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Lv 32,343 points

Daniel Smith

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  • Best bedding for rabbit?

    I just got a new pet rabbit after the one I had for a long time recently passed away. I housed my old rabbit in a "Living World" cage, which is the basic indoor plastic bottom and wired cage and used the Carefresh recycled paper bedding which worked fine, but I just purchased a new hutch-type enclosure for my new rabbit that features a wired floor panel which underneath is a slide out try to dispose of waste and such. My point is, I'm not sure if I should leave the wired floor uncovered, as I don't think he is comfortable walking and sitting on cold/hard metal wires all the time. He has a separate house in the pen that has a wooden floor with the paper bedding inside that he sleeps on, but the main part of the cage has a wire floor. So, what can I cover the wire with that will stay there and not fall through, as I have already tried to cover it with the care fresh bedding and it all just fell through. I am considering some type of straw, however I am not sure which type is suitable...or possibly just using hay. Any feedback is appreciated! Also, if it helps, the breeder said that he was a "Rex" rabbit about 13 weeks old. Thanks!!

    3 AnswersOther - Pets6 years ago
  • Leopard Gecko will not open eyes?!?

    My 1 year old leopard gecko who I have had since he was a baby has recently (it's been about 3 days) has not been opening his eyes, like at all. He is usually outside his hides, I rarely see him hiding all day unless he is sleeping. Now, he walks around and sleeps outside the hides and walks with his eyes completely closed. I am worried because I have 2 other leopard geckos who are completely fine, and I feed them mealworms every other day (although I will admit I have gotten lazy some days and they will go sometimes 5 days without food) to be honest I just forget some days. But I see them everyday, and my eldest one is now not opening his eyes. His last shed was maybe 2 weeks ago? I did take him out and let him soak in room-temp water for a little bit and washed around his face. He licked around his eyes and opened them for short periods of time, and they looked as if there was a slimy residue along the outer edges of the eye, and the eye was almost completely black rather the usual green/black and sparkly eyes I am used to seeing. I cannot differentiate his pupils from the other part anymore. Can anyone tell me what is wrong and how I can cure him? Thank you all so much for reading this and thanks in advance for any help you can provide (:

    3 AnswersReptiles7 years ago
  • What's your favorite type of leopard gecko?

    Looking on getting another leopard gecko soon, to breed with my male hypo snow het. bell albino. What's you guys' favorite types of geckos?

    2 AnswersReptiles8 years ago
  • Leopard Gecko not eating? Please help!?

    I've had this gecko for maybe 2 months now, and all has been well except for this past week. She has been doing fine, but I've noticed that in the past 5 days she hasn't eaten her mealworms. She looks fine, but when I take her out or just watch when she's awake she moves her neck (really she jerks it like she's trying to swallow something) over and over again...kind of when you're swallowing a pill and you sometimes have to jerk your head back to swallow it? I did sanitize her tank last week and soaked EVERYTHING in a tub of water with some Clorox added to it and rinsed it all off then put her back in, could the Clorox be the reason she won't eat? Or is there something wrong? I have 3 other geckos about the same age as her (almost 5 months) and they are healthy, eating well and much bigger than she is but I never sanitized their tanks with Clorox though. Any ideas? How can I help her before its too late? Thanks so much!

    1 AnswerReptiles8 years ago
  • Is my Leopard Gecko a male or female? (With pictures) *will choose best answer*?

    I purchased this gecko from petsmart, they were unsure of the age but he is almost 20 grams so I assume maybe 4 months-5 months old. He is about 4 maybe 5 inches, not sure. But he has shed once in the time I have had him and I want to breed him so I want to know what the gender is...I think it is a male but I am not sure. He seems to have the 2 bulges but I fail to see the V shaped pores...maybe he just hasnt developed them yet? What age should I wait to breed him? I was thinking a year would be enough time to develop. Any help is appreciated!! Pics:

    3 AnswersReptiles8 years ago
  • Can anyone sex my Leopard Gecko? (With more pictures)?

    I got this Leo from petsmart and so far it's doing very well - I need to know the gender because I want to breed it later on and in a few weeks I will be going to a repticon and plan to buy another mate for it,Mao I need to know what gender to buy! Also, is there a certain age you have to wait until they are old enough to sex? Please let me know if you can sex mine. Thanks! The pictures:

    6 AnswersReptiles8 years ago
  • Can someone sex my Leopard Gecko? (with pictures)?

    I bought it at petsmart without knowing the gender. I know, petsmart reptiles are a little sketchy but so far he/she is doing great and I am purchasing a mate for it online from or at an upcoming repticon so I want to know what gender to buy for them to mate! Here are the pics...

    That's the only one I got if you need more please say, thanks so much!

    4 AnswersReptiles8 years ago
  • How much, on average, would a non-common leopard gecko cost at a reptile show?

    Im going to a reptile show in about 3 weeks and plan to purchase another Leo. I currently have one in a 10g tank that I will give to my friend who also has a setup but no gecko, if I do buy one at the show. But how much should one cost? I plan to spend no more than $200 and I don't want just a common Leo, I want an interesting morph but m not sure, also, what is your favorite Leo morph?

    3 AnswersReptiles8 years ago
  • How often do I feed my Leopard Gecko?

    I have been feeding him about 4 mealworms dusted in calcium powder with vitamin d3 daily at night, every day, and I have only fed him 2 crickets that I have had to feed with tongs to him since I got him 4 days ago since he never finds them!! He knows where the mealworm dish is, though. So how often do I feed him crickets? I am gut loading them with Fulkers Cricket Quencher and dust them with the powder also. He is a 4 month old baby. Thanks!!

    4 AnswersReptiles8 years ago
  • Got my first Leopard Gecko...what now?

    I have his 10g tank all set up, I plan to expand in the future but I had a spare 10 so I just used that for now. I plan on getting some of these tiles:

    For its substrate, I'm using paper towels right now. He has 2 hides - a moist on the hot side and one on the cool side. I also plan on getting one more hide. He also has a water dish and food dish. I have moss in the moist hide I spray with water daily...and a small under tank heat pad keeping that side at around 80-85 (how can I warm it up?) and a heat lamp above the moist hide. NOW, I really need to know how to feed it. I just dusted some mealworms in calcium WITH D3 and fed him 2 last night when I got him. They also gave me 5 crickets, when do I feed them? And how often do I feed and what? Thanks!!!

    1 AnswerReptiles8 years ago
  • What do I need for a Leopard Gecko?

    I am about to get a leopard gecko and I need to know what to buy. I have a spare 10g tank to use for now, since the one I will be getting is a baby. I plan to use some type of carpet or tile for substrate, and I know I need 3 hides - one on the cool side, and 2 on the hot side - one will be a moist hide and thenothernjust a regular one. I will need a heat mat, and the decor. That's all I have so far. I need to know what type of feeding dishes and what food to get, and if possible how to feed them? Like can you explain the whole calcium thing and crickets, how often, etc. thanks for any help!

    3 AnswersReptiles8 years ago
  • What to feed my Cockatiel?

    Ok, so does this sound like a good diet plan?

    I mix this fruit blend this: and add a bit of this

    And mix that all, (how much portion wise should I feed it?) and then in another bowl have the fresh foods then the last bowl for water.

    3 AnswersBirds8 years ago
  • First pet bird :D Cockatiel or Jenday Conure?

    Ok, so it's really not my "first" bird. I have kept the little parakeets before, and I do love them, but now I want to step up from those and get a more friendly, sociable, and a little more difficult bird. I started out wanting a parrotlet, but I figured I wanted a bit bigger bird than that, so I have been researching and have narrowed it down do either a Cockatiel or a Jenday. I really want someone who has kept both or has had experience with both, so the answer is not too biased. I am doing more and more research all the time, but I figured it be best to start here. So, what are your opinions? I want one that is easy to train, tame, do tricks, a sociable one that won't bite too often, and I'm not really concerned about the noise (I know how loud the Jendays can get) and just someone who can be my little companion. :) I went to petsmart today and they let me walk around with their Jenday around the store and it was very tame and sweet, I almost bought it on the spot, but I wanted to get all the research and stuff down before I go out on impulse with this, plus I think I would want a more reputable breeder. Thanks all! :)

    3 AnswersBirds8 years ago
  • How many German Blue Rams can I keep with angelfish in a 60 gallon tank?

    I have a planted 60 gallon long fish tank with 7 angelfish, 4 Siamese Algae Eaters, and 2 Bristlenose Plecos. I was thinking about taking the 4 SAE's out and replacing them with a pair of GBRs. If course, as the angels grow older I will have to rehome them because, well, that would be way too much for a 60 gallon. So could I go ahead and add in a pair or two of GBRs and take out te SAE's since they got fat and lazy on me? My friend will take them. If you wish to see my tank, the link to the thread is here:

    4 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • Fish-urgent questions? Ich and fin rot? Help please'?

    I have made a video to help explain my question:

    Also-I forgot to mention in the video-for the "other" tank I was speaking was my baby fish (fry) tank. I noticed one of the babies has white spots-it's a fairly large one and a half month old baby-if I move that to my turtle tank like seen in the video could I use ich treatment to treat the baby fish with ich in case any others have it? I have about 40 babies in the tank including 5 adult guppies...don't worry the guppies don't bother them. So could I treat that 5.5 gallon tank for ich using a medication? Or would it be to hard on the poor babies? I have raised the temp in their tank to about 85 degrees and should I add salt to it? Or would that also be bad for the babies? I have ICH-ATTACK and API Super Ick Cure...which one should I use if any? Thanks so much..I used the API medication on my other tank in the video and it seemed to work very well!

    2 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • What fish can live with Angel Fish?

    I have a 60 gallon aquarium that I have stocked with Platies, Mollies, Guppies, Endlers Live Bearers, Red-Minor Tetras, GloFish, and one Gourami. I have about 40 in total. I wanted to add one larger fish in the tank, and petsmart suggested I get an angel fish. He showed me one and I was almost tempted to buy it, but I never trust the employees there so here I am asking you...should I get one? Can it be kept with my fish? They are all about 2 to 2 1/2 inches long...I have heard many stories of angelfish being aggressive, non-aggressive, blah blah blah. So I want just a straight answer please! Thanks soooo much!

    12 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • I have a horrible problem with my fish tank! Please, help! All my fish are sick and dying!!?

    I dot know what I did or when it started, but its gotten terrible. My tank got infested with ich not too long ago, and I started treating them with ICH-ATTACK. I changed the temp to 86 degrees Fahrenheit, and I put in aquarium salt after every water change which I do every other day. All was going fine until I noticed that everyday my aquarium water was FILTHY, even 2 hours after I changed the water AND vaccines the gravel. Some of my fish started swimming upside down and side ways, and some got a black hue to the tips of some of their tails, and no one could tell me what's going on. You all just told me to check the water parameters, so here it is: Ammonia-0-.25ppm pH: 7.5-8 ppm (its a live bearer tank) Nitrate- 5.0 ppm Nitrite-0ppm. Does that tell you anything? This morning my prettiest lyretail Molly was laying upside down on the bottom of the gravel-dead. Or at least almost dead. Also my very expensive imported guppies are starting to show signs of ich and their tails are starting to turn blackish too. HELP! PLEASE!

    5 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Why is my aquarium water so dirty all the time?

    Ok so my 60 gallon freshwater tropical tank came down with ich and I'm treating it. I got a 3 gallon tank and took out the two fish that had it the worst and I'm treating them right now, but the others are still in the tank. I put in 12 tablespoons of salt everyday like people told me, which I didn't think sounded right, (I'm using API aquarium salt) and turned up the temp to around 85 degrees. Now everyday the water is so filthy and cloudy, I can see through one end to the other. I also see lots of white particles floating around in the water as well as other dirty things (hair, dirt-looking particles) that I have no clue how it got in there! So is that the ich floating around? I also put in some ich attack everyday as well as the salt and do a 20% water change 2 days a week and after the water change the water is nice and clear, but then the day right after its dirty again. What's the problem?! Please help thanks!!!

    5 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Best ich medications? Tips for treating ich/ick parasites?

    Hi! I have a 60 gallon freshwater tropical aquarium full of platies, mollies, tetras, and guppies. About 40-45 in total, and I noticed a couple mollies are coming down with ich, as well as some guppies. I purchased Kordon Ich-Attack 3 days ago and so far I have seen no results except that the white dots are spreading. I followed the directions on the bottle, and I raised the temp in the tank to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. I poured in the correct amount and did a 50% water change after each treatment like it said. I do this every day to no avail. What is a better Ich treatment medication out there? I checked my local petsmart and the best ones they offer are the API Super Ick Cure Anti-Parasitic Fish Medication (powder packs) and the Kordon Aquarium Rid Ich Preventative. Which one works best and fastest with the least amount of work? I know you have to devote yourself to doing this, and I am willing to. Also here is the link to all of the options I have to choose from. Which one do you think is best?

    Thanks much!

    2 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • >>Urgent<< Fish issue-ich illness?

    I asked a question earlier about some of my fish...they have some white dots on their tail fins and I now know that it is ich. I am going tomorrow to buy an ich medication for the whole tank, so they can get better. I only have about 4 fish with it visible right now. Now though, I noticed the ones that DO have the spots on them are swimming they are this associated with the illness? Or is it different? They look like overweight fish trying to swim and are wobbling their whole body to move...sometimes they even start floating sideways but then swim back upright. Is this affiliated with ich? They are the only fish doing that as of right now, my other seem fine and I did ammonia and nitrite tests and everything is at the right levels. Help!! Thanks!

    3 AnswersFish9 years ago