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  • Maths question? Help! (2)?

    A fair die and spinner are played at the same times. The die is numbered 1 to 6, the spinner 1 to 3. What is the probability of getting:

    a one and 2 (any way round)

    a total of 5?

    An explanation would be appreciated. Many thanks!

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Maths question? Help!?

    Please explain the answer to this question:

    The probability of drawing a red ball from a bag is 0.3 and the probability of drawing a black is 0.5:

    What is the probability of drawing red or black? Is it 0.7?

    If there are 10 black balls, how many red are there? Please explain?

    4 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Maths question? Help!?

    A fair die and spinner are played at the same times. The die is numbered 1 to 6, the spinner 1 to 3. What is the probability of getting:

    a one and 2 (any way round)

    a total of 5?

    An explanation would be appreciated. Many thanks!

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Answer to maths question? Help?!?

    If I have a biased spinner with the numbers 1,2,3 and 4, and the chance of getting a 1 is 0.1, of getting a 2 is 0.2 and of a 3 0.2.

    If I spin the spinner 100 times, how many 2s should I expect to get? And please explain the answer.

    Thanks : )

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Living in the Tudor times better than Modern day?

    Please give points on why living in the Tudor era might be better than modern day. Thank you : )

    3 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Good opening paragraph(s)?

    Please read and review with constructive criticism

    The hawk has a watchful eye for everything. It swoops over deep valleys, hidden civilisations and secretive rivers. But one place, so filled with witchcraft that the air buzzes with smoke and energy, is where is daren’t go near. Until today, when a shrill cry is smothered quickly as the baby kicks in her cot and the mother lies, pale, in her bed. Carefully, slowly, the hawk uses his magnificent, soft feathered wings to glide near the cottage, amber eyes piercing the thatched roof.

    He can smell the death and waits nearby, impassive to the wailing and screaming. Soon, he flies away, over the thick woods and through the clouds.

    “Get rid of her, Hannah, she is a danger to this family.” Logan refused to look at the baby huddled in his wife’s arms, staring at the dancing fire, jaw clenched. Hannah, although exhausted, was still the soft beauty which had captivated him three years ago. But her golden eyes were wary and tired as her fingers lithely wrapped her baby in blankets.

    “You would kill your own child?” She asked, clasping the baby close. Her infant watched Logan with matching amber eyes, accusing and innocent. The man ran a hand through curly dark hair, face still fresh and young. Their cottage was stuffy and hot, causing sweat to run down his neck.

    “She is not my child, nor is she yours.” He replied shortly. Hannah flinched, eyes narrowed dangerously.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Name for my character?

    I want a name for my girl which is unusual but not ridiculous. I've looked on a lot of sites, but none of the names are suitable.

    My character has amber eyes, dark brown hair and bronzed skin. She is stubborn, sarcastic, determined and withdrawn.

    Please keep the names short. If you can think of a nickname to go with it, that would be great!

    Thanks : )

    18 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Good opening paragraph?

    Ryan watched her turn, grey eyes filled with foreboding. He relished how fear struck her face as their eyes met, the air exchanging crackles of power. His blue eyes never left her figure as she ran, watching and waiting. Abruptly, he whirled around and the ground buckled as the two blurs collided. His mind manipulated the water vapour in the air as he deflected the hits, but realised it was too late as vines wrapped around his legs. Struggling, they dragged him down and dust rose as he fought, thrashing.

    Luca bent over him, emerald green eyes cloudy with anger. Neither broke the gaze and the world around them seemed to vanish, as though it were only them. Rain started to pour and muddy water trailed down the hillside.

    “Stay away from her, Ryan.” Every word was filled with loathing, but Ryan simply grinned.

    “She’s not yours, oh dear Luca.” He replied, his own voice matching the hatred equally. “Her heart belongs to us and you know that.”

    “No, I don’t unfortunately for you.” The rain beat harder and Ryan flinched as the vines tightened around his neck. Luca grinned, water dripping of his hair and face.

    I would like constructive criticism please. Thank you for reading it : )

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Name for my character?

    I know there are a lot of answers for this already, but I need one that sound just right for my character.

    The girl has control over fire. Her personality is gentle and sensitive, although she is fiercely loyal and is willing to sacrifice a lot for others. (Cliche?)

    For her I want a shorter name, not old fashioned like Victoria.

    My boy character is withdrawn and his temper is quick, and he's pretty sarcastic. I also want a short name for him too.

    Thanks for your help!

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What would you include in a good story?

    For example, would it have to include romance or tragedy. Or do you prefer the comic type? Thanks.

    : )

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Difficulty thinking of a plot?

    I don't need plot ideas, because I have a lot. But when I try and jot ideas down, they all get jumbled together. How can I plan it out properly and include everything I want?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Mute character is my story?

    My girl's mom died and she suddenly turned mute because of the tragedy and shock. Should I just let her stay mute throughout the story or should someone get her to talk again. I'm just wondering if it's annoying for someone to read a story where the main character never talks.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Do I have a phobia of dogs?

    I don't know how it happened, I was just suddenly really scared of dogs. I'm OK around some dogs I know, but when I see a dog on the street I get really panicked and if it's not on a leash my heart beats really fast and I almost cross the road. I never turn my back on a dog because unless they're a tiny puppy I'm convinced they'll try and hurt me. Is this a phobia or am I just a little scared?

    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Would you read this story?

    Hi, I'm just trying a story out and I want to know what people think. It is about a girl whose mom dies and she's devastated and withdrawn. No-one helps her so in desperation she turns to a gang.

    Thanks, constructive criticism please!

    This shouldn’t be happening. She thought, hands clasped almost in prayer. The world around her was starting to fade, the pitying police man and bewildered look of her father as he tried to take in what had happened. It finally went dark.

    The funeral was quiet, rain drizzling in the annoying way when it dropped slowly. The black dress she wore was made of black silk, and her skin felt numb despite the stifling heat. Her family stood silently as the priest read the sermon in his slow, sad voice. There was sadness in the air and the world had suddenly lost all colour, black descending like a fog.

    “Tabitha Maria Brooke was a good woman.” Father Marcus murmured, looking to the heavens with dark eyes. Good is nowhere near close enough. She thought staring at the grass as droplets of water ran through the patches of mud. “A kind wife, loving mother and family or friend to us all, we shall miss her.” You barely knew her! She suddenly wanted to get out of the graveyard. Away from the white flowered coffin, the sad glances and stiff faces.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What would you include in a love story?

    I'm trying to create a love story, where the plot revolves around the characters romance. However, it's difficult because in my other stories the romance is more of an added thing rather that the main plot. I'm trying to create a deep feeling without making it cheesy, but also trying to find a good plot. Help me!

    Thanks : )

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Three P.O.V too much?

    I am writing a story about twins and whilst they're together, eg. in same room and/or situation I write in 3rd person. But when they are apart I write in first. Is this too confusing?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Is this idea a little cliche?

    I have two main characters and they are twin, but girl and boy. The boy is protective and is more cheerful and casual whereas his sister is more sensitive and withdrawn. I was wondering if I should mix the personalities a bit.

    Also, for this type of story is it better to write from first person and both their views or third?


    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Your favorite character trait?

    In a fantasy story, what trait(s) would you like the main character to have?

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Who is your favorite singer and why?

    Mine is Beyonce, she's talented even live and has great videos and lyrics.

    10 AnswersSinging1 decade ago
  • Good points for Bella Swan?

    I read Twilight a while back and was shocked by the overall dullness of the main character. I really wonder what Edward or Jacob saw in her, she's not exactly pretty or sociable and as far as I can tell has no up points whatsoever. What do you think of this damsel in distress?

    9 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago