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  • think Collin Powell is sorry for his Obama support?

    He is a traitor to Republicans and Conservatives, supported Obama and voted for him...for reasons not yet entirely logical. wol dhe have supported Obama has he known that Obama was anti-American and a socialist of the worst kind?

    14 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Does Obama "own" ABC?

    Is ABC the first broadcast network to fall in line a la Hugo Chevez?

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • What if He really was NOT born in the USA?

    If, hypothetically, Obama proves years later not to have a valid U.S. birth certificate (Does he even have a valid passport?), will all the legislation he has signed into law be voided? What then? How is such a situation reconciled? Would it, therefore, not be logical and prudent to put to rest the qualification issue to rest and look into it in depth?

    26 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What if He really was NOT born in the USA?

    If, hypothetically, Obama proves years later not to have a valid U.S. birth certificate (Does he even have a valid passport?), will all the legislation he has signed into law be voided? What then? How is such a situation reconciled? Would it, therefore, not be logical and prudent to put to rest the qualification issue to rest and look into it in depth?

    5 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Spot poll about Obama?

    How many of you loathe Obama?

    How many of you worship Obama?

    13 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Anyone hear Obama's response to Iranian disaster?

    He mumbled and stumbled and sounded like the true idiot he is proving to be. His inexperience is now coming clear in international affairs, and he is demeaning the USA in a sorry display of ineptitude that makes Bush look like Churchill! When will you fools who support this presidential disaster finally see what a fool this man really is?

    13 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Eric Holder a traitor?

    Obama's Attorney General Holder seems intent on giving classified information to a Spanish rogue judge's illegitimate investigation of Bush officials in order to allow Spain to prosecute a past American administration!!! Is this a traitorous act on Holder's part? This Obama bunch is utterly stupid. Obama is utterly stupid...but he sure reads a good speech! Gotta worships him for that "skill."

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Chicago Politics As Usual?

    Seems the Obama WH is allegedly using Chicago strong-arm tactics to get its way. Threatening the Chrysler bond holders behind the scene forcing them to cave and turn over Chrysler ownership to the unions! What a disaster and a crook this "first black president" is already proving to be. Sounds like "Dead Fish" Rom Emanuel is working his pseudo-criminal tactics as expected. The WH is full of creeps and socialists...and it is becoming abundantly clear and undeniable. Let me hear you Obama lovers and lemmings justify this abhorrent behavior.

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Irony or Fate as history repeats?

    In 1803, on the shores of Tripoli, the U.S.S. Philadelphia was taken by Muslim pirates. The Americans on board were taken hostage, and rescued by U.S. Marines...from whence came the famous line in the Marine battle song..."to the shores of Tripoli."

    Today, Cpt. Phillips was rescued from Muslim pirates, by the U.S. Navy ship the U.S.S. Bainbridge. So, where's the irony?

    The Cpt. of the U.S.S. Philadelphia in 1803...

    William Bainbridge...namesake of the U.S.S. Bainbridge.

    Irony or fate? What do you think?

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Does Obama and family go to church?

    Just wondering if anyone has heard if Barack and Michelle and kids are going to Sunday services now that he has won and is in the White House? Or was church-going merely a political activity?

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Will Obama's Kenyan half-brother get any help form the bail-out?

    Just wondering if Obama has managed to step up and personally help his family, or is he passing that responsibility on to the US taxpayer, as well? Maybe Hillary can stop by and give him a couple of bucks...double his annual income as a gesture of good will from Barack.

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Does this sound familiar?

    Nazi regimentation extended to the economic sphere, although the property and profits of the capitalists were protected. In practical terms, the word "socialist" in the name of the Nazi Party did not refer to the nationalization of the means of production but rather to requiring the economy to serve the interests of the state.

    Hitler succeeded in reducing unemployment by initiating public works projects, including the construction of superhighways (autobahns), and establishing the Labor Service to provide jobs for young workers who could not find employment in the private sector. In 1936, the Four Year Plan was launched with the purpose of promoting economic self-sufficiency and of mobilizing the economy for war.

    Now, just substitute "Obama" for "Hitler" and "Democrat Party" for "Nazi Party" and we are on our way to understanding the implications of the Obama Administration.

    Break out the torches and pitchforks, lock and load, because this may be a bumpy ride and a New American Revolution may be brewing to save Liberty from these Marxists.

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is an Obama sticker an option or standard on a Subaru?

    Seems like every damned one has that stupid Obama oval do-dad. It's the friggin' Official Car of the Communist State

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Have we officially won the Iraq War?

    So, what constitutes a final success...a win of the war? I say it is the fact that the Iraqis just completed their second election, with essentially no violence, and they booted the Muslim fanatics from power, and elected a moderate government. That should signal the success of "Bush's War"...GWB wins the big one, and no one is noticing. WE WON! OUR MILITARY DID IT! True or false?

    15 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Is McCain really a carbon copy of Bush or is Obama lying?

    the two could not be more different, and McCain and Bush are so opposite they rarely even talk. So this makes Obama a liar...something we all know to be true, anyway...this just proves he cannot be trusted. If elected, we are in for years of lies and a turn to socialism. Michelle promises Barack will not allow us to do certain choose our own direction in life.

    19 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does Biden's suggestion about a new military draft?

    Biden's guarantee that Obama will be tested by our enemies (suggesting an attack of some kind, "Four or five possible scenarios) within six months after taking office has raised some critical questions. The most poignant one is what he might mean by the statement that follows in which he pleads for understanding from you Obama supporters because Obam,a's retaliatory reaction will prove very unpopular. He has asked that you support him, and remember your support at this time when the polls drop like a rock for Obama after he responds. It is my suspicion, that the reason Obama will become extremely unpopular, and his approval ratings will bottom out in the single figures is because he wil call to re-institute the MILITARY DRAFT.

    Given the fact, according to Obama, our military is stretched thin now on a two-front war, and if any of Biden's scenarios occurs, Obama may be forced to respond with military force. In order to do so, given the shortage of military manpower, the Democrat Congress at Obama's request, will likely begin drafting young men and women, sons and daughters, for service in a new war zone. THAT is the big secret Biden and Obama are currently failing to disclose for obvious reasons...if disclosed now they will lose the election.

    Biden has also suggested that if McCain is elected there will be no such "test" by our enemies.

    Remember, a prominent Democrat, Charlie Rangle of New York, introduced a bill to re-institute the draft. They are certainly psychologically primed and ready for the process. The Republicans shot it down.

    So, all you Obama supporters...what do you think? Are you willing to accept THIS CHANGE? It will be a big one. And the Vietnam era protests, the volatile, explosive 60's and 70's will look like kindergarten recess by comparison. William Ayers will be back terrorizing the country and his old buddy, Barack Obama.

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Can Obama effectively deal with Russia if he is elected?

    given Obama's pledge to reduce our nuclear arsenals, pull back research on new weapons systems, and discount any military space programs despite the overt Russian aggression, the musings of Iran to launch a space he truly of the character to face down such overt aggression, and do all necessary to protect us from another Soviet Union style cold war? I say he is incompetent at a time in history that will require more skill and fortitude than this weenie can muster. What say you?

    8 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Should Hillary supporters move over to Obama?

    Hillary has suggested she will now rally behind Obama in order that the Democrats can take the White House. She wants to "unite" the party. But should old Hillary supporters actually sacrifice THEIR principles (even though Hillary has sacrificed hers) or should they stand strong and make good on their threats to vote for McCain? Is an Obama presidency far more dangerous to America than a McCain presidency?

    46 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Should Pelosi resign after her traitorous comments?

    Pelosi today said she believed the progress being made in Iraq was because the Iranians have decided to give us a break and stem their aggression there. First, that on its face establishes their involvement in Iraq, but more to the this not a statement by the speaker of the House that is aiding and abetting our enemies???? What an incredible insult to our troops! This is the nature of the Liberal, Obama led Democrat is all about politics and they cannot support America while we are at war. Is this shameful?

    23 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago