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  • Question for community members educated in dog gestation!?

    I know nothing when it comes to gestation and pregnancy. Because I was not worried about her being in heat I allowed her to have visitation with my ex for a few days before she went to get her spay done. When she returned to me for her spay she was in heat. My ex is a complete idiot and made no attempts to take the appropriate steps to restrain her from the neighborhood and since she allows my neuter male to hump her I am worried she allowed another dog to try. Anyway because of this I am curious ........ she vomited about 30 minutes ago. It was very putrid acid smell like human vomit. She has had only dog food today and no human food yesterday and the smell gives me the idea that maybe she ate something. She was sleeping basically when she puked so no over excitement that could have caused it. It could be perhaps a bacteria but because she is in heat I am curious if there is anything vomiting could mean at this point.

    Most of the research I have done have left me empty handed. So any input is appreciated. Its 1 in the morning where I live so I can't call my boss who just so happens to be my vet and ask her opinion. Again I know nothing about anything to do with heats and pregnancies which I probably should. I'm learning as I go and what I learn depends on what walks in the door.

    Thanks again for your help!

    4 AnswersDogs8 years ago

    So I need to clarify for some of the dog owners out there who are not entirely educated about dogs. Some of you think that when a dam is de-wormed there is NO WAY the puppies can get worms. Now this is somewhat true because proper de worming a mother dog is the right thing to do.

    YET, the hardy little worms have the ability to encyst into various tissues in the mothers body and hibernate until the host either gets sick, gets stressed out or has puppies. Somehow these little bastard parasites know they can wrap a little cocoon around themselves and stay safe because sometimes it is difficult to get a high enough drug dose to kill them specially worms that reside in the colon.

    Anyway so for those of you with new puppies who think well the mom was de-wormed or she looked healthy you need to understand the life cycles of these parasites and know that everytime you get a new puppy you MUST de worm them.

    Some worms like whipworms can actually reside in the body and go periods of time where they do not lay eggs making it hard for even a fecal check to detect the presence of worms.

    So please de worm your puppy with a product like Drontal Plus, Verbantel, Droncit. Im sure if you call you local vet they can give you a broad spectrum dewormer.

    5 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Vet Tech question for certification?

    So I have been in school for awhile for a Vet Tech Degree (AS). I started thinking that upon graduation I would be a CVT. Then I stumbled across a site that says you have to take an exam to be certified. I assumed that was the exam I would take at the end of my studies at the college itself or is there a whole other place I need to pay to take this exam. Is there some form of registering to be a Vet Tech in my state. Need some clarity on this any help is appreciated.

    1 AnswerDogs8 years ago
  • Cockiteal Questions ?

    I work as a vet tech and a cockiteal come in from a lady and she didn't want him and just left him. I decided to take him home. When I first got him he hissed and hissed and grumpy as heck at me so my first question is what could be a funny name for him. He broke his left leg so its a little gimpy.

    Also where he was this other cockiteals he was picked on so I am reluctant to get him a friend. Does anyone have any suggestions about good friends for him other ways to curve his loneliness when I am not here like music or something.

    Also I want to properly hand tame him. Can someone break it down. SO far I just talk to him and he just started talking back and whistling with me. I am wondering how I should go about teaching him to trust me and my hands.

    Thanks anyone who answers.

    3 AnswersBirds8 years ago
  • Help making hard edge very fudge brownies?

    So I have just a regular box of brownie mix which calls for the normal 2 eggs oil and water. My question is is there alternative ingredients or other ingredients I can use to make the edges really firm. When I was little my aunt use to make these brownies that were hard but still chewy on the edge and very very soft and fudge in the middle. I HATE CAKE like brownies so I need the mot gooey and sticky brownie recipe ever. Almost like the store ones that come in the box that is usually by the hostess donuts and stuff.

    I don't know if I need to use a different pan or different temperature. I just need these brownies again or I might die. I till cant seem to get the hard edge even with that silly edge pan.

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Question for individuals with a lot of knowledge in canine pregnancy!!?

    So I know a significant amount about dogs but oddly I know nothing about pregnancy. I have two pure bred pit bulls. Last month I got a voucher to get my male neuter and had an appointment. When I went to get the voucher they told me they ran out and I would have to wait for new ones to come in and gave me my money back. I waited another two weeks and finally got a voucher. I separated my male and female and specifically told my family they were not to be put together. I went to work and I came home late. When I got home they were together. My mother ha put the in the yard and my male was humping her. I have no idea of they tied during the day. I also have no idea if she is in teh ideal stage of gestation for pregnancy. She is still nipping at him when he mounts her but when I looked at her vulva after I seen some white fluid at the end. No blood and her vulva is not as swollen as I remember seeing it in her prior heats. This will be her third heat and she is 2.5 years old. I am very angry and would love to fix her asap although its not really my choice because she is my bf dog and he is against it. So I opted to fix mine to prevent pregnancy. I hate that she might be pregnant because I have no idea where these pups are going to end up and I hate having that on my conscious. I plan to do a blood test on her tomorrow and if it comes back negative another in 4 weeks. I just am very uneducated when it comes to them tie-ing and if there is an time during her period that she cannot get pregnant, etc, etc. I looked online to and I couldn't really find anything with a lot of detailed information. So if anyone can help me out and point me in the right direction. I would really appreciate it.

    I need to read up on this.....super frustrated this had to happen two days before his neuter.

    3 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Question for individuals with foreign accents?

    I live in the US and I have always been fond of accents in particular Irish, Scotish, British etc.

    I find accents sexy but do those who have accents find our accents sexy to. I have always heard girls go wild for the Europe accents but I never hear Europe citizens go wild for US accents.

    Just wondering anyone's opinions in this?

    1 AnswerLanguages8 years ago
  • Questions for people who really know computers?

    So I am trying to open a keygen I downloaded that holds codes. When I open it it reads;

    Exception Catch

    Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 Initialization Error

    Re install .NET Framework, restart your computer and then try again.

    Now I uninstalled the regular framework or so i thought. While installing again. I have 4.5 . NET Framework and I'm running windows 8. Can anyone help me understand this.

    1 AnswerDesktops8 years ago
  • Obedience Training Certification?

    I need to know if there are any regulation required by state or federal laws (hawaii) that require certification for obedience training. I am not a certified trainer and have trained my dog though. He is flawless and can easily pass. My questions is does the certification have to be from a recognized person or can is it as simple as someone saying ok your dog is good. I'm asking because my dog will be a service animal and of course the dog need to be obedient. I would like to obtain certification but the women who is in my area required I take a 500.00 3 month class and then she'll pass him. I asked if I could just pay her to do the test and she said no. I can't seem to find anyone else near me so before I actually fork out this kinda of cash I need to know if being certified means I have to take this class or if I can, for lack of better terms, just print out one and say hey my dog is certified. I mean what gives this trainer ( other than experience) the ability to certify a dog and not say someone like myself. I just want to make sure this women isn't coning me out of 500.00 because I could use that money for much better reasons for my dog that to reteach him things he already knows.

    3 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Italian Dressing Subsitute?

    I came home and discovered my Italian dressing was gone. There are no stores open where I live at this time at night. What kind of dressing is the next best thing that tastes just like italian? I have

    Apple Cider Vinaigrette

    Citrus Ceasar Vinaigrette

    Honey Balsamic

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Clear, sometimes white yellow, very sticky discharge from dogs nipples?

    I have a female American Pit Bull Terrier who is 11 months old. She is experiencing a prolonged enlargement of her mammary glands which I associated with false pregnancy. She has no access to any other male dogs and I am very sure of this but to be safe I had a vet rule out the possibility of pregnancy when I noticed weight gain on her. The test came back negative and the vet concluded false pregnancy as well. That was about two months ago. I have been slightly worried as her glands have yet to decrease. I called and my vet was on vacation and made and appointment three weeks from now. Tonight I was rubbing her belly and felt a sticky-ness on my hands and it seemed I had stimulated her glands and now they produce a clear but sometimes white or yellow, very sticky discharge. Most of my research says this is also normal of false pregnancy. Although my worry stems from how long this "false pregnancy" has been going on. She lost the weight that I was concerned about prior and is actually quite skinny for a healthy weight that I am comfortable with. I have provided pictures of both her stomach and discharge. Although I have arranged to take her to the vet sooner than expected I was wondering if anyone can educate me on some possible types of infections that can cause this (name of infection, causes, other symptoms), hormone defects, abscesses or even something more underlining that expected; also perhaps any one else who experience something similar. This will help me list questions for this "temporary vet" that I am seeing in a few days. This will also help me research more on false pregnancy's like how long can they last , typically any known medications that a vet would use to decrease hormones, maybe any negatives.

    I have refrained her from stimulating her nipples any more having distracted her with bones to prevent her from licking them. She hasn't displayed any "mothering" and her behavior otherwise is completely normal. She doesn't seem to be in pain and her vulva is not swollen or discharging any fluids of any kind. Her appetite has slightly decreased from 3 cups to about 1.5 sometimes 2 cups. Fluid intake is normal, her physical activity is normal if not increased due to being inside during this rainy weather we've been having. Anything else I cant seem to think of other than her health history is good never any issues, always up to date on heart worm and flea, got all her shots including kennel cough vaccine.

    Some of the answers have indicated spaying her and I have made the choice so far not to spay her. It is both my vet and my hope that after this first gestation period that her glands will recede back to normal. Again my question is not about spaying its about more information regarding false pregnancy, infections i may need to be concerned about and also if anyone HAS experience in hormone specific treatments and how it worked for them. Spaying, is a last resort that I will only undergo if her health is hindered otherwise and my vet suggest that be the healthiest possible solution after nothing else has worked. Some of you may not agree with this and would perhaps resort to spay/neuter for your own pets but please respect my choice to only undergo spay if she is in pain.

    9 AnswersDogs9 years ago