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  • Costume help for a Halloween party!?

    I bought a beautiful masquerade type mask for halloween but the party I'm going to decided to go with a theme this year: Nursery rhymes and children's story characters. Any idea how I can incorporate the mask into this theme? Any character ideas to go with the mask? Thanks!

    1 AnswerHalloween8 years ago
  • Need help doing a Regression in Excel 2007?

    Ok so I'm having trouble figuring out what to do for my data. I have recorded temperatures from a number of individuals throughout the day, as well as air temperature throughout the day. I want to know if the individuals heat up at the same rate. What would be the input Y range and what would be the input X range? And when I get the results how do I interpret them? Do I use the p-value for the intercept? I am no good at stats, please help!!

    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • Tate leaves house in american horror story?

    In American Horror Story it's revealed that the ghosts can only leave the house on Halloween, but Tate leaves and has coffee with the doctor in a park? Do they explain how this is possible??

    2 AnswersDrama9 years ago
  • How to improve my sexual relationship?

    I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 3 years and we have been sexually active for 2 years now. However, lately our sex has declined rapidly. I know he wants it more often but I am having a more and more difficult time getting in the mood. He has complained in the past that our sex life isn't exciting enough and I have attempted to introduce games and other new and fun things into the bedroom but he has taken no interest in them and yet still complains about excitement. I have tried explaining to him that a little effort on his part, through a romantic gesture once in a while, would likely help me to be more receptive to his advances but he makes no attempts. I don't know what to do anymore. I have talked to him about all of this and he agrees that he needs to make more of an effort and can see my frustration when he ignores my efforts and yet he doesn't actually do anything about it other than keep getting frustrated that we don't have sex as often as he would like. Any tips on how to get through to him? Our relationship is suffering and now I feel constantly guilty that I can't keep him happy but I physically seem unable to get turned on by his advances (which is trying to makeout with me randomly during the day). It's making me miserable and stressed and I could use some advice!!

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • burning and swelling after sex?

    My boyfriend and I have been having sex for quite some time, without a condom (I'm on birth control) and I find that after every time I'm in discomfort with a burning swollen feeling around my vagina that lasts for about an hour afterwards. It doesn't hurt during sex and it doesn't burn to urinate or anything like that. My friend mentioned I might be allergic to my boyfriends semen, is that possible? Have any of you heard of anything like that?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Silmarillion question for the hardcore LOTR fans :)?

    So I'm rereading the Silmarillion for the third time and I am struggling to get a good grasp of where Beleriand is in relation to the Middle Earth of The Lord of the Rings books. I found this map

    and am wondering how accurate it is. I realize it's a composition map, with Valinor before the bending of the world. Any thoughts? This is purely for my own understanding, I'm obsessed with anything Lord of the Rings! Thanks!

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Installing Sims3 World please!?

    I have the Sims3 already installed on my computer and need to reinstall the expansion pack, however I can not find the game manual (with the game code needed) anywhere. I was wondering if there is any way to still install the game. I actually have a legit copy, and I can not go buy another one, so any alternative would be great!

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Why does this game keep crashing?

    I own the game Pirates of the Caribbean (Bethesday, 2003) and it used to run great on my windows XP. Now I have a new Windows 7 laptop and the game will not work for me. It installed fine, and it starts up ok. I can browse through the options, control etc, but once I click New Game, it exits on me a the message "The engine has stopped responding" pops up. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, as well as downloading all the patches for the game. Any ideas??

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Epethelial tissue in a muscle?

    I have to give an example of one of each of the 4 primary tissues found in the bicep muscle and i'm having a hard time with epithelial tissue. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

    1 AnswerBiology1 decade ago
  • What does avascular mean?

    I know what vascular means, is avascular the opposite of vascular?

    2 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Viking Invasions in the British Isles?

    I have to write a paper answering the question "Would you agree that the viking invasions of the British Isles amounted to an elite invasion?" and I'm a little confused. In one chapter of my textbook it claims that the Vikings are known by many names, one of these names being Normans. Would that then mean that the invasion of William the Conqueror (who is from Normandy and therefore is considered a Norman)also fall under the category of "Viking invasion"?

    3 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Why is he avoiding me after a simple statement?

    My boyfriend (whom I live this) informed me he was going away to a concert a day or two before the actual concert. When I asked him if he would be coming home the same night or not he said he wouldn't know until his dad came and picked him up. The day of the concert I returned from classes to an empty house and no note anywhere letting me know when he'd be home. I didn't know if I should lock the door at night (he's notorious for forgetting his keys). He ended up coming home the next afternoon and when I told him it would have been nice to have left me a note telling me when to expect him home, he got all huffy and then went into the bedroom for over an hour, avoiding me. What the heck did I do?

    7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago