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Lv 57,192 points

Liz T

Favorite Answers18%
  • What to write in my christmas card?

    I had an operation about 5 weeks ago, and subsequently I am having to go to see district nurses everyday to have my dressing changed. I am wanted to write a general card to all the district nurses to say thanks for being so nice...etc. without going into too much detail because I am just one of their many patients who they see every day.

    Any ideas?

    2 AnswersChristmas7 years ago
  • Help me with my blog?

    I've just started a blog on word press about the typical student diet, i post pictures, recipes on how to eat well as a student! I would love to get some more followers and comments so it would be great if you could have a look. I aim to help prospective and current students, be adventurous with their diet and try to cook more often and also break the stero type that all students live off is pot noodles and pasta! also that cooking meals from scratch is expensive


    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Help and Exercise advice?

    I've just joined the gym and went for the first time today. I was a member of a gym at uni but since i came home for placement and summer i've not been. I lost half a stone whilst going to the gym at uni, i think i have since put back on the weight because ive not been exercising.

    I have until end of September until i have to go back uni and i would like to have lost a considerable amount and dropped a few sizes. I am currently roughly 14 stone and a size 18.

    Can anyone give me some tips on how to achieve this how many times should i be going to the gym a week? and what should i be doing of what and how long for? I do have hypermobility so i can't pound go 0-100 it will have to be gradual to prevent doing damage.

    My diet is not an issue, i am studying nutrition at uni so have better knowledge than most.

    My weight is holding me back and i just want to be able to buy to clothes everyone else does and not feel self concious on a night out.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Prices for a cake stall?

    Me and a friend are hopefully going to be doing a cake stall in summer in aid of help for heroes.

    We've not decided exactly on the stuff were going to be making but have a rough idea, we want to be able to appeal to everyone, so will be doing things that will appeal to the younger crowd such as chocolate brownies, cupcakes and crispy cakes.

    But we also want to be able to do things the older generation will buy, such as jams and banana loafs and victoria sponge.

    So my question is how much would you think is a fair price to charge for these products


    a WHOLE banana load-

    a WHOLE victoria sponge-

    a brownie-

    a average sized jar of jam

    I'm in england by the way so people will be paying in pounds. Also we do want to make a profit, as this will be going to charity, so bare this in mind when thinking of the price.

    Thanks :)

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • What disney film should i watch?

    I'm talking the classic Disney animations

    you know the Disney princesses, Hercules, fox and the hound...

    also which ones your favourite and why?

    Thanks :)

    11 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Do you think this is going anywhere?

    I'm currently at university and one of my flat mates invited me to her home for the weekend because her dad was playing in his band at a local gig. Anyway the weekend was really good and my friend is determined to find me a boyfriend, despite me telling her she's really embarrassing.

    Any long story short her boyfriend invited a friend to the gig with the intension of getting us together, and it turns out we really get on, we have loads in common and by the end of the night we were acting like we had been a couple for ages, and we were totally comfortable with each other.

    We ended up sat talking to my friends parents together while everyone else was in the kitchen. He is so lovely and never even tried to do anything, it just flowed really well.

    Anyway we have been texting loads since and my friend suggested i invited him up to my uni to spend some time together, when i suggested it he was really up for it, but he's busy all the time, he's currently at college and applied to university and he has a job as a chef so is busy at the weekends. He said he's going to try and come on wednesday even though he usual takes his dad to see his old friends every wednesday.

    My question is do you think this is going anywhere, we haven't as of yet done anything, not even kissed, but it seems we both really like each other, and he has been texting my friends boyfriend saying he really likes me, and he acted like a gentlemen when we first met (which is did) and my friend is getting really excited about it, and I'm starting to fall for him.

    Do you think this can work even though we live in complete different cities and it takes a hour to drive to each other or 45 minutes on the train?

    Thanks for any advice, please no stupid comments.


    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • help with relationships at uni?

    Help with relationships at uni?

    I'm at uni and two of my flat mates have really good long term relationships, others are having flings i feel really alone and i just really want a relationship. I'm a shy person, uni has brought me out of my shell alot, but i was really nervous at first. I still get nervous around guys, i'm overweight and have no confidence and hate my body, i feel like despite this i'm a nice person and i deserve a nice person back. I admit i have no real experience with guys, i have had one boyfriend in the past when i was younger and it didn't last very long and we never really did anything.

    One of my flat mates tried to set me up with her friend from another uni near by, but it never went anywhere. I don't want a fling, I just want a relationship, someone to talk to other than friends and to just share things with. I just don't know what to do, its getting me down, and i feel like now I'm 18 and have never really had proper relationship and am basically the only virgin on my floor, that it's a bit sad. By no means am i feeling under pressure or anything, but it is something i want to do, i'm feeling lonely and some closeness would be nice.

    Advice please ?

    i posted this yesterday but didnt get very many responses

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • help with relationships at uni?

    I'm at uni and two of my flat mates have really good long term relationships, others are having flings i feel really alone and i just really want a relationship. I'm a shy person, uni has brought me out of my shell alot, but i was really nervous at first. I still get nervous around guys, i'm overweight and have no confidence and hate my body, i feel like despite this i'm a nice person and i deserve a nice person back. I admit i have no real experience with guys, i have had one boyfriend in the past when i was younger and it didn't last very long and we never really did anything.

    One of my flat mates tried to set me up with her friend from another uni near by, but it never went anywhere. I don't want a fling, I just want a relationship, someone to talk to other than friends and to just share things with. I just don't know what to do, its getting me down, and i feel like now I'm 18 and have never really had proper relationship and am basically the only virgin on my floor, that it's a bit sad. By no means am i feeling under pressure or anything, but it is something i want to do, i'm feeling lonely and some closeness would be nice.

    Advice please ?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What goes with fajitas ?

    I have a fajita sauce which i intend to put with chicken, peppers and onion and wrap them in flour tortillas. Is there anything that typically goes in fajitas ? But what can i do to go with them as a side dish? i was thinking rice ?

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • What chick flick film should i watch tonight ?

    I'm looking for a film to watch tonight, i would like to watch a chick flick/feel good/ romance/ comedy type film, preferably not old ones, i don't really want ones after the before the year 2000 however i am open to suggestion because i am into all sorts of movie genres :)

    So give me some good movies to check out :)

    Also just out of curiosity what is your favorite of all time ? Mine would be lord of the rings return of the king :) Also i get that it might not be in the right section but i figured i would get more answers posting it here.

    Thanks :)

    8 AnswersHair10 years ago
  • What chick flick film should i watch tonight ?

    I'm looking for a film to watch tonight, i would like to watch a chick flick/feel good/ romance/ comedy type film, preferably not old ones, i don't really want ones after the before the year 2000 however i am open to suggestion because i am into all sorts of movie genres :)

    So give me some good movies to check out :)

    Also just out of curiosity what is your favorite of all time ? Mine would be lord of the rings return of the king :) Also i get that it might not be in the right section but i figured i would get more answers posting it here.

    Thanks :)

    7 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • My laptop wont let me log onto my user area, help ?

    I have two user areas on my laptop, one being mine and the other is a guest which no one really goes on. But when i try to log onto my user and put in my pass word this comes up 'The user profile service failed the log on, user profile cannot be loaded' and there isn't an option to 'diagnose and repair' like other problems ive delt with, so i'm having to use my guest user.

    All my work is on my user area and my music player, favourite websites and stuff like that.

    How can i get back onto my user area ? Why is it doing that ? Help me please, i really need to get back on top my user area. As far as i know there are no virus's, ive scan regularly and i haven't got any.

    Should i just switch off my laptop, take out the battery and put it back in ? or would that damage it ? I just really need to get back on my user area

    3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • My laptop won't let me log into my user area, help ?

    I have two user areas on my laptop, one being mine and the other is a guest which no one really goes on. But when i try to log onto my user and put in my pass word this comes up 'The user profile service failed the log on, user profile cannot be loaded' and there isn't an option to 'diagnose and repair' like other problems ive delt with, so i'm having to use my guest user.

    All my work is on my user area and my music player, favourite websites and stuff like that.

    How can i get back onto my user area ? Why is it doing that ? Help me please, i really need to get back on top my user area. As far as i know there are no virus's, ive scan regularly and i haven't got any.

    Should i just switch off my laptop, take out the battery and put it back in ? or would that damage it ? I just really need to get back on my user area

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • how much soft drink should i provide people ?

    Its my 18th birthday soon, and i went out shopping for food and drinks, but there's one problem, i'm not sure if i have enough for people to drink or not.

    So far there are 15 people coming (including me) out of this 15 people i know there will be 6 people that won't drink alcohol at all or not very much, maybe just a glass. (so they will be drinking soft drinks)

    I have asked everyone to provide their own alcohol if they want to drink it, but i am providing 2 (or more depends on how much it makes) big jugs of punch one with champagne, cranberry juice and raspberry juice and the other with white wine, lemonade, orange juice and probably raspberry juice as well.

    Also probably i will buy a pack of alchopops for everyone.

    4 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • How much soft drink should i provide?

    Its my 18th birthday soon, and i went out shopping for food and drinks, but there's one problem, i'm not sure if i have enough for people to drink or not.

    So far there are 15 people coming (including me) out of this 15 people i know there will be 6 people that won't drink alcohol at all or not very much, maybe just a glass. (so they will be drinking soft drinks)

    I have asked everyone to provide their own alcohol if they want to drink it, but i am providing 2 (or more depends on how much it makes) big jugs of punch one with champagne, cranberry juice and raspberry juice and the other with white wine, lemonade, orange juice and probably raspberry juice as well.

    Also probably i will buy a pack of alchopops for everyone.

    But my question is for those not drinking alcohol or for those wanting to mix there alcohol, i'm the one providing soft drinks.

    Ive bought 4 bottles of coke (2lt)

    5 bottles of lemonade (2lt)

    and 1 orangeade (2lt)

    Is that enough or should i buy a couple more of each ?, ive never had to provide drinks for this many people before so i don't know how much everyone will drink.

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • will my tragus piercing close up ? quick answers please?

    ive had my tragus pierced for 2-3 years now so i am aware it is fully healed. But i have never taken it out for a long period of time. I want to take it out now and put it back in in the morning, so it will be out for about 9 hours.

    I know the cartilage wont heal but im just concerned a layer of skin might heal over the hole and i wont be able to put the bar back in.

    i want to take it out because the headphones i have at the moment don't fit in properly with my bar in.

    Thanks for all your help :)

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • How can i turn a bottle of cheap wine into a punch/cocktail ?

    Hey it's my 18th birthday soon and i'm having people over and having a party rather than going out because it's the cheaper option. So my question is what can i add to a bottle of cheap white wine to turn it into something a bit more special ? I was hoping to do a jug of it, so turn it into a punch/cocktail that everyone can have.

    The wine will probably only cost about £3 so it wont taste amazing so i need to jazz it up a bit.

    Ideas need to be cheap easy and i've got to be able to pick the ingredients up in the supermarket.

    Also any other ideas on drinks would be useful, i have asked people to provide their own alcohol if they want to drink it, but i do want to provide some, i don't want to be a stingy host ahahah.

    If you have any non alcohol drink ideas that would be great too, because a few guests don't drink :)

    Thanks for all your answers :)

    Oh and i live in the UK so the legal drinking age here is 18 not 21 like in America, just to let you all know :)

    5 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • Please help me work out this costing my brain is turning to mush?

    I'm trying to work out the this food product and everytime i do i get a different answer. So please help me work this out.












    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Please help me work out the cost, simple adding, but my brains turning to mush?

    I'm trying to work out the this food product and everytime i do i get a different answer. So please help me work this out.












    5 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago