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  • Please help with this finance homework question about payout ratio and PVGO?

    SnapGram, an App-based technology firm, floated its shares today with an IPO. The prospectus notes that SnapGram does not plan to pay any dividend in the foreseeable future and reported annual earnings of $2 per share (these are the earnings as of today). SnapGram has a Return on Equity of 1.5 percent, which is expected to stay the same forever. It is investors’ common belief that the appropriate discount rate is 10 percent and that in 4 years the firm will start distributing a dividend keeping the payout ratio constant after that. SnapGram’s closing share price today was $26.28. This trading price is the consensus valuation among investors and analysts.

    1.What is the payout ratio in year 4 and beyond implied by investors’ valuation?

    2.What is the implied PVGO?

    1 AnswerInvesting4 years ago
  • Help me name this medieval romance novel please?

    I had a dream last night which suddenly reminded me of this novel i read AGES ago. And i have no idea title / author whatsoever. So here's to the best i can remember about plot:

    Setting: somewhere cold, during the winter time. European country or Russia

    Time: Back when they still used carriages and horses for travel

    Main characters (man and woman) travel through the tough winter in a carriage

    The heroine might have been pregnant?

    I remember even less than i thought i did. Any help is well appreciated, thanks!

    (or if you can recommend me somewhere to search by book plot?)

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Do i need to reimburse a tenant for their hotel stay?

    The AC unit is being fixed right now, the tenant claims that the temperature has reached 82º and is saying they will need to stay in a hotel if the temperature does not cool down. Will i need to reimburse them for hotel expenses if they ask me to?

    8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • Can a tenant make repairs without notifying the landlord?

    I have a tenant staying in my condo for one month. They informed me that the A/C unit is not working, so i got a friend (who is a certified AC tech) to work on it. We went over to work on the unit the day after they called, and had to go back the second day again as we were unsure of the problem. We narrowed down the problem and will be ordering parts to make the repair. The tenant are frustrated with me, and told the AC tech that if i don't make repairs quicker, they will hire someone and bill me. Is this legal? The tenants did not even directly mention to me their intentions to make repairs. I just don't want to end up having to pay some expensive company they decide to hire.

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • How can I "hog" wifi bandwidth on a Mac?

    I have a Macbook Pro

    Normally when I'm home alone, our wifi is quite steady and can load webpages and videos without lagging. Whenever my roommate gets home though, she starts to watch videos and play games on her PC, it seems her computer gets "priority" in our home wifi and sometimes I cannot even load webpages or chat online. Are there apps or tweaks I can do to my computer so that I can get some priority over the wifi as well?


    2 AnswersComputer Networking8 years ago
  • Do I have to honor rental agreements made by the previous owner of my house?

    I am purchasing a house in Florida. The previous owner has made a seasonal rental agreement / contract with a tenant (December 2014, previous owner has already received deposit etc.), when I become the owner of the house, am I required by law to honor that agreement?

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • Do I have to honor rental agreements made by the previous owner of my house?

    I am purchasing a house in Florida. The previous owner has made a seasonal rental agreement / contract with a tenant (December 2014, previous owner has already received deposit etc.), when I become the owner of the house, am I required by law to honor that agreement?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • Do I have to honor rental agreements made by the previous owner of my house?

    I am purchasing a house in Florida. The previous owner has made seasonal rental agreements / contracts with tenants, when I become the owner of the house, am I required by law to honor those agreements?

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • Pouvez-vous corriger ma grammaire?

    J'ai un examen orale pour la classe de francais demain, est-ce que vous pouvez corriger mon discours s'il vous plait?

    Le graffiti était premier vu en France dans les années soixante, avec l’influence venant de New York. Depuis lors, le graffiti s’est rapidement propagé à la France comme un virus. Il y a eu une discussion continue si le graffiti est l’art ou simplement le vandalisme.

    Tout d’abord, le graffiti est illégal en France, et les activités illégales devraient être découragés. Beaucoup des personnes ont rencontré des problèmes légaux dus au graffiti, notamment les artistes fameuses comme Blek le Rat. Défigurer la propriété de quelqu’un, sans permission, ne devrait pas être toléré. Puis, bien que les chefs d’œuvres soient superbes, la plupart des graffitis fait par les adolescents sont laid ; ils n’ont aucun sens et peut être offensant. Ces graffitis négative défigurent la ville et peuvent encourager le crime. Ils ont aussi des influences négatives sur les habitent, car ils peuvent créer un sens d’un manque de sécurité. Le graffiti peut promouvoir des comportements négatifs, comme plus de vandalisme. De plus, le gouvernement et les individus doivent souvent utiliser beaucoup d’argent et des ressources pour nettoyer les graffitis.

    En revanche, le graffiti encourage l’expression d’émotion et la créativité. Le graffiti est un moyen pour la masse d’exprimer leurs opinions sur les problèmes de la société, comme les questions politiques, et c’est la manière le moins nocive de la rébellion. Le graffiti sur les murs d’un bâtiment le donne caractère. Ceux-ci sont intégrés à la culture unique d’une ville. Le graffiti crée les communautés dynamiques et passionnantes, et il serve d’un compte-rendu d’une ville sur les murs. Ensuite, les chefs d’œuvres par les artistes comme Blek le Rat et Jef Aérosol doit être préservée et protégée, que d’être détruite ; il est important qu’on respecte les œuvres des artistes. Ces œuvres ont la valeur artistique ainsi que la valeur économique. Le graffiti partout d’une ville est aussi une source d’inspiration et encourage la collaboration entre les artistes.

    Finalement, quant d’une étudiante d’art, je suis d’accord avec ceux qui parlent en faveur du graffiti comme une forme d’art. J’ai étudié un nombreuse d’artistes de graffiti et a mon avis, la pensée et l’effort qu’ils mettent dans leurs œuvres sont respectables, et le graffiti peut vraiment embellir les rues.

    2 AnswersEnseigner9 years ago
  • Why are some reasons for the Little Prince's sadness?

    In chapter 6, the Little Prince says that he watched 44 sunsets, why is the Little Prince so sad?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Show that these points are vertices of an isosceles triangle?

    Show that P(0,4,4), Q(2,6,5) and R(1,4,3) are vertices of an isosceles triangle

    How do I show that? By drawing a 3D plane and graphing out the points?

    3 AnswersMathematics10 years ago
  • How to combine and convert multiple GIFs into a PDF?

    I have around 700 pages of piano music, all in individual GIF files on my computer. How can i combine and convert them to a single PDF file?

    Instructions can be for both Macs or PCs. Thanks!

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • What is the derivative of xlnx?


    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • How do I solve for a power of x?

    How can I solve this?

    0 = e^x - 3e^(-x)


    4 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Is there a name for policies used to decrease aggregate supply?

    So basically, the opposite of supply-side policies.

    2 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Minimum Wage (Supply Side Policies - Economics)?

    I know that the reduction of trade union power / minimum wage is market-oriented supply-side policy, but what (if any) kind of policy is the addition / increase of minimum wage?

    3 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Question about substitute goods in economics?

    If Good A and Good B are substitutes of each other (for example, coffee and tea), will the shortage of Good A result in an increase in demand for Good B?


    1 AnswerEconomics1 decade ago