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  • roommate has internet.. i dont, says all i need is router?

    so he has comcast..and he says all i need to do is go get a router from like best buy, and hook it up in my room..and then my room mate will call comcast i guess and tell them to put internet in that room, and then after the phoen call ill have net...true?false? any type of router im looking for? he says this one router is 30 bucks but i was hopin to go to walmart and find a cheaper one..

    p.s. he already has internet in his room

    3 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • virgin mobile phone..doesnt send texts?

    got a virgin mobile phone a daya go, the rumor2. 25 bucks a month plan, unlimited all cept minutes, i get 300 minutes..

    anyways, i will text people and it says i sent it, but half the time they dont get the texts. why is this? or if they do, it takes forever. is there sokething i can do?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • possible to have a land line for one month? cheap?

    going to be doing home monitoring instead of jail time, so i need a land line for a month. how would i do this? would i have to sign up, and then cancel? isnt that expensive and bad on credit?

    4 AnswersLand Phones1 decade ago
  • energy many of em, what are the differences?

    so i dont fool around with energy drinks that much, but i have a couple of questions.

    do they all do the same thing? all carry the same ingredients pretty much? i noticed taurine, ginseng, and caffiene in a lot of them. i tried full throttle, it didnt seem to work. but red bull does..??

    i just looked up a list of energy drinks on wiki and they all seem to have nearly the same amount of caffeine levels.. so what is it in the drinks that make some work better than others? is it the taurine, or ginseng?

    is there any energy drink thats proven to be the best? last the longest? are energy drinks like any other drug or addiction? your body builds up a tolerance? cause i drank two red bulls yesterday for work (the small cans) and it really picked me up. well today i have another hard shift, so i wanna drink two more..but i dont wanna waste my money if they wont work.

    1 AnswerNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago
  • improvising on my dogs cut paw?

    my dog has a small gash on his paw. it happened yesterday. hes not bleeding anymore. and hes not really limping, but he isnt walking around much and when he does, he walks carefully. anyways, the cut is still open. and its still kind of wet inside.

    i got some antibiotic ointment from my works first aid kit. i am towards the end of my pay period, so i dont have money. i cant go out and buy gauze and wrapping. so what else can i use at home to keep my dogs paw covered after i put the ointment on? wrap some toilet paper or hand paper towels around his paw, then put a sock or two on? would that work?

    or is this something i can just leave alone and just let time heal it completely?

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • golden retriever has a gash on paw, is he ok?

    okay, so i was playing with my golden retriever around a creek, and he must have stepped on a branch or something cause his paw started bleeding. i brought him home, and made him stand in a tub with some warm water around his feet for a little bit, and then looked at the cut. it is probably like less than a 1/3 of an inch long, but i can definitely see a flap of his paw hanging off. he was walking on it fine earlier, but after 5 hours of rest i took him out to go to the bathroom, and he started to limp.

    im not sure what to do? is this something that will just heal? like it doesnt look super deep..and its not like his paw is slit open. its kind of like a really really bad paper cut.

    i was gonna go to the vet but they want 70 bucks to just LOOK at him, and im not gonna spend 70 bucks on a doctor to tell me "you can take him home just keep him off his feet"...if he gets worse then obviously im gonna make sure money isnt an issue, but im seeing if theres advice, i can get from here first

    1 AnswerDogs1 decade ago
  • my dog is bleeding from his paw, will he be ok?

    we were in a foresty area and he was playing around..then i guess he cut his paw, and its been about 10 minutes, hes not bleeding anymore, hes able to walk around and climb stairs, but he was bleeding kind of bad. i put his feet in some warm water for a bit, and checked his cut out. its on the center of one of his paws, looks like as if um a small incesion/slice..didnt look too deep or anything.

    im just wondering what i should do? is he ok just to keep inside the house for a few days for it to heal up? vets are expensive, they want 70 bucks just to look at him.

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • is there any legit books/tests for career interest/guidance?

    i have no idea what to be.. and im 20. ive noticed animals catch my great interest though, and also like talking to people i guess therapy?

    anyways, is there any book or test online i can take that will like ask me a lot of questions and maybe point me in the direction of a career that fits my interests?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • any alternatives to having internet without paying a ton?

    so comcast gets expensive..and im moving into my own place now. is there any other way of having internet on my desktop without paying a lot of money? perhaps a company thats really cheap? or stealing other peoples connection..but i know thats not reliable at all..

    3 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • is there a cool little calendar program to download?

    one that enables me to type in deadlines or appointments for that day, and then itll like pop up or alert me to remind me about that deadline/appointment?

    bonus points if the application isnt all ugly and grey.

