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  • do u know that americans can be locked up in cuba without being proving guilty of anything?

    a new bill is going to be pass and in this new bill americans can be arrested here in the states without going to court and shipped of to cuba . they will have no rights . the american well not be able to talk to a lawyer and they can be held as long as the gov. wants to hold them they could be held forever if the gov. wanted to . and don't forget they where never proving guilty of any crime so as far as anybody knows they could be innocent. how does this make u feel.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • do you think it is time to end the OWS protests across america?

    i support the right for ppl to protest . but crime is out of control at these protest women are being raped there are a lot of fighting among the protesters etc. and this is happening at all the OWS protest across america . the protesters made there point now they need to go home this madness needs to end

    4 AnswersCivic Participation10 years ago
  • why are the very same ppl that called the tea part racist are not calling OWS protest racist?

    hate groups like american Nazi party has shown Support for the OWS PROTEST there is video of ppl saying racist things about jews . and the very same ppl that said the tea party is mostly old white ppl are not saying that the OWS protest are mostly young white ppl which they are . there is no proof that the tea party is racist but there is plenty of proof that the OWS is racist

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups10 years ago
  • can anyone one tell me about the flat tax i have been hearing a lot about it?

    do you think it is a good ideal to have a flat tax . well it help america or make things worse .what is the ups and downs of having a flat tax

    5 AnswersUnited States10 years ago
  • why are some ppl compering the wall street protest to the tea party protest?

    the tea party people came protested then left and they left no trash behind in fact the park that the tea party protested at was cleaner when they left . the tea party never got arrested during any of there protest . there protest was aimed at the government and obama which made sense because that is who skewed everything up our gov and there policy's is what got us in this miss not rich people . the wall street protesters don't even know who the enemy is there protesting the wrong ppl they should be in Washington protesting our gov. so there not Smart enough to clean up after there self's or who they reilly should be protesting . the tea party knew who the enemy was and still is . its not wall street or bankers or rich people NO its our gov. and there policy's

    7 AnswersGovernment10 years ago
  • who do you think will win the electing in 012?

    i know that no one knows who is going to win i am asking ppl to just guess . and in 012 i well come back to this question to see who got it right BTW i think rick perry is going to win this election

    8 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • how long are the wall street protest going to last?

    it has been going on over a month now. how long do these ppl plan to protest in the streets not just in new york but in other states . I have seen picture's and videos of these protests there turning the streets into dumps there harassing innocent ppl and business. there is nothing peaceful about these protest . i feel sorry for the ppl that have to live in new york etc. and put up with these protesters and the trash that they leave behind . i believe in ppl right to protest but i think these ppl are abusing this right . there not being peaceful and there not respecting the rights of others or property or the law .

    4 AnswersGovernment10 years ago
  • why am i not hearing much about the project gunrunner on the news?

    seems like the MSM spends more time reporting on the royal wedding then anything else .there's a lot going on in our own country and in the would that is a lot more importing then who is getting married in england

    1 AnswerCurrent Events10 years ago
  • do you think it was a good ideal for obama to threating SS if the dept celling was not raised?

    this close to 012 i mean if obama takes away peoples SS they will be pisst and unlike the youth of america ppl that draws SS vote in huge numbers .

    11 AnswersElections10 years ago
  • why are there no countrys balling america out?

    we send money aid to any country that wants or needs it . but when america needs any help nobody gives a F about us . why is this .

    4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups10 years ago
  • can anyone explain to me why the ATF allowed guns to go to the mexican cartels?

    they knew there were no way to trace these guns and once they were gone the guns would never be seen again or traced anywhere . so why allow this to happen why give guns to the bad guys .what was the motive behind this . i have two theories about this one our gov. wanted to blame americans for this and use it as a reason to take away our rights to own guns .these were American guns so americans would have been blamed for this . my second theorie is that our gov. supports the mexican cartels and want to help them overthrow there gov. the mex. cartels are trying to overthrow there gov. maybe our gov. supports them .what do you think . please give me Ur reason as to why the ATF would allow guns to be sold to the mexican cartels

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • did they ever figure out who supported the 9/11 terrorist?

    they had no job but were able to live in new york go to strip clubs they had to eat . who paid for this where did the money come from .

    3 AnswersHistory10 years ago
  • are the DEMS not going to stop missing this country up until we are in a great depression?

    a few years ago the DEM'S started to make banks give loans to people that could not afford to pay it back .[ risky loans[ and of course most of these loans never got paid back many homes went under because people would not or could it pay for them . these were people that had bad credit . or no jobs they had no Business getting a loan from the bank in the first place . but out of fairness our gov. forced banks to give these ppl a loan . the loans never got paid back banks went down homes foreclosed our economy went to hell etc. will guess what there doing it again the DEM'S are making banks give risky loans to ppl that can not pay them back . were not even out of the miss that this caused the first time and there doing it again. are they not going to stop until america is in a great depression . why cant the DEM'S see what damage this is doing to the country . and to americans there going to hurt this country so bad that we will never be able to clime out of it .no future president will be able to fix this mess if they keep this up .

    4 AnswersGovernment10 years ago
  • if a women becomes our president what will they call her husband?

    wives of presidents has always been called the first lady so what would a husband be called if his wife was president

    7 AnswersGovernment10 years ago
  • did anyone notice how fast casey anthony tears dried up after she was found not guilty?

    did you notice how fast she changed during the whole thing she kept crying kept her hail up in a ponytail . but right after the not guilty verdict there was no tear in sight she was all smiles .i never seen her look so happy .

    6 AnswersCelebrities10 years ago
  • has anyone notice that a lot of strange things started to happen after obama became our president?

    we no longer call terrorist acts , terrorist acts we now call them man made disasters . we bomb other country's [libya[ but it is not called a war . the state of Arizona gets sued just for trying to protect there own borders . other states are also being sued for the same reasons that Arizona got sued by other country's for protecting there borders and our gov. supports this .boeing company gets sued for moving one of there factory's to a right to work state .by our gov. the ATF are giving guns to Mexican cartels. none of these things has ever happened before not sense i have been born and i was born in 72.

    11 AnswersGovernment10 years ago
  • has anyone seen a picture of pinks baby?

    the singer had her BABY about a month ago i think i was wondering if anyone seen a picture of it and if so can you tell me what website you got it on

    1 AnswerMovies10 years ago
  • is it to late for rick perry to get in the race for the white house?

    he has said he is thinking about running for president . i was just wondering if it was getting to late for him to enter the race .

    3 AnswersElections10 years ago
  • why do blacks keep voting for the Democrats?

    blacks are worse off today then ever before they do worse then any race in this country . liberal policy have destroyed the black family . unemployment is higher for blacks then it is for every race in america most illegals do better then blacks in this country .the DEM'S treat blacks like there stupid and would die if they did not have the gov. to help them . liberals lower the standards for blacks . it is the liberals that control the inner cities in most big cities . abortions are killing the black race . i don't get it why do blacks keep voting for DEM'S there liberal policies are destroying the black race. and when ppl try to make life better for blacks by allowing them different choice's for schools like charter schools they will get protested and called racist by the liberals/DEM'S

    3 AnswersElections10 years ago