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  • employer is giving me a hard time about requesting time off? ?

    I just started working a a new job that is my second job (minimal hours) since I first applied here I let them know I was going to be needing flexibility in my schedule and requesting time off as I have trips coming up this is something I communicated for my very first interview. now that time is coming and my boss is giving me a hard time about asking for so much time off I understand that she needs someone but also I don’t understand why she would tell me it would b OK for me to take time off and then try and guilt trip me into not requesting it. I am working as a  coach which I’ve had years of experience so I bring a lot of quality to the table. also I am still getting paid the training amount even though I’m doing just as much work as everybody else & my boss is super unorganized has barely trained me i didn’t get my 1st paycheck bc she didn’t have the information to file it.i am a fast learner so it hasn’t been too much of an issue. but she was sort of being manipulative and saying well are you going to need two weeks off every single month and I was like well probably not every month but yes sometimes I do need time off and I will request with much notice in advance but I do have other obligations outside of here. then she mentioned well in the real world you can’t ask for that much time off that is frustrating to me because I am an adult I 100% support myself and I do live in the real world so I’m not really sure what she’s trying to say by that. not sure what to do?? 

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance16 hours ago
  • can i call police about housemate? will they be able to do anything//i don’t want to create drama but feel unsafe ?

    basically one of my housemates has been making me feel super uncomfortable ever since we moved in it’s been really hurtful because we used to be good friends as a soon as we got here he started stonewalling me and acting like he didn’t know me it’s been going on for months and he hasn’t stopped so I’ve kept my distance and tried to move on with my life. i’ve known he was sus for a while now because of his behavior yet a lot of people haven’t believed me and said I was making it up. last night he threw a party here without letting any of us know in advance they were up till 4 AM being super loud and blasting music and some of us work early in the morning. they also took Molly without even telling us in advance and then left their leftover drugs in the kitchen and still haven’t picked it up and it’s been a couple days. I honestly have no problem with parties here but it did make me feel super uncomfortable that he didn’t communicate it at all when I literally live right next to the living room so obviously it’s going to keep me up. I talked to my other housemates about it bc I didn’t know if I was overreacting and they said it made them feel super unsafe as well and that he’s not communicating and acting like a child. he’s been making me feel unsafe for months but now there’s physical evidence I’m wondering if I can call the police and if they will be able to even help at all I also don’t want to create more drama so I am conflicted. 

    1 AnswerFriends2 weeks ago
  • can i call police about housemate? or landlords? will they be able to do anything ?

    I moved in to a new place with a friend about six months ago right after we moved here he did a complete 180 on me and prove himself to be misogynistic and a narcissist he stonewalled me and still does to this day and won’t even acknowledge me in a room it’s been obvious to me for a while but now my other housemates are starting to believe that as well. last night he threw a party until 4 AM and they took Molly but he didn’t tell any of us that he was even going to have a party and they didn’t let us know they were doing Molly either they were blasting music until late and most of us work early in the morning. they also left their Molly in the kitchen with the dollar bill that they snorted it with he’s gone for the day but still hasn’t cleaned up his mess at all I can’t tell him anything because every time I try to talk to him he acts like I’m not there but I told my one house me and she said it made her super uncomfortable as well it made everyone feel unsafe and I explained to her that I’m totally OK with the parties I just need to know in advance and she mentioned that he has not been communicating at all. I started getting a really bad feeling around him and feeling unsafe for a while now and I’ve kept my distance but now my housemates are starting to feel unsafe as well and now there’s physical evidence that he did something because I have pictures of the molly & witnesses. I also don’t want to be a ***** house me but he’s literally put me through hell.

    3 AnswersFriends3 weeks ago
  • advice for keeping my head up while living with emotionally abusive housemate?

    any advice will help!! i am on a lease where no subleasing is allowed but one of my housemates treated me very badly. he used to be one of my best friends and now he completely ignores & stonewalls me and won’t even look at me when i try talking to him. i try to avoid him as much as possible but it’s hard bc we live together. Also he’s a narcissist (didn’t know before moving in) and is being fun and nice with everyone else so i’m being isolated by him and then made out to look crazy when i talk about being hurt. please any advice will help !!

    1 AnswerPsychology3 months ago
  • advice for healing from emotional abuse (in friendships) ?

    does anyone have any advice on how to heal from being emotionally abused in a friendship. we recently moved in together and as soon as we moved in he started treating me like he doesn’t know who I am and stonewalling me. I don’t mean like he just doesn’t wanna spend time with me I mean he completely ignores me and won’t even acknowledge when I’m in a room and avoids eye contact yet he treats all of our housemates with respect and acts normal with them . and yes I already have communicated to him what is wrong. i’ve done nothing but be very good friend to him and I’m the one who even found him this place to live that he could afford in the first place. it’s been hard because out of our mutual friends no one believes me because it is so subtle and he is putting on a good face to everyone else and only being rude to me behind closed doors. it’s been really hard since we live together it’s not like I can just get away does anyone have any advice on healing from this because i’m so tired of being sad&just wanna move on and be happy. I moved to a complete new city so that I can start fresh and as soon as we moved this is what I had to deal with it has literally been Traumatic for me please give me any advice you think could help. another thing that has been Trumatic is all our friends not believing me because I have done nothing to prove myself to be on trustworthy when he has done multiple things just in the past couple weeks and made multiple of our friends cry by his actions. 

    1 AnswerFriends4 months ago
  • can my mom file a missing persons report on me because I am not giving her my address? (i’m 20) details below?

    my mom is threatening to file a missing persons report &get the authorities involved if I don’t give her my address. I am an adult so is this something that she can really do&even if she does would I get in any trouble bc I haven’t done anything wrong? 6 months ago I left home bc,had returned home from college&immediately felt like **** being home so decided to move out. my dad is abusive & so is my brother &my mom continually makes excuses for them I told her that it’s not OK & that is enabling abusive behavior. she refuses to accept responsibility &still to this day tries to force me to be around them i’ve even told her she can continue to be around them but at least don’t drag me into it &she just flips situation around on me&says that I am trying to control her&has started treating me as if I have something wrong with me. she thinks that I am going to kill myself even though I have told her I am doing well many times i’ve even had friends try &talk to her&explain that nothings wrong w me and I don’t need to be treated like a patient but she is like brainwashed or crazy at this point idk she texts me constantly even though I told her to please leave me alone so many times already she keeps asking for my address even though I already told her I don’t feel comfortable with her knowing where I live because The last time I gave her my address at the previous house I lived at she threatened to come and visit multiple times even though I told her she was not welcome to come. 

    34 AnswersFamily4 months ago
  • am i right to be hurt by this? friend betrayal & taking advantage ?

    Im a professional gymnast & have been teaching a friend all summer back in June she wanted me to show her some stuff & I wanted to 

    because I love to teach. fast forward now she has picked up on some things &decided to drop out of school to pursue it professionally as well. this made me happy that she found something she likes to do but there has been a recent situation &she walked out of my life.I needed her to have my back and instead she blamed the problem on me. I feel taken advantage of because our relationship has been fake & she has just been using me to learn soon as I spoke about about how I feel she unfollowed my art pages&all her friends did too. so obviously their support was never real to start with. and not a single one of them have asked for my perspective on what’s going on yet don’t believe me .it’s just confusing because they still support her gymnastics career but not mine anymore even though she wouldn’t even know anything about gymnastics if it weren’t for me. it’s just a little weird to me that all of a sudden she has the same exact goals and dreams as me .am I right to feel this way? also there has been multiple times where I have the opportunity to talk about what I do & she overtakes the conversation&talks about herself instead even though I have been doing this for years. it feels like she was friends with me while I was teaching her stuff & as soon as she learned enough to do it on her own she left me and is trying to act like it’s hers. 

    Friends4 months ago
  • should i continue relationship w best friend or move on?? ?

    month ago me & my best friend stopped talking because she kept making excuses & defending a boy who is treating us both very badly. I talked to her &told her it’s not ok to pretend like nothings happening &she blamed the problem on me & said she’s was not willing to stop hanging out w him. it was really hard for me because I lost both of my best friends at once&im in a new city with no car making it on my own.few weeks later she left town &i got a call from her because she was in a car accident & realized how wrong she was& apologized& said that he is bad &shouldn’t have tried to make it my fault &she had feelings for him that’s why she was so defensive. she told me she was sad because she thought I hated her& I explain that I am not ok being treated badly. I appreciated her apology but since that call she has not reached out at all. i’m confused because she said she wanted to be friends again but she hasn’t talk to me . since then Halloween and Thanksgiving have passed and I have been alone for both and she hasn’t even sent a text. I’m conflicted because I feel like she still kind wants my support but doesn’t ask about my life or what I’m dealing with but then at the same time she has done so much for me and givin me rides and let me stay with her when I didn’t have a place to live. Ultimately there should’ve never been any problems between us and it was all our other friends fault. i’m just super conflicted and I don’t know whether or not I should reach out or move on.

    2 AnswersFriends4 months ago