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  • Please help with dietary choices for a beginner runner?!?

    Okay I finally got fed up with being fat. So last week i just got my butt up and faced my worst fear: RUNNING!! Its always been a mental thing with me and I must say I am doing wonderful! I am enjoying running which is something i never thought i would do. In just one week i've seen an amazing improvement, i read most beginners should start with 2 min jog, then walk... i found that i was easily jogging 7 mins then had to walk. after just one week, i can now do 10 mins with out over exerting myself.

    now here's the problem. WHAT DO I EAT?! i def cut out the soda, strict water for me, but i'm lost as to what i can eat. for now I've been sticking to chicken and veggies, small pasta portions and healthy snacks. anyone have any good diet choices that worked for them??

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Critique for poem "The Gardened and the Gardener" ?

    I used to have a garden

    so beautiful indeed

    earthen feel beneath my feet

    oh the ultimate bliss

    One day I met a gardener

    so experienced indeed

    with hands like magic, the golden touch

    oh my garden, our garden with such a strong heartbeat

    The bountiful blossoms of color and scent

    so tall and strong indeed

    plentiful petals hiding the earth i walk on

    oh innocent soil, illegitimate mother of devilish secrets

    My bare feet feel the dust with naked naivety

    so surprised they are indeed

    the heavens open up, soaking with their cleansing truth

    oh my, wrong sized footprint marked on mothers hardened skin

    I used to have a garden

    so beautiful indeed

    foreign rose born of someone else's print

    oh barren, dry, and broken land, it's all that's left.

    all and any critiques welcome. if it sucks, then i should be told lol its what were here for right :)

    1 AnswerPoetry8 years ago
  • Can someone tell me how to properly run?

    I know this sounds dumb, but I do not run properly! I feel like im running flat-footed or something, or thats how it feels. My shins hurt alot when I run, and I do not run alot as Im barely starting out. How should my foot be landing when I run? heel first? trying to get fit and but I dont want to hurt something else in the process.

    2 AnswersRunning1 decade ago
  • Is this illegally opening mail?

    The place where im staying at said they received mail for me from my previous place of residence. They said they would mail it to me but never did (i was staying somewhere else and they couldnt accept mail for me at that time). When i spoke to them in person the girl said she had looked at it which is when I said "It was opened?" she immediately said it was open when she got it and what not. Ok so their excuse was it did not have my name so they did not to whom it belonged. I said they should have returned to sender to which they replied it did not have a return address. I know thats not true because i was expecting a refund check and theres no way it would have been sent witout my name. I still have yet to get that piece of mail from them! So heres my question, if i hire a lawyer do i have a case?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Things come and on a poem, please?

    Things come and go and you never seem to notice

    Till its too late, till things are gone and out of reach

    Like a heart drawn in sand by two lovers

    The waves come and wash it away

    Like a mother who turns a blind eye

    And cries when its too late, when their child is dead

    And the man who now sits behind bars

    His freedom is gone and he still can’t grasp the fact

    Things come and go but some are here to stay

    Like the teenage prom queen who failed to realize

    The value of love, the value of trust

    And she sits in the nursery, where only 17 years ago her mother held her

    Like the handsome boy who felt wiser than any man

    Bragging to his friends about all the special girls

    But now he lies in a hospital bed, no longer feeling like a man

    Three letters in exchange for all those special girls

    Things come and go but a few are forced to stay

    The spirit in a dorm hall, the shadow you think you saw

    With a pull of a trigger, a body destroyed

    But the soul lives on filled with unrest, only fading if we fail to believe

    HI thanks for reading, im looking for a strong finish. n e ideas?

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • In progress poem about divorce, help?

    Is it wrong when a man decides he wants out

    When he walks away and never looks back

    Does he have the right to break the vows?

    In search of another who will fill the void in his heart

    Is it a woman’s right to expect her man to be home on time?

    Should she keep quiet when she smells the unfamiliar scents on his shirts?

    Watching him walk out the door knowing he’s made another home

    Should her bed remain empty while her husband fills another’s?

    Is it fair for a child to wish his mother would keep quiet when daddy tells her to?

    Is he selfish if he wants mother to endure infidelities because he wants two parents, not one?

    Is it wrong that all he wants is a family?

    Is it ok to want to be the glue that brings his mommy and daddy toge

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • I'm writing a personal statement and have some questions?

    My question is not really a question more of a request. If anyone would care to read over my personal statement i would gladly appreciate any feedback. Im not gonna post it here because its long but if you would like to help me revise it you can email me at and we can take it from there. thank you so much (and btw im not asking for someone to write for me, so dont tell me to do my own work, i already wrote it just need some honest opinions)

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Slam poetry about girls who like drama, do you like it!?

    Im tired

    Im tired of your whining, bitching, cyring, and complaining

    Im tired of having to mediate fights that you cause

    Because you run your mouth

    Dropping rude remarks

    without any regard

    You talking trash like theres no tomorrow

    You bring nothing but hate and sorrow

    I hate when you say you don’t like drama

    But your always in the middle of it

    Always scheming, conniving, destroying everyone around you

    You don’t care about the people you hurt

    When you start spreading those rumors

    That hurt and poison those people like tumors

    And like a cancer your words spread

    And you act like you don’t know what y

    1 AnswerPoetry1 decade ago
  • Slam poetry about girls who like drama, do you like it!?

    Im tired

    Im tired of your whining, bitching, cyring, and complaining

    Im tired of having to mediate fights that you cause

    Because you run your mouth

    Dropping rude remarks

    without any regard

    You talking trash like theres no tomorrow

    You bring nothing but hate and sorrow

    I hate when you say you don’t like drama

    But your always in the middle of it

    Always scheming, conniving, destroying everyone around you

    You don’t care about the people you hurt

    When you start spreading those rumors

    That hurt and poison those people like tumors

    And like a cancer your words spread

    And you act like you don’t know what you said

    Get off your throne ***** you are not the queen

    Don’t push it no more

    You are one second away

    From getting in the way

    Of my fist

    Because bitches get stitches and I’m not holding back

    I’m tired , I’m done, I’ve reached my limit

    Save your drama for someone who cares

    Because A friendship with me you no longer share

    Peace, deuce, adios, bye

    Im through with you *****, so get the hell out of my sight

    this is bout one of friends (ex-friends) who loved to stir drama up at every opportunity, im sure we all have that one person in our life who doesnt give a damn about others feelings. comment, love it or hate it, just give me feedback

    1 AnswerPoetry1 decade ago
  • Question for avid Nancy Grace Viewers?

    ok i started watching Nancy Grace's cover of the Caylee Anthony story and i must say i get so irritated with Nancy Grace. She's obviously a very biased news source but it bothers me that she always cuts off people who have an opinion that does not agree with hers. Does anyone else hate that bout her?

    5 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Poem about a severely handicapped sibling, any thoughts?

    i had a dream last night, a dream that you died

    And I looked upon your body and not a single tear rolled down

    10 years ago I began harboring this immense hate

    Upon an innocent child whose life was on the brink of an abyss

    But I was a child too, and I didn’t understand the thoughts inside my head

    All I really knew was that my mother was no longer there

    Before I knew it I was growing up all by myself.

    My problems were pushed aside, not important enough

    And so I hated her, but I hated myself more.

    For when I looked into your eyes, I wished that you had died on that fateful day

    I hurt myself, repeatedly, maybe then my mother would notice me

    I didn’t realize I was hurting mom even more.

    I was selfish, worthless, and stupid, and somehow I managed to blame the innocent one

    Last night I cried when I awoke from that dream.

    And the tears that I had held back for 10 years trickled down my face.

    I cried because I know I shouldn’t hate you, and I cried even harder because I still do.

    My youngest sister suffered a tragic accident when she was only two. She was deprived of oxygen for so long that she had extensive brain damage. Now 10 years later im trying to cope with the feelings

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • My friends and I got in a fight, what do you think?

    Ok so theres four girls. Were all really cool. We have a guy friend named Paul. He's been going through some girlfriend problems and we all agree that his gf is totally messed up and a b***h. One of my friends talks really bad about her, worse than the rest of us. So tonight, we ended up going to the same restaurant where Paul and Linda were having a "date". As soon as my friend sees her she starts saying how ugly, stupid, slutty Linda is. We all agreed. But then Michael and Linda come over to our table and my friend (the one who talked trash) was like "oh hi linda, hows ur night going, hows ur dinner" blah blah blah trying to act like nice. So after they left i said, "how can we be so fake, talking about her then acting all nice" so basically they all got mad at me for that. Was i wrong? I said we were being fake because i did not want to single her out, but in reality the rest of us gave her a chill "hello" and did not continue the conversation. IDK i feel bad but i dont think i was completly wrong.

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • Do you know or even heard of these lyrics and if u have whats the name of the song?

    ok i dont know if im going crazy or what but i remember singing this song in a talent show. here are some of the lyrics.

    the chorus :

    i will hear you, hear your little voice

    see you, see you in my dreams

    love you, love you all my life

    forever friends, forever friends.

    i remember some other lil bits like "if by chance or by design we find ourselves apart" and "even now when we're alone, i think of u i miss you so"

    i know its so random, but thanks for any info on this song,

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • Do you know or even heard of these lyrics and if u have whats the name of the song?

    ok i dont know if im going crazy or what but i remember singing this song in a talent show. here are some of the lyrics.

    the chorus :

    i will hear you, hear your little voice

    see you, see you in my dreams

    love you, love you all my life

    forever friends, forever friends.

    i remember some other lil bits like "if by chance or by design we find ourselves apart" and "even now when we're alone, i think of u i miss you so"

    i know its so random, but thanks for any info on this song,

    12 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • Why must it always happen that you like the friend of the guy who likes you?

    I met this really cute guy, playing pool cuz we both like it, and he was impressed with my skills. But then his friend started talking to me and then he started telling all his friends *cute one included* that we were dating! now the cute guy that i like wont talk to me because he feels its againts the bro code since his friend likes me!! ugh dont you just hate when that happens? has this happened to you and if so what did you do about it?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What to do about a guy who refuses to accept he's been turned down?

    Ok so i was playing pool one day and a guy approached me (typical guy trying to hit on a chick playing pool) anywho he gave me his number and said to call him whenever to play pool. I never intended to call him seeing as how i have a bf. So ok the next day i go play pool again (im always playing pool and apparantly so is he) and he happens to be playing with a good friend of mine. My friend immediately tried to set us up but i explained that i had a bf and i did not want anything more than friendship. so this guy takes me aside and asks if i have a bf i reply dat i do and even after that he asks me for a kiss! i said no! at the end of the night he attempted to kiss me again! now he got my number from my friend and keeps calling even after i asked him to stop because my bf pays for my cell phone and he would not appreciate me talking to guys on that phone. so what do i do! i love pool and i dont wanna stop going just because he doesnt get the hint!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What to do about a guy who refuses to accept he's been turned down?

    Ok so i was playing pool one day and a guy approached me (typical guy trying to hit on a chick playing pool) anywho he gave me his number and said to call him whenever to play pool. I never intended to call him seeing as how i have a bf. So ok the next day i go play pool again (im always playing pool and apparantly so is he) and he happens to be playing with a good friend of mine. My friend immediately tried to set us up but i explained that i had a bf and i did not want anything more than friendship. so this guy takes me aside and asks if i have a bf i reply dat i do and even after that he asks me for a kiss! i said no! at the end of the night he attempted to kiss me again! now he got my number from my friend and keeps calling even after i asked him to stop because my bf pays for my cell phone and he would not a

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Can you provide some intellectual feedback on this poem?

    The distillation of my love love has vehemently peeled away the layers that encased me.

    It tore though me, violent torrent, inducing white-hot rage.

    It sifted my emotions, concocting a mystical mixture of pain and pleasure, unbearable pleasure.

    It exposed a hidden treasure, agonizing screams suffocating me

    My heart has been left naked, raw.

    I've shed the wall of blood that for so long preserved my innocence.

    There is but a stain left of the former girl, left upon the satin sheets.

    1 AnswerPoetry1 decade ago
  • Anyone care to read this and tell me how you would read at a spoken word cafe?

    I want to think that you'll be there

    Waiting, loving, anticipating my return

    Bu here I am alone, at last you decided you were done waiting

    So i sit here and I cry and wonder, what is it me?

    I tried and tried but you were miles away

    Your heart gave up and it showed when you kissed me, when you looked at me, when you touched me.

    You knew who I was and what i did and you decided to love me anyway

    But now its those flaws that push you away?

    Maybe its not me, maybe its you.

    I wrote it poem style, but its more like prose

    What emotion would you use while reading it aloud?

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • What is the name of this lifetime movie?

    Its a movie about two women who are contestants in a beauty pageant. One apparantly becomes jealous and murders, or tries to murder, the other one. I believe the opening scene is where one girl pushes another over the railing at some factory or something. They show the tiara breaking into little pieces. Ahh its been bugging me. please help me!

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago