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Happy and proud L.A. native and current resident, love my alma mater UCLA, have a great passion for history, military stuff, volleyball, dogs, fighter jets, books, working out, baking, shopping, muscle cars, wine, sports and martial arts.

  • Windows Vista compatibility with Sony Cybershot DSC-W220?

    I want to buy this camera but in the specs listed on Best Buy, it says Vista compatible: no. Does this mean if I were to connect the camera to my Vista laptop, it won't work for me to get the pictures off? Or is it just the software that comes with the camera that's not compatible? The Sony website seems to indicate it's just the software that comes with the camera that won't work with Vista. Here's a link to the camera from Sony:


    3 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • Is receiving holiday pay a law in California?

    I just received my paycheck stub from the week of Christmas and I worked all day on Christmas, the day before and the day after. I work at an office in a big company, and this one division where I work is open 24/7. I am technically employed and paid by the staffing agency that placed me there. I have only worked there for about 3 weeks, so I was not entitled to time off or vacation unlike most of the other employees. I just received my normal pay for Christmas day when I thought I would get holiday pay. Is there any law behind holiday pay requirements?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Where can I have my dog relieve himself if the weather is bad outside?

    Normally my dog is very good about asking to go outside to relieve himself, but at the sight of a few raindrops, he takes a few steps outside and comes back inside. I know he still has to go because he is jumpy, agitated, etc. Personally I don't want him to go out to relieve himself because he will come back in the house all dirty. Can I train him to go on a newspaper, plastic bag etc. inside the house? But is there a way to teach him this is only OK in bad weather? I don't know if I'm asking too much from my dog by expecting that he understands the difference.

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Can you send mail to "A Recovering American Soldier" at Walter Reed?

    I received a chain e-mail saying that in order to do something good this year for the holidays, we should send holiday cards to:

    A Recovering American Soldier

    c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center

    specific street address (omitted for security reasons)

    Washington, DC

    I thought the Dear Any Servicemember program was stopped due to security reasons. Will the above address actually work?

    And thanks to all you injured and non-injured troops for all your service! Happy Holidays! :-)

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Why won't my computer let me open any e-mail attachments in Yahoo mail?

    I think my computer is not agreeing with yahoo mail. I cannot open any kind of attachment in either of my 2 yahoo accounts, regardless if use IE or Firefox. However if I use my school e-mail or gmail, the attachments work on my computer. My yahoo accounts do open attachments on a different computer though, so that's why I think something must be wrong on MY computer with yahoo. When I click on the attachment, the dialog box comes up that says "download" but after I click that and the box goes away, nothing happens. This is driving me crazy, please help!!! Thanks!

    6 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago
  • Is it a bad time to cash out savings bonds right now?

    In the midst of this crappy economy, I'm struggling a bit just like everyone else and have some savings bonds that I got when I was a kid that I'm considering cashing out. There's still 8 years for them to reach maximum maturity (30 years), but I really could use the cash now. I just want to know if the interest rates are so terrible right now that I would get a bad deal if I was to cash them out now rather than just wait 8 more years. Also, is there any way to predict what they would be worth at their maximum maturity in 2016?

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Can you vote out of your precinct as long as you are in the same state?

    I will be out of my city (Los Angeles) for business in Sacramento on election day. Can I still vote somehow for the federal and state measures just not the city ones or do I need an absentee ballot?

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is this a phishing phone call or what?

    I received a very strange phone call on my cell this morning. This woman called and asked for my mother (a very uncommon name). My mom and I are on a family shared plan under her name but my number is the primary number. This woman asked to speak with her because she said some man had put her down as somebody he knows. She said he had stolen a Mercedes and she is a private investigations firm trying to figure out the matter. I asked if they had a last name for my mom and they did not. It was so incredibly suspicious so I asked what guy they were talking about, her name and the company name. I did not give them any information other than that I live in Los Angeles. (She was calling from Houston). What the hell was this phone call??

    1 AnswerSecurity1 decade ago
  • Is it dangerous for birds to eat from my dog's food?

    My dog has a spare bowl of dry food outside in the backyard that he eats from occasionally, and the other day I noticed some small birds eating from it. Can he catch any diseases or get sick if he shares foods with the birds?

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What companies pay for employees' education?

    What are some private companies that offer tuition assistance or reimbursement for their employees to attend school? I want to start my master's degree but I want someone else to pay for it :) Bank of America comes to mind, as I know my sister did her whole undergrad degree on their dime. Any other companies you can think of?

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • What companies pay for employees' education?

    What are some private companies that offer tuition assistance or reimbursement for their employees to attend school? I want to start my master's degree but I want someone else to pay for it :) Bank of America comes to mind, as I know my sister did her whole undergrad degree on their dime. Any other companies you can think of?

    2 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • What's a good nutritious dog food my picky dog will like?

    My dog is very picky with food and won't eat most dog food. Am I just buying the wrong foods? He doesn't like Pedigree, Iams, Alpo or any of the mainstream stuff. What's a good specialty pet store brand to try?

    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Mustang drives funny with the A/C on...?

    My 2004 GT feels like it loses A LOT of power when the A/C is on which is weird because it is a V-8. It drives very heavy and the RPM shifts very strangely when I press on the gas (it's an automatic). A few times I have pressed on the gas but it was so could hear the car revving like it was at 3000 RPM but it only read that it was on 2000 and the power was not increased. What kind of problem could this be?

    2 AnswersFord1 decade ago
  • Where I can I find a list of all those cool military operation nicknames?

    I would love to find a list of all the military operations with those cool nicknames. You know like Operation Just Cause, Operation Gothic Serpent, Operation Phantom Fury. What are the meanings behind these names and who comes up with them?

    5 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Is this an example of a woman in combat?

    I was looking at some pictures on the official DoD website and one picture's caption read:

    TURRET VIEW - U.S. Army Pfc. Ashley Glaspie sets her gun turret in position before heading out on a patrol in the Thawra 1 neighborhood of the Sadr City district of Baghdad. Glaspie is assigned to the 4th Infantry Division, 3rd Platoon, 1st Squad, 191st Military Police Company, 3rd Brigade Combat Team

    If she is on a patrol and is manning a gun, does this not qualify as combat? Or is this routine duty for an MP? If women are not "officially" allowed in combat roles, how is this allowed?

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Comforting or encouraging words for combat troops?

    What are some words of encouragement or other things you liked to hear when you were in combat and absolutely miserable? I have a friend who is in Iraq and everytime we talk he understandably always says that things are terrible, he has seen so much death, destruction, etc. he has been shot at numerous times and has survived a few IED blasts.

    I don't know how to respond to this, whether we're talking on the phone or via letters. I don't think "I'm sorry" helps at all, nor does my natural response of "Wow that must suck." I have said things like "Thanks for your service" but he is modest so he brushes it off, plus he thinks I'm being cheesy when I say stuff like that. What are some helpful or motivating words I can offer him?

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • What's the best way to move across the country?

    I currently live in Los Angeles but would love to relocate to the Washington DC area because I love how the city is so government/politics/military oriented. I would like to find a government job there. Is it better to find a job first or find a place to live first? Please state your reasons for choosing either choice.

    1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade ago
  • A good care package for a soldier who says he "doesn't need anything"?

    I have a penpal friend currently deployed to Iraq and I have been sending letters and care packages occasionally. I ask him for things that he needs or wants but I don't know if he is shy or what but he always says he doesn't need anything and will appreciate whatever I send. I would like some ideas on what I can send. Please don't say naked pictures of myself because I have already sent those.......JUST KIDDING. Any other suggestions are appreciated.

    10 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Why does the Army have the longest tours if they're the biggest branch?

    I am curious as to how the much smaller Air Force and Marine Corps can manage with just 4-8 month deployments and the Army, with a seemingly much larger variety of personnel units to deploy, still has to rely on 12-15 month deployments. What's the reason for this?

    9 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Yoga mat verus exercise mat?

    What are the differences? I can picture one type of mat that is made of that sticky material and the other type is like foam and it rolls up. I am joining a boot camp class tomorrow and they told me to bring "an exercise mat, NOT a yoga mat." So which do I need, the sticky or foam one?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago