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Married with 4 kids, 1 Grandson and own a local business. I invent things for a hobby and have to US patents. I love to debate politics and love history.

  • Why is European socialism collapsing?

    What do liberals, the ones pushing these ideas for America, plan to do differently to make it work here?

    11 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Liberals say that capitalist ideas have failed?

    We have been moving to government for 100 years, we have had government growth at an alarming rate since Wilson was President.

    Each program was a nail in the coffin of free markets, Starting with the income tax, 1913, the Fed, social security and other government spending and high taxes at that time. Then the 60's came and government permanently changed everything, welfare, and medicare/medicaid made government so big and so much a part of life for so many, the working people have had a hard time earning enough to support it all.

    Since the great depression high taxes and government control has never slowed. 4 times did taxes drop and capitalism soared, Calvin Coolidge, John Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, George W Bush, all 4 times things started to grow, money flowed into government, all 4 times government spent all the money on growing it's power base and more into debt.

    Government is the problem, all the evidence points that way, How can you say free markets have failed while saddled with all this government, they are not free?

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • So what will you socialists do to get your plans to work? They never have in history, so what's different?

    Are you socialists going to run our factories? Is the government going to invent the new technology that saves this planet?

    Will they put the next Bill Gates on salary, give him a room and tell him to invent?

    It is a matter of time before you run out of money and resources, but will you be smart enough to admit your Utopian plans were not possible?

    That we must all work to keep everything going? That work can be rewarding, and the harder the better?

    Can you admit giving away tax money to help people avoid work, does not help anyone in the long run?

    You have trapped the poor in your system, can you explain how you will fix these problems in the next 4 years?

    9 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Unions have gone from over 20% to 8% participation in non government unions?

    Market forces destroy companies who can not change with the market due to pressure from unions.

    By limiting an employees ability to do multiple tasks, purposely making companies inefficient to make life nicer for workers, or to force companies from eliminating useless jobs to control costs.

    Not to mention, at the same time wanting more in benefits.

    Even Government Unions are breaking towns and cities. Are Unions done?

    6 AnswersCivic Participation9 years ago
  • Twinkees made in Mexico?

    Who is right? Did the unions push too hard? Now Twinkees will be non union and non American?

    15 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Do you believe 16 trillion in debt is a problem?

    Some have said this normal and not a problem, what are your thoughts?

    We currently pay approx 450 billion in interest. We are on track to 22 trillion by 2016

    9 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Liberals, taxing the rich will bring in 80 billion a year?

    It will do more than 80 billion in damage to the economy, it will slow growth and slow job creation. Jobs is were taxes are paid in by the masses, the rich will just run and hide, raise the price of their goods, take the business over seas, cut jobs, shrink overhead, next year you will get nothing from them.

    In your opinion how does this tax help the economy? AND- Does it really pay down the debt, or just punish the rich?

    4 AnswersCivic Participation9 years ago
  • So if growth stays low, unemployment stays high, will liberals agree that the answer is smaller government?

    Keynesian economics is like perpetual motion, Milton Friedman was right about everything, wealth and opportunity for all, is founded in freedom for the individual. Very limited government allows for freedom.

    Liberals what will you say then?

    5 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Do Dems understand the difference between Cap gains and payroll taxes?

    If we tax capital gains at a higher rate- investment will go down, without capital, a capitalist system dies.

    To have a "gain" you must put money you already have safely earned, "at risk" in hopes you may have a "gain". Most of this capital is earned through mutual funds, and blue chip stock that pays 35% corporate tax before paying out a dividend to a stock holder, who then pays a 15% gain tax. This is double taxation and it is a powerful growth killer.

    For you liberals, the Kennedy family keeps their money in government bonds, no risk, no taxes. If you have money, small growth and low risk is fine, if you are growing your wealth, there must be a reward for risk.

    The government takes no risk, they just get to spend the winnings.

    Do you understand this concept or disagree with it, and why?

    9 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Will you libs admit your wrong when California falls?

    The state of California is about to run the liberal play book, full power to the socialists, they just raised taxes and they are using all the ideas we conservatives say will make things worse.

    WILL YOU FINALLY DROP THIS SOCIALIST STUFF when things get worse there? I will be glad to agree with you when it works, when California is a booming city on the hill, I will be on your side, OK?

    11 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Taxes are high, you know they are bad right?

    Some accountant on here said I was only paying 35% taxes max, I guess from his warm office that seems true.

    I will list a few things that are taxes as far as I am concerned.....

    35% State and Fed.

    7.5% of my payroll for my employees retirement

    Sales tax 7% everything I buy

    $2500 for my account to report

    $1000.00 legal corporate fees

    licences and permits $4500.00 year

    $2000.00 property desk and computers local town

    $ inventory tax who knows I stopped counting

    then there is health care and workers comp and Fuel!!!!

    Oh buy the way, I haven't been able to raise prices in years.

    Left out rent and vehicles, paid vacations and company food.

    My accountant once told me,"well the government needs money too" I wanted to kill him. I worked for it you fool! LOL

    So please don't tell me my taxes aren't a problem.

    10 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Do you think Obama is making us a European socialist nation?

    Is wealth redistribution a good idea in a capitalist nation where individuals have rights to property?

    Should we hire a socialist to fix a capitalist system?

    10 points for a well thought out point of view.

    4 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • I am sick of hearing Bush left Obama a bad economy?

    7.5 years it was steady, between 4.5 and 6% unemployment, even with 9-11 happening 6 months in, he kept, things level.

    As soon as the campaign started and it looked like Obama would win, business people started running and hiding, laying off people selling equipment, that helped trigger the housing collapse ( that was coming anyway) Obama warned us he was coming for your money, his message of wealth redistribution sent people running and they are still running today.

    What are your thoughts on that aspect?

    17 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Do you see a vibrant recovery possible with Obama's policies?

    In his next term will wind and solar power our trucks, farm equipment, and factories?

    If we buy cheap goods from China and they burn our coal for their power, aren't we polluting the Earth anyway?

    Do you think it is possible to redistribute wealth to poorer countries through a cap and trade system and still grow food for the whole world here in the states? Will that hurt us and them?

    Just a few thoughts, what do you think?

    4 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Taxes effect business, business creates jobs, wealth, and things we all need?

    Is it hard for people to grasp that at some point taxation slows production?

    Do you understand that taxes are just overhead for businesses, and they are part of the cost of doing business and effect capital that can be spent on wages and tools?

    Do you realize that prices have these taxes built in to them? You pay them!

    That businesses charge you the tax they pay government?

    So a tax hike on the rich, who own these businesses, is really on all of us?

    What are your thoughts?

    How about asking your government to live within its means and stop wasting trillions?

  • Do democrats understand the concept of money flow to government?

    Obama says raising taxes on the rich will help our deficit, Romney says lowering taxes will bring jobs and help the economy.

    Democrats say lowering taxes lowers income to government. Raising taxes gives government more to work with.

    Republicans say money to government goes up when more activity happens within the economy, based on government taking a smaller amount per transaction, having many more transactions. (government earns- each time money is earned by citizens, citizens spend more when they have more capital to work with.)

    What are your thoughts on these basic ideas?

    5 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • How dumb does Obama think you are?

    Gas prices are high because speculators see no change in his policy, he is doing nothing to enhance the countries energy supply. This emboldens our enemies who control production and they keep supplies at maximum profit levels. If their was an effort to increase other sources like natural gas, keystone, and other things like power plants and refineries, the Opec counties would up production to stop such competition, that is what kept price down for years, they would produce enough so profit was high, but our will to replace them as supplier was low.

    With liberals blocking all energy for 30 years, Obama showing his cards so clearly, working with Soros to close the Gulf permanently, there is no fear, no competition, no need to worry for OPEC.

    They know that our environmentalists have put us years behind, and that our regulations will protect their market for years.

    Obama say's, it's not my fault. Please.

    Supply and demand are laws of nature, they always work. Only government can cause this artificial price spike. Prices would be dropping right now had Obama made different choices 3 years ago.

    Your ideas please.

    9 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Right now, Romney is the best choice for America?

    Obama, no experience, no clue, $5 gas will run him out fast.

    Paul, can't win.

    Santorum and Gingrich, no business or executive experience and to far right to win a general.

    Romney will win, lets just hope he stays focused on shrinking government and can stay away from the lure of beltway magic.

    The best comment for or against gets the points?

    16 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Santorum is making the same mistake over again?

    Typical big government thinking, this is why you never want a former legislator in power.

    Now he wants to control pornography, gays, language, who knows what moral ideas he will have next?

    I am a small government person, but he can't do those things without making government bigger and more powerful, RIGHT?

    The Dems are pushing their ideas into the government forced realm, as much as these religious control freaks. So lets be real, both are growing government power, turning us against each other.

    Am I right?, your thoughts please.

    13 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Lets have some Ideas! What happens when you raise taxes on a thing?

    Democrats say you get money.

    Republicans say it changes behaviors in the citizens you tax and revenues may not be higher.

    A luxury tax on cars over 50,000 for instance, what will happen? Will the government get more from the rich scumbags who can afford these cars??? What will happen in YOUR opinion.

    The best ideas get the points.

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago