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  • Tips for Learning Parallel Parking?

    Hi, I just started my driving lessons recently and I really want to be able to get my license some time in the next month. Aside from parking, my driving during the lesson was pretty good. My main problem with the parking was the parallel parking and 3 point turn. I was having lots of issues with performing these tasks consistently and also trying to figure out what way to turn the wheel when backing up. I am getting worried that I will be able to do every other part of the test but the parking which would still cause me to fail. I have been on and off practicing driving for a few years now and am just now trying for my license. Tips about driving with cones which is what I will need to know for the dmv would be the most helpful but anything would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    4 AnswersInsurance & Registration6 years ago
  • Reliable Laptop Brand to Buy?

    I am in need of some help with finding a reliable brand of laptop that lasts more than a year . My current computer suddenly has a messed up screen and I have only had it for about a year. This is for some reason a trend for me, I don't think I have had a laptop last for more than like a year and a half before.. I am not exceptionally rough with them but for some reason every computer I get ends up getting some kind of big problem. I am a student taking online courses and need a new laptop by next fall. I need some recommendations of brands that last a long time so hopefully I wont have to get a new computer for a very long time. I need to try to keep the budget under about 600 dollars, preferably under 500 though. I would like at least a minimum of about 500 GB storage space on the hard drive, thats what my current one has and it is working very well. I would like the computer to have windows 8, but am not in need of a touchscreen. Anyone have any ideas what brands might be helpful that make long lasting computer in my price range. Thank you ahead of time to everyone that answers.

    6 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks7 years ago
  • good tv shows on netflix?

    hi, I need a list of some good TV shows currently on Netflix or hulu, that have a decent amount of episodes 50+ is a good number. I need a new tv show to watch, a sort of summer tradition, last summer i watched the first 6 seasons of how i met your mother in a short period of time. Some of my current favorite shows consist of things such as Big Bang Theory, Family Guy, Malcolm in the Middle as well as other things. Any tv show suggestions are appreciated.

    2 AnswersComedy8 years ago
  • taking 17 credits freshman year of college?

    I am trying to think of what classes I will be taking in college this fall.

    This is a potential schedule of classes I want to do and I want to know if people who have already gone to college would think it is manageable:

    Financial Accounting 3 credits

    English 101 3 credits

    College Algebra 3 credits

    Introduction to psychology 3 credits

    Orientation to college class 1 credit ( only half of the semester)

    Art Appreciation 3 credits

    I wanted to know if people would think this schedule would be possible for a first year community college student, as I don't have to worry about dorms or anything since I am not moving out.

    Any advice about this is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance

  • advice for the compass test?

    hello, i took the compass test at the end of april, and got scores lower than desired, because i didn't study and it was a busy day so i wasn't really focused. Next monday, I will be retaking the Writing section ( just the multiple choice, no E-write) and the math section. I know for a fact I can improve my scores in these two section's, working very hard in high school and doing very well. If anyone has previous experience retaking the test or just taking the test in general and how to improve scores. Also links to practice tests and study guides are extremely appreciated. I need to increase my writing score between 20-30 points, my original score being a 52, and my math score are 20 points, with an original 54 in the algebra section, no pre algebra score. The reason I need to increase these scores and not take the lower classes is due to my accounting major and that my class schedule's for the next 2 years will be significantly hindered and set back if I don't do so. Sorry for writing much information, but this is really important and all serious answers will be looked at.

  • i have some college questions?

    I am going to start college in august and have some questions about other peoples experiences in college.

    1. I am going to a community college where the max class size is about 30, how is this different from a university where there are sometimes 100's of people in a class.

    2. What level of challenge did you see from high school to college work wise.

    3. Where, you went to school, were laptops allowed in the classroom, i understand this varies but i am just hoping for some examples.

    4. anyone who was an accounting or finance major would be great help with some advice about the classes.

    Thank you for responses ahead of time, any other advice is well appreciated. Please no irrelevant answers!

  • advice for possible accounting major!?

    I am wondering what kind of skills are necessary to do well in an accounting major. What level of math would be recommended for a first year student for instance. I am considering doing a double major of accounting/finance, anyone who had done this, advice would be greatly appreciated.

  • advice on picking a college major?

    does anyone have any tips on how to select a college major? possibly a free online test that you have found successful. I am about to graduate high school and have been fretting about this for months so i would like some tips!

    5 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education8 years ago
  • Need help coming up with a college a major?

    Hi, I am a high school senior starting community college in the fall, I have been stressing for months about what I would like to major in. I have managed to do well in nearly every class I have taken in high school, ending up with about a 3.7-3.8 GPA. For the scholarship I am using to attend community college, I need to select some sort of major, I am sure I could change it later if I had to, but I want some sort of plan. I know some of my interests and what I want in a job, but not the details of every job out there and opportunities in career's that I might not know of. Here is a list of the classes I have truly enjoyed in High school:

    Chemistry ( Ended up with an A both semesters, although having to get quite a bit of help in the 2nd semester, with help though I was quite successful.)

    Some of the Math classes I have taken ( all fairly easy, I am currently taking Pre-Calculus)

    In addition to these I have also done well in English classes, my only problem really being with grammar in occasion. Some things I am looking for in a future career is constantly being to learn new skills and being allowed to use some level of creativity. Another interest of mine is researching things, this would be a definite plus in a career path.

    Another downfall of mine is not being the greatest at socializing, but I am improving in this area as time goes on. I really enjoy helping people learn new things, even with me struggling to explain them. The issue comes with me understanding the concept clearly in my head, but putting it into words others might understand is a struggle.

    I really enjoy drawing, although I am not very good at it.

    If anyone could give me a clue as to what I could link up many of these skills toward it would be greatly appreciated.

    Please no irrelevant comments.

  • Getting through the final year of high school?

    The last 3 years, i really enjoyed high school, this year is really boring and i just sit there the entire time with almost nothing to do. I always get A's and B's in classes and am continuing to so it is not that I do not want to learn, it is that no one else in school does. For instance in english class, everyone is always talking and yelling and singing, we hardly ever accomplish any work. This is due to the students in my class having absolutely no respect for our teachers and ignoring every time the class is lectured about behavior. I just sit there and do whatever work is assigned, only talking occasionally. When I do struggle with something I might not be able to understand what the real answer is due to them not having time to teach us very much. In my social studies class, i do nothing due to taking all the notes ahead of time. Math is the only class that I am actually challenged and learn very much in. I have a few friends, but still sit alone at lunch because I choose to do so. Any advice how to get through the boring days of senior year of high school.

  • How much homework to expect?

    I am going into my Senior Year next year and was wondering how much homework to anticipate. These are the classes I am taking:

    English 12

    Government( 1st semester) Economics ( 2nd semester)

    Pre-AP Pre-Calculus

    Small Business Management

    Film 1 semester

    2/D-3/D Design 1 semester

    an additional class that will have an easy homework load.

    Thanks in Advance! Please no irrelevant answers!

  • TV shows to watch on netflix?

    I am looking for some TV shows to watch on netflix instant. Here are some shows that I like:

    Big Bang Theory

    How I met your mother

    Arrested Development

    Family Guy

    The Office ( U.S. version)


    Two and a half men ( old seasons before Charlie left the show)

    South Park

    Please no irrelevant comments

    1 AnswerComedy9 years ago
  • School Supplies for Senior year of high school?

    I am going to be starting my Senior year in about two months and I am wondering what specific school supplies that I might need.

    The classes that I am taking are:

    English 12




    Small Business Management

    I am wondering about just general school supplies for these classes. Please no irrelevant answers!

    4 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years ago
  • Graduating a semester early?

    I am currently considering graduating a semester early from high school, I am supposed to graduate in May 2013, but might graduate in December 2012 if my idea works.

    I am going to see if I can take English 12 and Gov./Econ. over the summer prior to my senior year.

    Then the only class that I will need to take is another full credit of math.

    With this I am currently considering taking Pre-Calculus and Trigonometry at the same time if the school will let me. I have gotten all A's in math since freshman year.

    Then I would just finish my electives and I would have all of my required credits to graduate.

    I would then possibly begin at community college where I am supposed to get 2 years free due to my GPA. I am hoping this will still work with graduating early.

    Does anyone else think this is a good idea? Please no rude comments?

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years ago
  • APUSH exam preparation in two weeks!?

    My APUSH Exam is in two weeks on May 11th.

    I Don't have any review books, this is what I currently have:

    MY Test's from all year

    My Quizzes From all year


    A 15 page ( front and back) APUSH Term Glossary

    many of my old DBQ's and FRQ's.

    Can someone who has already taken the test tell me how to properly study. I need at least a 4 on the exam to get college credit in the state I live in so I need to do really well.

    2 AnswersStandards & Testing9 years ago
  • Which would be the better senior year schedule?

    I really have two senior year schedule options- normal classes or advanced classes. I am going to the community college for 2 years for free and then will transfer to a university. I am pretty sure that I wouldn't get a full ride scholarship due to my lack of extra curricular even with my 3.7 GPA.

    My first Schedule option is:

    English 12

    Pre-AP Pre-Calculus


    Small Business Management


    1 more elective hour not sure yet

    2nd option:

    AP English 12 ( currently very good at English)

    Gov/Econ might do over the summer online ( School doesn't offer AP for either class) if not this class then AP Biology which is online

    Pre-AP Pre-Calculus

    Small Business Management



    I have yet to take the SAT, when I took the PSAT I got a score in the high 150's out of 240

    If anyone has info about these classes it would be very helpful.

    Please no irrelevant answers!

  • Picking classes for next year?

    I already picked my core classes for my senior year but am unsure of my elective hours which I have 3 of:

    I need half a credit of art and the other 2 1/2 are my choice.

    The fine art's options are:

    Drama- 1 year

    2/D- 3/D design- half year

    Film- Half year

    Stagecraft- Half year

    Technical Theater- Full year

    My other 2 and a half hours are elective's, these are my options:

    Yearbook- 1 year- took this class in 8th grade and really enjoyed it but not sure about how much time outside of school is necessary

    Small Business Management- 1 year- took 2 years of business already.

    Student Tutor/Mentor- half year or full year

    Office Assistant- half year or full year

    I currently don't know what i am going to major in in college, that is why I don't know which to pick.

    Please only post relevant answers!

  • selecting senior year schedule?

    I am currently picking my classes for senior year and am not quite sure what electives I am taking:

    These are my required classes for next year :

    English 12



    Science is not required since we only have to have 3 years and there are no classes left that I am interested in taking.

    Already have completed 2 years of foreign language and could not go back after none Junior year.

    Here are my elective options: ( I need to pick a total of 3 full elective hours) ( 1/2 of which needs to be a fine arts credit

    Small Business management -1year

    Drama -1year ( fine art)

    2/D- 3/D- 1/2 year (Fine Art)

    Street Law - full year in 2 separate semester so i could just take 1/2

    Photography - 1 year

    Film( watching movies and analyzing them). - 1/2 year- Fine art

    Teachers Aide- 1/2 year- Pass/Fail class

    Tutor/Mentor- 1/2 year- Pass/Fail Class

    Journalism- 1 year

    Yearbook- 1 year

    Video Productions - 1/2 semester , also a Video Productions 2 class

    I don't really have any idea of what class to take and don't have any interests besides listening to music so any ideas would be helpful. No current idea of future career either.

    Please only relevant answers!

  • Careers/ college major help!?

    I will be graduating high school in a little over a year and still currently have no idea what to do with my life. In the past I have had an interest in things like teaching or accounting but no longer think these would work very well for me.

    I currently have a pretty good GPA ( 3.75 +) , have never really been in any school clubs or had any hobbies besides listening to music which is common among teens. I have taken many career tests and none of the results seem to be very accurate to me or it is the same results every time and it is a career that is not of my interest. I am pretty much good at any subject in school that I try at, so there are no real standout's for a future career. The reason I am worrying about this now is because I will be starting college in like a year and a half. Please only relevant answers.

  • Is this a good senior year schedule?

    This is my current plan for next school year:

    English 12

    Pre-AP Pre-Calculus


    Small business Management


    Extra easy elective

    Not taking science since we only need 3 credits and there are none that interest me.

    I have a 3.8 gpa and am taking 1 AP this year. This schedule should be pretty simple for me .

    Any input is appreciated, please only relevant answers though!

    4 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years ago