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  • Why does he give me anxiety?

    I've been single for 7 years now, I haven't even really thought about anyone. I've realized in the past few months that I have developed a crush on the guy down the street. We hang out sometimes but I never really planned on letting him know how I felt. I was stuck between yolo,and messing up a good friendship.

    A couple of days ago we were having some drinks at a another neighbor's house and afterwards he came over to my place to hang out. He leaned into kiss me and I froze for a second, then I kissed back.

    Right after I almost had a full blown panic attack, idk why though.......we made out some more which i really enjoyed, a little touching anf feeling,but we left it at that.....but now every time I think of him I get anxiety,I like him so I don't understand why..

    Never experienced this before either.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • i have a question about mourning, PLZ PLZ plz take the time to read it?

    my brother passed away a couple of years ago...he was 20...he ended up with a very rare and very agressive cancer.....they were able to compleately clear him of over 2000 tumers some were the size of eggplants and softballs, any way. he was techniccally presumed cancer free. but then is started to come back only a bout the size of an eraser head....

    we do not know exactly the reason he passed, my parents got up for work one morning to find him passed away in the b athroom with the door locked...

    i feel sooo guilty becouse my brother had a terrible home life...he and i had different fathers but he didnt really know his own father but my father had adopted him as his own when he was only 4 monthes old any way my father is a terrible person he drinks waaaay to much and was always very hard on my brother he beatthe crap outta him on a reguler bassis...starting when he was a bout 4, now dont go telling me a kid needs a good butt whipping ever so often becasue when you throw a 4 year old into a solid wood door and stomp and punch them. or u go into a sleeping 12 year old room and wake them up to being bruttaly beat in the head with a closed brother spent soooo much of his life inthe hospital for chemotherapy treatments...and if he wasing their he was hear at home hidding in his room.... the night that my b rother passed away my father was sooo mean to him.... calling him a mammas boy and an a$$hole and a pice of sh!t......

    n my brother didnt even fight mack this time...he had a terrible terrible head like hes never had before... and my father just kept nagging and being a pice of sh1T

    any way i feel sooooo guilty of all the times i did not jump in and resue my brother...but he never wanted me in the middle of it...idk if he wanted to b the big brother and show me what a strong person he was or he dident want me to get hurt too....

    i miss my brother sooooo much...and every time i think about him its just uncontrolable tears anc sobbbing i cnat help it because i am sooo sad for the life he lived....i dont b elive in to me idk if he IS in a better place...

    it makes me feel soooo terrible because my own salution is to not think about him...and if i do then right away focuz my attention on something else...because i dont like to feel so much pain and anger....i hate this so much...i dont kno what to do....i was once told that their is no wrong way to greive the loss of a loved on...but then y do i feel so back trying to constantly keep him off my mind??

    someone plz help me in sooo much pain....

    3 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • my dog was acting drugged and disoriented?

    this morning my mom got up for work and it was the normal routine, let the dogs out and then get ready for work, but she noticed that our dog an older pug...we dont know how old he is we think about 7...any way he was just walking around and his legs started to give out on him..he kept trying to get up and kept falling on his face..and was running into walls...and he looked very scared and confused, this lasted a couple of minutes....

    he has been just fine for the rest of the problems...we have no idea what was going on we are thinking maby a mini stroke or a seizure... anyone have any insite on this??

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Can you put temporary blonde highlights in dark hair?

    I have medium dark brown hair, and I want to kno if I can put temporary blonde highlights inn my hair, or will it not cover?

    7 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • Why wont my 5mnth old coo when shes around me?

    I very seldom hear my baby cooing,or doing baby talk.i maby hear 10 sounds un a week...but when im not around,and my parents are watchung her,she is a little chatter box...erlier i was talkin to my mom,on the phine, and i heard the baby in,the background, she was saying full sentences,in baby language...and my mother says she is slways like,that.....and .it may sound silly, but it upsets me a little,and kinda makes me feel like she dosent like me that much......i dont neglect her,and i talk to her alot, can anyone please help me to underdtsnd this?

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Can I widen my gate so my legs dont chaff?

    Ok, so I'm not ovr weight but if I'm wearing a skirt my legs chafe, my whole leg rubs on the other, my ankles, calves knees and thighs all make contact when passing, its the way my frame is made..but can I fix this? With like physical therapy or something? Any answers welcome, thanks so much!

    1 AnswerOther - Health9 years ago
  • My baby doesn't follow the sound of my voice?

    My baby don't follow the sound of my voice...she does get startled by loud sudden sounds....and she had a hearing screening and passed it so I don't think she has a hearing problem...could this be a sign of some kind of mental problem??

    She is two monthes old and was born premature at 33 weeks if that helps any.....

    thank you for any answers

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • My baby keeps knocking off her eye sheilds for billi light?

    My premie was born at 32 weeks, she has the jaundice that a billi light is needed to treat, she is very active, and is constantly knocking her poorly fitting eye sheilds off, I've walked into the nicu on plenty of occasions to find her starring into the billi light, with no nurse around to fix it, I'm worried about what may happen to her eyes from I need to sit in 24 hrs to make sure her eyes are covered?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • can I determine probability of my babies eye color?

    I'm not sure if this can be done or not, but I'd like to see what the possibility percentages for my babies eye color are

    My boyfriend and I both have brown eyes, mine are lighter with flex of gold and green

    My mother has brown, and my father hazel eyes

    His parents both have brown

    My grandparents on my mothers side are one green eyes and one brownand my dads side one blue and one brown

    And all his grandparents have brown

    4 AnswersBiology10 years ago
  • Horrible sharp pain in stumach from babies kicks?

    Once in a wile my baby will kick me, atleast I think its a kick, the sensation and pain I get from it make it hard to imagine what she could possibly be doing in their....

    She usually does this in one spot, only once in another spot, but it was the same spot on the othr side of my stumach..hard to explain where it is...if you were to go from my belly button, straight across to my hip bone, then go two inches back,n one inch down, thats about where it is...... Its really hard to explain the feeling kinda feels like she is taking both feet toes first and jamming them into me, wile twisting her legs very fast...or like motor boating them...but I think I can feel her te nails slicing me up inside, she did it with one foot today and ot kinda had the sensation of a fish...a huge fish trying to swim a through my stumach...but had something sharp on its head....she did it the hardest erlier today, and I am sore their now, it was a few hours ago...i know I sound like an idiot...i feel like one..but like I said its hard to explain... Anyways..this is very painful...she did it like 4 times today, all in the same spot, it was so bad thati smacked the spot to try and get her to stoopI'm due December 16the...idk wat I'm going to do if she does this when shes even took me off my feet today...

    1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago
  • what stores in cleveland ohio sell size ddd bras?

    id like to find a store that sells ddd so i can try one on and make sure that is my size, then i plan to buy them online, so im not spendind an arm and a leg on them

    5 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style10 years ago
  • What stores in cleveland ohio sell DDD bras?

    I need to buy some bigger bras, I'm looking for DDD bras, but I'm having trouble finding a store to buy them, in cleveland ohio

    5 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style10 years ago
  • When I have an orgasm, my stumach tightens up, and my baby pushes on me?

    I've noticed when I have an orgasm, my stumach tightens up n gets really hard, then I can feel my baby pushing up against my stumach, why does this happen? Is this bad?

    1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago
  • What should you expect at a prenatal appointment 30 weeks along?

    Had my appointment a few days ago, I'm worried my dr isint doing enuff..what should be done at throes appointment?

    2 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • Can you give garlic to a dog?

    I have read in many places that people give some form of garlic to their dogs as a flea preventative, but I've also read that onion and garlic are both poison to dogs and that they cant have it....

    Se the problem is I have a dog who is highly allergic to flea bites

    12 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • 93 murcury gr marquis dash and tail lights not working?

    After work today my car was just fine, everything was working fine on the way home I stopped at the gas, starting my car back up to find the dash lights are not working, neither are my tail lights, w what could be the problem hear? I know nothing about cars, going to take it to the mechanics torrow, I don't want to get screwed over

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • Help with a spanish middle name for hayzel?

    I'm having a baby girl, and naming her hayzel, we are having trouble coming up with a middle name for her, I'm kinda hoping to find something spanish, but it is not a necessity

    5 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • If my baby does not kick like usual should I be worried?

    usually as soon as I lay on my back my baby starts to kick a lot, also when I am laying down for bed she usually does the same thing, but last night and this morning I am not getting much movement or response from her, I'm not sure if I should b worried, I'm somewhat scared, she is not kicking . as much as,usual, though she is still kicking, could this mean her cord wrapped around her know and she can't move like normal?? please help should I go to the e r???

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Plz help do I have bipolar disorder?

    Idk what it is..when I get mad I go into.crazy rages, really just on my boyfriend...i don't kno y....its not that seriouse I get so pissed n sumtimes I get so mad I want to hurt myself...last night I was honestly thinking about wrapping my car around atelephone pole...because I was so mad at the situation at hand, my rages scare me, I'm about 6 and a half montes pregnant im so afraid I'll hurt my baby....someone please help me is this bipolar? How can I help these incredible highs n lows?

    8 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • Please help with a middle name for Hayzel?

    Hi,i am having a little girl in december, we have decided on hayzel for the first name, and we are having trouble coming up with a middle name for her, we love the name hayzel for the fact of uniqueness, we want a middle name with the same reflection, I'm also thinking maby I want something spanish, to show her heritage, but I want a beautiful name, open to all answers, thank you for your help

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago