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  • What happened on my Mitsubishi Galant 2007?! Brake problems need help fast!!!?

    I just changed out the rotors and i wentthrough taking the calipers off so i can get the rotors on and off. I put them on and bled the calipers right. I noticed as i was driving i heard a scraping noise and saw that the brake pads were scraping the new rotor, i keep trying to unstick them but its not working and i left my car on jacks and turned it on to daignose the problem and now the antilock light is on. Im still having problems with the scraping. I dont have any money to take it to a mechanic andimgoing to school soon to learn on how to fix cars better so anything will help please!

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • 10 points to best answer and quick! Help on Brakes on 2007 Galant!?

    I did the front brakes on my galant, i didnt bleed them after i finished so i went ahead and bled the brakes, and several times, the brakes will tighten up but once the engine is running the pedal will sink near the floor, is this normal?! I have rebled the brakes many times and have gotten the same result. I need help and fast! it has plenty of brake fluid and when i was bleeding the brakes I got the air out of the lines cause when i opened the bleeder screws fuid came shootig out, what is wrong and please help!

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • 10 points to best answer, and fast please! No brakes in 2007 Gallant.?

    I just got this car after my dad died a few days ago. I just put front brakes on the car, they are akebono cailpers and all i did was unscrew the caliper flip it open, remove the old brakes and put the new ones in, used a tool the squeeze the caliper back in and then put it back together. I was told it did not need to be bled. after that i had no brakes and bled the system, but i drove awhile ago and had no brakes at all, no stopping whatsoever. What wnt wrong! I need help and I have no clue what to do from there!

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • 10 points to best answer, please need help quickly! Brake problems on Gallant!?

    just got a 2007 Gallant from my dad after he died, I just changed the front brakes, they are akebono kind, and after i cchanged then and drove it for a few seconds the brake pedal sinks to the floor and the car doesnt stop properly, I was told you didnt have to bleed the brakes, is this true.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • 10 points to best answer, and detailed please. Do you think she is serious about going out?

    I have known this girl since august, and aout two weeks ago she asked me whether I still had feelings for her and I texted her yes. She texted me back saying she was starting to feel the same. I gave it two weeks which was a few days ago and asked her wheter she still had the same feelings for me, and she said "kinda". I saw her at were we work later that day and she came into my aisle and talked to me, i had asked her about our text convos and asked if she did want to go out, she said it was up to me, but i told her that i was going by her feelings and it was up to her, she turned away from me and said yes of course and said to text her so we can make plans later (since our work schedules conflict with each others). The next day i talked to her again by her car and we talked about our days off and on work and when i told her we can wait till our schedules come out she said what about friday and when i told her i was working she sounded disappointed but i told her id text her in a few days when our schedules come out and she said that was fine. My question from what i said, does she sound serious about wanting to go out? and did I make a mistake of asking her out to early?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • 10 points to best answer! What does this mean?

    I took this girl out about 6 weeks ago and we have been trying to go out again ever since then. I said something about liking her and she asked me whether it was in a friend way or a crush way and i said crush way and she texted back "Awe I gotcha, thats cute" When i asked her the same thing, she said she thought of me as a really good friend and that we could be more and we could find out later? What did she mean by that? Does she just want to be friends or does she actually want a relationship? And if she does what do I say to her to make her mine?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • 10 points to best asnwer, need answers by halloween! Need advice on this fast!?

    Me and this girl went out 6 weeks ago, and we have been trying to make plans to go out again ever since. The problem is about 4 weeks ago i was taking to her friend who is Bisexual and I know likes me (im a straight guy) told me that she told him this ""She said she just though of you as a friend, and didnt want a relationship, and not with you either. She also said you were being a little like E*** (who is a creepy coworker who talks about movies and tells every girl they have a pretty face), and said your were being a bit clingy. But to be honest I dont know what you see in her, she isnt that attractive and her personaility could use some work, i dont know what you see in her but you could do better then her" But i notice he flirts with me, and I know she hasbeen distant lately, which i dont know if its cause of her college work. So im gonna talk to her about it on friday during our lunch, about what he said and about whether what he said was the truth or not. I just have a feeling he thinks he can turn me Bi but I have no interest in him or men and I care for this girl alot.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Answer fast, 10 points to best answer! This Girl I like is in urgent care being seen Should I go see her?

    She was texting me last night, and said her arm had swelled up bad. I told her last night that if she needed anything to let me know. I found out when i woke up her guy friend had taken her. I just asked her if she wanted me to come over there, she said no and even after I asked again she said no, should I go over there or not even bother?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • PLEASE ANSWER FAST, 10 POINTS TO BEST ANSWER! How should i ask this girl about whether she likes me or not?

