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  • What is the best job for a 15 year old?

    I'm turning 15 in November and my mom wants me to get a job. We live near the Serramonte mall so she wants me to get a job there. My only problem is that I don't want to work in a food shop. I get nauseous at times and if I work in a food shop it will get worse. Do clothing stores or shops like target accept 15 year olds?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • What are .cafs? Help it's urgent!?

    They're on my laptop and taking a whole lot of my space, is it ok to trash all of them?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • My startup disk is almost full! HELP!!!?

    Hi! I have a macbook air and my startup disk is almost full. It looks like i barely have anything on my laptop. I empty the trash and the iPhoto trash like everyday and I moved all my videos to my USB drive. I only have about 10 pics left on my laptop. I do have a lot of school documents though, but I know that's not taking most of the space. It's only about 20-30 document files of Microsoft Word. I need this laptop for my school because I'm online schooled. I've been trying to clean it, but then it always says that the trial is over and my mom is never gonna pay for the license. I'm very sure that my mom will never buy something to clean up my laptop, she'd rather buy a new one, but i don't want to buy a new one. All of the files are already here and the startup disk on only almost full, not junked up, so buying a new one isn't an option for me. Please help! Thanks!!

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • Does anyone know where to download 7-zip for mac?

    I keep trying to download from different websites, but it's either for windows or it opens by TextEdit. Plz help! I need it for school!!!

  • I have a question about Kpop?!?!?!?

    Anyone know any easy songs to sing that are sung by girls? I don't want too slow songs. I like catchy girly songs. Ex of songs I like are Rainbow- Sunshine and G.NA- Black&White.

    6 AnswersOther - Music8 years ago
  • Help! I have gaming anxiety!?

    I'm 14 and I play on my brother's PS3. So, I obviously play his games. I'm getting an Xbox 360 on my birthday (Not ONE cuz it's too expensive) and I'm gonna buy Xbox versions of the games I like playing on my brother's PS3. The thing is, I actually stopped playing on his PS3 months ago because I got anxiety. When I was playing Skyrim, I was in Bleak Falls Barrow. I thought I was just scared or something because it was "dark and scary", so I turned the perspective to 3rd person and kept playing and turned down the volume a bit. I kinda do this thing where I go into this mode where I'm the character so it seems real to me until I stop playing. Then, I got lost. I started panicking and shaking and I threw the controler at my brother (LOL don't worry, he caught it and got me out of the place). I felt so stupid! I knew if I tried harder I would've gotten myself out there. Anyways, after that, I didn't give up right away though. I just didn't go back to the barrow. I did some other thing,

    2 AnswersPlayStation8 years ago
  • Help me!!!!!! I need help in app purchasing!!!?

    So I need to find all the apps I used to have because I restored my iphone. I went to purchase history, but there were tons of pages!! I need to find the apps that I PURCHASED. Any help is very much appreciated!!!

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Hi! This is my 100th question!!!?

    Who voted for kenichi ebina in America's got talent?!?!

    1 AnswerCurrent Events8 years ago
  • I need help! What do I do?!?

    My brother and I are having this text argument and in the end, he told me to pay $5 so he can be nice to me. I don't trust him anymore and I feel like if I have him the $5, he's just gonna run off wih it. He never goes through with what he says! Idk what to do anymore! He's always annoying and hitting me. He always makes me cry! Help me!

  • Can you handle being a loner?

    If you can... Then you're awesome. :)

    4 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Poll: Flu shot or nasal mist?

    Which one feels better?

    I rather have the shot in my opinion because it's just seconds and a weakened arm. I got the nasal mist today and from experience, I kinda felt violated in my lungs. Lol that was an exaggeration. But you guys know what I mean! Which one do you guys prefer?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • I wanna go to the therapist!!!!?

    I wanna go but my mom says that she doesn't have time. All I'm asking for is to get information from the doctor to get to a therapist but my mom says she doesn't have time. The person who will drop me off and pick me up is my dad. My mom will just take me to the frickin doctor to get some info!!! Lol I just feel like I need some starting help. I'm deciding not to state my problems here. Is there any way to calmly ask her when she does have time? because apparently, she had time to take us to the doctors today, but i forgot about telling them while they were shoving that mist thing up my nose! i remembered when we got to the car. i told my mom about it but she said it was too late to go back. i need help plz!!! Thanks for the help! Also, whenever I bring up the therapist subject with her, she gets all mad at me.

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • Remotes for digital camera?

    My camera is CANON Powershot ELPH 100 HS.

    1 AnswerCameras8 years ago
  • I want to challenge my drawing skills?!?!?!?

    Does anyone have any suggestions for me to draw?

    Easy is fine, I can add more details on it.

    Challenging is prefered though.

    1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration8 years ago
  • K12 questions for the parents?!?!?!?

    1- Do you have to submit ALL of the documents except for the non-applicable?

    2- All that needs to be submitted are the test scores, network and Internet agreements, and the immunization record. But then, my mom told me that the test scores and the network and Internet agreements are not required. So, my mom submitted the immunization record.

    3- Were they required for you?

    4- What needs to be done for you to get approved?

    5- Do they approve you immediately after all the required documents are submitted and approved?

    6- When do you get a placement counselor?

    7- Will I be able to start late school in October?

    Thank u for answering all my questions! And PLEASE SERIOUS ANSWERS! Thank you!

    2 AnswersHome Schooling8 years ago
  • What would you do...?

    when you don't believe in yourself?

    1 AnswerSociology8 years ago
  • Why are lots of guys so unpredictable?

    Ok please don't hate on me. I said lots. I didn't say all. Anyways, first of all, lots of guys say that they want a girl who doesn't wear much and if possible, no makeup. Then they go for a fake girl. I don't get it. I'm only talking to those types of guys. It's like you say something and then go the other way. :(

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is there any free online therapy websites?

    I have lots of problems that I just wanna burst out of me and I can't find any free sites. In person costs money and is just expensive for my family right now. Help!

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 years ago