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  • So do I have a legitimate reason for being a "bad test taker" or is it just an excuse in my case? Opinions?

    So I got a 580 on the SAT math but I could answer questions like these




    in 10th grade. I taught myself calculus over the summer after 9th grade and I can answer some pretty involved problems.

    I was always bored in school and would hardly study/pay attention and still get A's and B's and I wasn't taking blow off classes either. I took a lot of honors classes and a few AP classes. I've taken physics and in HS went up through Calc in math. I never studied for a math test in high school and could usually do the assignments before the teacher taught the lesson since I already knew the material or I could learn it by myself.

    I also had issues throughout elementary with paying attention and this also carried over into high school and I've had poor study habits. I also perform quite poorly under time limits. On the un-timed annual tests we took throughout school I would score in the 90th percentile for mathematical problem solving, but I only got a 580 on the SAT math. I couldn't finish it in time and didn't have the time to do 9 of the problems and missed some easy problems (level 1 and 2), but got all of the free-response items I did correct and some of those were level 3 or 4 problems.

    So was my performance on the SAT math due to anxiety and possible ADHD?

    1 AnswerStandards & Testing6 years ago
  • Shortness of breath with alcohol...?

    So I'm 19 and on the rare occasions I do drink I notice I get slightly short of breath which is noticeable in bed and I can't sleep. I had a full battery of diagnostic tests (EKGs, heart monitor, chest x-ray) for my heart a few months ago that was summed up to anxiety (I have a history of hypochondria) and I'm doing better now.

    I do have a history of asthma... Could alcohol exacerbate asthmatic symptoms?

    1 AnswerHeart Diseases6 years ago
  • How can I have gotten a 580 on SAT math in 10th grade then a 780 on the math in 12th grade without any prep whatsoever?

    What can explain this 200 point jump that seemingly came out of nowhere? I had known the material both times I took it.

    1 AnswerStandards & Testing6 years ago
  • How reliable are achievement test results in kindergarten and 1st grade students?

    Like from tests such as the Woodcock-Johnson tests of achievement.

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education6 years ago
  • Have I suffered from existential depression?

    When I was around 9 years old I would look up in the night sky and be afraid and humbled simultaneously. I realized from a young age that we are small and insignificant specks in the grand scheme of things so this eventually made me want to change the world in some way with my strengths and interests (Science). I had a mental breakdown when I was 13 because I realized how impossible it would be for one person to mitigate the problems of the world. My mom suggested I see a psychiatrist, but I refused. I would also think about things like death and what happens afterward. I always wanted to know what happened, but there's not enough information to really know what happens. Sometimes when I look into the mirror I feel depersonalized. The first time that happened I was 9 and it felt so strange. It's like you feel like an empty shell for a moment and then you try to figure out why all of the sudden you felt a strong sense of insignificance and mental confusion, like you don't matter and you lose all connection to the self. It's almost like what I would imagine seeing myself in the eyes of the universe if it was conscious. Now I've rarely had any strong desire to take my own life (I always think about what I'd miss out on if I ended my life), but I'm not a typically happy person and I'm wondering if this stuff lingers in the back of my mind keeping me from being happy once again. I can feel happy when I'm with friends or doing something I enjoy

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • What if you were to take an IQ test at 2 in the morning?

    How poorly would you perform compared to taking it during the day when not tired? Like could you perform 1 whole standard deviation below your actual performance when rested?

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • What is wrong with me?

    Last month I was in the emergency room 3 times for what I thought was my heart and I was having a variety of cardiac symptoms.. Had numerous tests done (ECGs, chest x-Ray, and a 1-month holster monitor).. Everything is fine and I'm sleeping better.. I've just started seeing a therapist as I've had one other episode of this "hypochondria" when I was 14 and I'm now 19. I don't know why I'm like this or what triggers it for certain but I'm still not 100%... I've been getting these mild headaches that last for a few seconds that may be muscle tension but I also feel like I'm losing cognitive function and I don't know if it's all in my head or not and my next fear is a brain tumor. How can I tell if I'm actually losing cognitive function or not? My grades are fine but I've been getting that "tip of the tongue" feeling more frequently.. Not sure if I'm just noticing it more or not... Is this anxiety screwing with my attention and memory??

    3 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • Can I just taper my dose of 50 mg to 25 mg of Zoloft?

    I've only been on Zoloft for a week and curious-ole me had to do research on anything and everything about it from controversial development of motor disorders to rare cases of cardiac arrest. I was never too fond of starting on this in the first place as I have always been resistant to taking meds unless I absolutely needed them. I have been struggling with some hypochondria for the past couple months (been to the emergency room 3 times) and I am certain it's only an episode because I had a similar experience when I was 13 or 14 about 5 years ago. I am currently in my first year of college as well and feel as though this medication is pointless. I've also been experiencing slight tremors in my jaw and occasionally in my hand along with some muscle twitching and occasional spasms. Also heart palpitations; specifically benign PVCs which I've had before, but these feel a little different... like my heart stops then starts again instead of just having an early beat.

    Since I've only been on this medication for about a week can I just knock my dosage down to 25 mg? I'm well aware of the discontinuation effects of this medication.

    2 AnswersMedicine6 years ago
  • Could I have some ear infection?

    I've been mildly dizzy on and off now for a couple weeks and I sometimes hear my ears pop when there's no pressure changes in the air.

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases6 years ago
  • What can I do...?

    I've been out of a relationship for 4 months now and I just started my first year of college in august and turned 19 in September. This was my first relationship with someone I actually felt something towards for once and my first relationship ever. I'm very picky and don't get attached to people very easily, but this girl meant a lot to me and I had to break things off because of certain circumstances. Why I even want(ed) to be with her still is a mystery. She lied to me about terrible things and hurt me a lot, but I can't help my feelings for her. Even though she hurt me and needs help, she's still special and there's something about her that I can't put my finger on... Anyways I know a good 30+ girls at my college and I'm not interested in any of them and it just feels like I'll never find someone like her again and I want to be with someone so badly, it hurts. I just want to get over this girl, but I'm terrible at random hookups and pursuing girls is not my thing. I'm really shy which is one of the reasons it took so long for me to get a gf along with me being so picky.

    So what do I do? Just sit around and hope that someone just comes along? This is hurting my performance in school because I think about it every day!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Do i have some mild form of Body Dysmorphic Disorder..?

    I'm not sure if I do or not but I'm a guy and I am generally not satisfied with the way I look to the point that I obsess over it and just wish that I looked better.... I get looked at on a regular basis by girls whenever I go out but I don't understand it one bit and I'm sick and tired of not feeling confident in myself! D: I'm 18 and have only had one Gf but I am picky so that could be the reason. I just don't get it... I have been called ugly a few times but most of them were guys but it still hurts even though I have been complimented on my looks more often than not... this is chiefly a personal issue of mine and I don't really care what people think as long as I can feel confident in myself, but I don't. Some girls have said my eyes are gorgeous but I personally think they're dull and boring and just not attractive...

    What can I do to get confident in myself??

    2 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Why do i think of myself in a negative way?

    I think of myself as average to slightly below average looking and rarely do I think I actually look good.. it really hurts my self-confidence. It drives me crazy that a good number of girls look at me and say I'm cute but I just can't see it. My last Gf said my eyes were gorgeous... I simply cannot see it and I'm tired of feeling bad about myself...

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • Why do i think of myself in a negative way?

    I think of myself as average to slightly below average looking and rarely do I think I actually look good.. it really hurts my self-confidence. It drives me crazy that a good number of girls look at me and say I'm cute but I just can't see it. My last Gf said my eyes were gorgeous... I simply cannot see it and I'm tired of feeling bad about myself...

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • Will time ever slow down?

    I'm almost 19 years old... it just seems that time keeps speeding up... my 9th and 10th grade years seem quite long ago, but my last two years of high school just seemed to zip by. It just seems that time isn't going to slow down and before I know it I'm gonna be 40 then the next day I'll be 80... I'm going to try to enjoy life to its fullest, but I don't want it to just go out like some evanescent flame.

    3 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Is this a normal reaction....?

    When my ex Gf's stories about her being in the hospital and her dad abusing her were revealed as false I didn't experience any anger, just sadness and disappointment. I would have stayed with her, but I'm 18 and going to college and she's 15 so I broke up with her against my will because of these circumstances. But why don't I feel angry at all? Everybody else was... I have made it a top priority, a commitment and a value of mine to understand people in my life rather than get irate and disdain people even if they hurt me.. she had a rough childhood and was put in foster care at 6 so I attribute that to her storytelling problem. I try to understand everybody, not just her, and it's like I can't be angry at people for long at all or not at all unless they actually kill someone or harm someone.

    I'm a peace-loving person who could barely hurt a fly and I'm just wondering where my apparently complete lack of aggression comes from and why I'm like this...

    2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Has television basically turned into a means to dumb everybody down...?

    Like is it there to try to make everybody ignorant and not want to actually pick up a book once in a while so that the government can have more control over public opinion and hence over the people? This could just be some paranoid rambling, but our government is power hungry so it would make sense to fund media for entertaining shows that just make people's brains turn to mush and keep everybody ignorant so they can't question the government. The education system is an absolute failure at teaching and instilling critical thinking skills and nobody likes reading because everybody is a lazy thinker... maybe it's not the government, maybe it's just that demand for views is powered mainly by stupid people so stupid shows and dumbing things down makes money...

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • I feel like these stupid Clear TV advertisements are insulting my intelligence...?

    Seriously every time I see this on paid programming or in a commercial I get so irritated with it and wonder how people could buy this crap.... it's like they're talking to us like kindergartners.

    Who else feels the same?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • Why did my teacher give me crap...?

    My math teacher said that I shouldn't take the AP Calc test because I wasn't doing the reviews and wasn't studying and she said that it would lower the class average if I took it but I got a 4 on it anyways... should she apologize to me for being rude?

    5 AnswersTeaching7 years ago