    We went out about 4 weeks ago, and after that we have tried to make plans but our schedules always conflict. I have told her i have liked her in a more then a friend way, but when i said that twice her responses were "awe I gotcha" and "awe thats cute". WHen we talked on the phone for two hours yesterday she made a joke about a coworker we both hate and she put her name and his last name together and said it creeped her out. She then after put my last name and her first name together and said she liked the sound of it. She had to cancel yesterday, so i plan on when she gets off of work tonight to take my break around that time and talk to her. I was gonna ask her if she was still interested in going out, and i was gonna steer it towards asking her whether she likes me as a friend or more. I also asked her "I know I told you how I felt I just wasnt sure if you liked me the same way" but she just turned her head and started telling me what days she was available, that was about 3 weeks ago. Do I ask her how she feels about me in person?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • PLEASE ANSWER ASAP. This girl I like has been texting me less and now she hasnt texted me at all since yesterday!?

    We went out once and she texted me back an hour after saying she wanted to go out again sometime. Just liike the title says she hasnt texted me since yesterday. I know she has class later again in the evening. I have texted her about 4 times since 2 yesterday. I also tell her good night and good morning as people have been telling me. What do i do? I have asked about the signs that she likes me and people have said she does and might be shy. But I dont know if she is losing interest, is busy, or is being shy, or just doesnt care. Her friend told me she hates clingy but I dont text her that often. Maybe besides the good morning/night, about 2-3 times and if she doesnt answer then I wont bother until 6-7 hours after I texted her.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • PLEASE ANSWER ASAP, I REALLY NEED HELP! How do I know if this girl i like, sees me as a friend or more?!?!?

    We went out once (two weeks ago) and about an hour after she texted me saying "We totally need to get together again sometime" and after we were off of work that night she told me that we needed to hang out sometime. Before that I noticed the signs that she may have liked me, she would play with her hair, laugh at my jokes and we always texted. About a week ago I told her that I liked her and she asked whether in a friend way or a crush way? I told her a crush way and she texted back "awe I gotcha!". Then about a few days ago she texted me saying she couldnt go out sunday cause her parents had other plans. I told her if she still wanted to go out again, then we could talk about it friday during lunch at work. She texted back "yes yes of course dont worry!" Tonight I was talking to her friend who is Bi. I asked him about her and he said she only thought of me as a friend. I noticed that when the other coworkers ask, she replys the same. When I asked her "I just didnt know how you felt about me, since I like you as more of a friend" she turned away and told me she would be available for sunday. But her friend told me that, but yet its been bugging me. Does she just see me as a friend? Or as more? I know she is busy with college, so how do I ask her how she feels? I also want to tell her while saying I would like to be with her and I wouldnt get in the way of her education as im happy she is strong about getting one. Is there anyway to tell. Im really confused -->

    Singles & Dating7 years ago
  • PLEASE ANSWER ASAP. How do I know If this girl I like sees me as a friend or more?!?

    We went out once (two weeks ago) and about an hour after she texted me saying "We totally need to get together again sometime" and after we were off of work that night she told me that we needed to hang out sometime. Before that I noticed the signs that she may have liked me, she would play with her hair, laugh at my jokes and we always texted. About a week ago I told her that I liked her and she asked whether in a friend way or a crush way? I told her a crush way and she texted back "awe I gotcha!". Then about a few days ago she texted me saying she couldnt go out sunday cause her parents had other plans. I told her if she still wanted to go out again, then we could talk about it friday during lunch at work. She texted back "yes yes of course dont worry!" Tonight I was talking to her friend who is Bi. I asked him about her and he said she only thought of me as a friend. I noticed that when the other coworkers ask, she replys the same. When I asked her "I just didnt know how you felt about me, since I like you as more of a friend" she turned away and told me she would be available for sunday. But her friend told me that, but yet its been bugging me. Does she just see me as a friend? Or as more? I know she is busy with college, so how do I ask her how she feels? I also want to tell her while saying I would like to be with her and I wouldnt get in the way of her education as im happy she is strong about getting one. Is there anyway to tell. Im really confused -->

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is it alright to visit a girl you like at work?

    Me and this girl both work at the same foodstore. We have gone out once and are making plans to go out again, usually on my days off I will text her to see if she wants me to visit her and she always says yes, and I will hang out around her for an hour till she is off. I also notice when im at work, she will come in to shop, but I find her at the store before she finds me. I was just wondering if im bothering her by visiting her alot, but yet she will tell me she doesnt mind at all. She works again in a few days so I just didnt know wheter I should ask her if she wants me to visit again?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago