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can someone interpret this reoccurring nightmare I had?
I had this nightmare as early as I can remember (age 4-5yrs old) up to the age of around 10 years old.
I know it sounds stupid but I just want to know if it means anything specific because I would have the same nightmare over and over. I say 'nightmare' even though it is typically not something people would see as frightening but the feeling I had after this dream was creepy and eery.
I'm standing out on an open space station, looking at a rocket ship preparing for departure. My cousin approaches me wearing an orange space suit and helmet and says goodbye to me.
After she says goodbye she turns into a sheep, still inside the space suit and then walks to the rocket ship and leaves.
I don't understand why I had this dream so many times but it creeped me out and I just want to understand it. I have a distanced relationship with the cousin who I dreamed about, she is one of many many cousins and I don't have any strong memories of her from my childhood that stand out from any other memories so I also don't understand why she was the one in my dream.
1 AnswerPsychology9 years agoi need help with choosing a name?
i have to create a name for a music events company so I can work on designs for a logo for school.
I started designs just to get the ball rolling and I was using the name "amp life music events".
I hate the name but at least I got some ideas for designs done. Now I want to think of a good name and re-do the designs,
I can't think of names.
I tried mind maps etc and can't come up with anything that I'm happy with.
3 AnswersHomework Help9 years agoCan someone please give me proper advice on losing weight?
Please actually read the details before answering. Last time I asked people were giving really stupid suggestions because they did not read the details.
I am 5'8 tall. I weigh 63kilos. I'm 20 years old.
I am currently on a vegetarian diet and I avoid most animal products like dairy and eggs.
My daily meals are usually the same =
For breakfast I eat muesli with low fat soy milk, berries and sometimes a herbal tea.
For lunch I eat steamed vegetables in garlic (carrots, zucchini, baby corn, bok choy, cabbage)
Sometimes very rarely if im hungry between lunch and dinner I get a slice of banana bread.
Dinner either salad and bean wraps with wholemeal flat bread or lentils and vegetables in a soup or curry.
I've had this routine for a long time now, nearly 6 months. I was only exercising about 3 times a week though.
In the last 2 weeks I have been making my meals smaller portions (dinner is served in a dip bowl instead of a normal bowl and things like that) and exercising every day.
I am not losing any fat and I don't understand why.
Am I eating the wrong food? I do not know what kind of diet I should be on.
I just want to lose the fat from my body and maybe tone a little bit. I exercise by doing 50 squats (no weights) 50 crunches and 20 push ups.
PLEASE help me. I need advice because I have looked all over the internet and have found nothing.
10 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years agohow can i lose weight?
I was reading this website
It had tips on healthy eating plans.
None of it was helpful as it was telling me to reduce things that I don't even eat anyway.
I don't eat white bread. I don't eat meat. I don't eat fast food.
My daily meals are only vegetables and tofu and sometimes wholemeal bread.
I also drink a green tea every day because I heard it helps your metabolism.
I am not losing any weight at all, I exercise at least 3-4 times a week and I don't understand why I can't lose weight.
I need some actual eating plan advice.
Am I doing something wrong by eating vegetables? My doctor said I need to have protein in my diet because I don't eat meat so i try to eat beans/tofu chick peas or something as often as possible.
what can I do to help me lose weight?
I currently weigh 63kg and I aim to weigh around 55kg
7 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years agoWhich cosmetics are cruelty free?
It seems impossible to find any cruelty free cosmetics lately.
Especially ones that I have access to other than on the internet. (I like to try before buying because makeup can easily be the wrong color if ordered online).
5 AnswersMakeup9 years agoHow to terminate a pregnancy without abortion procedure?
I'm just trying to gather some knowledge on surviving the soon approaching zombie apocalypse.
Obviously I cannot survive it if I fall pregnant.
How would I be able to terminate a pregnancy without pain and quickly and effectively.
Any other tips or advice for this topic would be greatly appreciated.
My list of basic necessities are the following:
Light weight gas mask and goggles (to prevent infection)
Machete (cheap and easily obtained)
Baseball bat (back-up weapon)
Food/some clothing
Gasoline bombs
Some kind of vehicle like a hummer or 4wd (will have to steal it but I know of one on my street and I could just kill the owners of it and get the keys)
Anti biotics (incase of a cold or flu, I have some generic antibiotics that wipe out a bacteria anywhere in the body)
Thats about all I can think of for now. please leave advice . thank you
8 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years agowhat tools would I need to start doing furniture restoration?
I have no idea at all how to do it.
I just want to know everything I would need from protective wear to the actual tools themselves.
any tips or advice would be great.
I was looking to do this as a third income.
2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling9 years agoI really don't understand why my boyfriend is acting this way. advice from men please?
lately my boyfriend (who i have been seeing for 2 years) has been acting very differently towards me.
We never have sex. it has been about 2 months and he said he doesn't "do it himself"... is that physically possible for a male (aged 25) to go 2 months without any sexual relief?
also, he said to me that at his work the only females are "old women" ..
