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  • discontinuing prometrium in early pregnancy?

    I have pcos and my doctor has me on 400 mg of prometrium (progesterone) on cycle days 17 through 26. My question is - if I were to get pregnant, would going off the progesterone at the end of the 10 days cause me to miscarry the baby? Now, I know, I know, ask my doctor. I will at my appointment next month, I just want to know earlier without bugging my nurse AGAIN, haha. My doctor has ok'd my husband and me to begin clomid, so I will be having an ultrasound to make sure I don't have any cysts before we do the cycle of clomid and an hsg test; this is when I plan to ask. I've forgotten to ask at my last 2 appointments, and I'm just very curious to know at this point. Thanks :)

    some extra facts:

    I'm 21, have been trying to get pregnant for 11 months, and have had one very early miscarriage (I was on prometrium when bleeding started).

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Implantation curiosity...not another "am I pregnant?"?

    So this is NOT another "am I pregnant" question...I would just like to know how many of you had implantation bleeding, how heavy it was, and if you had cramping along with it. I'm curious to know if it was a darker brown color, a pink, or a bright red. Also, which cycle day(s) did it happen, and did anyone ever mistake implantation bleeding for a period? I would also like to see if anyone has pcos and had implantation bleeding and/or has had a cyst during pregnancy. Thank you for satisfying my curiosity :)

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • HSG test and clomid w/pcos?

    Today I went to my doctor for both my annual checkup and to discuss my options for getting pregnant, as I have pcos. I have lost 26 lbs over the past 4 months (safely, yes!), and today my doctor asked if my husband and I wanted to have a bit more help getting pregnant, since I'm not at a healthy weight for it. Of course, we said yes! Before he will give us clomid, he said that he wants my husband to do a semen analysis, and he wants me to have an HSG. The semen analysis will be $75, which we can pay out of pocket with no issues. The HSG, on the other hand, could pose a few issues. So...I have a couple questions.

    1. Those of you who have had an HSG, what did it cost for you, and did any of your insurances cover any portion?

    2. How much did clomid cost for you? My insurance covers 50% of fertility meds, but I'm not sure if that includes other fertility treatments. Unfortunately...that doesn't kick in until January (we are switching to my benefits), and my hsg needs to be done asap...cause that's how I want it. haha.

    Thanks for any and all answers!

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Sorry, I just gotta ask...?

    I am sorry to be annoying, but I would like to know opinions. I have PCOS and endometriosis, and take Prometrium cd 17 through 26 of each cycle. This past cycle, I started bleeding while on the prometrium on cd 21. It was quite heavy, and came with quite a few cramps. The bleeding stopped, and my period didn't come after cd 28. I called my doctor, and they suggested that I could have had an early miscarriage, but that they wanted me to take an hpt, since I have technically missed a period. Now, I'm not sure if this could be from pregnancy, progesterone, or something completely different, but I've been sleeping about 10 to 11 hours per night, and I get dizzy a lot. Like, it's more of a blurry feeling than dizzy, if that makes any sense. (this has been going on for a good 2 to 3 weeks - since before my bleeding started) Anyone have any ideas as to whether I could have ovulated/conceived, or if it's just my progesterone level being all screwy? Or...could it be that I have recently added bread/tortillas/pasta to my diet? I am on a diet that for 6 weeks I couldn't have that stuff Randomly 3 weeks after I could have it, could the dizziness and such hit? Thanks for your patience with me and answers!

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Depression with Prometrium?

    So I have PCOS, and my doc has me on prometrium on days 17 through 26 of my cycle. Last night was the last one of taking the prometrium this cycle (though I had a period all last week, so I'm not sure how this next one is gonna go...). Today I just feel depressed. I was very anxious about maybe getting to foster a pitbull, but my husband and I decided against it. Let me rephrase: I couldn't get my husband to agree to it. Between that, it's been a long workweek, I'm tired, and I can't get pregnant, I am just emotionally drained and depressed! The good thing I can think of is that I'm halfway to my weight loss goal (I've made it 19 lbs in the last 8 weeks - yay!), but I can't even really find the energy to be thrilled about that. I just feel so drained, like I don't have energy to be happy, eat, drink (water), play with my dogs, or do anything I would normally be interested in doing. Of course I'm not suicidal or anything, I know my life is going just fine, I just can't seem to be happy about anything. To top it off, my mother in law has started trying to tell my husband and I what we can and can't do (she was very objected to the fostering), and I just can't seem to get over that, because she does stuff like that all the time! She's still in denial that we are trying to get pregnant, because we are 21 and she thinks we are nuts for even wanting to think of having children yet. That was WAY longer than I expected, but my basic question is: when you are on, or go off prometrium, is depression a side effect? Thanks in advance for any helpful answers!

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • pcos, md put me on prometrium?

    So today I went to the doctor since I haven't had a period since january when I went off my bc to ttc. My doctor did an ultrasound and diagnosed me with pcos (what I thought it was after doing a bunch of research), and put me on prometrium. He told me to take it cd17 through cd26. They're 400mg doses. My question is how do I start it? In order to have a cycle, I need to take it for 10 days, right? He said day 1 is the first day I bleed...but I need the meds to begin bleeding. I sure hope this makes sense - any help is appreciated!

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • ttc,off bc since January, no period, possible cyst?

    So my husband and I decided to start a family, and I went off birth control in January. I had a period right after I came off, but I haven't had one since. I do have a history of endometriosis (diagnosed at 15, I'm 21 now), and I think I may have ovarian cysts (I've had stabbing pelvic pain, no period, VERY slow weight loss, and dark hair growth on my upper lip). I was on bc since my endo dx. I have had a few negative preg. tests, so I'm fairly positive I am not pregnant (plus, no period = no ovulation, correct?). I'm planning on going to my doctor, but since it can take a while to get an appt, I was wondering what you guys thought. Could I have cysts? Could anything help me with regulating my cycles? Any suggestions/opinions are appreciated!

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • off bc 4 months, ttc, hx endometriosis?

    So when I was 15, I had surgery to get rid of endometriosis. I am now 21 and my husband and I would like to get pregnant. I was on birth control since my surgery up until the beginning of January 2009. I had a period after I went off my bc, but I haven't had one since. I'm getting worried, mostly because of my history with the endo. I have occassional pelvic cramping, it's kinda sharp, but it doesn't last more than a few seconds. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago