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♓I'M a pisces♓

Favorite Answers33%

Hi. I am a pisces. Here is my full birth chart! Sun in Pisces Moon in Libra Mercury in Aries Venus in Aquarius Mars in Pisces Jupiter in Cancer Saturn in Virgo Uranus in Scorpio Pluto in Libra Lilith in Leo Neptune in Sagittarius Rising sign in Virgo Here is my full birth chart Here are a few things about me: *i worry alot *im very sensitive & emotional *i devolop emotional connections very easy with males & females *bonding with another pisces is the best connection ever!The sexual side of both pisces together brings out the spirtual side! *im very intuitive!I guide myself with my intution! *communication for me is very important. *once i fall in luv its hard for me to fall out of it! *when i get into my moods i need alone time! *leo's & libra's & taurus's do not understand me. *i believe all water signs understand each other

  • My friend failed to show up for sentensing. A felony bench warrant was issued. He plead guilty 2 weeks prior. He plead guity to a f6?

    And criminal damage. I believe this was a misdemeanor. This was his plea agreenent. I have heard if someone dont show up for sentencing the courts can put a side the plea deal he plead gulty to earlier & they will give him all his orginal charges back.

    Orignally he had a felony 4 & felony 6. Misdemeanor 3

    Also in arizona or any state do they get charged with the felony bench warrant? Or is the bench warrant just to drag them in? If so thats a felony 5 charge I've heard.

    Right now im preying for my friend. He is going to need it. Im very scared. He was picked up on his warrant about 5 months after they issued it.

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police4 years ago
  • Has any one with a iphone 4 updated to io 7.3 & didnt have no problems or glitches?

    I wanna update it but i dont wanna slow my phone down or have any problems with it thanks.

    1 AnswerSoftware7 years ago
  • Do you think debra milke is guilty or innocent?

    After spending more than two decades on death row, Debra Milke has been released from jail on bond.

    A ruling Thursday allowed Milke to post a $250,000 bond while she's awaiting a new trial for allegedly killing her son back in 1989.

    She posted bond Friday and was escorted out of the Lower Buckeye Jail in Phoenix about 3 p.m. Friday.

    Milke was convicted more than two decades ago in the murder of her 4-year-old son and sent to death row.

    In 2009, an appeals court overturned her conviction, saying her confession had been coerced.

    Last week, Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Rosa Mroz rejected the request by Milke's lawyers to disqualify the Maricopa County Attorney's Office from the case.

    Milke's attorneys maintained the county attorney's office was pursuing the case purely for political reasons.

    The judge who overturned Milke's death sentence five months ago found that prosecutors didn't disclose evidence of misconduct by the lead detective who testified that she confessed to him in a private interrogation room.

    Milke has always maintained her innocence, but a jury convicted her of conspiring with her boyfriend and another man, telling her 4-year-old son he was going to go see Santa Claus at a mall.

    Instead, the men took him to the desert and shot him.

    The retrial is set for Sept. 30.

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Hepatitis b and sex? extra letters?

    i have a friend who rescently got hepatitis b. he didnt know he had it tell he went into the hospital. he had sex with his girl while he was sick. he had sex before he went into the hospital before he knew what he had. what is the best thing she can do right now to prevent her from catching hepatitis b. i told her to get the hepatitis shot immidetely. i think that will help prevent her from catching it. please give me your input.

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • how would i know if a pisces male really loves me?I am a pisces female.?

    The reason i ask this is cause pisces can adapt to any situation. Well im in love with my pisces male & it feels like he loves me but of corse he can adapt to that situation & maybe hes just faking it or is just adapting to make it looks like he loves me.

    He tells me im the perfect girl. He has told me he loves me before. He has opened up to me & the way he touches me i feel he loves me to.

    Here is the scary part he is a player. I needed to add that in their to cause this could change things. How could you tell a pisces male player loves you thats my real question?

    3 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Pisces is singing & listening to music a pisces thing?I need my music to calm me down!At least a few hours!?

    All of the pisces that i know luv the pc & to listen to music!We gotta sing to make it beneficial to!

    How about you?

    8 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Pisces what pisses you off?List a few things that makes you mad if you want to!!!!?

    I myself am a pisces. I have been with a pisces guy for about 4 to 5 years now. Hes my fwb but we are planning on taking it further. Now my situation or what makes me mad is that he questions my trust some times. I think that's kinda a common trait to us pisces to. We always fear people are going to hurt us & screw us over. I do that to kinda; i always want to make sure i dont get hurt. I don't trust people right away! Plus once i do usually trust a person theirs always wonders if i can trust them completely or not. With both him & i trust is a big issue & we trust each other allot!That's why im so in shock of why he questioned my trust!He knows he screwed up. Cause i blew a fuse. When i feel someone trusts me that's supposed to trust me & then he questions my trust that makes me mad quick. I think he seen their was steam coming out of my head or you know what i mean!Thank god he knows once that a pisces get pissed to leave them alone cause otherwise they even get more mad!!!! I believe he feels bad he screwed up & he will make it up to me to!!!

    4 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • Do you think Jared Laughner is competent to stand trial?They declared him not competent!Do you think hes fakin?

    Do you think hes faking it that hes crazy or do u think hes actually nuts?I believe he is crazy & nuts but i do feel he at least kinda knew what he was doing when he was shooting up people!I mean he had extra rounds he had if someone wouldn't of stopped him.

    I think hes just trying to get out of the death penalty. I do believe we have that here in arizona!

    8 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Do you think Jared Laughner is competent to stand trial?They declared him not competent!Do you think hes fakin?

    Do you think hes faking it that hes crazy or do u think hes actually nuts?I believe he is crazy & nuts but i do feel he at least kinda knew what he was doing when he was shooting up people!I mean he had extra rounds he had if someone wouldn't of stopped him.

    I think hes just trying to get out of the death penalty. I do believe we have that here in arizona!

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • If i installed direct X on my computer would it show up in the add or remove programs?

    I swear i installed direct x on my last computer i had. My games were crashing about 5 mins into playing them could direct x be my problem cause i didn't have it downloaded onto my computer. I wiped my pc & reinstalled windows again the same thing kept happening that the games still keep on crashing still. What happens is my screen will shut off & my pc stays on & i can hear the volume & then it makes a weird noise & i have to manually shut it off.

    I know normally if u download a program you can find it in the add or remove programs im not retarded!!!!I was not able to find it in my add or remove programs. So im scared cause if i didn't not have it on their maybe that's why my games were crashing.

    Im honestly not retarded in no way shape or form but ah my bf stated this that direct x is not found in the add or remove programs when downloaded so i wanted to ask to see whom is right. I am putting direct x on my pc right now to see if that fixes it.

    3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • im having pc issues. If im playing games it will crash. I think its a ram issue but not totally sure.?

    it don't crash otherwise for the most part. I also think it could have something to do with the screen to cause the screen shuts off & the pc gives me the blue screen of the death & crashes. I am pretty sure its not a hardware issue. Its not a virus im pretty sure of that. The pc will crash i would say ten mins into the game then i have to manually kill it it don't restart on itself. I have no clue whats up. please help thanks

    4 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • What is Your Soulmate Like & signs?

    Your Soulmate is Friendly

    You are a very open and extroverted person - and you seek the same in a partner.

    Your soulmate doesn't have to be as outgoing as you are, but you'd have trouble being with a wallflower.

    You also do best with someone who is responsible and practical. You sometimes need to balance out your easygoing approach to life.

    However, you couldn't be with anyone who took things too seriously. You prefer to have a relaxed relationship.

    22 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Do You Have a Good Sense of Humor & signs?

    You Have a Good Sense of Humor

    You love to make other people laugh, and you're pretty darn good at it to. You are downright hilarious.

    You never let life get you down. When things go wrong, you can find at least one thing to laugh at.

    You are a positive and upbeat person. You have a sunny disposition and smile for everyone you meet.

    Even though you're funny, you still take your responsibilities seriously. You just take yourself lightly.

    9 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Are You Easily Fooled & signs?

    You Are Not Easily Fooled

    You may have been fooled in the past, but you won't get fooled again. You're wise to the ways of the world.

    If something seems fishy, you stay far away from it. And if you're not sure, you investigate.

    You know how to protect yourself. You know how to cut through the crap and see what someone's truly about.

    You may come off as skeptical and doubting, but you've found that your skepticism is often warranted.

    im a pisces

    14 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • What's Your Temperament in Love & your sign?

    Your Dating Temperament is Phlegmatic

    You are a stable and calm force in relationships. You deflect drama.

    You are a natural peacemaker and compromiser. You are willing to do your part to make sure you are both happy.

    You have a good sense of humor. Even when you fight, you try not to take any of it too seriously.

    At times you can get a little too content and stuck in a rut with your sweetie. You need someone who will help spice things up!

    im a pisces

    13 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Why do taurus's do this?When im not busy they dont wanna talk but when im busy then they wanna talk with me.?

    Im a pisces. I have a friend that's a guy we are not romantically involved or nothing like that! When im not busy or not doing nothing he wont call me. When i tell him im going to be busy(wed at 9pm) then at around that time then he will call me or wanna talk. Then when i tell him im busy or im at my friends place he gets mad & frustrated cause i don't wanna talk to him! So what ive been doing is not even answering the phone for him when he does this cause its like he does this on purpose!Is this a taurus trait or is this something not astrologically related?

    2 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • What do i need to do?I think one my friends used my name when she got caught shop lifting?

    How do i need to go about this?

    I am freaking out about this. My friend has been caught for shop lifting many many times. Her last one was a few days i was not with her nor i have no idea where she got caught shop lifting at either. They did not take her in. I know she has at least 4 outstanding warrants & they never arrested her. I think she used my name & got out of it. I have no criminal record what so ever. I think it was only for $30.00 but not totally totally sure. She didn't tell me many details about it. I am hella heated about this. I don't know what to do. I am no means a narc of any kind but i need to get this cleared.

    If she gave my name to the cops to get her butt out of this ah we have a age & weight difference.I am 32 but look like im 26 & shes like 44. I am about 70 lbs heavier then she is shes 230. I am like 5'3 & shes like 5'7. I think she may know my social security number to but im not totally sure!

    I live in phoenix arizona. How would i go about clearing this up.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago