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Lv 59,925 points

Kable Devidus

Favorite Answers25%
  • Is it possible there's something wrong with my liver?

    I'm not a drinker, not really ever. I've had a few drinks here and there, but I haven't had a drop in over a year. I have a semi-serious and extremely painful back injury and have been on high doses of hydrocodone (25-35mg 4-6 times daily) for about a month now, and before that was on lower doses of other stuff, oxycodone, hydrocodone, soma, methacarbamol (I believe), and I am also on 400mg of lyrica daily. The hydrocodone is 10mg-325mg. Now, I'm already a hypochondriac, so you can imagine my worry when my spinal doc raised my dose and then out of nowhere today I get a nasty bruise on my left hand on my middle finger about an inch below the middle knuckle.

    Maybe its just the meds, I don't know, but I'm extremely paranoid. Its a dark blue bruise, not huge but not small either. Years ago I broke the knuckles/fingers in this area and never had them looked at, and I've had a bruise in between my middle finger and my ring finger knuckles ever since. So maybe its related to that. But I'm freakin' out a bit. Not normal for me to freak out but I'm tellin' ya, its the medications.

    I have absolutely no other symptoms of liver issues, I mean, I'm tired a lot, but not overly tired, no loss of appetite, keep in mind I'm in pain quite a lot so that alone causes those symptoms. No pain in my stomach at all. Rarely nausea, and if there is any its usually a little bit after taking my medications which is completely normal.

    Anyways, these are high doses of Tylenol I'm getting everyday, which can cause some serious hepatoxicity. Or whatever it is.

    Any advice/experience? Do I need to go get tested or am I just freaking out over a little bruise that's probably caused by arthritis or a past injury I never had checked out?

    I'm planning on getting it checked out soon-ish anyways, because its painful and annoying being its my right hand. I just want to know if I should go in NOW.

    Thanks in advanced guys.

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases9 years ago
  • I was bitten by a black widow, should I go to the hospital?

    I was just bitten by a black widow about nine minutes ago. Pain is non existent, due to the fact that I'm on percocet for a back injury. But I feel extremely nauseous and I can see myself throwing up any moment now. Never thought I'd get bit by one, but now that I'm on the receiving end I'm not exactly 100% sure what to do.

    From what I'm reading its not fatal, but I don't want to risk anything.

    Should I go to the hospital?

    4 AnswersInjuries9 years ago
  • Pain treatment - need advice?

    I received a debilitating wound a while back, it causes my pelvis to constantly twist out of place (For whatever reason my physical therapists can't get it to stay in place), which in turn causes swelling in my S.I. joint, and my sciatic nerve runs THROUGH a muscle that is attached to the pelvis, instead of BY the muscle, (this occurs in about 10% of people in the world, I'm one of those unlucky people), though it only becomes unlucky when something happens to the pelvis, which causes the muscle spasms in that muscle causing it to constrict and press on my sciatic nerve, leaving me with debilitating pain quite often, and causing tingling/prickly/numbing sensations up and down my left leg and into my foot. (Don't worry, I'm currently in the process of fixing this with doctors, its turning into a long term process with PT that won't help, injections that *most likely* won't help, and *conservative* doctors that won't prescribe me much.)

    Now, a few things to keep in mind. I've *never* displayed "drug seeking behavior", but I've gotten to the point where I can't even sleep at night because of the pain. and I'm tired of dealing with condescending doctors that act like I'm going to abuse it, fact is, I'm in pain, and I have every right to *not* be in pain. Another thing to keep in mind, I'm 6'4, 250 lbs, in decent shape. I'm a BIG guy. I have a very large frame. And my history shows a giant tolerance to most medications, not just painkillers. They've been prescribing me FIFTEEN 5 mg/325APAP hydrocodone a week. You go online and people with similar injuries are getting prescribed entire pharmacies practically.

    I'm just a bit confused here, I am tired of being in pain, and no, I don't want to take painkillers long-term, I just want to take them short-term while we figure out what we can and can't do to help me.

    Do I find a new doctor? What should I do?

  • Sony - Blows my mind, what do you think?

    Now, I'm not much into the legal scene, but being with a Military career, I have a very strong sense of pride in our Country and its laws/Constitution. So, when Sony goes and makes a License agreement that you have to agree to if you want to use their services saying "You can't sue us." it kind of blows my mind. Are people really spineless enough to continue using their service?

    I loved having a PS3 around. But now I'm going back to the 360. Screw PS3, and screw Sony.

    What, you can **** up and get millions of accounts jacked, but you don't have to deal with the consequences?

    I hope your Company takes a nose-dive into a pile of ****.

    They might as well make a statement "We are soul-less Japanese people with no brains and no hearts who want only to rape your bank accounts and have absolutely no consequences for everything we **** up on."

    5 AnswersHome Theater10 years ago
  • What do you guys think about troops being sent to Africa?

    Now, as many of us know, many countries in Africa have been in a state of war and quite literally genocide for the past twenty years, but no one has had the type of resources or times to help. Or so they say anyways. BUT, it looks like Obama is trying to do some good. One hundred troops are being deployed throughout Uganda, Sudan, Central African Republic, and of course the Congo to help combat the LRA, which is the Rebels. Hence, if you've ever heard of child Soldiers in Africa, it started with these guys, they give them cocaine mixed with black powder, and then throw them an AK, and tell them where to go and who to kill. Quite literally millions of people have been killed by the LRA, and millions more have been displaced due to the LRA burning down entire villages, even cities. They are known to rape, pillage, murder, they will do anything they want really. They force the children to kill their parents quite often, sort of as the "entrance" test.

    Now, the troops being deployed are combat equipped, BUT, ROE is that they are not to engage in combat unless of course it is in defense. My guess as to who it is? Delta, maybe SF, but with only a hundred guys, either way you know what they are doing is training the governments militia and helping root out the corrupted government in the said African countries, as well as helping them expand the militia to increase numbers. Their main goal though is to oust the LRA's top leaders.

    Now, other than the "Oh America should stop policing the world and stealing oil" bullshit what do people think about this? Smart decision on Obama's part? About damn time we do something? Or we shouldn't be over there for legitimate reasons? Let the bastards burn every city in Africa down and then rape every female they can?

    11 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • Not sure if I'm thinking too straight but..?

    What happens to the guys in the Air Force trying to get their FAA Certification for CCT and TACT if FAA is partially shutdown and on the verge of completely shutting down?

    1 AnswerMilitary10 years ago
  • Restraining Order - Help, please?

    Okay, so here it goes. For one, I'm Active Duty Marines. Two, here's the problem.

    There's this girl that I used to be FRIENDS with way back in High School, I'm now 24, and I've been in the Marines for 6 years. I have a wife. Well, this girl keeps talking to my wife, and saying ****, like I cheated on my wife with her, and I also cheated on her, all this bull ****. And I'm getting sick of it. I've asked her to stop, I don't know why she's doing this? Hard feelings because I wouldn't go out with her? I have no idea, seriously. Cheating is an offense in the Military, we all know how much fun jag would have with me if I was really up to no good.

    I have proof she's been harassing me, and my wife.

    I need this girl out of my life, completely. Like absolutely no contact with me, or my wife.

    How, if it is possible, can I do this?

    The life of a Marine, and the life of a Marines wife is already VERY complicated, I have enough stress on my plate as it is, as does my wife, I can't even begin to thank wives out there for putting up with our jobs, it baffles my mind that they can do it. I love my wife dearly, and we've been together since our Sophomore year in High School. We didn't get married till we were 18.

    Now, how can I get rid of this girl, I can't have this stress on my wife, its pathetic that she's trying to do this. I've never filed restraining orders because I've always thought it was bull ****, until now. I'm realizing how handy they can come in.

    Thank you so much in advanced for your help.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Opportunity biting back?

    Alright. I'm in a serious crunch here. And its pretty pathetic that I can't figure it out on my own.

    To make things simple, the wife is having a baby. I'm finishing up at 6 years in the Marines, and I have an opportunity for Air Force Combat Controller, which is quite the opportunity. But at the same time, the thought of leaving the Marines and my fellow Marines is somewhat heart-wrenching.

    I'm a hands on guy, I absorb knowledge, and I'm great with tech, regardless of my status as the old M-16 wielding Marine. (Although the idea of an Carbine as CCT is quite enticing, those rifles are insatiably beautiful)

    I'm a 0311 Combat Rifleman, so my role is definitely hands on and combat oriented. I love the camaraderie we have in such a unified team. But, I've always been a lone wolf, (don't throw lone wolves die young at me please), I work well in a team, but I work even better in small teams of 2 or even just myself.

    No, I'm not a combat junkie, yes, I love adrenaline and lots of stress and high pressure situations, those are the moments where I truly breathe.

    Now, I'm just looking for opinions really. Re-enlist with the Marines, or go over to the Air Force and try and make my way through the 2 1/2 year training pipeline for CCT? I know a CCT's primary weapon is a radio, but I also know (I think I know) that they are extremely proficient with a rifle (which is a must for me), I know that they are deployed for high-risk missions, and to perform deep reconnaissance, and of course their primary mission, Air Traffic Control, (supplies, units, big bombs, ect), I also know that CCT's work in smaller teams, I mean, obviously they attach to a larger team, SEAL teams, ect, which I believe is perfect for me, I've proven my ability to work in a team, and my ability to work by myself.

    Basically this is just me trying to figure out which way I should go, I know the Air Force has better housing ect, which would be perfect for my family, and CCT offers me something extremely challenging, and a whole new set of skills, along with the opportunity to work with people I know want to be there, and people I know can get the job done, along with high pressure situations, all that great stuff.

    The only thing still enticing about the Marines to me is my past I guess, the camaraderie, I'm sure other Marines can relate to the attachment I seem to have. (I'm one of the guys that love the United States Marines, not every one is that way about the Corps though).

    Any opinions guys? Yes this is my poor way of working things out in my head when I can't seem to myself.

    2 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • Combat Controller - Air Force, Questions?

    Alright, so I'm Active Duty Marines, and the wife is having a baby, so I'm looking to switch over to a service a bit more family friendly, with a better standard of living.

    At first I was looking at the Army, but a buddy over in the Air Force is telling me to look into Combat Control, I can't find too much on them searching the internet, only training lengths and physical requirements, maybe a bit about pay.

    Academics is no problem, my ASVAB is currently at 92. Physically, I'm all set. I just want to know more about the job, what it entails. The wifes dad tried telling me a bit about it, he was Air Force for 14 or so years.

    More so I want to know more about their mission? I'm a combat kind of guy, I like hands on, but at the same time Recon is one of my dreams. Basically, I want to be where there's adrenaline, and where there's a lot at risk, I work well under pressure, and it suits my character. And I understand with Combat Control combat isn't as common, due to the nature of the job, but am I correct to understand that its a high pressure and demanding job, where reconnaissance will be involved?

    My wife's father explained them as literally being some of the first guys in, or working along with Army SF, Delta, Rangers, and Navy SEALs.

    I've worked with Rangers before. But either way, I just want to know the lay of the land before I commit. I'm only 24, by the way. Just finishing 6 years with the Marines.

    Thank you in advanced, I apologize for the long question.

    4 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • What do you want to see on a website?

    The headline says it all.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • What keeps you coming back to a website?

    Is it things that maybe you can connect with, things you understand, things you personally enjoy, things that baffle you, things you think you can improve upon in said communities (Yahoo! for example)?

    Also, does the website layout matter to you, such as ease of use, cool designs, profiles so that you can connect with friends, share info with friends, maybe some type of ranking system for your profile, maybe based off the number of posts, or maybe you prefer based off the quality of the posts? (Rewards based off rank/quality?)

    The chance to give your take on things?

    Does the style of the website mean anything, such as the writer and his style of writing for the website?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • What sorts of things interest you?

    What intrigues you, keeps you coming back to a website?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What are people most interested in?

    Technology, fashion/clothing, gaming, science, ect.

    Just whatever intrigues you most, tell me.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What happens to our paychecks?

    Now, I'm aware that with history we never go unpaid, but still, I know my wife and I will be fine with money, but how long can this possibly last if the government closes and military paychecks are gone for a bit?

    Like I said, I'm not too worried, adapt and improvise. Just a bit curious what any other guy are seeing in this.

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Homefront is an amazing game?

    If you love massive maps, massive detail, massive battles, and tactical battles, and fighting for you nation in a video-game that stays true to the fact, then Homefront is ******* amazing. Not only that, but if you're a single-player kinda guy, it has AMAZING single-player, and the Multiplayer is insane, not many games on the 360 offer up 32 player battles. Not only that, the ranking system is awesome.

    Buy it!!! Reccommended.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • I'm deploying soon, and I need some kickass music, lets get the ideas rollin' here?

    I'm deploying again, 1st Batallion 6th Marines, E-4, and I ******* love having a good song to charge me up, anything really, just give me ideas

    5 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • My puppy hasn't eaten today?

    He just turned 6-weeks old yesterday, he's Lhasa-Apso with a mix of Poodle.

    He was eating fine yesterday, but last night he threw up. He's had some water, but no food. He's been active for intervals, which so far is normal for him, play, and then sleep for a while. But he's been sleeping for the past couple hours, and earlier this day he played for longer than usual. I'm feeding him soft puppy food. I'm taking him to the vet later, but if anyone has any similar experiences, please share.

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' What's your opinion?

    Now, I'm a United States Marine, I fight with the 1st Battalion 6th Marines Unit, I've served two tours of duty, one in Iraq, and one in Afghanistan.

    What are peoples opinions on this being banned?

    Here's mine.

    I can understand where people are coming from, wanting DADT repealed, but honestly, it really shouldn't be. I'm straight myself, but do I go around flaunting that to other soldiers? Would I dare walk up to a girl and tell her "I'm straight ma'am.". Hell no I wouldn't! I'd get my *** kicked all the way back to hollyland, and then discharged.

    I have absolutely no problem with gays, or lesbians, but you know what, Marines, soldiers, don't walk around flaunting the fact that their straight, so why should a gay person? If they don't need to flaunt it, they don't need to tell, which makes it simple, you don't ask, they don't tell, and no harm done, it doesn't say they can't be gay, it doesn't say to lie about who you are, in fact, you don't have to lie, because DON'T ASK, literally, there are HARSH consequences for even asking.

    Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

    Now, as a Marine, I can say that sure, you may come to know one of your brothers to be gay, and that's fine, you won't tell anyone, hell, you'll fight beside that person, you will DIE beside that person, but its different, you've become to know him or her, you've become their brother, you've formed an unquestionable trust relationship with that person, where as, if some dude just comes up and tells you he's gay in basics, I'm not going to respect him, hell no.

    I don't walk up to girls in the military saying "Hey, I'm straight". It doesn't work like that. In fact you'd be screwed if you did that. This shouldn't be repealed, its REALLY sad that we have to make laws to keep people from flaunting the fact that they are gay. Wouldn't be such a problem if they could keep it to themselves in the first place.

    I'm sorry, but the military isn't a place for freedoms, it isn't a place for relationships, when you put the pen to the paper, and you're sitting their thinking, seventeen or eighteen years old, you know you are about to change your life for forever, you are about to change other peoples lives, when you sign your name, you give up your freedom, you give up your rights, you give your life to the country. There's a reason the Military has a strict set of laws, because they work, our military is the most successful military in the entire world, hell, the reason we can salute the way we do, is because we've never lost a war, the reason we wear our flags backwards on our uniforms, is to show that we never retreat, showing the wind is blowing our flag the other way, and we are carrying it forward on our shoulders. We aren't denying anyone the option to serve their country, they have their opportunity, and if they are willing to fight and die for our country, if they are willing to go to Iraq, get their legs blown off, and still come back to our great nation, if they are willing to go overseas while they have a family, a girlfriend, and maybe even kids back home, if they are willing to go overseas and shed their own blood with their brothers, willing to cradle their dying brothers as they pass, willing to take a bullet for the man standing next to them, if they are willing to risk everything they have physically and mentally, for our country, I'm sure they can handle not telling people they are gay.

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago