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  • Do you need a prescription to buy 5-htp? For Lucid dreaming?

    Wanted to try lucid dreaming sometime and i found this to be an option to try

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Why on earth does he keep asking about me?

    My ex... well i guess you could call him my ex boyfriend... we only dated for a little more than 2 months :P for the past few months atleast once every week or two weeks in the morning i would get a text saying hey and i dont really answer him back cause i dont like texting... but anyway he always asks my friend about me; when we're both going to hang out and has she seen me lately. It's kind of odd, isn't it? What do you think this means? I'm not trying to overthink it because i don't like him that way anymore but what do you think this means? Btw I'm 17

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Anyone know where The Used is going to be for Warped Tour?

    Are they coming to Connecticut this sunday?

    1 AnswerRock and Pop9 years ago
  • What is it like to be in a relationship with someone who...?

    Is in a different school, and is a couple of years older than you? like, for example, are there any issues hanging out or being together? i'm NOT talking about sex by the way. Just curious. I'm a junior in high school and the guy is starting college this September... so just wanted views of anyone who has been in a relationship with a person a couple years older, or still is in a relationship with them. Thanks, guys!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What is it like being in a relationship with a college freshman when you are a junior?

    Just curious, like about how different it would be than a regular high school relationship because one person is in college. Thanks for the answers!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • how do i get his attention?

    I'm a junior in high school, and i really like this senior who graduated this year. The thing is, we don't talk, and there is something about him that i just can't let go of. I'm really shy, and have next to no experience with guys, and have a hard time talking to them. But, i think he might know i exist because we're friends on Facebook and he follows me on Pinterest... that kind of sounds stupid, but yeah... i don't know how to get HIM to notice me, preferably online because we don't see each other, or, as said before, don't talk to each other. So whoever can, please, advice, help?

    7 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • i want to purchase a vibrator but i'm underage...?

    i want to purchase a vibrator but the thing is i'm underage. i had the plan of going to order one online and get it mailed to a P.O. box i'll get at the post office... but the thing is the post office is far away from my house and i dont have my liscense yet... so if i ask my dad to take me or my mom theyll ask me why do i need to go to the post office and what you get what i'm saying? any other way that i can get my "package" sent to me without my parents' knowledge? thank you for your answers!

    3 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • i'm trying to write a book? last names?

    i'm attempting to write a book and the names i have so far for my rough draft, are

    Dex Atkins

    Zak Moore

    Aiden Ward

    and for the girls i need help with... i have Aria as the main character and no last name.. then Kimi with no last name either... so if anyone could give suggestions as to what they think would be nice last names it would definitely help. and if anyone has suggestions for changing the other characters' names that would be helpful too. thank you!

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Why do the creepers and jerks ALWAYS approach me?

    hi, im 16 and EVERY single guy that has ever openly tried to get with me has been a jerk or very creepy and a stalker... i've had one where he (still) rides his bike past my house every weekend, and since i wont date him he's recently started talking sh!t about me. i have never even done anything to him... the rest were really REALLY weird i dont even have enough time to explain... and one of the jerks are so obnoxious and always talks about inappropriate subjects around me. he'd even taken up to force his friendship on MY friends, the ones he doesnt even know and theyre even creeped out by him. ...i've also had a highschool dropout that thinks he's going to get by with selling pot...he was one of the worst. i went to hang out with him for a little while not knowing he was going to try to kiss me and grope me the whole time. i admit it was my fault, meeting up with him but i absolutely had no clue, i didnt even lead him on or ANYTHING. i was so relieved to get picked up after those horrible 2 hours and i didnt want to be alone for the next 2 weeks at all thats how bad it was for me :( i don't put out at all, and i don't see why i have to get approached by these guys! i've even thought about killing myself, how much better it could've been if those guys and i weren't on the same planet! but...i didnt do it good thing because it wouldnt be worth it... sorry for the long post :/ but why on earth do i get ALL the creeps and jerks coming after me?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • why do the creepers and jerks ALWAYS approach me?

    hi, im 16 and EVERY single guy that has ever openly tried to get with me has been a jerk or very creepy and a stalker... i've had one where he (still) rides his bike past my house every weekend, and since i wont date him he's recently started talking sh!t about me. i have never even done anything to him... the rest were really REALLY weird i dont even have enough time to explain... and one of the jerks are so obnoxious and always talks about inappropriate subjects around me. he'd even taken up to force his friendship on MY friends, the ones he doesnt even know and theyre even creeped out by him. ...i've also had a highschool dropout that thinks he's going to get by with selling pot...he was one of the worst. i went to hang out with him for a little while not knowing he was going to try to kiss me and grope me the whole time. i admit it was my fault, meeting up with him but i absolutely had no clue, i didnt even lead him on or ANYTHING. i was so relieved to get picked up after those horrible 2 hours and i didnt want to be alone for the next 2 weeks at all thats how bad it was for me :( i don't put out at all, and i don't see why i have to get approached by these guys! i've even thought about killing myself, how much better it could've been if those guys and i weren't on the same planet! but...i didnt do it good thing because it wouldnt be worth it... sorry for the long post :/ but why on earth do i get ALL the creeps and jerks coming after me? anybody have the same experience?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • how to talk to a shy guy?

    He's really quiet and i never see him really converse with anyone, but i've tried talking to him before and he didnt really talk all that much...idk if it's cause he's shy or what, but he is the only guy i would really like to get to know at my school, or at all really right now... i'm kind of shy myself, and i dont know how to become friends with him. in the morning though, he sits at my table with my friends and me, for breakfast, kind of away at the end though... i really think i might have a crush forming on him, but i want to get to know him very much. How would you go about talking to a shy and quiet guy? all advice would be appreciated, thank you.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How to know if you're in an abusive relationship?

    my friend i mean. her boyfriend treats her like sh!t and i cant stand to watch it happen to her. i just need to know, what are signs of emotional abuse? cause he has done these things off the top of my head to her;

    -yells and swears at her

    -hurt her once or twice by being too rough...doesnt know how to treat women

    -treats me and every single one of her friends horrible...told me to f off and nearly choked me to death once while play fighting...before i started to REALLY dislike him

    -she was going to break up with him but then he said he was going to kill himself so she stayed. bunch of bs if you ask me.

    -walks away from her, doesnt even say hi or goodbye

    -blames her and everyone else for his faults

    -blames her because he claims to "never hang out with his friends anymore" when clearly he sits at home and plays videogames all day, and she has time for her friends.

    thank you i really need advice on what to tell her cause ive tried EVERYTHING and she says shes "confused"

    he said he would change...that only lasted 3 days, no joke. not even a freaking week. shes still with him after he blew his second chance. this makes me so angry at her for it, and she KNOWS hes a lowlife prick too.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • jailbreaking my iphone 4?

    im having a difficult time trying to jailbreak my phone. tried to download green poison and cydia, but whenever i try cydia to my itunes, it always comes up on my phone screen " 'com.saurik.Cydia' failed to install. " then for greenpoison my "attached device is not supported." i tried for hours trying to do this, but no dice. so, if anybody can help me i would be so grateful. pleaseeeee :) and thank you

    3 AnswersOther - Electronics9 years ago
  • how to convince my friend about her boyfriend...?

    Her boyfriend is a real jerk to her... for example, swears at her, yells, HURTS her, hurts her friends, including me, her best friend, blames her for a lot of small stuff, its rediculous... and then she tells me that she is gonna break up with him because shes tired of it all.... i tell her it may be for the best because it could give her more opportunities for better things and some other stuff... then shes like "but i love him" i dont know what to say to that...its so frustrating, not being able to tell her that if he really loved her he would take care of her better, NOT blame her for some of his mistakes, or yell at her like the way he does. i really need help here, please..i dont want to hurt her, but hesnot the right person for her. i dont want this to escalate to abuse or anything....

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Vans Warped Tour Bands?

    Anyone know which bands are going, except for the ones listed on the site? I cant wait ahhh

    4 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • i think i might have depression?

    ever since the 7th grade, maybe even before i havent really been happy. for the past 4 years, every single day i would wake up, go through the motions of school and come home, isolate myself from my parents, and either go to sleep for the next 5 hours or cry my eyes out. i had no idea what i was crying for, but the smallest things would send me to tears when i was alone. ive become more introverted and paranoid the last couple of years, sticking to only my group of friends, and scared out of my mind of being with guys, so thats why i dont date right now. i have thought about suicide, how i would kill myself, and have cut myself. over the summer i had a boyfriend for only two months, and after, i cried a lot but when i got over it a couple weeks later, i felt absolutely nothing. i couldnt cry, i didnt care about anything or anyone. i really do not think im capable of loving someone anymore, except animals. :P i have no idea how to tell my mom, i dont think she would even bring me help...i feel hopeless :/ please can someone give me advice on what to do here? and thank you

    3 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • im freaking out about meeting him for the first time!?

    so we've been texting and talking online for a couple of weeks now, and we thought it was about time we meet. so, tomorrow we're meeting at one of my local highschools. im almost 16 and hes almost 18. i know he wants to kiss me and hug me and all that, but im so shy and quiet im so nervous, i cant even eat or concentrate right. i know the whole "wait till marraige" deal, trust me, im waiting for a while. but im having a panic attack, fear of rejection or its not what i expected... ive already told him im shy and i dont want a hookup or whatever, but its meeting him and hanging out that makes me anxious and nervous :/ i dont know how to calm myself down... im more one of those girls that has convinced no guy is the right one, or i dont fit in the point where i dont like meeting new people and just want to stick with the regular friends i have. any advice? and none of the "be yourself" advice please. this calls for drastic not sure yet if this is the kind of guy i want to hang around yet... and if hes not, how should i tell him?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • is it a bad idea to date a guy who got kicked out of school?

    i just started talking to this guy a few days back and ive grown to like him... maybe take it the next step further even; dating. but the thing is he got kicked out of highschool for i dont know what reason...he never told me. he seems really nice and we're planning on hanging out soon, since it's christmas break. hes 17, turning 18 in 2012, and im turning 16 in may. i dont want my friends or family's opinions to influence my decision, but i cant help but think how our relationship would turn out. i just need some advice, opinions to take in account for, and most of all, EXPERIENCES.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • how to not make meeting him awkward?

    weve been texting for a couple of days, and like we're planning to meet soon and all... im painfully shy around new guys in my life, it took me a year just to start talking with my now- good friend who's a guy... so any advice, besides be myself? any ideas on what to talk about without being too invasive? im more introverted than extroverted, and i know this guy wants to try to go out sometime, so that kinda sets my anxiety higher. thanks for your advice, everyone

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • should i give him a chance?

    so, i talked to this guy online... ive seen him before at a football game in my hometown and like we started talking and everything and he asked me what i thought of him so far, as we were talking, lol. so i was honest and said he was a nice guy and adorable and such, and he asked me if he could take me out sometime. so i said that we should get to know eachother better first, cause i like to be comfortable around new people, or else i get brutally shy... :/ so like he asked me what i wanted to know and i asked him a few questions, he didnt really seem all that in to it or whatever...i dont know if thats how he usually is, but i dont know if i should move forward with the "relationship" . what would you guys think in this situation? like if you have any questions or comments i'll add on to my thanks everyone

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago