a Cardiologist and get an ECG. Has anyone had a similar test and what was the cost? Thanks!

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Showing Billions as Thousands in Excel?

    How can I take a number such as 10,987,234,235 and make it appear as 10,987 in Excel. I looked in the HELP section but couldn't find the appropriate formula. Thanks!

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Funny names for a Kegerator?

    Just got a Kegerator and I'm looking to name it something funny. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • How to help my dogs deal with losing their "dad"?

    I have 2 dogs that live with me and my now ex-boyfriend. He has lived with us for 1 year and will be moving out next week. Although they were my dogs before the relationship, they are still very attached to him.

    Any tips on how to help them get over him leaving? I know they are not humans, but I'm sure they are still going to miss him and wonder where he went.


    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Boston Terrier with excessive drooling?

    It started in the middle of the night and I don't think he got into anything or ate anything he shouldn't have. My other Boston is fine.

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How should I greet my bosses dog when I go over to walk her?

    My boss asked me to walk her dog this evening since she will be out of town. She rescued the dog a few months ago and said she is friendly but she has never had a stranger in the house.

    Any tips on how to greet the dog when I get there? I have 2 dogs myself but they are super friendly to anyone they meet. I'm just a little nervous to go into this dog's home since she has never met me.


    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Cost of Cherry Eye Surgery?

    One of my Boston Terriers has Cherry Eye. I adpoted him about 6 months ago and his previous owner said he had surgery to "tack" the eyelid/gland about 1 year ago. I have Vet records for that procedure and it cost about $300.00. My Vet is going to charge me $650.00 for the same surgery.

    Has anyone had this procedure done to their dogs and if so, what was the cost? Obviously, we will do whatever we need to do to fix his eye, but that seems like a huge price difference!

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is what my landlord asking legal?

    I am moving out of my apartment in CA and my Landlord has requested that I pay up until September 15th. The new tenant is starting his lease on September 1st. Is it legal for them to collect rent from 2 tenants at the same time?

    Thanks for your answers!

    11 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • lead in dog toys?

    So apparently I have been living under a rock lately. On the news last night there was a story about lead being found in many dog/cat toys.

    I have been looking on the Internet for a list of Manufacturers and specific toys but I can't seem to find a complete list of these "tainted" toys.

    Does anyone know a good place to look for this information?? I want to make sure that my little guy is not in danger. Scary!!


    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Are we helping?

    This question is regarding those people who post questions about wanting to breed their beloved dogs. I always wonder what people do after they read our responses:

    -Don't do it

    -Too many dogs in shelters

    -Be a responsible pet owner....spay/neuter

    -Breeding should only be done to better the Breed

    -etc, etc

    Do you think they go ahead and Breed anyway or do you think we may have acutally educated some of these people and made them change their mind?

    I'm sure most of these people do it anyway but I would like to think that maybe we influenced a few. What you think? Anyone out there who has previously wanted to breed their Pet and decided not to? What changed your mind?

    31 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Questions about Show Dogs?

    I do not plan on showing my dog or any dog in the future but I just wanted to know a few things....

    1) Why do show dogs have to be Spayed/Neutered? (expecially spayed because you can't tell by looking at the dog)

    2) Why would Brindle be seen as a disqualifying trait?

    I have an adorable Boston Terrier (in my opinion) but he has some Brindle in him. I have heard that is not acceptable for a show dog and I wanted to know why.


    16 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Sick doggie...need help with Rice?

    Hi there. I am pet sitting and the dog I am watching has really bad diarreah. The Vet gave me some Meds 2 days ago and advised me to feed him white rice which I have been doing. He is not any better so when I called back the Vet said to give him "long boil" rice.

    She said not to use Minute Rice or any other rice that takes 20 minutes to cook. Does anyone know where I can find rice that takes 1 hour to cook and the Brand Name??


    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Sick doggie....need help with rice?

    Hi there. I am pet sitting and the dog I am watching has really bad diarreah. The Vet gave me some Meds 2 days ago and advised me to feed him white rice which I have been doing. He is not any better so when I called back the Vet said to give him "long boil" rice.

    She said not to use Minute Rice or any other rice that takes 20 minutes to cook. Does anyone know where I can find rice that takes 1 hour to cook and the Brand Name??


    5 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Is there such a thing as long boil rice??

    I have a sick dog and the Vet said to boil "long boil" rice for him. She said not to use Minute Rice or any other rice that takes 20 minutes to cook. Does anyone know where I can find rice that takes 1 hour to cook and the Brand Name??


    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • About Shelter Dogs?

    After reading a question asked by a completely ignorant BYB just a few moments ago I wanted to talk about how wonderful a Shelter Dog can be. They made the assumption that all Shelter dogs were untrained and not worth adopting.

    Does anyone have stories about dogs they have rescued/adopted from a shelter and brought home to their families? How have they added to your life? Would you adopt again?


    24 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Question about Dog Sitting?

    I am watching my neighbor's dog for the next week. Her dog (pug/chi mix) and mine (boston terrier) get along great. Her dog has stayed at my house before overnight but never when we are not home and we both work during the day.

    Is there anything we should be concerned about if we leave the 2 dogs home together. I am not concerned with them destroying the house, more of them possibly fighting. They are both exactly the same size (15 lbs) and have always played perfectly together.....should I be worried?


    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Why not find a better Vet?

    I wanted to know why people continue to see their Vet if they are not there for them in a Medical Emergency.

    My Vet has a Doctor on call at all times and if for some reason that won't work, I have an Animal ER that I can go to.

    Do you have a plan of action when your dog is seriously ill? I feel like so many people post questions like "My dog is really sick but the Vet is closed...."

    Why not find a better Vet then??

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How is a dog different from a child?

    Does a dog not depend on us for food/shelter?

    Does a dog not have feelings?

    Does a dog not get sick?

    Does a dog not need exercise and stimulation?

    I understand that a dog is not a human but I want to know why people treat them so differently than they would a child?

    Would you make your child live outside? Would you wait weeks for medical treatment for a sick child? Would you feed your child crappy, low quality food for life?

    What I am asking is: If you view your dog as just a dog...why? For the people who make their dogs live outside and for people who feed their dogs (Purina, Iams...)....Why?

    14 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • If someone blocks you?

    after you respond to their question can others still see what you wrote?

    I'm asking because I gave a perfectly legitimate answer to someone's question and they blocked me.


    1 AnswerSecurity1 decade ago