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • is it bad for hair to grow between my dogs paws?

    i have a golden retrievever and i let his hair grow between his paws, 1) cause i havent heard abotu it being "bad" for the dog, 2) he doesnt like me to do it, he always retracts or acts scared when i cut his hair

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • can suboxen help pain?

    my neck has been hurting me to where i cant even turn it for the apst couple of days..i asked my mom for any pain pills, and she said she has suboxen..

    i know what suboxen is generally meant for, but can it help relieve pain? i dont need people coming in here telling me they arent my pills, dont take them yada yada.

    all i want to know is, can it help relieve my neck pain for work. thanks.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • ideas for my 20th birthday?

    i dont have many friends, nor a what are some things i could do like kinda by myself that would make me happy for my 20th? i live in seattle wa

    3 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • should i report my manager to human resources?

    i work at wendys. the manager i was working with that night (happened like 3 days ago) is a known asshole. no one likes him. anyways, his voice was going out, and after a more fights/attitudes than normal shift at work was comin to an end, i said over the headset "hey guys!! we dont have to hear robbies (manager) voice anymore!!!" and everyone laughed. he then threw a starbucks coffee drink rigth at my head...

    the coffee got all over the walls and sinks..and the brand new headset we just got (500+ more dollars) just fell into the sink water cause it got knocked off my head and i was standing by the sink. we all quickly make an "OOOHH" face, and i laughed and said "what the ****"? and he dug in and got the headet out asap.

    anyways, headset: gone. but i was talking to my co workers and they think i should report him to human resources. what do you think? i want to..but im worried about how the work environment would be at work after this? what would they do to meth head black tooth robbie?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • why does my fantail goldfish do this?

    i have a 2.5 inch fantail goldfish that..likes to go crazy sometimes.. lately ive been trying to pay more attention and seeing if theres a specific time it flips out, and it seems to be after it eats.. i know fish can act weird after eating and they can get problems (im not a total noobie in the aqarium world) but i havent seen this before..

    it eats, and then after a little bit, it spins, and flips, and twirls REALLY fast like CRAZY up to the top of the water, and then just goes back down, and does it again a couple times.. i think it wants to fill up with air or something cause after it goes back down, bubbles float up..and it also like picks at the sand (i have sand not gravel) and spits it back out.

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • why do my knees hurt?

    so im 19 and i noticed when im standing up ,and i like bend down to pick something up, and i get back up my knees kinda burn and sting.

    so im narrowing it down to these two options.let me know if either of them could be correct

    - i just need to be more active and work out (likely and obvious)

    - i do sit down a lot on the computer..when im in the chair i usually have my legs criss-crossed in the chair, constantly my knees are folded i like wearing down my knees internally, so when i bend down thats why my knees hurt? i know doing certain stretches or bends can sort of wear out your body parts...

    4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • legalizing marijuana?

    are the days coming up when weed will become legal? or even...we buy it from the govt, and its actually taxed?

    our grandfathers told us stories how a can of coca cola was 5 cents..will we be telling our kids "back in the day, you'd be arrested for weed..and it was a huge fight to make it legal!"

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • why are some peoples eyes always wide open?

    have you ever came across a person that their eyes are wide?

    like this:

    their eyes stay wide when they are scared, happy, shocked..its freaky. why are some peoples eyes like that!? i can just imagine..having a wife, and for our wedding pictures she looks like she just saw someone murdered

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • a good secure way making $ payments on car thru craigslist?

    ok, long story short.. i damaged this guys truck with my friends car. he either wants 2grand to fix his door, or pay 2500 for his 1992 chevy suburban (he was planning on selling it anyway). i want to buy the truck...that way i can just sell it after i buy it.

    im gonna give him like a grand down, and then after he'll allow me to make payments (im a youngin so i dont have 2500 on me)... but i know there MUST be a way to do this to where i dont just pay him all this money, and he says "hahaha peace out!!" and doesnt go thru his end of the deal.

    so can i have some help? i live in seattle wa, thanks.

    7 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • will humans ever run out of artistic ideas?

    i think about this look at just a couple decades ago, there was no such thing as hip hop. there was no metal. there was no electronic house music. but music has evolved and technology has brought new sound and ideas.

    well what about now? or should i the future? are we ever going to run out of ideas, how to make a UNIQUE song? or write a script for a movie that hasnt been done over and over again? what if in like 50 years we no longer make music because we've exhuasted all of our ideas. i mean theres only so many times you can make a song about having a one night stand

    what about singers/rappers? eventually there must be a time where there is no more NEW gimmicks to become popularized!

    there was a "snap" stage of 50 years will the only idea we have for a new fad or new to slap your knees on pots and pans!? like really!!! there is no other way other than down for the american race

    3 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade ago