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  • Should I buy a smartphone?

    I've never had one before and wondering if I should bite the bullet.

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • What do you call red hair with natural purple highlights?

    I've just recently noticed that both my mother and I have dark red hair. It's the color of garnet - in good light, it's bright auburn; in bad light, it looks dark purple. I've looked and looked, but the only shades of natural red I could find are Auburn (red-brown) and Titan (red-orange). Neither of those fit. What's the name for natural red-violet hair?

    Hair7 years ago
  • Would you go see a movie if your most hated celeb was in it?

    Say there's a movie you really want to see. It looks interesting and everyone says it's amazing. However, your LEAST favorite celeb is in it, and they play as a major character so they're in almost every scene. Like, if Justin Beiber was in that movie "Captain Phillips".

    Would you still see it?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • What's your favorite email host (other than Yahoo)?

    Yahoo locked me out of my account, so now I need a new business email. I tried to just re-sign with Yahoo but now they want you phone number, which is complete h0rseshit.

    What's your favorite non-Yahoo email hosting site?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Should I continue drinking alcohol or quit?

    Earlier this year, I took up drinking. I drink a little bit of red wine a couple times a week as a form of stress relief and to make my hair grow. (I haven't been able to find a good brand yet, so I'm only having a half a cap full with juice, but I plan on eventually being able to have a small glass.) I can & do go days - sometimes weeks - at a time without it without issue.

    I've never been drunk or tipsy, and I have no interest in it; that's not my idea of fun and I don't like losing control.

    The reason I'm paranoid is because I have a strong family history of addiction & high tolerance. For instance, I have an uncle who can go on & off crack at will. I do have another uncle who is a high-functioning alcoholic, but it's driven more by problems at home than anything.

    Even so, it's enough to make me paranoid about my chances of becoming an alcoholic. I often get so worried that I consider never drinking again, but I'm not sure if I'm freaking out over nothing (again).

    9 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits8 years ago
  • How to Cope With Survivor's Guilt (long)?

    My family has struggled with homelessness for years. Since I was in grade school, we've bounced between shelters, hotels, and "relatives" who were usually a cross between reluctant & outright abusive.

    As I'm getting older & more self-aware, I'm beginning to notice that I don't allow myself too much enjoyment. I'm a workaholic by nature & always feel like I should be doing something; I accept that part of myself. It's not that I don't let myself have ANY sort of relaxation or enjoyment, but I notice that I don't like to let others see me doing so. Also, whenever I notice I'm being surrounded by things I enjoy, I start feeling pangs of guilt and the compulsion to sell/throw away my belongings until there's next to nothing left. I've done that three times now.

    I partially know why - while living with the relatives in particular, we were never allowed to enjoy ourselves in peace. To them, if we were poor & relying on charity of others to survive, then we should be too busy getting out of their hair or making ourselves useful to be happy. (Ironically, these same people later went behind our backs and complained to everyone how strange & plain we were, but I digress.) In the event that they did catch me doing something, like playing video games or watching cartoons, I would get in trouble for using their electricity or some other thing. Largely growing up in that kind of environment, I'm not surprised that I know have issues with having fun.

    I mentioned that I also grew up in homeless shelters. Recently, we're becoming cautiously optimistic that our cycle of poverty may finally be breaking. Now that I'm thinking of all the stuff I've needed for months, I also know that I'm likely going to end up going on another compulsive selling spree. I guess the thinking is, why should I get these things? There hundreds of people out there who probably deserve to get what they need more than we do, so why us? It sounds like general empathy, but that line of thinking has sent me into several existential crises (why some people are happy and others don't get to be, so on and so forth). It's even coloring the fact that I have shelter when others don't.

    Between the guilt of making it out of homelessness & the trauma of being bullied by relatives, how does one deal with this kind of Survivor's Guilt??? (Don't say therapy - we can't afford it.)

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • Mom won't be seen with me in public?

    Over the past year, I've been having serious issues with my mother. She's been going farther & farther out of her way to avoid leaving the house with me, often just ordering me to stay inside. I don't have an issue with this per se - she's a single mother & I'm an only child, so we've been attached at the hip pretty much since day one. Now that I'm an adult, it's only fair that she wants to go places by herself.

    But it does pose something of a problem to me: we don't have a car (I don't know how to drive & she wouldn't let me use it anyway) and it's difficult for me to get around on foot by myself. I was in a car accident from which I still have some PTSD; standing too close to fast traffic can still trigger some anxiety and the occasional mild panic attack. Having someone there helps me feel safe. (I know I need therapy but we can't afford it & the state won't pay unless you're severely mentally ill.)

    The issue came to a head today, when I needed to get to the store to get a few things for my home business. She likes to leave early, so I set my alarm for a time when she would also likely to get up. But she got the drop on me and woke up 2 HOURS EARLY to catch THE VERY FIRST BUS out of here. This isn't the first time either; I've been trying to get to this store for over a week and she's either stalls until it's too late in the day, complains it's too hot to go, or pulls crap like she did today.

    I was furious. I finally put my foot down & told her that if she isn't going to take me, then she can't use my computer anymore. I've been helping her write a book this whole time, but she can't help me get to the store? This did not have the intended effect: instead, she got mad at me and told me that if I'm going to be like that then she'll just go to the library and write. She actually told me, to my face, that she'd rather hike a mile up the road in the summer heat to the library every day than have anything to do with me publicly.

    Aside from the obvious hurt, I have no idea what the hell's going on. We haven't been fighting lately, nothing was said or done to make her feel this way. She has next to no empathy about my trauma, but I'm used to that. It's just that it's gotten so much worse recently. I know I shouldn't be relying on someone like this, but I have no choice at present: I have no friends, we have no other family worth mentioning, and this is a somewhat rural area. I'd move out today if I could, but I'm essentially broke. What can I possibly do in this situation??

    7 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Would you date a woman with a DDD+ bust size?

    Had to delete the question because everyone suddenly decided that they wanted to be an ******.

    Please state why or why not. Be honest :P

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Why are you up at this hour?

    It's 3 am.

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • How do I upload images to

    I'm trying to submit an entry to one their "Photoplasty" contests but their site makes it very difficult.

    You can't copy/paste, you can't drag-and-drop, the "insert image" button does nothing - how in the hell am I supposed to send them anything???

    1 AnswerOther - Internet8 years ago
  • How to Rip Region-Coded DVD?

    I bought a Japanese DVD, but it's region coded. I know I can only watch it a set amount of times before my laptop sticks to that region, so I was wondering if anyone knew of any free, SAFE programs that I could use to rip it?

    BQ - If I play the DVD normally once then rip it later, will the computer read that as one view or two?

    3 AnswersOther - Hardware8 years ago
  • Does ANYONE Know This Manga?!?!?

    Just a few days ago, I stumbled across manga on Mangafox that I really liked. Unfortunately, I forgot the title & the names of the characters! I tried re-searching the keyword again, but it wasn't there...T_T

    It was about a high school girl who had really big boobs (for a Japanese girl). Because she was way more "well-developed" that her peers, she was teased by boys throughout middle-school & had bad relationships: her first boyfriend was too embarrassed to be seen with her; the second just wanted her for sex & dumped her when she refused (he thought she would be more slutty). But she never allowed herself to cry - she'd always suppress her sadness & force herself to laugh about it so no one would see how hurt she really was.

    Then she meets this really quiet/shy/nerdy guy in class at a goukon (group date). When she finds out he's really in love with one of her friends, she decides to try to help him succeed.

    Please, if anyone knows the name of this manga, I'd be indebted to you forever...! And full points if you know where I can find the full series :) Thanks!

    2 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • How to Record/Download Live Video Online?

    There's some live videos that I'd like to record & edit. The problem is I have no idea how to record live video online. -_-; Is there some sort of software I'd need to do that?

    I'm considering buying Sony Vegas Pro 11 soon - is Vegas equipped to download/edit livestreaming videos?

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago
  • True or False: You Listen to/Like Asian Music?

    How many of you listen to music (of any genre) from either Korea, Japan, or China?

    BQ: Why? What drew you to music from that country? Or, if "false", why don't you?

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago