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  • How to write a student Resume.?

    I am a current Mechanical Engineering student at the University of Maryland. I transferred there from Montgomery College where I got an Associates degree in Mechanical Engineering. But other than getting my Associates i don't have any experience. How do i write a resume?

  • Yu Yu Hakusho Unanswered questions and Inconsistencies?

    I just finished watching the series again for like the 8th time lol. I remembered that there were a few things that didn't make sense to me:

    1.) At the end of the series Yuske was able to use both demon and spirit energy because he is half demon and half human, But Kurama is a demon spirit who took over a human babies body why can't he use both demon and spirit energy he kind of half human as well

    2.) At the end of the series new ruler of demon world, Enki, stated "There will be no more mischief in human world", But i don't understand how demons are expected to survive without a food source? If humans are the only adequate food source then how are demons expected to live without them? If there is an alternative food source then why did Lord Raizen have to starve himself to death? Raizen's promise to himeself was that he wouldn't eat another HUMAN again until he saw Yuske's ancestral mother, so if there is some other food source why wouldn't he just eat that?

    3.) Yuske, at the end of the series, became a demon (or half demon) either way his life span is now significantly longer than a humans while he may not live as long as his full blooded demon father he will live at least for hundreds of years (his father said at the end he'd need at least 300 to get strong enough to win the demon tournament when he visited his grave). So how is his relationship with Keiko suppose to work? When she looks old at like 60 Yuske will still look like he is in his 20's.

    The same goes for Kuwabara and Yukina's relationship she will undoubtedly live much longer than him. (If they even end up together)

    3 AnswersComics & Animation7 years ago
  • A tank contains 200 liters of fluid in which 20 grams of salt is dissolved. Pure water is then pumped into....?

    A tank contains 200 liters of fluid in which 20 grams of salt is dissolved. Pure water is then pumped into the tank at a rate of 4 L/min; the well-mixed solution is pumped out at the same rate. Find the number:


    of grams of salt in the tank at time t.

    Can any one please explain how to solve this problem?

    1 AnswerPhysics7 years ago
  • How to figure out a Physics problem from king of the nerds season 1 boling ball and panes of glass.?

    A 12lb boling ball is placed 14ft (14ft from the bottom of the bolling ball to the ground) in the air and is above 94in above 20 sheets of 2x2 foot 1/4in thick glass sheets placed 3in apart. how many sheets of glass break if each sheet of glass weighs 11lbs 8 ounces. Hint( the bolling ball wont make it though all the glass to the ground.)

    I was wondering what physics was involved in doing this problem i know gravitational potential energy and density of the glass could be used what else. Could you please solve this problem and explain what equations you used to solve it?

    1 AnswerPhysics7 years ago
  • Are mixed race people more attractive? Does the genetic variation help?

    I know this is a controversial topic but I'm not trying to offend anyone. I really want a truthful answer. i looked up this question on yahoo and it seemed everyone was asking the question in the wrong place (Society & Culture) where you know the people answering are doing so with only their opinions and bias without any scientific evidence to back them up.

    In my opinion the mixed people I've seen are very attractive but i do realize that everyone in America is probably "mixed" in some way but in a more gradual sense then what I'm referring to.

    Do the offspring of parents of two completely different races have more varied genetics that give them more symmetry?

    Side note: (I am not a "mixed" person, not really but kinda, I'm mostly African American with a small percentage of Native American and Caucasian)

    4 AnswersBiology8 years ago
  • Analyzing ninjutsu created by Senjutsu Chakra and Sage mode vs. ninjutsu created by Regular Chakra?

    In light of the recent chapter of naruto people on YouTube and other forums are questioning what is different about Senjutsu and why can a ninjutsu formed while in sage mode actually hurt Obito despite his new God like powers. I too had these same questions and i have formed my own opinion on what i believe to be true and i recently got into a debate on this on a Sawyer7mage YouTube video. the Debate was basically a difference of opinion on what senjutustu actually is and what it does. I believe that Sage mode chakra is composed of the combination of three energies physical energy, spiritual energy, and natural energy. so i believe that when an attack is formed while in sage mode not only is it enhance because Naruto's physical abilities are enhanced, like his strength, but also because what the attack is made of has also changed into a different type of chakra. The person i got into the debate with on YouTube disagreed he or she believed that ninjutsu while in sage mode are still made up of only normal chakra and that naruto himself is enhanced by the natural energy and that's what makes the attacks different. We then started to debate why people in the past have absorbed senjutsu, Pain and resurrected Madara, without turning to stone if attacks in sage mode did in fact contain natural energy. I eventually came to the conclusion that the amount of natural energy in a sage mode attack isn't enough to cause an en-balance of natural energy to chakra in the body of the person absorbing the attack. This is why when pain absorbed naruto's rasen-shuriken he didn't turn to a toad stone but when he absorbed naruto's chakra directly he did. Also when in sage mode an invisible "cloak" of natural energy is formed around the user (this is why when doing Frog Katas naruto could hit pain without actually touching Pain) so when pain began absorbing naruto's chakra he probably began to absorb this cloak first and gradually as he absorbed it he turned to a toad then to stone as his chakra to natural energy ratio was tipped over the balance.

    What do you think of my analysis what are your opinions on what Senjutsu actually is and why it hurts Obito?

    3 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • Are you born with intelligence? and Do genes determine how intelligent you are?

    I was watching Through the wormhole with Morgan Freeman and on this particular episode Morgan was telling us about this controversial scientist who believed that among the different races of humans (Asian, Caucasian, African, etc...) that some races were just naturally more intelligent similarly to how among dogs some breeds are more intelligent than others. I at first was offended because in her listing African American was i think second to last and I'm African American. But now i really want to know are some races just naturally more intelligent? Is there any truth to the claim at all? Please be honest and provide me with some links to websites that you are getting your info from.

    2 AnswersBiology8 years ago
  • How much mass does the earth gain each year and how was the current mass determined?

    Asked this question in the physics section and didn't really get any satisfying answers. Every time i look up this question the question is improperly answered with neglecting certain factors that do in fact increase the Earth's mass like asteroids and meteors. if i ask you to tell how much mass the earth gains or loses don't answer with neglecting things that affect the earth's mass. most of the time the factors that are considered are the star dust particles being sucked in to earth (attracted by gravity), really light gases that can escape the atmosphere and gravity, solar wind that create the northern lights, space shuttles and rockets being sent out, and the reactions happening at the core of our planet. But if you calculate the mass of all the outer space objects that have ever hit and stayed apart of earth wouldn't it increase the earth's mass? And how was the mass in the back of my physics book calculated?

  • Doesn't the Earth's mass change everyday?

    I was watching meteorite men on discovery channel while doing a PH 1 problem using the "mass of the earth" found in the back of the textbook. But then i started to think hey doesn't the earth's mass change every time we are hit by a meteor or asteroid. Like the Asteroid that led to the eventual death of all the dinosaurs was huge didn't it change the Earth's mass? and meteors, though not as huge as asteroids, come and hit the earth rather frequently don't they change the earth's mass?

    3 AnswersPhysics8 years ago
  • Is the joker a chemist or a chemical engineer?

    I was re-watching a series called "The Batman" and i realized that the joker seems to have all these little gadgets when he fights batman most of them are chemically based like Joker Venom, Joker Gas, Joker putty, and other chemically influenced weapons like a flower that squirts acid, little balls he throws full of joker gas, and other stuff. Where does he get all these weapons? Does he make his own chemical weapons? i assume he has to right you can't just go on the internet and search for acid shooting flowers lol. If he does make his own chemical weapons he has to be really smart but he doesn't really act like he is. why not? if he can invent his own chemicals he should be really smart.

    2 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • How can an electron have angular momentum when it isn't actually spinning?

    In physics i remember when we were studying quantum mechanics and my teacher said that an electron had angular momentum but i don't understand how if it isn't actually spinning. why still call it angular momentum when you know it isn't spinning?

    3 AnswersPhysics8 years ago
  • How does superman develope muscles on a planet that he refers to as "made of cardboard"?

    I always wondered how superman could have developed muscle on earth, where he has basically no physical challenges. I thought of this because i was thinking about the movie that's about to come out and i thought any kryptonian that was raised on krypton should beat a kryptonian raised on earth because on krypton they could actually develop muscle on earth it is hard for a kryptonian to be challenged so they wont get a good work out. If you say that Superman got his muscles from fighting super villians then that wouldn't make sense because superman is cut which means he works out often and hard.

    5 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • How did Millikan Calculate the quantum of charge from his data?

    I am in a physics course in college and we did a lab simulation of the Millikan oil drop experiment. I have all the data i need i know the mass, velocity, and amount of charge on each oil drop i also have the magnitude of the electric field between my plates for each trial but i don't know how to find the value of the charge on 1 electron from this data. i tried graphing the weight of the oil drops vs. the electric field but i quickly realized that this would just give me the average charge on each oil drop. how do i figure out the value of the charge on 1 electron from my data?

    2 AnswersPhysics8 years ago
  • What would your favorite anime or comic character act like if they were High?

    i know it is a stupid question but im curious what people think their fav character would act like in an altered state.

    For most of mine i don't think there would be any change cause they are always themselves no matter what but for some of those intellectual, no it all characters with complex personalities i think it would be pretty interesting

    2 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • if given a phase portrait how do you find the auotonomous differiential equation?

    on my homework i was given a phase diagram of critical points 1, 3, and 5 with the arrows increasing towards 1, 3, and 5

    how do i find a differential equation that agress with this phase diagram?

    here is the question:

    Construct an autonomous first-order differential equation

    dy/dx = f(y)

    whose phase portrait is consistent with the given figure (i can't post the figure but i described it it in the begging.

    2 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • Couldn't Kuwabara(Yu Yu Hakusho) kill Obito(Naruto) Easily?

    I was re-watching the Yu Yu Hakusho series for like the tenth time and i got to the last parts of the series when Urameshi and the gang are fighting Shinobu Sensui and Kuwabara unlocks his dimensional sword again after watching Yusuke die. Then i watched as Sensui Fought Kurama, Hiei, and Kuwabara and i noticed he would block Hiei and Kurama's attacks but totally dodge Kuwabara's attacks with the dimensional sword. Then i realized that if anyone tried to block his sword they would be cut no matter what. So i thought if anyone tried to fight Kuwabara and didn't know he had this special sword they would die really easily for instance if Obito saw Kuwabara trying to attack him in his sloppy swing his sword around way he would simply phase to his pocket dimension like he does to avoid everyone's attacks not realizing that Kuwabara's attack can cut through and attack in more then one dimension. Then he would get cut in half really easily. I would also like to admit that if Obito found out what Kuwabara's sword could do he could defeat him really easily like Sensui did but in my scenario Obito has never met Kuwabara and doesn't suspect a thing about his abilities. What do you guys think?

    2 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • What is hyperspace in DC comics can someone please explain how superman uses it?

    On youtube im in an argument/ discussion with a superman fan claiming that superman can travel a significant amount faster then the speed of light. i explained that in physics nothing with mass can even travel at the speed of light unless it had infinite energy and then they started talking about hyperspace. what is it and how does superman use it

    1 AnswerComics & Animation8 years ago
  • How can superman or wonder woman fly?

    This may seem like a dumb question but as far as i know neither super hero has telekinesis so physically how do they fly? i know green lantern flies by kinda putting a force field around himself with his ring, or at least that's what it looks like in cartoons, i know hawk girl has two giant wings, even though they only flap like once or twice when she flies, i think the martian man hunter has telekinesis but i don't know why super man or wonder woman can fly. for superman was it just an adaptation from being able to jump tall buildings in a single bound?

    8 AnswersComics & Animation9 years ago
  • find the points on the cone z^2=x^2 + y^2 closest to the point (4,2,0)?

    Can someone please answer this question step by step

    1 AnswerMathematics9 years ago