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Questioniny gender identity?
I'm posting again because my last one had no andswers.I'm a 16 year old girl and was never bothered or questioned who I was. I was always insecure, even from a young age of 7 I remember seeing a pretty girl or looking at one of my pretty dolls and wishing to be/look like them. When I was 12 I catfished an older guy (I know it was wrong and I feel extremely guilty about it.) I pretending I was a guy and had a "gay" relationship with him. Since around that age I had more of a fascination with gay male couples. Im all for LGBTAQ+ but lesbians don't particularly phase me, heterosexual couples are cute but something about gay men makes me want to be in that type of relationship. Not like where I ship them on tumblr but I actually want to be in that type of relationship and this confuses me because as stated I am a girl and I am attracted to males. Can anyone help me?
1 AnswerLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender6 years agoBrown vaginal discharge?
Ok this may sound gross (sorry about that) but I have been having some brown vaginal discharge for the past 3 or 4 days. I'm 15, not super active right now (Im a cheerleader but its off season,) I'm on 50 mg zoloft for depression and anxiety, Ive had my period since I was 12, and my period is super irregular. I get it usually between every 2 or 3 months but in reality it comes and goes as it pleases. My last period was in April and all my periods including that one were super heavy. When I first had the discharge I thought it was the start of my period, but only tiny smidges of pink came when I wiped and even those have gone away and now only brown remains. At first it was light but now it is getting darker. I have not had any type of sexual contact and I am 5'2 and about 100 pounds (I heard weight may have something to do with it.) Can anyone explain this? Thanks in advance
1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years agoWas this abusive?
My friends are saying I am in another abusive situation, although Im not sure. This guy will sometimes hit me (whether he is mad or I hit him first) and has choked me and bruised. One time when I was bruised it was because I refused to give him a hug so he grabbed me and that left a mark. When I told him about it he said "you bruise too easy." Recently, he was mad because I called him a nickname he didnt like and tried to choke me (during the beginning of class) I was able to grab his hands and he only skimmed my neck. Later that same class I took his hat and he choked me when I wouldnt give it back. Id like opinions on this. I havent told my mom yet, only two of my friends
2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoMom won't let me have medicine?
So I'm 15 and in therapy, I see things and hear things too, I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. The doctor at the place I go to wants to perscribe me with abilify. He gave the sheets home for my mom to sign and give them back to him but she has yet to. He gave me the sheets about 5 days ago and I told her I think I need medications because I feel as though I am getting worse (seeing things more frequently, hearing different voices etc.) but she insists I don't and is actually sending me to a different doctor. The doctor even called my mom to talk to her three times and she refuses to budge. Any ideas on how I can convince her?
3 AnswersMental Health6 years agoDo I need help?
I've started cutting recently (about a month ago) and although it's not everyday I have cut maybe four times. At first I didn't break skin but two weeks ago I did for the first time. Now the cutting urges are getting stronger and even when I'm not 100% sad I want to cut. I also am suicidal, but I am scared of dying (I guess the whole afterlife thing) but when I put the razor up to my neck it felt almost better. Last night I also made myself puke for the first time, I felt fat and I have been dieting (660 calories a day) for two weeks or so. For the past few days everytime I eat I feel nauseous and fat. Ive been trying to vomit but I havent been able to until last night. I'd like advice on what to do, and maybe how to stop this. Also sorry for the length.
1 AnswerInjuries6 years agoI feel fat but I'm told I'm skinny?
Hi, I'm 15, 5'2" and 100 pounds. I hate my stomach though, I feel like it "pops out" (kinda likt a pot belly) and I have been starting to feel fat. I work out once a week, I tried dieting, I couldn't do it. I guess I now eat a lot of unhealthy food (I'm a VERY picky eater, I always have been), but I don't want to. While I'm eating I'm in a "F**k it" mode and I don't care what I look like but when I'm done and as soon as I look down I feel fat again. Any advice or anyone in similar situations?
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years agoLost 7 pounds in 4 days?
I'm 15 (female) and 5'2", four days ago I weighed 105 pounds but I recently started dieting and now I am 80 pounds. I was wondering if this is healthy? Thanks in advance
8 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years agoAm I asexual?
I'm 15 and I haven't really thought about sex, but my peers have been bringing it up more often recently. They go from "I was making out with my boyfriend" to "I lost my virginity years ago!" I know a lot of people will say "you're all kids that's crazy" and I know, I sort of feel the same way. What I feel differently is the idea of sex disgusts me, it seems awkward, gross, sweaty, risky, and pointless. I am in a long distant relationship at the moment so I haven't kissed a boy yet, although I don't think of it often. I wouldn't mind a kiss or cuddling, but the whole concept of having sex, with anyone, is a turn off. Porn doesn't get me sexually aroused, I prefer to look at guys with clothes on, the less clothing the more repulsed I am. Someday I would like to have children though, but I think more about the pregnancy part being hard than having sex. Is this asexual? Or just me being introverted? Thanks in advance and sorry for the length
3 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender6 years agoTeacher scares students? Please help?
I'm not accusing him of anything, although this teacher has creeped/scared a few of my friends and myself included. At firsf I thought I was overreacting, as all this teacher does is say hi and smile, in an extremely friendly way. It made me feel awkward and nervous (no I do not find him attractive,) but I thought it was just me being me so I shrugged it off. It wasn't until one of my friends started saying how he did the same things to her, asking about her, always talking, always smiling, that I realized it wasn't just me being like this. The weirdest part is neither of us have had him as students, and I haven't really noticed most guys, unless they play football (as he coaches) talk to him or him start a convo. I get he hasn't done anything wrong, but I just didn't know what this feeling meant and if he seems a little off. Thanks in advance.