I logged into his facebook and there are all these young girls from his work in mutual friends with his young male friends from work.
why is he lying to me about the people he works with?
i don't know if he's cheating on me or anything...
he does lie a lot and he is very good at lying.
also he never kisses me or hugs me or says anything nice to me,
only insults and aggressive tone when he talks to me.
I suggested we stop seeing each other and he went on to say how much he loves me and bla blah
what the hell. i dont understand men
. please tell me why he is doing this?
5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agowhat breed is my dog?
when i bought her they told me she was a staffordshire bull terrier.
I googled them and she doesnt look like it.
my mum said shes a pitbull but she also doesnt look like it.
is she cross breed? and if so, what breed?
pics link:
10 AnswersDogs9 years agois a ouija board real?
last night I did one with my boyfriend and it was moving around and I felt rly strange..
then we did one with my bf and my friend and it was saying heaps of things.
I said to my boyfriend afterwards "were you moving it?"
he said "I swear on my life, it wasn't me"
I'm still just so confused.
How does it work?
I don't understand...
4 AnswersMythology & Folklore9 years agocan someone tell me which female celebrity or icon I look most like?
I Need this opinion so that I can do a makeup tutorial inspired by a celebrity.
I did one of JWOWW from jersey shore and it turned out terrible because I look nothing like her.
which female famous icon do i have the most similarities to judging by facial features or hair eye color or whatever?
link to a picture:
11 AnswersCelebrities9 years agoI need help editing my channel on youtube?
I want it to look nice and have pictures and stuff... how do I do it?
I've tried going into settings and then uploading background image but it wont work.
ALSO how do I get a cool subscribe button and banner and stuff?
2 AnswersYouTube9 years agoPOLL: who do you think is the most physically beautiful female celebrity?
in your opinion please explain why and who you believe to be the most physically beautiful female celebrity?
If you are wondering why I have asked this, I am looking for inspiration on style with hair and makeup to do a video makeup tutorial.
6 AnswersCelebrities9 years agoanyone know any cool 8bit songs?
please tell me some songs you like that are like... i dont know..
have u heard deadmau5 - strobe?
like.. i dont know if that has 8bit sounds or whatever but I really like the feel of that song and the sound of it.. so please suggest if you know or enjoy something similar .
3 AnswersOther - Music9 years agoPOLL: who is your favorite celebrity and why?
who is your favorite celebrity and why? please leave details
12 AnswersCelebrities9 years agowhy do people hate kim kardashian?
I dont understand why people hate Kim Kardashian.
Aside from the sex tape, what has she done wrong?
all over my facebook I saw that she paired with Jeep for an opening of a new car or something.
I did not see one nice comment about her.
EVERYONE was saying how "ugly" she is and how she is ruining the picture of the car.
I don't get it.
She is not someone that I consider to be ugly shes just different to most "beautiful" people.
what the hell ?
have i missed some publicity stunt or something ?
9 AnswersReality Television9 years agoWhy do I wake up paralyzed?
Sometimes during the night I will wake up paralyzed.
Basically im just laying there and can't move at all. If i try to move, nothing happens and I just get panicked. Sometimes while I'm awake and paralyzed I will have awake nightmares and I can't move or even talk.
Eventually I can manage to make a slight sound with my voice or if I try for ages to move I am able to move a finger and then jolt out of the paralysis.
This whole experience is really scary. It doesnt happen too often maybe once a month or even less than that.
What is the cause of this ?
It doesn't happen if i take seroquel medication but i hate taking that medicine.
4 AnswersOther - Health9 years agoquestion for other females or doctor please?
last week when i had intercourse with my boyfriend, I was REALLY sore afterwards like in a burning kind of way down there.
it was kind of itchy all week and there was white discharge coming out of me a bit on and off throughout the week.
then this morning we had intercourse again and afterwards it was extremely painful and burning.
we never use condoms.
he told me he has not slept with anyone else and i havent slept with anyone except for him .
I googled these symptoms and im not sure if it is genital herpes or thrush.
I have never had thrush before so i don't know if thats all it is.
all around the inside and outside of my vagina feels sore and swollen and my boyfriend said it looked red.
I have booked an appointment with my doctor tomorrow but i am just really curious if its only thrush or if i should be worried /?
2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years agoare midgets allowed to use disabled toilets?
is being a midget a disability?
would a midget be frowned upon if they came out of disabled toilets?
or are they meant to use childrens toilets?
9 AnswersPeople with Disabilities9 years agowill seroquel make me gain weight?
i am prescribed 25 miligram seroquel tablets twice a day,
I am worried because I have read about weight gaining as a side effect from this medicine.
I usually walk at least once a day and eat pretty healthily (sometimes binge on junk food)
I really don't want to gain weight from this as i already struggle with my weight!
is it guaranteed to make me gain weight?
if i exercise more often will it stop the weight gaining effect??
2 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago