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  • Why have so many Conservative and Republican leaders...?

    Endorsed Obama? See link below. Why have some many Conservative editorial boards given Obama their first Democratic Presidential endorsement? Why have Senator Lugar endorsed Obama's Foreign Policy?

    I would particularly like to hear from McCain supporters.

    Obamacans: Prominent Republicans Line Up Behind Obama - WSJ:

    Obama Draws Historic Newspaper Endorsements:

    19 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is it potentially dangerous for McCain/Palin to incite violent outbursts at campaign events?

    Outbursts of "Traitor!" "Terrorist!" and "Kill him!" have occurred repeatedly at McCain campaign events. Many participants have expressed anger and rage at Obama. McCain, his wife and Palin have fanned the flames of hate with statement like 'Obama is palling around with terrorists.'

    Do you feel these actions are appropriate for a Presidential and Vice Presidential Nominee?

    51 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What are the costs of expanding offshore drilling areas and increasing our investment?

    McCain’s offshore drilling flip from three weeks ago:

    All Americans want to reduce our dependency of foreign oil. We have a choice of investing primarily in green technology and increasing fuel efficiency standards or increasing domestic oil production.

    According to Bush/McCain and the US Energy Info Admin (EIA), expanding offshore drilling beyond the 68 million acres already leased and available will have NO significant impact on domestic crude oil and natural gas production or prices before 2030.

    According to the Sierra Club, expanding offshore drilling will present a substantial cost to the environment.

    It will distract us from investment in green technology and increasing fuel efficiency standards for cars whose benefits are immediate. longterm and expanding.

    It will cost us millions of green jobs and a robust and competitive auto industry.

    What are the benefits of popular offshore drilling?

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does McCain/Bush policy popularity scare you?

    Bush/McCain is Now negotiating unconditionally with North Korea after letting them get the bomb. Obama is attacked for being open to negotiating unconditionally with Iran before they get the bomb. Under Bush/McCain returning vets with head injuries are being left out to dry and paying college tuition for returning vets is too much. (Most Americans trust McCain/Bush on the terrorism and the military.)

    McCain/Bush support risking our environment by opening More offshore drilling when it will take over 10 years for it to effect gas prices by $.05 while our country is distracted from investing in green technology. (75% of voters support opening up More - we have thousands of acres of untapped drilling areas - offshore drilling rather than permanently addressing our dependency on foreign oil with green technology.

    McCain wants to tax American making under $110,000 at 3 times the rate of Obama. (Most Americans believe they will pay less taxes with McCain)

    Is it scary?

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Can anyone claiming Obama broke his promise the accept public financing provide evidence supporting that?

    Almost all the media and most Yahoo! Answers users claim Obama broke his promise to accept public financing of his GE campaign. These are the facts:

    Obama signed an agreement to negotiate public financing if his GE opponent agreed to public financing.

    Senator McCain DID NOT accept public financing until Senator Obama rejected it. McCain had been financing his GE campaign privately until them. Obama did not break his promise. Furthermore, McCain had previous taken out of loan in the primaries backed by a promise to accept public financing which he later rejected. Who has truly broken their promise?

    Obama made it clear on the agreement he would negotiate public financing including advertising by 527 and special interest groups. According to the Obama campaign the negotiations fell through.

    Obama required his campaign and the DNC to reject donations from lobbyist and special interests.

    Can anyone provide evidence to support the claim Obama broke his promise?

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Did the media lie about Obama breaking his 'promise' to accept public financing?

    Every cable news network program (who supposedly love Obama) except Countdown with Keith Olberman has accused Obama of breaking his promise to accept public financing if opponent agreed.

    What every news commentator and analyst failed to mention is that McCain had not agreed to public financing and was privately financing his GE campaign until today. Obama did not break his promise because McCain had not accepted public financing.

    What is also ignored is Obama never promised to accept public financing even if McCain had agreed. Obama promised to negotiate public financing with his opponent. The Obama campaign argues the negotiated fell through.

    The media also ignores that McCain borrowed money in the primary backed by a promise to accept public financing and then he reneged on his promise.

    Keith Olberman is the only commentator or analyst I've heard to present the whole truth.

    Am I missing something or did the media lie again to attack Obama?

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do McCain and the republicans think Americans are stupid?

    Bush, McCain and the republicans controlled all branches of government for 6 years leading to record spending, deficits and debt along with massive job loss and the loss of thousands of lives and a trillion dollars in the unwise Iraq war.

    McCain voted 95% with Bush and supports his failed economic policies and Iraq war.

    McCain offers less than 1/3 of the tax relief Obama offers Americans making under $100,000 while spending over a trillion more dollars for tax cuts primarily to the rich and corporations. McCain offers less tax relief to small businesses. (See Brookings Institute or Tax Policy Center analysis)

    Obama offers comprehensive health care reform that covers all Americans, lowers costs and increases protection and reduces to burden on businesses. McCain offers a tax break that covers a small percentage of the cost, increases costs and reduces protections, increases the burden on businesses and doesn't cover Americans with existing illnesses.

    The list goes on!

    17 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Are You Ready to Thank Hillary and her supporters for a hard fought campaign?

    Congratulations to Hillary Clinton and her supporters for a hard fought campaign! Obama and the democrats will be stronger for all your efforts. Thank you Hillary for your endorsement of Senator Obama as a friend of Israel at the AIPAC convention. Thank you Senator Clinton for your coming endorsement of Obama as the democratic nominee for President of the USA.

    We welcome those of you ready to join Team Obama and thanks to all of you whoever you choose to support.

    This is an historic elections during truly trying times for our country and the world.

    It is time to join together in fighting for the a better America and Change we can believe in.

    18 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is the most slimy, vile, unethical and biased journalist ....?

    Andersen Cooper on CNN?

    This question is for Obama supporters. Others believe the media played and analyzed Rev. Wright, Father Pfleger, Bitter-gate, flag pins, etc 24/7 thoughout this campaign because they love Sen. Obama.

    Several 'White' friends have complained about Andersen Cooper's slimy and underhanded journalism. Yesterday his performance exceeded the bounds of the Clinton News Network (CNN). Dobbs, Blitzer, Candy Crowley and others at CNN and Hannity and O'Reilly and others at Fox are at least relatively open with their anti-Obama rhetoric.

    Andersen Cooper on the other hand pretends to be reflective and balanced.

    Has anyone else noticed his extreme bias?

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Are women and Hillary supporters against Gov. Sebelius (KS) for VP?

    This is assuming Obama will be the presumptive nominee by Wed morn.

    Gov. Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas is mentioned often as a good VP choice for Obama. She reportedly is an excellent governor with experience in Washington. The main argument against Sebelius is it may upset women or Hillary supporters who want Hillary. Is this true?

    Hillary will be a hard choice for VP for many reasons. Hillary and Bill brings considerable baggage to the ticket. Most is known but recent revelations about Bill in Vanity Fair and the unreported suit against the Clintons in Paul v. Clinton demonstrate that republicans will bring more to the table. Superdelegates are aware of this and other factors that may make it hard for them to push Hillary on the ticket.

    Many have argued that Gov. Sebelius is one of the strongest women candidates for president in the future.

    Is it true that women and Hillary supporters want to be the reason that a strong women governor isn't put on the fast track to the presidency

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Doesn't Obama care about the FL & MI voters?

    Bill earned dem nominations, served as president twice and appointed DNC Chairs without Bill or Hillary ever complaining about the DNC rules or caucuses.

    Hillary began the primary competing with Obama for the majority of pledged delegates.

    Hillary signed and supported the DNC Penalty against FL & MI along with all the other dem candidates.

    Obama and all the other major dem candidates except Hillary removed there names from the MI ballot.

    Hillary got behind in the pledged delegates and argued the nom should be decided by the SDs who supported her in greater numbers.

    Hillary got behind in the delegate total and decided the MI & FL votes/delegates should be counted (She still be behind).

    Obama agreed to tested and verifiable re-vote primaries or caucuses in MI & FL. Hillary only supported illegal (in FL), untested and unverifiable mail-in primaries in FL & MI.

    Now the nom should be decided by the PV giving Obama no votes in MI and ignoring the caucus states.

    Shame on Obama.

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What are Obama supporters supposed to think about Hillary and her supporters?

    Hillary and her supporters argue:

    1. Obama is inexperienced and unable to lead, while:

    a. Obama has lead one of the most effective campaigns in history and built an unparalleled grassroots organization (Hillary has not).

    b. Obama has 12 year of legislative experience in the Illinois and US Senate to 8 for Hillary. Obama has a substantial legislative record according to analysis in NewsWeek:

    c. Obama is trusted and enthusiastically endorsed by more of his senate colleagues, governors and elected representatives they will lead than Hillary. (Over 100 more superdelegates endorsed Hillary at the start of the primaries)

    What defines a leader?

    2. Obama is sexist, while:

    1. Obama is endorsed by many moderate women leaders including Govs. K. Sebelius (KS) and J. Napolitano (AZ) and Sens. C. McCaskill (MO) and A. Klobuchar (MN).

    2. Obama is unanimously endorsed by the National Board of NARAL.

    Are these women sexist or ignorant?

    14 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is the a vast conspiracy against Hillary Clinton?

    The evidence is clear.

    Some people in the media have questioned Hillary's claim that she leads in the popular vote by including MI where Obama was not even on the ballot and didn't receive any votes.

    Clinton is not understood by the majority of the more educated and affluent voters who support Obama.

    Clinton began withl a lead of over 100 superdelegates. Obama has now bamboozled more of his senate colleagues, governors and elected representatives to endorse him rather than Clinton. These included many women, Jewish, Catholic and Hispanic moderate leaders like Senators Claire McCaskill (MO) and Amy Klobuchar (MN) and Governors Kathleen Sebelius (KS) and Janet Napolitano (AZ) and Rep. Howard Berman the Jewish chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs in the House.

    Obama is support by Patricia Nixon and Republican Sen. Hagel's wife.

    All these Americans are part of the conspiracy against Clinton.

    Do you care about fairness and integrity in politics?

    13 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is anyone concerned that lobbyists are running the McCain campaign?

    Almost every leader in the McCain campaign is a lobbyist or former lobbyist. These lobbyist are also formulating the policies McCain offers to confront our current economic crisis including the mortgage crisis. In the case of the mortgage crisis, McCain has chosen a lobbyist that many believe is one of the chief causes of the mortgage crisis to devise similar policies to help resolve it.

    'The general co-chairman of John McCain’s presidential campaign, former Sen. Phil Gramm (R-Texas), led the charge in 1999 to repeal a Depression-era banking regulation law that Democrat Barack Obama claimed on Thursday contributed significantly to today’s economic turmoil.'

    Will Americans be willing to give the presidency to the candidate that supports the failed Bush policies in Iraq and on the economy and hires lobbyist to run his campaign?

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What do you think about the latest collossal mistake by Senate Obama?

    Republicans and Hillary supporters have been kind enough to let Americans know that Obama has lied again? This is a particularly egregious error.

    The Obama reference to his uncle's experience:

    Obama stated that his uncle helped free prisoners from the Auschwitz concentration camp in WWII. The truth is Obama's great uncle helped free Jewish prisons at another concentration camp and was severely traumatized by the experience. Obama shared his family history to emphasized the trauma of witnessing such a tragedy and made a mistake.

    Hillary is now being rightfully defended by media for citing Robert Kennedy assassination in June as a reason for not getting out of the primary. Just because Obama has received early primary death threats and recent jokes about his assassination from Huckabee and Liz Trotta at Fox News is no reason for Americans and Obama supporters to express concern about Hillary's comments. It's outrageous.

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why is the media so hard on Hillary Clinton?

    Some of the media attacked Clinton for referencing Rob Kennedy's assassination as a reason for staying in the race.

    A few in the media attacked Clinton for equating the DNC penalty against MI & FL that she supported with slavery and denying women's suffrage.

    Some of the media publicized it when Hillary padded her resume with dodging bullets in Bosnia, bringing peace to N. Ireland and opening borders in Macedonia.

    Some of the media questioned Hillary's math in claiming a popular vote lead by including MI with no votes for Obama who wasn't on the ballot.

    Some of the media reported that most Hillary supporters in WV & KY believed Hillary attacked Obama unfairly.

    Some of the media called the Clinton Gas Tax pandering just because every economist thought it was a bad idea, it would cost thousands of jobs rebuilding our infrastructure, and her funding mechanism had no chance of becoming law in time to fund it.

    Some media have reported the debt and ongoing chaos in Hillary's campaign.

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do Women Democrats truly favor McCain?

    Just wondering.

    Barack Obama is endorsed by NARAL national and numerous women senators, governors and elected representatives who know Obama best. Hillary began this election with the biggest name in Democratic politics, most of the big donors, most of the black vote and was endorsed by over 100 more superdelegates. Obama didn't begin narrowing the margin until he began winning big and built a seemingly insurmountable lead in pledged delegates thank in large part to women's votes. Obama managed a seamless campaign with a unparalleled grassroots organization. Obama inspired Americans to vote, register, participate and give in unprecedented numbers and amounts.

    Does Democratic Women truly believe that superdelegates are supporting Obama because they are sexist?

    Women are disproportionately in poverty and underpaid. The type of social programs the Obama is proposing will disproportionately support women.

    Will women throw all that away and the right to choose to vote McCain?

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is it time to truly honor Clinton and her supporters for a hard fought campaign?

    Isn't it time we remember that the Obama campaign is about healing the divisions between us and getting things done to move us forward?

    Clintons has been planning for the presidency for years. Many Clinton supporters have the same belief and passion for their candidate that we have.

    Isn't it time to move beyond our frustrations during this campaign and honor Clinton and her supporters? Do we truly want to inflame our divisions when we see an unprecedented opportunity to heal?

    We love all Americans - male and female, rich and poor of all race and backgrounds. We want want is best for all of us.

    We understand the frustration of having the candidate we believe in demeaned and belittled.

    Clinton supporters see a strong, intelligent and experienced female candidate with a strong plan to move our country forward.

    Obama supporters are inspired by his message, his strength and intelligence and ability to get things done.

    Can we begin to recognize what we have in common and move forward?

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why Do More Senators, Governors and Elected Representative endorse Obama? Answer quickly!?

    This is a pro-Obama questions and will be deleted without cause by the racially and political challenged Y/A Admin!


    Here's a few things that elected representatives know:

    Obama inspired Americans to votes, register, participate and give in record numbers and amounts.

    Obama has managed a successful campaign against seeming insurmountable odds and built an unparalleled grassroots organization in all 50 states.

    Obama has a superior legislative record particularly in working with republicans. analysis published in NewsWeek: or

    Obama won and is competitive against McCain in more states - Hillary advantages in OH & FL.

    Clinton would motivate all republican leaning voters to vote in Nov.

    Overruling primary voters would create a serious and long term backlash against the Dem Party among young, new and black voters.

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Anyone who believes Hillary has a chance at the nomination, what are you thinking?

    Obama is ahead of Clinton by insurmountable numbers in states won, pledged delegates and the popular vote. Hillary could perform 10 points better than the polls in the final 10 states and she would not catch Obama in any category.

    Obama leads Clinton in endorsements from elected superdelegates and by a substantial margin among their senate colleagues.

    Obama polls better than Clinton against McCain nationally. Obama polls significantly (>5) better than Clinton against McCain in competitive states representing more ECV. Obama polls as well or better than Clinton against McCain in the big states Clinton won such as CA, NY, MI, & NJ. The only competitive states where Clinton polls better than Obama against McCain are OH, PA & FL. Obama is favored against McCain in PA and competitive in OH. (Electoral Map Below)

    What possible arguments does Clinton have for the superdelegates to overrule the primary voters?

    Electoral Vote Map:

    24 AnswersElections1 decade ago