2 AnswersAdolescent6 years agoCan't Sleep?
I'm 15 and I've had trouble sleeping for about 6 months, although it's progressively getting worse. I text a lot before I go to bed (I know it's bad and not what I'm supposed to do,) but I cut down for a little while and my sleep did not improve much. Within the past week I've been staying up until 1 or 2, maybe once or twice 3. But, as soon as I hit my bed, I fall asleep. Last night was different. I put my phone away at 8, sat in my bed until 10 and could not fall asleep. I woke my mom at 4:30 to tell her what was going on and I finally was able to fall asleep from 7-8 until I had to go to school (I went in late because I could not get up.) Any suggestions? Why when I tried to do the "right thing" I couldn't sleep at all?
2 AnswersOther - General Health Care6 years agoI want to cut?
I'm 15 and I want to cut but I don't know where. I'm a cheerleader so I wear short shorts and sports bras. Is there anywhere else I can that won't kill me? Please don't tell me not to cut, I know you're trying to help but I don't know, just please don't.
4 AnswersAdolescent6 years agoNervous about therapy?
I'm going to therapy come the new year, probably within the first two weeks of January. I'm having second thoughts on going and I'm extremely on the fence about it. Anyone have advice or similar stories? I'm 15.
3 AnswersPsychology6 years agoMy mom is in denial that I'm depressed?
I'm 15 and I haven't been confirmed by a doctor that I am depressed but I know I'm not always happy, I can get suicidal or I want to cut. I have felt this way since I was 12. Recently I told my mom about being suicidal, she was upset at first of course but told me it is probably teenage hormones or my period. I'm sure some of what I am feeling is normal teenage stuff, but my mom doesn't know when I was 12 (also when I got my period,) I was in an abusive relationship. I stopped seeing this guy (who verbally abused me and was controlling,) when I was 14, which is when my mom states she noticed I was happier. At this time I got a new boyfriend who made me extremely happy. He passed away this June and my suicidal/depressed thoughts came back. She doesn't know I was dating this guy either. I don't really want to lay it all out on her what I went through, but I am sick of her thinking it is just my period. I am seeing a counselor starting the new year, but is this normal? If anyone has similar stories I would like to hear. Also, sorry for the length.
1 AnswerMental Health6 years agoWhat's a cute height for a girl?
I'm 15, and I'm 5'2" when I'm standing tall (about 5'0" when I'm standing casually.) is this a nice height? I'm not growing anymore, I was told by my doctor after I had an MRI showing my growth plates were aligned. If my size isn't "cute" what is?
10 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style6 years agoI want to cut myself?
I haven't started, although I have tried. I get urges randomly to take a razor so I can cut my wrists. I don't know why and I know it's not good nor healthy, and I shouldn't start. Has anyone faced this, is it normal, how can I fix it?
2 AnswersPain & Pain Management6 years agoNot hungry as I usually am and keep losing weight?
I'm a 15 year old girl, I'm about 5'2" and I am losing weight. Last year I did cheerleading (not just clapping, actual flips and stuff for those who don't know,) and during that time my appetite decreased. Before that I could eat a whole pizza pie myself and not lose or gain any weight (I was still about 105 lbs.) I did not do cheer this year but my appetite is still low, every day I feel full or queasy and I don't know why. I'm about 95 pounds now (Ik 10 lbs isn't a great drop) but I just never feel hungry. Is this normal?
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years agoUSPS Package status not updated?
Hi so I sold something on ebay and at first the package was going fine until it got to the state it was supposed to. It ended up in a town two hours away from it's actual destination (it's supposed to go to Sheffield Lake.) Now it says it hasn't updated, what am I supposed to do? The buyer hasn't even responded to my frequent requests of contact (although that is not my main problem.) Has anyone had this happen to them before? Thanks in advance.
Delivery status not updated December 5, 2014 10:53 pm
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Pre-Shipment Info Sent to USPSDecember 2, 2014
2 AnswersOther - Local Businesses6 years agoIs there such a thing as mildly abused?
I used to see (child) abuse as torturing your kid almost. Although I have been told actions my parents have done to me are abusive. These actions happen rarely, and aren't hospital worthy or anything. So is this "mildly" abused? Or just not considered abuse because of the lack of consistancy?
4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships6 years agoTeen Bangs Head on Wall out of Anger?
My friend is 17 and he has been depressed for quite some time now. He sees a therapist but he is not very cooperative with her. Yesterday he told me he was upset about a semi-recent death so he banged his head against the wall enough times to bruise and cut himself. He has done things like this before and I want to know why? Is it because he is depressed? Is it an illness he hasn't been classified with yet? I just want to help him and make sure he is safe. Thanks
2 AnswersMental Health6 years agoParent's standards to high?
I've never been allowed to get lower than a 90 on any test/quiz/homework etc since I started school. When I was younger my mom would rip up the paper and make me redo it. In middle school I got smacked a few times for getting 80s. Now that I'm in high school I usually get yelled at and get my stuff taken away, for the same standards. Is this a normal standard for families?
2 AnswersFamily6 years ago