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  • Help....Housing Assistance Programs?

    i purchased my home in 2009 with a FHA loan my spouse is now currently unemployed, i now live in a one income home with a household of four im looking to find some type of housing assistance to help me with my current loan in the state of Georgia, could someone please tell me of some type of program or grant that refinances or modifies loans for struggling households.

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • Destructive Ex, who should pay?

    My ex-bg and I lived together in his mothers house, and became upset with me b/c he believed that I was having other relations with someone else. He called the police and insisted that I leave, so I took what I could for our son and myself then and there and tried to leave, but before I could he snatched my cellphone out of my hand and broke it completely in half. He had recently bought the cellohone for me for a christmas gift, and asked nothing of me, it was completely a gift. The police agreed, and the situation was written up in the report. Am a really able to be reimbursed for the phone because it was actually mine. Also, we shared a bank account. Both of our checks were auto deposits, and shared the account. When he became upset, he took my card, and withdrew monies back to back at atm's that were not with my bank causing an overdraft and fees, later causing the bank to take my funds. The bank recommended that I claim the funds he took out f my account that caused my account to have a negative balance, but I know that that was his paycheck whether it was my account or not. What would you do.I have done nothing to contact him, and have asked him for nothing, he has not offered any funds to support our child.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Telling him I have kids......?

    There is this guy, I talk to on a regular basis. I noticed him watching me at work about 2 months ago, and one day he got up the nerve to say something to me. He was always very helpful to me and really sweet, so I had already started gaining feelings for him. When started talking and realized that we are very similar in many ways, which made the attraction even stronger. But now he wants to hang out, and I don't want to get to deep in the relationship with out getting all the facts out on the table. But I'm unsure if he would be okay with it. He is a year older than me, I have my own place, he still stays at home, finishing college. We both work, however my pay is about twice his. Still, I am unsure when and how I should tell him I have a one year old son. He knows I was in an abusive relationship, and that my ex still hasn't gotten over me, and he talks about wanting a kid, but its different when the kid isn't his. How and when should I tell him. We've talked a bit for about a month.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is this karma, if it is, will it come back to haunt me?

    In May this year, my son was burned by pulling a bowl off the kitchen counter, while my mom was watching him and I was fixing him a bottle. B/c I was in the house at the time it happened, and I took him to the hospital, it was said to be my fault. DFACs took my custody and I gave it to my mother, b/c I felt at least he was with someone I could trust. After a week passed, my mom went on a rant, and told me I was a horrible mother, that I didn't love my son and so on, and refused to let me see my son, she'd call the police when I'd try to drop off diapers and food, and never allowed me tosee him. Finally the month was up, and after ensuring MY home (the incident happened away from my house, but they had to check me for drugs, a stable job, and a house), the released my son back into my custody. My mom refused to talk to me, she continued to call DFACS and tell them I did drugs, and I was going to kill my son, andso on. Now she wants to be a family again and hang out, and buy things for me and my son, but I'm so over the relationship. I call her, to make sure she's okay ( she has lupus) and that's it, I'm not bitter, but I refuse to leave myself open to get hurt again. And now she had a Xmas party and I didn't go and my family is upset with me, but I feel something like that situation takes time, and you just can't wake up 1 day and think that it's okay for her to babysit my son, or me and her to hang out. I kind of feel that it is karma, even though I am not doing it to hurt her, it is deep down, b/c she cried, but I'm just not in that state of mind (being a family) anymore. What would you do?

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Wrong for not going to disfunctional family gathering....?

    Every year my mothers side of the family has a family gathering and my grandparents retirement home. And every year, we never go. From when I was young enough to understand what fighting was, one always broke out at the family gatherings, and it had to do with my mom, me, my sister, or my parents divorce. So March 2007, I had a son, me and my mother had our difference of opinions so she didn't talk to me, therefore I wasn't invited to the family gatherings. So now, my son is almost 2 and everyone wants to see him, they don't call, don't ask for my number, don't come by nothing- NOT EVEN MY immediate FAMILY. I am aware that my mom doesn't like my husband, but I can't take our child to her when she caused the problems (she called the police to have me arrested for trying to move out when I was younger, she called the police and said I broke in her house, she kidnapped my son- and never once did I press charges). Now my father asked me to 'do it for him' as I had in the pass which led to ALL of the above incidents, and when I said no, he called me a child, amongst many other rude obscenities, telling me he didn't care if I ever spoke to him again. I refuse to let my son go to any place with my mom or sister b/c they are not trusted, you can't take someones son and think that I'll let it happen again. So I didn't go and their all mad at me, my mom started crying, but am I wrong, I was never welcome before but now that I have my son, they want me to let him go, no concern for me or my husband.......

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Toddler sleep problems.....?

    My son is 21 months old and for about a month or more my son has been going to sleep at 4am waking up at 12 pm and woke all day until then. It all started when his grandmother came to visit, and she came in on the late flight and woke him while I was showering. I asked my hubby to tell her from now on not to do that, because it makes my life hectic when I have to get up for work at 8 and I didn't go to bed until 4, but since this one time, my son has never been back on the right schedule. I used to put him down for bed after dinner, bath and a story no later than 8pm. When it was warmer outside, I had begun taking him out before lunch for a walk and a game of kickball, and he would tire himself out so that he would nap right after lunch wake up, run around and be ready for bed no later than 10, but since, it got cooler outside, and even when I dress him warm his nose still runs, I have nothing to help him release all his energy. He has no playmates because he is the only baby in are community, and he doesn't go to daycare, because my hubby and my schedule don't cross, but what thing could I do to rotate him gradually back into theright routine. I have tried the keep him awake, the run around until he passes out, none of those have worked. Please help if you have any experience or advice, I have also tried dropping him off at daycare for a day so he would get all pooped out, but he just comes home at six goes straight to bed and is up by 3am.

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • GA Vehcile registration Suspended, or still active?

    My father gifted me a car a month ago, and when he did he took the insurance off it, and I parked it, because I already have a vehicle to drive. At the end of the month he recieved a letter from the Department of Revenue, about Suspension of Registration., but then this week he recieved a letter for the vehicle Registration renewal notice. If he recieved this renewal notice would that mean the car is still registered. Because I want to put insurance on it, and drive it now, but I don't know whether it is registered or not. I plan to get it changed into my name, but I don't have a title for the car, so I was going to do that by January. Does anyone know whether the registration is good or not? My father says it is, but I want to be sure, because I don't want to get pulled over ad charged with anything.

    2 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • how often are flights delayed on Christmas?

    flying delta from new york to georgia, how often is the flights delayed on Christmas. Like the very first flight due to weather, or any other situation. Even if you already purchased your ticket.

    6 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • Ending relationship with mom?

    I stop talking to my mom completely after a situation where I gave her temporary custody of my infant son (b/c she's my mom and I thought I could trust her) and then she and my sis tried to take my son and turn him against me. I didn't see my son for almost a month and for a mother to an infant that's a long time. I have been disowned from my church, assaulted by my own sister, followed, lied about, lied on, and the list goes on. My own dad asked me if I do drugs and drink (I can't even handle a wine cooler or second hand smoke, much less some alcohol and drugs) besides took 3 random drug tests for my job (PASSED). It just becomes ridiculous. This is something that I could never forgive her(them) for, and for her to tell me that she does not owe me an apology and doesn't apologize to children, makes the situation even more Unforgivable. I am a christian woman and I do believe in repenting and asking for forgiveness, but when someone tells me they are above that (in other words above the ways of God), they don't deserve my forgiveness. My father says that I am acting childish( he has said the same about them as they threw things(literaly) at him for taking my side in the situation), but I feel otherwise as he has never experience the grief and hurt behind a situation as this. I do understand that he wants all of us to be a family but I have been defamed, and torn by this situation all over what, I still do not know. And I hate to say it but I cannot even trust my own family. If I died I wouldn't trust them to do right by my son, because they didn't while I was living. When I got my son back he was malnutritioned and hadn't been immunized in months. Have you stopped talking to a close family member and for what reason? Would you cut communication with your family member for such a reason as this? How can I get my father to understand and stop bringing up the subject?

    7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Am I too small to be a police officer.....?

    I'm 130 lbs, and 5'8. I have previous experience in law enforcement, being a security guard, and a loss prevention officer, so this profession is pretty much all I know. I applied for a position as a police officer and got a call back for the test. Should I go or will they think od the back I'm too small to be a police officer. I can complete all the agility tests, but is my weight an issue. I work out regularly but I have a hard time building body mass...

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Relationship built on lies......?

    Me and my ex are pretty good friends, due to the fact that we have a child together. We were together for four years, total knowing each other almost 5 years. We were together on and off due to numerous reasons, and I noticed throughout the relationship, that things weren't put out on the table like they should have been. When I met my then bf I was a virgin, never had a bf, nothing, he however told me he'd done it all, but his mom's conversation with me always ended with 'we don't want no baby'. So we dated for 2 years moved in together, and I got pregnant w/ my son. I became the talk of his family. Degrading conversations between his mom and anyone she could complain to. This is when the arguments between him and I started, b/c I would tell him the things she'd say and he'd tell me he'd handle it, but no one apologized and nothing changed. I had my son, and immediately you'd thought she'd carried him for 9 months. No respect, no boundaries, nothing, and these issues caused issues in my bf and my relationship. I left she'd tell everyone in the family, some story, but never the truth, and neither would my bf. We got back together, arguments began again, this time he became abusive, I told her, she made him apologize and that was it. I made it known with the both of them, that this was not okay, next time there would be consequences. Next time came not too long after. He was arrested, another story was told. And on and on. Now we are friends, and when his family comes around they say things like so how's everything going for you, have you thought about going to consueling, as if I am the one with problems. I'm considering confronting my ex and telling him, if you want me to communicate with your family so our son can know both sides, you need to be honest and tell the truth, what really happened and why we aren't together.

    Should I demand this because it is making me look like a fool?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Probation Violation Question?

    A friend of mine is on probation for a drug charge from 2005. It was put down as a first offender, he was put on intense probation and did community service and so on. Then, in 2007, he got into an altercation with his wife at her job and was arrested and his probation officer made him do 45 days because of violation of probation. He was released in February and was assigned a new P.O. put back on regular probation and so on. THEN, (i know) he got arrested on Saturday b/c he was hanging at his friends house and the police raided the house and found a gun and some drugs which it wasn't his but no one would confess to it being theirs. Now he was released from jail on bond, and he went and spoke with his P.O. They didn't arrest him, but he told him that he would have to go to a hearing and that his first offender would most likely be revoked. If he was going to go back to jail would they have arrested him then. What should he expect? Should he ask for home confinement if all fails?

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Regaining my possessions.....?

    My mom is acting like a strait lunatic. I stay 2 houses away from her, I just left, I went back over to get my belongings and she called the police on me saying I threatened to kill her, (she takes alot of medication) so I just left to avoid any more problems. My sis has attacked me twice causing me a great deal of injuries, and I just want my stuff. What can I do, I have a 15 month old, and a job, and it's ridiculous to buy over clothes, and things I already have because she's acting like a child. My dad tried to help me because he also feels she's acting childish(their divorces) and she cursed him, and swore his life. Thanks!

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • HELP! Submitting a arrest warrant.....?

    I was brutally attacked twice, had harrassing telephone calls, followed, you name it by this female who stays near me after she followed me (she wants my son for her own b/c she can't have kids) and I called the police told them what happened, and wrote a report. The officer told me, that if I'd like I could have a warrant issued for her arrest. I am tired of being mocked and followed so I plan on doing so. He told me that the report would not be ready til Friday. Can I still submit a warrant for her arrest. And I also plan to have a Restraining order out against her and her mother, can I apply for one of those before I get the police report. What all can I do to assure that this woman is kept far away from me until I save up enough money to move.

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Retake Drug test?

    My friend failed a drug test by dfcs and hes on probation. Will this cause him not to get his child back. His GF passed, and she has sole custody but he stays with her. Also would the dfcs office forward the results to his probation officer. And he told them that he hadn't smoked in over a month is there any possibilty they would let him take another. Real answers please, he's really upset and even though I told him to stop long ago, he never listens.


    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Help regaining custody...?

    A few weeks ago my son got burnt while I was making tea. He pulled it down off the counter and I had to take him to the hospital for 2nd burns. I told everyone what happened and no one believed me, so they called dfacs. Then dfacs didnt believe me so they asked my family, who also didnt believe it. Now my mom has custody of my son and refuses to care for him correctly. He has medication that he must have 3x a day and I am the only one who would give it to him. Now b/c she is upset with me she does not let me come to her house. What can I do if dfacs has given her custody yet she wont take care of him properly. She closes him out of her room, and ignores him when shes upset with me. Dfacs knows a bit of this but isnt acting very wuickly even thoug theyve been to the home and my son reenacted the entire event. I need help to resolve this before my son is harmed.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Suing DFACS for wrongful accusations.?

    Last nite, I was in the kitchen making my son a bottle. He's teething so I use Chamomile in his milk to help him sleep. I took about a cup of water in a small bowl and placed it in the microwave. I took it out of the microwave, sat it on the counter and turned to go into the fridge. Now, the entire time my son was sitting on the couch watching tv as usual, but in the short period of time he made it into the kitchen and flipped the bowl. The water wasn't that hot so he got a few minor burns, but I still took him to the hosp. to be safe. When I got there DFACS said this didn't happen b/c my son wasn't tall enough to reach it. They kicked me out of my house and took away my custody until they do their investigation which is about 45 days. When it comes back that this is indeed what happened (b/c it did why lie if I bring him to the hosp), can I sue them or at least file a complaint against them, and will this go on my record regardless.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Was my actions legit?

    I had a b-day party for my sons first and my MIL was more of a burden instead of a help. I purchased everything with no problem as this is my son. But at the party my MIL became the COA and began giving away things she did not purchase. She was going in the fridge using things that I did not buy for the party and using them up w/o even an acknowledgement that these things were not set aside for the party or offering to replace them. Then, there was like a large amount of food that I had not opened during the party b/c there was surplus and I'd planned to give it to a family that I knew was going thru. Instead, she took these things and gave them to her friends w/o asking my permission. I didnt mind her giving it away, but out of respect shouldn't she have asked if it was okay since she did not buy these things, before using them and giving them away. She became upset because I said this, but I dont understand how u give away something not rightfully yours. Whose wrong?

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What kind of brakes do I need?

    I have a 1997 Ford Taurus X I got it as a gift and the brakes are shot( I know because when I hit the brakes when it's extremely cold the brakes squeal. And when I hit them regularly, they don't surpress well and the car shifts to the left, and if I hit it when I'm going really fast it will burn rubber. If anyone knows what I would need for the car and about how much it would cost me and about how long might it take at the auto repair location to have this done, I would appreciate the info. The car came with no manual and I just became fully aware of the problem as I was coming home.


    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Suing for theft/fraud?

    Recently a few young males broke into my house, stole my t.v., computer, money, and my debit card. I have two debit cards one which was for my fiance and I was not aware that he had left it inside the house until the next day I asked him why he emptied out our bank account at the gas station. I reported it immediately to the police, one individual was found and arrested and so was my things. But they took it in for fingerprints, and some of the stuff I still never found. But my money is up in the air and even though I work everyday, I have nothing to live off of and take care of my child with because of these punks. What steps can I take to make this process quicker I plan to press charges to the fullest. Should I go through the police or bank or what? This really pisses me off, and I'm broke until I get paid again.

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago