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  • On Desperate Housewifes?

    what has happened to Gabby's other daughter. I have missed a few episodes and noticed she hasn't been on in a long while.

    5 AnswersSoap Operas9 years ago
  • A question about Days of our Lives?

    So are they trying to do the love triangle thing with Sammy,Carri and Austin again?

    5 AnswersSoap Operas10 years ago
  • 7 month old pug puppy?

    How much should I be feeding my female puppy. I am currently giving her 1 cup of food total a day. When I first got her at 5 months she was just over 9 lbs now she is 12.6 lbs. She seems hungry still I know this can be a pug trait and was wondering is she maybe going through a growth spurt and needs more. She is also going through her first heat, I didn't have the money to get her fixed before it happened but she is going in with in the next month. Could this affect how much food she needs? She has been kept away from male dogs. I have her on Canadian naturals a food from the pet food store.

    4 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • is the modeling cl frayom the game cadoo toxic for dogs?

    My son and his friend were playing this game and now we can not find the modeling clay it is bright purple. I am thinking the dog ate it hoping not but we have looked so I just want to make sure my dog will be ok if he ate it.

    3 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Help with what to make for a party.?

    We are having a UFC night / birthday party and I was wondering what to bring. I was told whatever I want we never really assign one thing to one person and usually end up with a good variety of foods. I am just not sure this time what I want to do.

    Stuffed mushroom caps with shrimp

    Veggie dip with veggies

    Crab dip with crackers




    If none of these do it for you I am open to other suggestions. I like to cook and experiment with things as long as they are not to extravagant.

    Thanks for you help.

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • I need some advice about my "friend"?

    We used to be great friends but lately she has way to much drama and poor me stuff going on I cant do it any more. Here's a little background when we first met she was a very strong and independent woman. The she met her husband and things kinda went down hill. He is a control freak and an *** in my opinion but whatever that's another story. She is always calling crying and having problems with her husband or her kid. She has been using drugs pills different ones at different times. She swears shes clean right now but I am thinking she is not by some things she is saying and doing. I don't mind being there for her but she never seems to want to be there for me. I had a miscarriage and she only found out a year after it happened because she never had time to listen to me cause if she was crying to me she was to busy watching tv or sleeping. She asks for advise then she doesn't take it. If your husband is that bad leave and she says she is then two days later shes not cause he was nice and is really trying to be better, well this has been going on for 5 yrs. I just don't have it in me emotionally to deal with her any more. Am I being selfish. I have half a mind to tell her untill you get things figured out don't call me anymore. Any advise would be great.

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • For Vampire Diary fans?

    Which brother would you pick? And why?

    5 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Getting child to sleep?

    Hi was needing a few idea on how to get my son to go to sleep at night, he is 8 and every once and awhile we have issues with him going to sleep when he is suppose to. I put him to bed and sometimes 2 even 3 hours later he is still awake. He stays awake reading and I think hes sleeping because its quiet but then I hear mom love you the biggest or I need water or can you turn down the tv. Its never one thing in particular. He goes through "cycle" where he is good then we have issues where he is not. When he gets behind on his sleep it is a viscous cycle because he wont sleep in either, so he is losing sleep on both sides. Then we start to see the behavioural issues during the day. Troubles focusing and not listening (I know that's kids but more than what is normal for him). I've tried a reward system if he goes to be without a fight he gets something. I've tried taking things away, they seem to work for a time or two but not consistently. I just need some more ideas to try. Please help. I know he is not a bad kid and they have probs once and awhile but I need something to help him through it a little better cause what I am doing isn't working. And yes he does have a routine I give him read time then lights out but his night light. So its not like hes not getting time to wind down and do that.

    2 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Question about Vampire Diaries?

    I missed a bit of the last few shows what happened to Jenna?

    3 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Just started going to the gym?

    I just started going to the gym and making some healthier eating choices. I know I am overweight and need to lose some. I also know that when losing I may not necessarily lose weight but inches at first. I took my measurements and weight this morning. Was wondering how often I should be remeasuring so I can see result or not so I can change my workout or diet some more to something that will work. I do cardo for 30-40 mins then I stretch and do some weights.

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What would you do if this was your kid?

    My son is going in on thursday to get his tonsils out. We have been having problems with them for a few years now and it will be a good thing. Problem is we have a family bbq weekend the following friday. He is not suppose to have physical activity for three weeks after. There are going to be about ten other kids there around his age, and I am suppose to keep him not active. That is not going to happen. I am not wanting to go but there are some family members that are getting offended. Do you think I should just keep him home or go and try to keep him calm. Another thing is we are at least 20 minutes from a hospital and I am not sure if they will have a surgeon that would know how to do what needs to be done if a bleed happens. The closest hospital that I know for sure can handle that is over an hour away. What would you do in my situation.

    14 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • question on tattoo care?

    This is my first tattoo how do I wash it with the antibacterial soap. It is on my ankle do I use a wet cloth and soap and pat or put soap on rub lightly rinse off?

    2 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • My dog eats to fast please help.?

    My dog has a tendency to eat pretty fast sometimes and ends up throwing it up shortly after. I have seen ball that you can put in their dishes to help slow them down. Do these really work? He gets fed three times a day my vet told me around 3/4 cup of food for the day so I give hive 1/4 cup each feeding time. So it is not as if he is starved all day and gets all of it at night. He is a pug and I have heard that they tend to eat fast. Any ideas would be great.

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • some excersice ideas?

    I am wanting to get in better shape this year and I know my my problem areas. I am wanting to get rid of the "bra bulge" on my back. What are some exercises I can do to get rid of that. And I know I have to eat right watch my calories and fat intake, I am just needing advice on the exercise.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Question on doing subs in baking?

    I was wondering if I can do a substitution for bakers chocolate(bittersweet), the recipe asks for a whole package (6 squares). Doing cookie exchange and was trying to cut costs a little if possible if not well I will buy the bakers chocolate.

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Question about antibiotics?

    Is it true that alcohol cancels out the effect of the antibiotic

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Question for Pug owners.?

    What are some quirky things your Pug does.

    1 AnswerDogs1 decade ago
  • Question on grooming dogs?

    When ever I brush my dog he likes to eat the tuffs of hair that come off. Is this normal or is it just on of those quirky traits. I try not to let him eat it I try to get it away from him but sometimes it just don't work out that way.

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Some ideas on improving reading comprehension.?

    I was just wondering what are some questions I could ask my son after he reads a story so he gets more out of it. He is only 6yrs old but reading at a mid grade three level. His teacher has started some more reading comprehension at school I was just wondering what I can do at home as well. He really enjoys reading.

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Deep Frying a turkey?

    What are some tips on deep frying a Turkey heard it was good so going to try it this thanksgiving weekend. I am used to the oven method putting some spices and rubbing them into the skin. What can I do with it in the deep fryer, suggestions on maybe a marinade to inject any thing rubbed on the skin. Thanks for any help.

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago