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  • What are the rules related to citizenship eligibility for widows in Canada - see details?

    I know that the rules have changed so we may have lost our opportunity for citizenship. Here we go.

    1. Our family came to the US from Canada at the turn of the century of which we can absolutely prove their citizenship.

    2. My grandfather was the second generation removed and under the old rules, eligible to apply for Canadian citizenship.

    3. However, he passed away before the application was filed.

    4. My grandmother, his widow, would like to file.

    5. I am the 4th generation removed from the emigration, but I am also eligible for Canadian citizenship myself as I am married to a Canadian, meet the residence requirements, and other requirements. Our children are all dual citizens.

    So, here's the question. How can we file for my grandmother's citizenship? Do I need to first and then petition for her? Can she as a widow of an eligible person?

    1 AnswerImmigration9 years ago
  • Would you please tell me your experiences homeschooling with a private tutor?

    We are considering hiring a private teacher to do homschooling for our son who is starting kindergarten and eventually our other two children. I will be home as well. We will set and control the cirriculum, schedule, outings, etc.

    However, we know of no one who has done this. We have confirmed that it's legal in our state, but would like to hear of others' experiences.

    6 AnswersHome Schooling10 years ago
  • What are the usual living arrangements for a live-in nanny?

    We plan to provide a fully furnished private bedroom, of course, plus a private bathroom and her own small, fully equipped kitchen. However, I am unsure what is customary for the bedroom furnishings besides a bed and dresser. Should I buy pictures, etc. or do I let her decorate it as her own room? I assume that we provide all linens for the bedroom and bathroom, but what about meals? Is it usual to invite the caregiver to eat with you plus provide her own groceries for when she is by herself, or is the expectation that she will always have dinner alone?

    We have never had live-in nanny help before, only live-out. Our nanny is rather shy and won't really explain what she wants. I am trying to be kind and do what is best, but I really don't know what is customary or will be expected. She has lived with families with well over 6 years now in several different countries. So, I want her to have a good experience and not do something offensive or silly simply out of ignorance.

    2 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What's your best nesting story?

    You or someone you actually know. I love to hear the toothbrush cleaning stories or odd things that women do while nesting.

    For me, it was my first pregnancy. I went into a state of total panic and insisted that my husband put together the baby stuff. When he asked to do it later or when I was in the hospital as there wasn't really room in our small apartment and that he wanted to do it at the last possible moment, I burst into tears. He stared at me and then got his screwdriver. After two hours, everything was done, but I kept pacing the house saying that I was sure that we had forgotten something. I then went to the bathroom, lost my plug and started contracting 8 hours later. :)

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What are the signs of deafness / hearing impairment in an unborn baby?

    My 37 week old unborn baby does not startle to loud noises or seem to respond with a direct response to sounds.

    We have no family history of hearing problems on either side of the family. However, this is my 3rd pregnancy. The baby's responses are noticeably different than the first two.

    Does anyone know any of the prenatal signs of deafness or a hearing impairment?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Dealing with painful Braxton-Hick contractions - any tips?

    And no, I am not in labor. Not even close. This is my third and a recurring problem with each pregnancy. I have always gone to or past my due date. I am simply cursed with very painful false labor. (Even had to go have fetal monitoring today to show the OB that it's fake. He agreed.) :)

    Anyone else go through this? I have tried all the usual remedies such as the following:

    1. Warm shower

    2. Hot tea

    3. Change position, activity, etc.

    4. Deep breathing

    5. Relaxation

    6. Taking a walk

    7. Pleading with my uterus to be nice and lie still...

    My back is killing me. My uterus is terribly sore from all the contracting. And I feel sick to my stomach that I may have another month of intense pain like I did last time when I spent day after day curled up in fetal position sobbing in my bed for hours at a stretch. They then would ease or stop and start up again with the same level of pain without warning.

    Anyone, anyone have any ideas no matter how wacky as to what worked for you to get your false labor to ease up?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Anyone know about the Baby Bowen method for colic - real or 'snake oil'?

    I just saw a video on YouTube which has me curious after two colicky babies and am shortly due with my third. Anyone actually know anything about this or really tried it? It seems completely ridiculous, but being a mom of two has taught me that ridiculous is the norm in life with babies and toddlers.

    If you don't know what it is, here is the link to YouTube.

    They have a website too.

    Anyone have any opinions?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • In my 3rd trimester and keep losing weight. Must start gaining. Tips on what to eat?

    I am in my third trimester and so far, I have lost over 20 pounds. I have been strongly warned that I cannot lose any more weight. I don't WANT to lose weight, but I keep dropping. I have tried eating four full meals a day, eating nuts, eating when I am not hungry, etc.

    Outside of eating fast food and plain junk, can anyone recommend some high calorie foods that may help me?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Parents of multi-racial/ethnic children: How do you handle the questions?

    I am married to a man of full Arab descent. I am of full European descent. I don't mind people asking me about the ethnicity of my children, but sometimes, the way people phrase the questions makes me inwardly cringe or think "It's a good thing you are saying this to someone understanding. Otherwise, you might get punched."

    I have been asked / had the following said to me:

    1. What are they mixed with?

    2. They are not white. What breed are they?

    3. "Oh, I didn't know that you had half-caste children."

    4. What's the father?

    I just smile, try to be polite, and say "My children are Egyptian and European." and let it rest with that.

    Anyone have a good way to handle these kinds of questions?

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What is your advice to a first time mom?

    I am on my 3rd pregnancy and have two kids, but it seems like there are a lot of first time pregnant mothers on recently. I thought it might be helpful if those of us with children already offered them our best advice - big or little. Here's some of mine.

    1. Remember that you know your baby best. If you KNOW that your baby is sick, but the doctor says that the baby is fine, see another doctor. If other people tell you why the baby is crying, but you think it's something else, do what you think. Don't let other people talk you out of what you know to be the right course of action due to self-doubt. You are probably right.

    2. Buy clothes with pockets for yourself. You will be carrying things all the time. Pockets, pockets, pockets.

    3. Remember that the baby cries. For good reason, for no reason, for reasons you can't figure out. It's no reflection on how good of a job you are doing as a mother. Babies cry. Do you best to help, but if you have done everything that you can, hold the baby and tell the baby over and over that you love him. Then, start at the beginning of the solutions and see what works - if anything.

    4. Take lots of pictures and video.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Parents with more than 2 children -Have you noticed any implied or overt hostility from others re: family size?

    It's the strangest thing. I have a two year old, one year old and am pregnant. When we had two kids, things were fine. Now, that I am clearly pregnant and am out in public, I get shocked, disgusted, or disparaging looks or overt comments such as "Well, really!" or "Birth control, lady."

    I thought I was being overly sensitive, but after a recent trip to the mall with my husband and kids, he said to me, "Did you get the impression that many of the people around us were looking at us funny or seeming - I don't know - maybe aggressive?"

    Is this just our area, or has anyone else run into this with several younger children or large families?

    11 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Getting no sleep due to husband's snoring. Making my pregnancy fatigue so hard. Any ideas?

    I am now sleeping on the couch. Between the wake-ups of two toddlers (2 and 1 years old) plus a pregnancy approaching the 3rd trimester AND my husband's snoring which is growing in intensity, I feel like crying in the mornings and am so exhausted. (My husband has a bad back and is too long for the couch. It will cripple his back and cause him real pain to sleep there. He has offered so no lack of gallantry there.)

    Rolling him over and different sleeping positions make no difference. Even when I am sleeping on the couch in the living room with the bedroom door closed, he is still waking me and the kids up. Outside of kicking him out to the basement, I can't think of what else to do.

    Please send any and all ideas.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Kids ever complain of "hot" toes - not to the touch, but they perceive it internally?

    I am going to make a Ped appointment to have it checked out since it's been about 4-5 times now in a two week period. His feet feel fine to the touch, but he clutches his toes on only his left foot telling me that they are "hot". We give him a bag of ice which he says makes "it all better".

    I have no idea what this is and can't find much online. Anyone ever heard of this?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Busy moms - How are you making sure you are gaining weight as you should?

    I am pregnant with my third, have a 2 year old, a 1 year old and work from home. So, I am constantly busy either with the kids or work.

    I am 20 weeks pregnant and never had a problem gaining weight as I should. Today, I was taken to task over the fact that I have lost 10 pounds despite having a bigger than average baby. The OB let it slide, but now at 20 weeks, I have been told strictly not to lose any more. I was given the goal of gaining four pounds in four weeks.

    So, I have to increase my calorie intake. This sounds so simple. Just eat more, right? As you busy moms know, after getting the kids their food, drinks, etc and you sit down with your food, their plates are empty and they are ready to go. Or you bring a snack which they eat. Or whatever - you know how it goes. You just don't sit down and eat any more.

    How are you making sure you eat on the run? What are some good high calorie foods that I can take along with me?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • If you have boys three years apart, how is their relationship?

    I am expecting my third child. I have a boy who will be 3 when the baby is born and a girl who will be nearly 2.

    I am hoping that the boys will be buddies like my son and daughter are, but I am not sure since 3 years is a good size spread during the early childhood and tween years.

    Anyone have boys around that spacing? Do they play, be buddies, etc.? Or does closeness develop when they are older - if ever?

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Can you walk me through what happens during a scheduled C-section?

    For those women who have experienced it, would you please give me a list of what happens on the day of the C-section such as -

    1. No eating or drinking after midnight.

    2. Arrive two hours ahead of time.

    3. Do paperwork.


    I am curious to know what will actually happen.

    Also, how close was your scheduled time and when you actually went into the OR?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Women in Ontario - I keep hearing that scheduled C-sections are required to be done 2 weeks before EDD. True?

    I am having a scheduled C-section, but I want to have it no earlier than 7 days before my due date. Everyone keeps telling me that Toronto hospitals require it to be scheduled two weeks before your due date.

    Does anyone know if this is really so? If so, is there any flexibility, or do you simply have to be grateful and take what you get?

    I plan to ask my OB at my next visit when I get my date from him, but I am curious to know before then.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How are you battling pregnancy insomnia?

    I never had it with my first two and now am struggling to fall asleep, stay asleep and take any kind of naps.

    Warm drinks, massage, showers - all of these aren't working.

    Anything that works for you?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Anyone with small kids been through customs /security to US after the new changes?

    I am considering whether to take a train from Canada to the US or fly. The airport explained the procedure to me, and it sounds horrendous for small children -3 to 3.5 hours of waiting in four different lines. It may be worse in my mind than what actually happens.

    Has anyone done a trip with small kids since the new regulations? (I am coming from Toronto, but am sure that it's about the same anywhere else so please send all experiences.)

    1 AnswerAir Travel1 decade ago
  • Has anyone seen the Michael Oher college recruitment video where he carries the guy down the field?

    After reading the book and seeing the movie, my husband and I really want to see this amazing HS play for real, but we can't find it on YouTube or any news release.

    Did the family or Mr. Oher ever provide it for public viewing? Anyone know where I can see it?

    6 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago